Whats with all the hate for Hispanics in general on this board? I understand the hate for Mexicans, with the understand with the flow of immigrants but why Hispanics in general. Sure maybe on average Whites and Asians do better, but the differences amongst individuals in each population are greater than the differences between the populations as a whole. And even if the differences were significant, do you look down upon lesser people< is that what you do to make yourself feel validated? 6'3' 230 lbs 136 iq doing ML at top cs school in world.
Pic related: Looks sorta like me, I have higher cheekbones, a squarer jaw, a thinner nose, and slightly darker skin.
Logan Ramirez
you have to go back pedro
Blake Martin
mow my lawn paco
Aaron Gray
Wyatt Bell
except zimmerman is fucking white
Bentley Collins
Simple, the illegal ones are causing such a shitstorm up to and including punching a trump supporter that it's making us look bad in comparison. Feels bad when cholos fuck it up for us.
Michael Smith
I know the meme is funny and all but why? My father immigrated here legally and was a high skilled aircraft technician. I believe he has added value to this country and I am to do the same.
John Lee
Like all non-Whites I don't hate them in their countries, I only hate them in ours.
Spics are no different.
Everything else you wrote is irrelevant garbage.
Nicholas Allen
South American cholo != Mexican cholo
and believe what you will, I have nothing to gain or lose by lying,
Mason Lopez
Nah. Add value to your nation, Pedro.
America is best without you. Even if you're a 10/10 non-White. Nothing can change that.
Dominic Jackson
Fair enough.
Isaiah Reyes
I dont care just stay the fuck out of my country.
Jordan Jackson
its just ghetto poor people culture, white, black, brown, bringing their poor shit trash culture. its cool if your poor but are trying to strive for better or not living like your in the 3rd world in the 1st world
Lucas Powell
The problem is that "hispanics" encompasses a huge variety of races and ethnicities. For example, my roommate is puerto rican but is lily white due to his pure spanish genes. On the other end of the spectrum you have 4'10' mexican goblins that spawn 8 children and bring crime and poverty everywhere they go. These vastly outnumber people like yourself.
The racial problems of ex-spanish colonies do not need to become our own
Jack Stewart
Not White. You have your own countries, fuck off back to them.
Jaxon Sanchez
Dominic Nguyen
my friends x was (white) trailer trash kids running around naked dad drunk on the couch it was disgusting, doesn't change the fact
Noah Wright
All Hispanics are practically like Mexicans.
Hispanics are a mongrel race of inferior brown subhumans that have no concept of self control.
Jaxon Campbell
Brown, Brown and Brown. Not much variety.
Wyatt Campbell
mfw when half of my hispanic friends are pasty white.
Aaron Wilson
Ayden Moore
Elijah Martinez
You are going back
Angel Ramirez
Back where? To a place, a country where I have no roots? For what reason? What do you gain from me leaving this country? Less competition for jobs? That smacks of the common whine: everyone better than me is stealing my job, everyone worse than me is a lazy good for nothing.
Isaiah Hall
Welcome to Holla Forums newfag. I've been here since based Ron Paul and we hate everyone. Can't handle the bantz? Don't say you're hispanic. Im Tejano and love the fact no one cares about your feels. Fuck off back to cuckchan.
Now, if you'll excuse me, i've got to go back.
Jason Butler
Because by in large the vast majority of people with Hispanics genes and culture are incompatible with the vast majority of people with European genes and culture.
Hispanic average I.Q is is just above the average of Black living in America around 87 I.Q. or so People with I.Q around this level are more aggressive, are more likely to become violent and are more likely to do what feels good now and not defer gratification to have a better future down the road. As compared to Whites who have around a 100 I.Q. on average. Lower I.Q people generally do not work well with people of higher I.Q on average and vice versa because People with lower I.Q. worry more about the here and now. Compared to people with higher I.Q. who tend to defer gratification for better long term goals. These are two incompatible goals and can never work in tandem with one another and be stable.
Then a few years down the line person B lost his house/car and is an addict because he wanted to have fun NOW. While person A has a modest/stable life style because he waited and saved because he knew he couldn't sustain having fancy/expensive things. These two types of people cannot live in the same society with one another on the scale were talking. That is why Hispanics and Whites, in general, can't co-exist with one another in and kind of equivalent fashion.
I.Q. is the biggest factor when figuring out if you will fall under person A or B and by in large Hispanics fall under person B while Whites fall under person A. there are other facts but I'd have to writing a book to try and cover them all
Again, I want to reiterate we are talking about AVERAGES.
You are an exception if you are Hispanic and have an I.Q. of 136. Your White equivalent would have around an I.Q. of 150, that's crazy high. YOU could live in a White majority nation and probably do great. But your average genetic brother and sister, no.
O god I'm sounding like Stefan
Nathaniel Lopez
I've lurked for years, I just wanted to know why Holla Forums thinks what it does , I don't really care one way or another.
Nathan Butler
Finally, someone who knows what to do.
OP, why aren't you going back like him? You have to go back, too.
Cameron Wood
i genuinely don't care what your race is. you don't get any special fucking privleges or exceptions. not for being a minority. not for being non-white. not for being brown. and especially not for being a fucking woman.
if you earn your place in the world, then you deserve it. i don't care where you came from or what you look like.
with that said, the big concern with immigration has nothing to do with race and everything to do with economics. the second, biggest long-term concern is it's influence, politically. flood the country with welfare-dependent muzzies and wetbacks and you get a totalitarian state the exact moment they reach 51% of the population. hint: we're approaching it.
Adrian Rodriguez
I don't hate anyone, but I don't get along with most Hispanics or Brs (or anyone really, but especially the two I mentioned), even the religious or the ones I think are nice when I first meet them. I find them (and peoppe like me) violent, cruel, and promiscuous, and would never go travel to the areas.