I wrote a script that's keeping Holla Forums and /vp/ clean of CP spam. Are you interested, board owner?

I wrote a script that's keeping Holla Forums and /vp/ clean of CP spam. Are you interested, board owner?
You can run it on a Linux VPS if you're familiar with that, or if you give me a volunteer account I can run it for you.
I sent an email a month ago, but I didn't get a reply, so I'm trying it this way. My email is in the email field.

Is any other board running this?

Fuck, I'm losing it. Never mind, I just re-read your post.

CP spam ain't no big deal. It stays there for 40 minutes or so and then it goes away. No one is dumb enough to click on those links anyway.
Why do they even keep spamming for?

Anyway, I think you should come up with cartoon-based analogies if you want us to understand your creation and its importance. What's a Linux VPS?

You're overestimating the intelligence of your audience.

I'm pretty sure /hebe/ loves their honeypots

It's annoying to deal with as a mod, and it's what caused archive.is to temporarily block Holla Forums.

A Linux VPS is a (virtual) computer running Linux you can rent and then connect to to run programs on. I use one to run this script.

The script checks for new threads every two minutes and devotes its vast knowledge of optical character recognition to check if any of the usual spam phrases are in the OP image.

True story.

Why don't you just approach the Wheelchair Pinoy Trafficker and see if he can make it work for everyone?

I asked Ron for a global volunteer account to run it site-wide. He was interested and I explained how it worked. I don't know if it'll go anywhere.

Pedo fagot

That sounds fairly impressive, if the software can recognize the regular words and sentences such as "Say no to spam", "lolita videos" and "5yo".
But then the whole thing can be thrown off if whoever makes those images changes the text, or mixes the color ans size of the fonts, or comes up with different words.

someone explain this shit to me

Bold move posting this on a board as riddled with pedos as Holla Forums

user, Holla Forums likes lolis because they're afraid they'll become the next Jared Fogle if they look at real cp. If they only look at loli, they can breath a sigh of relief because it isn't illegal.

I like all sorts of 2D porn, that doesn't make me a pedo.
I like shota on shota manga, but I'm not gay. I like me some cartoon LGs, but I'm not an actual pedo.

Sorry, but that's bullshit.
Lolis are one thing, they can be very stylized.

But that pic right there - that's a child.
You're a pedophile.

That's a drawing depicting a child in a simplistic way.
I'm a father, I know the difference between real little girls and drawings of little girls.

No one ever said you couldn't tell the difference between a drawing of a child, and a real child, you childfucker.

there are people who would like nothing more than to see Holla Forums shut down and all of it's users disappeared into forced labor camps.


Yea, but the identifying characteristics fo the new images will be added to programs to scan for so the spammer would be forced to forever create new images to try and get around the scanner.

Stop denying it, Editfag, you're a disgusting pedophile.

The spammer seems to have changed some things in response

So who's more stupid the dumbass who masturbates to 2D idealisms of little girls or the dumbasses who actually get mad about it.

Neither should continue their tainted bloodlines.


Yeah, is a fact that both are dumbasses.


I don't know guys I'm a pedo who watched a lot of CP (While being a minor) but ever since my sister was born 6 years ago I haven't seen any.

Pretty much because interacting with a real kid has taught me that what happens on those are idealisms or really far out outliners whenever is not rape.

Even though the media turns every CP news into Daisy's destruction I must say that those kids were brainwashed into liking it and I say brainwashed and not convinced because in most of the cases about 99% except for the aforementioned outliners, that is pretty much slavery.

In any case you force your kid to do something to fufill your egocentrical expectations and used them as objects is akeen to slavery because their purpose in life becomes whatever you taught them to do.

The difference between fucking your kid and forcing him to be an American Idol contestand/going to the gym/training him to be your mouthpiece in political issues for your own selfish reasons is that fucking them is a healt risk.

What I'm saying here is that in all those cases the child self steem completly revolves around your needs.
And drops if they fail to fufill them.
Cp just looks grosser because kids while not having standards they get into every sick fetish.

Not much different to see a kid who knew nothing about politics getting turned into a strawman by their parents.

Called the cops, hope you're behind seven Tors

I was a minor, 12-15 I grew up.

Save your excuses for the courts, pedo scum.

you can still be tried for CP when you're a minor

Remember, everything posted in this site is fiction and only a retard would believe it.

>you can still be tried for CP when you're a minor

So, that means Im going to the court because I let my 14 years old schoolmate touch my penis while I was touching theirs?

i think you're bisexual user

its not too late to become straight

m8 if you were underage and looked at your pee-pee in the mirror then ur pedo scum and going down.

Right. "Prison."