Polish woman killed by Luftwaffe strafing run, I believe the blonde girl is her daughter

… and you wonder why we had to fight you Slavs when you got all commied up by the Jews and decided to try and kill all white people?

OP is a retarded sub human poletard

What did Poland have to do with Dresden? How does the death of White civilians justify more death of White civilians? You're gonna have to try harder than that, eternal kraut.

why would i care about polish subhumans?

It did in his mind….I have a sneaking suspicion that eastern Europeans are fully aware of the terrible choices their forefathers made. Say what you will but eastern Europe would have been much better under National Socialist rule. The horrors of communism far outweigh any german crimes.

The poles also slaughtered ethnic Germans living in poland (according to the treaty of Versailles at least) before the war but I bet you don't like talking about that do you.
Also how did communism work out for you?

Im calling it Brit, but you can just lump all Allied subhumans as a bunch anyway.

That is true. At least the non retarded ones. They obviously dont love Germans the way Holla Forums does, but they are aware that they fucked up.

That little girl looks like an ubermensch poster child. The fuck you talking about?

YOU are the subhuman, Oleg.

Actually she looks a bit too much like an ubermensch poster child… while all the people around her look like more normal mongol/kebab/white hybrid Slav types.

You sure this is not just some staged Polish propaganda pix, where they parade off some white girl to excuse them cutting the dick off war prisoners like fucking niggers?