You fucks couldn't fuck my shit up even if I gave you my IP address.
Go ahead.
You fucks couldn't fuck my shit up even if I gave you my IP address.
Go ahead.
It's more of a "testing home security" thread
This is so common it's not even an attempt at getting a personal army
I don't think I've ever seen a hipster Nazi before
Being a Nazi is the most underground thing in the (((current year)))
All true hipsters are nazis
Well I suppose I could identify his general location lol
It's pretty underground, but hipsters are generally the most insufferable SJW's on the planet – I do not believe your logic is sound, user.
are you from farmington michigan?
You fucking idiot he's acting like it's his own IP address so you'll fuck with it.
It's free attacking. It's not his IP., It's his targets.
well shit
I was about to ddos him
op pretending to be ddoxxing him to encourage others to actually do it
well gee wiz. btw ddosing is nowhere near as terrible as doxxing.
I can smell the newfaggotry through my network card.
Oy Vey!
obviously a vps
if this is a personal army request sorry bro
you got got by a pro.
Seychelles=digital pirate island
samefaging myself
having said that
there is a good chance there are an abundance of open ports on this address
definetly ssh and ftp ports
but even if you where to get in there wont be much there
these servers are mostly just used for spamming and phishing scams
Normie 80 tcp http open 82 tcp xfer closed 85 tcp mit-ml-dev open 7070 tcp realserver closed 8081 tcp tcpwrapped open
ports 1-9000
there might actually be some fun stuff in here
this 199.19 server can most certainly be taken over