Tyson Fury launches another foul-mouthed rant as he shares his anti-Semitic views and claims rape and bestiality will one day be made legal

Controversial boxer Tyson Fury has claimed that rape and bestiality will one day be made legal after he launched into another shocking, foul-mouthed rant.

The heavyweight world champion, currently preparing for his rematch with Wladimir Klitschko in Manchester on July 9, is no stranger to sharing his forthright views, having been widely criticised for his opinion on homosexuality last year.

And his latest vile outpouring includes offerings on rape, bestiality and Jews.


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He is also doing the "pepe pose"!Wtf?Meme magic?

Just read this. Kek.

Kek has blessed you child!


Is…is he a Holla Forumsack?

Every time there is a white world champion I never hear about him or see anything about his wins. Whenever there is a nigger they cannot stop showing how great an athlete he is.

How is stating that Jews run the majority of major media outlets anti-Semitic when it is factually true? These folks have no problem believing whites(who aren't leftist cucks) are working colluding together to further some mysterious white supremacy, but it's entirely impossible for any other grouping to be working together at the detriment of other groupings. Goddamn the holohoax has done a number on folks.


Here's a new video about why we are all survivors of a holocoust orchestrated by zionist jews since a hundred years back.

Screaming antisemitism is not supposed to be an argument. It's supposed to be a discussion-terminating pavlovian term that will make your adversary cower and the listeners inflamed with indignation.
It's a sub-category of "racist", and serves the same purpose, but for G-d's Chosen.

Facts are anti-Semitic.

You know the world's fucked when a pikey who beats people in the head for a living is the one standing up and saying "Enough of this bullshit!" in public.

The more I hear of the man, the more I like him.


No, I get that. Just how is it so effective and it can't be related to IQ as we see people of all types falling for it.

Tyson Fury "Against the Jewry"


Sad that it takes gypsies to lead the fight, but we'll take any help we can get.

It's because people want to be seen as "good people" or the right type of person.

It works even better on higher IQ intellectual people because they want to defend their image as "rational people."

It is actually a trick exploiting narcissism and self image.

"Fury against the Jewry" sounds like the name of the redpilled cousins of "Rage against the Machine"

Indeed. Social dynamics are actually very uniform across the IQ board. Being intelligent and being a (really) skeptical thinker are separate attributes.

One good thing is people with higher I.Q. tend to be able to see past propaganda because they generally seek truth more than the average person.
I hope with Trumps rising people with really adopt the "I don't care if it's racists or not I'm here to read and discuss the truth." If a good chunk of high I.Q. people adopt that attitude in public discourse, the jews will lose an insane amount of power.

Notice how the lugenpresse uses a headline to make it sound like he wants rape and bestiality to be legal… and as can be seen in the comments, many people actually come away believing that because they don't bother to actually read the article.

But again, their eventual stepping up after Trump won't be because of the high IQ. They had that before.

If they speak out in the future, it's because there was a trailblazer who broke the ice.

Leadership is the most sorely needed resource.
A few decisive leaders with 120+ IQ with a 100 IQ following would be better that a swathe leaderless, uninspired, indecisive, thumb-twiddling 120IQs.

Wait, Irvin is now doing shit where the Jew gets named?
I may have to resubscribe.

There are a lot of pictures of shitty people doing that handsign

>One good thing is people with higher I.Q. tend to be able to see past propaganda because they generally seek truth more than the average person.
Not really. More intelligent people are better able to rationalize the propaganda. Lower IQ people are actually more resistant to certain propaganda because they rely on common sense.

Look at tranny stuff. It is totally insane, but high IQ people are able to create theories to justify it in their minds. Lower IQ people just know from instinct that it is bullshit.

Good point.

see (and the image is important, people have been trained)

The guy's got great common sense and awareness, and quite the boldness to be willing to dispense that much truth in a long interview.

But then then it came time to receive an award, and his manager and a variety of sports organizations probably gave him a 'talking to':

Good lord, the Jews have complete control. Glad he got a few words out before they could react though.

I disagree, I think that dichotomy is more a result of the fact that high IQ people are more likely to go to college, where they get indoctrinated into deleting common sense from their minds and replacing it with PC ideology, and are trained in how to rationalize when the facts don't add up to their ideology. This is why Trump does better with people who are not college "educated".

no he doesn't
he's just a typical hardcore Christian fucktard following the kike's playbook

so much for those 'high IQs' then when they're brainwashed so easily.

That makes more sense. I mean I've read extensively on it, but it just doesn't work on me so I have a hard time wrapping my head around it. Lack of principles, sad.



Why is Barbara Spectre making the Muslim finger sign?

You are talking out both sides of your mouth. First you say that they are resistant to propaganda, but then you say they are all brainwashed by liberal professors.

If they cared about the truth like you said initially, they would not be all so easily brainwashed. The truth is that they don't care about truth. They care about appearing to be intelligent and holding the correct opinions. It is narcissism.

Holy Shit fucking Based!

I knew guy was a hero. Good like Tyson, God bless!

because mudslimes will help the kikes destroy the white man and she will do everything she can to further that.

Fucking Based. Holla Forums we got to support this guy.

found the butthurt larpagan

Except that the modern Jews really don't have anything to do with the ancient Israelites of 2000 years ago. It's mathematically impossible for them to have isolated their genes like that unless they practiced incest exclusively, and if the diaspora never happened.

Also, the New Testament states that A) ethnic Jews are no longer the chosen people (Galatians 3:29), and B) there will be those that call themselves Jews but are not, but in fact are the Synagogue of Satan and will burn in hell for eternity (Revelation 2:9). Even Jesus said to the Jews that they are nothing but vipers and that spiritually are of their father the devil (John 8:44).

Jews despise Christianity. Always have, always will. The Talmud says that Jesus is in hell. "Christian-Zionism" and the entire concept of "Judeo-Christianity" are modern day American Protestant heresies that were created post-WWII to make stupid burgers feel good about themselves. It also is being used by zionists to prop up the false physical state of Israel (which is also contrary to scripture). For nearly 2000 years prior to that Christianity was always deeply, strongly "anti-semitic". You would have to be willingly ignorant of nearly 2000 years of western civilization to believe anything else.



"brainwashing" doesn't really exist. What actually happens is emotional bonds are put in place by developing a certain social/cultural environment such that certain thoughts automatically trigger a negative emotional reaction. IQ has no real bearing on this, it's has more to do with a person's emotional intelligence/maturity, which is not really genetic for the most part (except for autism). You're supposed to learn basic emotional control and social skills by being raised properly and through a strong traditionalist culture, but since that stuff has been lost for quite a while, people grow up never learning these basic things. Then in college this detachment from one's own humanity is only further encouraged and excused and normalized. So as a result, these people have high IQ, but have zero willpower or emotional maturity, and so they become myopic sheep who on the one hand are very arrogant about how clever they are, but on the other hand are very easy to manipulate emotionally because they're so emotionally weak and insecure.

I may have to start watching boxing again.

Tyson Fury is my favorite boxer

You fucking faggot stop posting your shitty videos! I'm looking for the interview with the fighter. You want hits then produce something that's not just you blabbering on like everyone else!

its usually 2 niggers punching fuck out each other, why did you stop watching it


jew tube keeps censoring my comments on tyson furys YT website

Now that's interesting. I know he's rich and famous now, being the champ, but isn't he still subject to the same inane laws that would regard what he said as "inciting hatred," and thus couldn't he be fined or sent to prison?

Is this our version of the hand pyramid?

Floyd Mayweather killed boxing (already dieing) with his illiterate cowardly nigger shenanigans.

yep funny how that always works, I was never a sportsfag but I really loved how butthurt people got about tim tebow not being a nigger or a nu-male

agreed, he's the most boring fucker to watch
throw a punch that's not at your wife floyd you stupid fuck


He has been at it for years

tip top kek.


It's almost as if they have a narrative.


Here's the video. youtube.com/watch?v=wG0LphY01Iw&app=desktop
At 9:30 he names the Jews.


Fantastic role model.

Say what you want about gypsies, atleast they're not faggots or pussies. Bare knuckle fights and duels are a fantastic way of dealing with feuds and bad blood, none of this "see you in court" bullshit. Knock the fucker out and then shake hands afterwards. The thieving, living on a national park and that kind of behaviour needs to stop though.

Roma gypos on the other hand just need flat out exterminating.

Looks like somebody skipped leg day

Each one of those legs weighs more than you do.

Probably taller too.


They look like starvin marvin legs

I don't like him but he boxes in a very cold, calculating way
It's like crying about the meat wall in handegg, about chimp hand grabs in floorsqueak or possession in divegrass

wtf is a muslim finger sign?


yeah, but what is that supposed to mean?
"Islam #1"?
I'm not blind. I can see the pics. In the US, people make that sign all the time, in sports matches

it supposed to mean behead the person the underside of the finger faces.

Atleast mayweather is an honest nigger, what you see is what you get. Same with Mike Tyson.

In Islam, I think it's supposed to mean 'there is only one prophet of Allah, and that one is Mohammad'

Or something like that

Tyson I know you are reading this. Thank you

I'm beginning to suspect any ((non-muslims)), like Spectre, who use this sign are referring not to Allah, but, instead, themselves as the One True Gods.
If I'm right, those delusional fools are going to get us all killed through their sheer lunacy.

Someone tell Brit pol so they can get assmad he is not a "based civic nationalist"

One time I was showing my house to prospective renters and the family was Muslim. The mom didn't wear a veil and the dad seemed normal albeit mudslime so I thought maybe they're okay. I said hello to their kid and she said her name and did the little hand sign.

Mentally I noped out because I didn't have explosion insurance but they even wanted me to accept a 50% price cut and made me out to be unreasonable when I said no. I'm just glad they gave me a legal reason to deny their request

Sadly, most people are truly convinced Christianity is 100% kike puppetry rather than them merely perverting the outer layer, even when Jews have done that with anything and everything else too and yet been properly seen-through here. Jews have been long-accounted as twisting anything and everything standing in the way of their power and control to serve them instead, perverting it into a hollow mockery anyone with a brain can see through, and see through it most Holla Forumslacks do 99% of the time. And yet, when it's Christianity, they cannot see it as anything but the surface-level facade kikes push as both the good thing to follow (if you're a traditionalist) and the bad thing to fight (if you're a progressive).

You don't even have to dig deep to find the delicious anti-semitic nougat in the middle of the Christian candy bar, either. Right in plain view, there's a vivid description of Christ getting fucking pissed, flipping tables, whipping kikes and causing a massive scene in a temple where the rats were hawking their shit, until they all ran away. In the same vein, He also tells a bunch of kikes that they're gonna roast hardcore like it's nothing and plainly-obvious, at the same time as the famous "he without sin" line. The actual material without kike meddling makes it very clear that their kind are not smiled upon, and even implores actual Christians to not only disapprove of them, but to quite literally smite their asses out of existence for the good of all. God literally demands that you destroy evil on His behalf, and guess who qualifies under the "pure fucking evil that needs a good, thorough smiting" category as priority #1 by the actual scripture's definitions?

One old Jews versus the modern ones, the Jew as we know him is about as close to the exalted Jew of old as the average White human is to the typical negroid "human", which is to say that the modern Jew is a rat wearing a mask of another man's face even when claiming to be unmasked. The actual ancestors in ideology of today's Jews aren't the Christ-faithful and beloved ones of description, but rather their conniving greedmonger cousins who vehemently hated Christ and God, the Pharisees. The Pharisees' behavior and beliefs fit the modern kike to a T, and it's by no means a stretch to believe Pharisees would edge out all other Jewish groups to ensure only they endured the millennia. To put it in another retarded metaphor to sum things up clearly, the Pharisees are the old Hebrew equivalent of Chaos heretics versus the Imperium of Man.

On that note, do you want to know where Atheism as a mainstream trend with all its edginess actually comes from? It comes from kikes fucking up Christianity as delivered in paraphrased/cliffnote format by evangelists and other easily-corruptible and highly-inaccurate human mediums, many of which have suspiciously-large noses. When the messages of smiting evil and living a righteous life get warped enough, they lead the less-intelligent to do retarded, nonsensical bullshit that serves kike goals rather than using their heads. Now you have a bunch of mindless drones who find time to screech about funding Israel forever and serving Israel by dying in proxy wars.

Their kids have to deal with this stupidity to the point of being sick of it, and the smarter ones naturally rebel rather than taking the bait, seeking a way to defy their parents and find a more-sensible worldview to attach to. As we've seen many times before though, the kikes can't have free-thinkers defying them, so rather than preventing this surge of anti-Christian sentiment entirely, they hatch a plan to contain it where it's harmless if not actively serving them. Kikes use their many proxies and organizations to make the newest wave of Atheists into staunch Christian-haters and people who will undermine it at every possible turn, while also being vocal enough to spark a pointless ideological conflict that does nothing but waste time.

Thus modern Atheism is born, in all its edgy, fedora-tipping, "lol fuck all Christians, especially you, MOM AND DAD" glory, an insultingly-simple D&C gone perfectly according to plan, splitting modern Christians mainly into Israeli proxy drones and edgy millenials looking for a fight, with those who actually look deeper into the religion to dodge the kike indoctrination/oppose the religion in effective and non-retarded ways being left powerless.

Whelp, I guess we just start chopping off right index fingers in order to prove a point, eh?

In Kabbalah, that is the case, actually

I know that the ancient Israelites 2000 years ago were a bunch of bandits and terrorists and that they were enemies of European civilization at the time, murdering Greeks and Romans living in the Levant.

If you like them, you are an uneducated idiot.

I don't care that you hold the religious views that you do but for the love of God could you stop turning every thread into a theological debate. This isn't christian you have a board for that.

Ancient is rallies were fags and the Roman's wrote about there jewry quite extensively

The guy on the left was a muslim Greens MP, he recently had to quit over a shitstorm where he defended Memhet Kaplan who also lost his job for having close ties to islamic extremists in Turkey. Mr Greens MP on the left here lost his job for refusing to shake hands with a woman.

Agreed. Atheism is extremely kosher and the biggest proponents of which are all kikes. Ever notice how they almost always exclusively attack Christianity? You get the rare atheist kike like Bill Maher or Hitchens attacking muslims too because of terrorism and immigration, but generally criticism is almost unheard of. Judaism is obviously untouchable. Occasionally a kosher-atheist faggot critiques the low-hanging kike fruit like the child-molesting rabbis, but they never mention a word about the Talmud or the satanic Kabbalah. Only people that do are Christians like Texe Marrs or Steven Anderson or Eustace Mullins.

Why the hell would you think I like the ancient Israelites? The post you're quoting mentions John ch. 8 where Jesus himself calls the Israelites the children of the devil. The entire old testament is God punishing the Israelites for their retardness until he finally gets fed up with them.

Jew and Israel worship is something only heretical, wordly protestants do. When it comes to "chosen people" status the Bible is clear that ethnicity doesn't matter. So long as you believe in Jesus and are born-again, then you are the new chosen people. Worshiping Jews and Israel is idolatry and a grave sin.

Again, even Jesus in the Bible calls them children of the devil. Being a Christian does not mean having to worship or respect any Jew whether modern or ancient.

Which they pretty much did.

If you're white, saying the word "Jew" automatically makes you antisemitic. Just don't acknowledge they even exist, you racist. The world is controlled by White People™ after all.

Decent hamstrings from the looks of it. Only his calves are small, but calves are worthless muscles anyway.

And here is the reason Christians are traitors and need to be executed on the day of the rope.

Ethnicity doesn't matter when it comes to salvation. This is the exact reason why the Jews despise Christianity (because they no longer are the special "chosen people" and their ethnicity means nothing). Funny that you hate and want dead Christians for literally the exact same reason that Jews do.

Elsewhere in the Bible we see God being unhappy with racemixing as he orders the Israelites to never marry foreign women from neighboring tribes, and later punishes Solomon severely for doing just that.

Well, that and Euros hijacked their revolutionary conspiracy..


Also, all you idiots missing the simple and obvious reason why Jews don't like Christianity. It's because Christianity is a subversion of their religion, it's shitty watered down fanfiction.

If I was Jewish, I would hate these dipshit Christcucks as well.

curlbro detected

*outlawed in the EU, and ostracized in the usa, although soon to be outlawed here too

Not exactly. Solomon taking foreign wives was largely for political reasons (an Egyptian princess etc., because it's a good idea to build small alliances like that), but he got punished for being led around by their cunts and letting them bring their bloody cults with them.
Basically, he got punished for whiteknighting.

Judiasm is not merely Christianity without Jesus. Jews don't even claim the old testament; merely the first 5 books of it (the Torah). Of course they reject all those teachings as well and ridicule them as fairytales.

What modern Judaism actually is is actually the Babylonian Talmud + the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah introduces a whole pantheon of new gods, making Judaism polytheistic. This is only one of the many radical differences between the two. Judaism is as similar to Christianity as Buddhism or Hindusim is.

Christianity is the true continuation of the ancient monotheistic faith of Abraham. Modern so-called Judaism is a polytheistic, satanic fraud that was cooked up during the Babylonian occupation and written down into the Talmud and Kabbalah during medieval times.

Tyson Fury is the only good gypsy then?

Do you have any proof of any of this?

It's already de-facto legal for immigrants.

Your beloved Talmud is the fanfiction.

Watch Marching to Zion

muh ill-defined abstraction that magically explains everything

c'mon, man. That's just bad science.

Buddhism and Hinduism are better than Christianity or Judaism, though. And kabbalah is better than Christianity too.

Posts like this are why you christcucks always get chased put of pol

This is why I like Jews more than Christians.

Are you retarded or do you really not know anything about your enemy?

Never mind.You’re a fucking retard.

It is literally two or three dedicated shills that have been trying to stir shit and cause a board schism for well over a year now. We've caught them red-handed before when they forgot to rotate their IDs. They will create entire fake arguments between multiple parties to try to bait a flamewar or derail a thread.

Most Holla Forumsacks either are Christians or understand the value of it and want to keep it around as an institution after uncucking it.

Anything that isn't Islamic or Atheistic is politically incorrect, especially Christianity. It has a place here whether you like it or not.

Also, unless the situation has changed recently, /christian/ is a bait board run by a sperglord hotpocket who bans anyone that doesn't suck the Pope's dick and tells everyone who doesn't agree with his opinions that they're going to hell.

Seconds before I speak my mind you confirm it. Thanks, shill!

Zero counterpoints. Nothing but effeminate, emotional whining. At least watch Marching to Zion once and realize what a huge shabbos goyim ya'll are. You don't have to convert; just at least stop embarrassing yourselves.

This is a politics board not a religious one I have yet to see why you have to bring your retarded religion up in a thread about Tyson fury. Christians are the new australians. No matter the content of the post you immediately have to talk about being christian.

Don’t use Hagee’s likes. We don’t want to consign them to hell. They have to do that themselves.

How young are you?
Because the conversation moved to it.
Australians don’t do that, and neither do Christians. Grow the fuck up.

You don't understand zionism if you hate Christianity. White nationalism will amount to nothing without fulling understand zionism. Like it or not but religion is extremely important to what is going on in the world today especially with regards to kikes.

The whole of Christianity is effeminate emotional whining. Again I'm not going to argue with you about your faggot semantic nigger lover savior because the thread is not about that. Christian shit posters pls go and stay gone.

It's called derailing a thread you fucking new fags and it's why everyone hated australians and hates you christcucks

Whatever floats your boat, kike.


Your religion is poorly written fanfiction with none of the nuance of what came before it. You're no better than a Muslim.

Go feel guilty about being a human and apologize to your God, you pathetic cuck.

I was right to report you, and now I’m doing it again.

This is what I mean about you knowing nothing, and yet you speak with such authority. It's embarrassing.

Your noses are so fucking obvious

Its the finger Mohammad fingered some goat with, he then sniffed it and was filled with euphoric wisdom.

This is some intense shit posting. You wanna post something anything about the pikey Tyson fury and how he's based or are you going to continue to sperg about religion in a thread not about religion.


Whatever floats your boat, kike.

Go suck Hotwheel's cock and die. The users decide the nature of the board, not one autist and his word-lawyer opinions. This isn't Reddit, throwing a tantrum about the name of the Subreddit doesn't get you anything but scorn and ridicule. Listening to him snivel about how Holla Forums isn't /news/ and how much it triggers him was one of the reasons I wrote him off. He made this whole fucking site so people could go make their own board with blackjack and hookers, and he can't even do it himself. He doesn't want another smaller, cleaner board that fits his desires. He wants Holla Forums to change and be his own vision of it.

The history of Holla Forums is Why Libertarianism Won't Work 101. The Libertarians themselves will ironically be the very first to subvert it.

This is a politically incorrect board. Christianity, especially real non-pozzed Christianity, is extremely politically incorrect. And anyone who thinks religion has nothing to do with politics is either hilariously naive or abysmally stupid. It belongs here, and all the tantrums in the world won't change that.

Conversations evolve and flow naturally. We don't have hotpockets who swoop in out of nowhere to ban people for being "off topic."

If you care about being off-topic, fuck off back to where you came from.


If you want to talk about him then fucking talk about him. Nobody's involving you in anyone else's discussion. Or are you admitting that everything that can be said about him right now has already been said, so there's no reason to not talk about something else?

Tyson Fury is a born-again Christian and is redpilled about zionism and kikes. Someone tried to suggest his Christianity was a problem, but we're trying to illustrate how zionism has been at war with Christianity for the last 2000 years and that Tyson's faith is actually very much relevant. You can't understand zionism or what's going on in the world with kikes unless you fully and properly understand real Christianity.

Again the thread is not about Christianity I don't give a fuck about the Jewish desert trilogy are you going to post anything about the boxer that called out the jews and said nothing at all about Christianity.

Again, how fucking obvious are you kikes

Where Christians go they must shitpost. The autism is strong with you.

Fair enough, I've made my point.

10/10 user. Tbh, it wasn't that the comment was particularly clever or funny – it was one of those comments that just makes you smile bc there is some jackass out there just like me that would take the time to say something that asinine.

well played, sir. please enjoy this euphoric science video :^)

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

lol, enjoy being wrong.

Come on user, we're on the same side. Christians and weebs unite against Jews!!


Top kek

To the guy who drew this and the other who edited it, good fucking work!

maybe thats what it will take for people to wake up?…their favorite celebrities heading to jail instead of filming the next season of game of kikes

Fund it



Hmm? I thought that saying anything bad about Jews meabt that you somehow killed 6 million of them without leaving any evidence behind whatsoever.

Jew detected

No thanks.

You're also the one who chimps out about Charlemagne and the Saxons right

This. I had never heard of this guy until now.

Is that a dent above his right eyebrow?

The point of the video was to help prove that Judaism is not the old testament, but rather the Talmud and the Kabbalah. Nice how you completely ignore all that and do nothing to offer any sort of proper counterpoint. Still just more effeminate whining.


Nobody cares what the religion of Judaism is or if the Jews are Israelites or anything like that because it is irrelevant. We only need to know two things:

1. Jews are trash
2. It's genetic

Literally the only relevant information. Arguing over minutia of their origin or the fairy tales in the Bible is just a distraction.

And again, the kabbalah is better than Christianity, so at least the Jews have half of it right.

Cult man pls.


Except since /new/ we've always been majority Christian kek.

Thou vexed?


Looks like someone is scared of Klitschko and wants to get banned to avoid a rematch.

"I will make criticizing the holocaust online a criminal hate-crime" - Shillary, the spy from Hell.

A lot of people keep pushing the lie of Judeo-Christianity, that the only difference between the two is the new testament, and that Christianity is about worshiping physical Israel and the modern jewish people. I explained why that's false and provided evidence. Whether you care or not is not my fucking problem since you weren't the one I was addressing initially.

This sentence is literally the most cuckolded thing a non-jew could say. You would literally be less of a cuck if you were a male feminist swede getting cheated on by his racemixing girlfriend. The Talmud and the Kabbalah are the reason why homosexuality and degeneracy is being promoted (they believe in a transvestite god), and the reason western civilization is going to shit (where do you think the phrase "goyim" comes from? Or the entire concept of zionism itself?).

For some reason a small minority likes to repeat this meme.

Incorrect. They believe in an androgyne, which is not the same thing. Hindus believe the same, transcending the male and female principles is the neuter God. The key word here being transcending. In the world the male and female principles are always at play.

It feels like i'm back on 4cuck again.

How have you been holding up JIDF?

Whoever made this is retarded, that is a Jew name and I guarantee there is not a single gentile on the planet with the name Greenblatt

The one finger up sign means Ummah or "one world". It is a semitic belief that the entire world should be ruled by one government.

True, Greenblatt is an ethnically Jewish Christian

We know Chaim. Don't worry, nobody was ever confused about where your loyalties lied. Saved to remind Holla Forums for all your future derailment and shill attempts.

No. No we haven't we were libertarians then and barely even reactionary we just said nigger a lot. That's when the chans were really crazy and full of scat porn and gore you retarded faggots would have been chased out.

Thank you for this post. I get so sick and tired of seeing all this "muh christcuck" shit around here, when the truth is that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ fashioned a whip and drove the very people we despise out of the temple, that he died and was resurrected for our sins to save us from such evil. I was startled to read that Soros and his shady foundation have been very active in subverting every Christian group in America, particularly over issues regarding sexuality. I've wondered for awhile why it seemed like Protestants were losing their freaking minds, but, of course, it's the same shady (((financiers))) as always funneling their money to subvert the very Church of Christ. Planning to make a thread about it later

The history of those who call themselves Jews is absolutely relevant, particularly because it directly shows us why their genetics are trash, or, as I've termed it lately, "unstable." Basically, Sephardim are Edomites, at the time of Christ most of the Judeans weren't actually of the tribe of Judah, Josephus backs that up. Later, the Khazars converted to Judaism because they were a shady, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural empire which subsisted by robbing and pillaging their neighbors. They converted to a constructed form of Judaism (aka the Talmud) to assert their independence against the Christian Byzantines and the Islamic Caliphate, who had demanded that they convert to an Abrahamic religion. The Khazars were only the leading tribe in their empire, by most accounts there were 30+ distinct ethnicities, including, of course, the Huns (the stereotypical image of the slanted forehead, bent nose, wiry haired, clasping Jew, is a Jew of Hunnic background; by Roman accounts, the Huns were undoubtedly the ugliest race they ever encountered). Because of their insanely mixed, mongrelized genetics, their genetic line is very unstable, producing wildly erratic offspring. Jews are the perfect example of the danger of race mixing, and their mixed background is exactly why they continue to promote it.

Anyone remember years ago when negroes had the heavyweight titles and all we ever heard about was heavyweight boxing? But nothing but crickets now.

Their tactic is working though since all the negroids and normies see now is lightweight boxing, they still "be bragging how niggas be all dat"



when are we getting a 2016 version fam?

I can understand lower weight divisions having skinny legs, it is less important to have power in legs than in arms, and llarge legs weigh a lot. But for a heavy weight with no weight restriction it is dumb. They should have different leg exercises to lower weight divisions. Their legs should resemble footy players legs, or even rugby. Not concentration camp legs like lower weight divisions.

But boxers and trainers are thick. There's an enormous pile of cash and 15 years of belts up for grabs for the 1st boxer \ trainer who realises heavy weights can have massive legs.

He should shut up. Revealing full power level to normies is never a good idea. Therefore he is low tier Holla Forums, but Holla Forums non the less.


There was nothing wrong with what he said. You need some people to reveal it. Especially its good he's done it now because he's at the top of his career to kikes can't as easily discredit him.

These White Kikes are just converts to judahism.They converted in the 7th 8th century,its not their religion.

He's just apologized, though.


Number one mistake when dealing with these bastards is to publicly apologize.

Crazy cuck Confronts "Dirty Goyim" Christian Man on University Campus.
This is why the world is ucked

Confessions Of A Former Ashkenazi Jewish Rabi to the goyim.God bless Brother Nate.
Confessions Of A Former Ashkenazi Jewish Rabi to the goyim

Confessions Of A Former Ashkenazi Jewish Rabi to the goyim.God bless Brother Nate.


To all cool-aid drinkers.they are making plans for you.
How To Kill Goyim Children And Families,, Influence People

Al Goldstein Jewish Child Pornographer Speaks To Us Goyim


Talmudic Jews - The Children of Satan


Israel uses us like a whore: Traficant

Never saw this one before very good. But i got to ask why you are dumping all these videos in a Tyson Fury thread lol? There should be a video thread up

Can someone reupload Tyson Fury's 57 minute rant about the Jews? It's been taken down.

JIDF upsetting bump


What kind of fucking argument is that? Completely fucking irrelevant to whether or not there were gas chambers (there weren't).


