Clinton Does Best Where Voting Machines Flunk Hacking Tests

> “There are people out there who are giving their lives just to try to make our elections secure [...] And these vendors are lying and saying everything is alright.”

When are we going to admit proprietary software has ruined our network infrastructure and security of the U.S.?

Our school systems suffer. In addition to maintenance costs, more money must be allocated to upgrading the proprietary operating systems that we've come to rely on. This usually always means allocating yet more of the budget for hardware upgrades -- no one seems to care that Microsoft's sweet deal with OEMs leaves our education system in a monetary sinkhole.

The same goes with military and defense, public systems such as transit, utilities, health, even down to the systems that count and determine our next governing officials. How long can we pretend the government-granted monopoly of Microsoft was nothing more than a *nudge nudge wink wink*, under the table deal?

I don't give a shit if an individual or a private company wants to sink money into companies that willingly abandon security in favor of profit; that's your prerogative. But the fact that the U.S. government fell for the proprietary meme is starting to have some tangible consequences.

It's shit like this that make me realize Stallman is right. He's philosophical because it's not just Microsoft that's the problem. It's the entire philosophy -- and to understand the problem, you have to understand the philosophy. Free software values innovation, security, and combined effort. Proprietary software values profit and consistently abandons all else in favor of such.

Other urls found in this thread: dissonance

Dude, free software won't make a difference. If these same people implemented free software, they'll probably half ass it like they half ass it already. Replace the people managing this would be a major start.

But if it's free, then it's open, and if it's open, it can be fixed by a competitor. That is how it works. Half-ass it, and you get swept under the rug. The problem with proprietary software is that it shields the companies who half-ass this stuff behind a NDA.

I wanted to make an addendum that addressed this as well. A key function of government is control; but with proprietary software, you are not in control. I'm trying to remember who's responsible for common core, but I'm sure it will come back to me.

I never understood why the Burgers are using machines to vote. You can always recount the votes on paper.

The government always uses Windows because Microsoft has those sweet political connections.

I'm hoping Trump will knock Gates on his ass and invest in open architecture.

You talk about a man who loves money.

Automation comes as natural to intelligent life. Human time is valuable, so it's only logical relegate the trivial, repetitive tasks to an automated system. The problem is that said systems are entirely hidden from any meaningful audit.

I just want to point out that not all of these machines are Microsoft, though some are. They are, however, all proprietary. This is taken for granted and it bugs me. Why shouldn't it be?

The fact that you pay for software is not indicative of its quality in terms of both security and longevity; however, that seems to be the common conception. Quality software should stand on its own. In plain view.

I wonder, with the current protection of copyright, why wouldn't you release the source?

You mean the guy who suggested we get Bill Gates to help censor the internet? Unlikely.

For the last time, trump only wants to shut down internet in the middle east. For now. I don't trust trump either, but I'm not going to fall for left wing propaganda.

go look up the rigorous ways slot machines have to be licensed and tested before being allowed to be used by people
compare that to electronic voting machines

once again the only thing anti trumpers have is lies and out of context remarks
how are those delegates doing for ya bernout ?

Bill doesn't even do operational stuff anymore you retards.
The guy running MS right now is some streetshitter.

>>>Holla Forums

This is technology related you fucking faggot.

but my ebil Holla Forums boogeyman!

Who are you calling a streetshitter?

So, Holla Forums thinks RMS = Jew. Thus, free software = bad. Get your politics out of tech.

It wasn't out of context at all.
And block people that live in ISIS resisting countries too because there's an ISIS population?

You can try to damage control his remarks all you want, dipshits.
It doesn't change the fact that your candidate is an authoritarian fuckhead, not much better than Neocon-lite crooked Hillary. And I bet as soon as he gets in office he'll cave on the TPP and everything else, the only thing he'll end up doing is giving favors to his buddies and the rich.

Fuck off, there's no arguing this.

This post is confusing. Did you notice that the post you're replying to says Stallman is right?

Bullshit, they don't like stallman much, but they aren't retarded to hate free software because of stallman. Holla Forums bitches about microkike and faggle too.

I was expecting those modern socialist countries would embrace free software but instead they're all just as a corrupt and incompetent. The public doesn't care about technical details so a few worthless promises about being 'open' is more than enough to placate them.

It's pretty disheartening to see first hand that free software being free and even better in many aspects isn't good enough. People value things that cost money even if they're worthless.

Several entities having armies of marketers at their disposal working 24/7 means the message of free software can and will be killed.

Free software won't do shit as it doesn't magically secure its use. What you need is verifiable voting. First give everyone voter ID cards with a cryptographic key. Now when voting, print out a receipt with a unique id, the vote, location, and cryptographic proof it was submitted with a valid voter ID card and in a way that the owner of the card can verify it was their card. Put all this info online as it comes in. Now you can prove that your vote was counted, you can do your own recounts, and someone can't easily inject a bunch of fake votes (a revocation list would take care of the dead and stolen cards). The remaining threat would be the gov. at a very high level (so unlikely to happen before we go full 3rd world) secretly printing cards to fake votes, but you can at least detect where this happened by canvasing using the public info and verifiable paper receipts.

Grow up.

Your idea ignores the premise that voting should be confidential. There should be no way to prove that citizen Y voted for candidate X, because that just invites corruption and voter intimidation. The better solution would be to use some sort of voting block chain. You walk into the polling station, provide whatever ID you need to vote, and are given a random "votecoin" wallet with one coin. You spend that coin on the candidate you want to vote for. The wallet addresses are in no way linkable to the voter. They only reference the voting location so that fraud can be investigated.

not true.
unsurprisingly, the military and intelligence communities are heavy users of free software. they care about not being screwed up by corporate interests.

All the NSA's infrastructure is ironically built on free software: Red Hat, Hadoop, etc.

any kind of electronic voting machine is an awful idea anyway. Some well-meaning people are eager to implement easier electronic voting, but they don't think of the downsides. Just stick to paper ballots and have the balls to transport to the polling place . Small democracies like Switzerland and Iceland are probably better doing direct referendums for many decisions.

Keep sucking that dick, faggot.
This country was not founded by authoritarian shitheads like Trump. He might be better than Crooked Hillary, but don't pretend for one second that he's actually fighting for you.
Nothing will change, it'll be the same as long as the executive is populated by the same authoritarian fucks.

Different user, but you don't even know what the fuck authoritarian even is, do you fucktard. The day you can get arrested and/or killed for criticizing trump is the day you can call him authoritarian.

There are existing systems that preserve confidentiality by letting only the private key holder prove that a vote was theirs.



But what would stop some union thugs from knocking on your door saying "show us your vote or we break your legs"? There would need to be some level of plausible deniability.

He's attempting to do that through his "media reforms." That or stiff fines. The supreme court will probably have none of that though.



Are you a fucking retard? Go back to >>>Holla Forums

I don't even really like or care for Holla Forums, why not you fuck off back to reddit or whatever shithole you crawled out of.

Well you certainly don't belong on Holla Forums with how fucking stupid you are.
Here's why you are a fucking retard, jackass:
cutting off internet access in those "countries" you speak of (you probably couldn't name them, you just heard your favorite authoritarian shitter talking about the idea and instantly accepted it) would require cooperation of every other country that the fiber runs through.
You have to cut off all communication whatsoever with the outside world, except satellite.

You are a drooling fucking retard. You do not know anything about technology.
You have to go back.

Then trump will tell nations that have fiber running through them to disable connections to syria and other ISIS nations, fucktard.

If you prevent that there's also no way to prove that your vote was falsified.

Were you born a fucking retard, or did you succomb to some kind of accident that caused you to hit your skull, or were your parents just too fucking poor to properly feed you in order for your IQ to rise above 80?

We are screwed we are given the choice between a fucking sold-out TPP supporter and a wildcard gasbag bafoon who most likely will serve the interests I don't support. And both are flip-flopping their commitments all the time to their convenience.

I would consider voting for Trump if only to show the middle finger to Shillary and the DP; but god, does Trump suck.

He wants to level-up libel laws and blasphemy laws to censor his critics.
He advocates the use of torture and killing innocent civilians to fight terrorists
oh the irony, pic related. Please keep your mouth shut and learn some serious political theory retard instead of jerking off to Holla Forums

It wouldn't take away my liberty, but it would take away their liberty (as in, the liberty of the millions of people who are not part of ISIS). The idea of things like liberty and free speech is that everyone gets them, not just you.

Lie, he wants to sue those who spread lies about him.

Another lie, he never said he wants to kill innocent civilians, he only wants to get info out of known ISIS members and supporters fucktard. A little waterboarding wouldn't hurt anyone.

Extreme times call for extreme measures. The fact you cry over sandniggers losing internet temporary shows what a traitor you are, kill yourself.

At this point it seems clear that you're just trolling, and on the off chance that you aren't you're just a fucking retarded sack of shit.

You have to go back.

That's already the case with paper voting. Why isn't it an issue? Because people trust the system. If the electronic voting machine were FLOSS, you could allow voters to verify a hash of the machine's firmware before they vote. Build it out of clear plastic so that people can verify that no extra components have been added. Then allow people to dump the ROM and check that the code is all the same. Lastly, have the machine physically print out an anonymous receipt for your vote that you deposit in a ballot box as you leave.

Please, point out how I'm trolling. Trump has said he wants to sue the media who spreads lies about him and he only wants to get info out of important terrorists who have info that can save millions of people.

reminds me of this vid

Exactly, libel laws.
This is the very definition of a SJW. He feels offended by speech and thinks he's entitled to police slandering

Lies according to him being the crystal clear case of him roleplaying as his PR manager?
Lies according to him being talking about Trump advocating torture?
These aren't lies, they're criticisms, he refers to them as lies but they're not.
Torture never works, it has never worked and the review board of the Bush era CIA documents proves it did not work at gathering important information.

Not to mention, you're falling for the same fucking authoritarian tactic of treating people as subhuman and not deserving of respect.
He says that he's "pro-life" and yet is willing to treat humans as if they lack dignity, just because they're mentally ill fundamentalists. You're not going to save lives by filling their lungs with water or burning them with cigarettes or putting the dogs on them. A 24 scenario does not exist.

Now, again. You have to go back.

Go be a whiny libtard somewhere else you fucking faggot.

Due process is different from abortion dumbfuck

Well, not only are you wrong, but you don't have an argument.
Tell me more about how you suck the dick of a fat old authoritarian fuck who jerks off at the thought of himself.

Due process forbids cruel and unusual punishment. This was written by the framers, who were certainly not authoritarians, as they had just finished a war of having to deal with a pompous empire trying to fuck them over.
Kind of like the pompous empire we are now, and especially the kind Trump envisions.
Due you have a counter argument to "no cruel and unusual punishment" or are you going to shitpost some more about MUH LIVES WE GOTTA SAVE MUH LIVES PLS JACK BAUER SAVE US.

So basically you want to give special treatment to terrorists who want to kill you and me? Fucking kill yourself you fucking cuck. I bet you want Europe to be flooded with rapefugees.

No, you simply take away their freedom like everyone else. It's not even proven if most of the people you'd ending up picking up in black sites are even guily of anything, they certainly don't get due process because they don't have to off of US soil.
Also, continuing to stick your dick in the bee hive that is the middle east just hoping to get some of that sweet honey (oil) is certainly the architected policy of a bunch of fucking retards.

Now, again.

Not to mention, it's what birthed ISIS. The power vacuum was one that we created.

once again anti trumpers show they have no factual evidence behind any claim they make
they only tell lies and slander or avoid questions
they do this as a defence mechanism so they do not feel defeated

It's not a lie, it's the result of a fucking retarded sack of shit opining on something he doesn't understand like with the other dozens of shit he opines on very vaguely. You can try to construe it to say "he meant it be done this way" but no matter how it's done it's fucking retarded.


Why not you go the fuck back if you hate America so much.

lel if america is so great why are you so triggered when it's criticized?

you have been going off in this thread non stop yet you still have never given one reason why trump is bad that isnt a lie or out of context
i bet you watch "the tek" and browse reddit too

Now the argument is going in circles, you simply can't be taken seriously.

Reddit I'm guilty of, back in 2006 or 2007, along with 4chan.
Maybe you should go back to 4chan and stop shitting up this board, you subhuman piece of garbage?
How about that?

reddit did not exist in 2006 or 7
tech isnt your personal safespace bernout
you keep showing anti trump people are nothing but liars and deceivers

Check wikipedia, it most certainly did, and I'm pretty sure my 10 year old account still exists, though I haven't used it since 2007.
Says the dipshit who's sperging out about his candidate being criticized. You just keep repeating "MUH LIES AND SLANDER."
Let me sum up your argument so far:
Holla Forumsacks trying this hard to pin everyone who doesn't agree with their authoritarian delusions to the left side of the economic spectrum.

Mate, you should try to read a little bit or just watch around you. If you let people do as they please, they'll just be subverted or act like the hedonistic short-term planning retards they are.
Your fault is thinking that individual freedom is and end in itself, and more important than the nation's well-being; which is just selfish retardation.

lol you are in a full meltdown kid
you still have not rebuked the lies you have told hours ago in this thread.
its been what ? 5 hours now ?
a 5 hour long damage control session wew lad

Trump has nothing to do with the nation's well-being, he says stupid shit like "let's cut off communication to millions of people and see what happens, cutting off communication to the west will surely stop the rise of fundamentalism" or "lel we should torture shitskins cuz they decapitate people, eye for an eye ya'll YEEEHAWWW"

This has nothing to do with individual freedom in and of itself, and has everything to do with Trump being a de-facto authoritarian. He's no different from Clinton, Rubio, or anyone else except he's much more experienced in methods of manipulation and sound bites.

They aren't lies, friend. They're definitely things he said. There's no damage control.

Anyways this thread really needs to fuck off back to Holla Forums because it's not even a technology discussion, and the one technology discussion in the thread is some retard from Holla Forums screaming about how everyone's lying about his favorite wank candidate wanting to effectively either build a great firewall of the US or cut off entire nations, plunging them into chaos, which the surrounding nations will not do just because "muh Trump says so."

we were talking about technology until you came with your 5 hour temper tantrum

Fuck off, we need to build a way to keep illegals out. Sandniggers also get what they deserve. We need to kill and torture terrorists to save lives.

We should just go back to hand counting votes if our voting machines can't even pass a hacking test. There are a lot of bad people with a drive for doing malicious things for their own benefit and closed source automation make this a lot easier for them.

it's always a breath of fresh air browsing Holla Forums. Holla Forums might not be full of complete idiots after all.

tech may not have ID's but its still easy to tell you are just in full damage control

actually I just went to the store and just got back moments ago

You weren't talking about technology, some faggot started being delusional and saying "I think Trump will invest in open architecture" and then someone set his delusions straight. In return for setting their delusions straight some other trump fags started rambling about lies and slander.

No one fucking cares about your authoritarian dicksucker, faggot.
Holla Forums is lolbertarian country.


And why would I not keep posting?
If you think anyone's being humiliated here other than the faggot rambling about "MUH LIES AND SLANDER ABOUT MUH OLD FAGGOT WHO NEEDS VIAGRA TO GET IT UP" i.e. you, you're mistaken.

nice slanderous lie once again showing how anti trumpers behave


Wait this whole thread is apologizing over Trump? Literally the dumbass who wants to censor the internet? Return to your containment board hypocrites. Holla Forums is for technology enthusiasts, not Luddites.

ive never seen someone this butt blasted since finn fag

He doesn't have much steam on this board because of his pro-NSA and pro-Patriot Act stances which are both detrimental to the future of IT, why is that so difficult to comprehend?

says the liar who is running out of steam
tech isnt your personal blog kid

Kill yourselves. Either you like trump or you hate america.

You're terrible at spotting samefag.


I've only posted in this thread twice you pathetic troll. At least sage if you are going to shitpost.


Berniefag is mad as fuck because he can't handle being wrong. Stallman is an idiot and trump will put him in his place.


Not only your interpretation is as morally bankrupt and ineffective as the other; it's also completely out of touch with reality in technical terms. What countries are you going to exclude? Do you know how many neighboring countries you would have to convince to cut their Internet connections with the blacklisted countries to make the network fragmentation effective? There's a reason why the Internet is called international, why it's called a network, and why access to it is called a connection rather than a broadcast. The Internet isn't a bunch of feeding tubes that streams semen from Washington into the mouths of third worlders.

Pic related is submarine cables alone. You'd also have to cut satellites and make sure that not a single pair of neighbors connect to each other over fucking antennas.

tl;dr the proposition is as stupid as claiming you are going to make sure none in your country is sharing his WiFi connection with someone else.

it never ceases to amaze me how fucking right/up-leaning US politics are in worldwide terms. It makes an authoritarian like Hillary Clinton look fucking centrist, and an actual centrist like Bernie Sanders looks like fucking Kim-il Sung

because we would bypass them clearing cookies or changing IP.

IDs don't use cookies, actually. But they are really easy to get around.

If someone is really dedicated so samefagging they'll just use a VPN and get a lot more credibility than otherwise.

welcome to our nightmare.

how to sound smart without really saying anything: the post

stfu nigger

Your degree won't be worth shit once college gets subsidized.

OPs mad as hell cuz he won't be getting free shit.








Oh please. Knock it the fuck off with the Loonix more secure than Windowzer meme. The fact of the matter is Linux is security through obscurity. Everyone fucking knows it.

If Linux were more popular for desktop use you'd see way more viruses for it. And before you start in with the Linux is for servers shit, just remember that servers get hacked all. The. Time.

... dissonance

why do channers always fuck this up?

Cognitive dissonance = getting triggered over proof that you are an idiot

What you retards mean is a lack of self-awareness, being contradictory, or hypocrisy.

Yes, and then when a problem occurs, anyone can fix it.

When dealing with a corporation or private party, we need to rely on THEM to fix it, which could result in a long wait for a fix, or an ineffective fix.

holy shit you're so fucking stupid.

This has nothing to do with linux anyways. This is about GPL or open-source software.



It's up to you to find value in each image I posted.

I'm not for trump, clinton or sanders.

I speak for myself, using words of others.

Don't read into it more than you must. Take in the information, the ideas, and process it yourself.

You all seem very tightly wound, so relax a bit, and just try to see wisdom where there is wisdom, and foolishness where there is foolishness.

Seriously, kill yourself, you fucking moronic scum.

I've now begun to notice you are obsessed with a "linux vs windows" war.

I am not referring to either of these.

Smaller vendors of server software, or software that runs on servers, along with vendors of software that governments use, software that runs on either Windows or Linux or Mac OS X is what I'm referring to.

Windows or Linux itself is only an operating system, for other software to run on. When I run software on an OS, no matter what OS it is, I want to know that the software I'm using is secure.

The best way to do this is to review the source code myself. But this takes awhile, so having it open source or GPL means someone else can do it, so that concerns can be found sooner, rather than later, and fixed at any moment.

A proprietary piece of software, be it banking software, market software for a server, such as Amazon, or anything else that must be secure, cannot be reviewed independently.

Of course, you likely do not even own a server or a company, nor do you even work in a company, except perhaps as a burger flipper or "cog in the machine" style code monkey, as a "web dev". If even that.

You poor sod.

God you're a fucking faggot. Replace Windows with (anything beside linux) and linux with (GPL) instead of pretending you have a high horse here.

The average Linux user people.

Oh and I'll just point out that Linux had a kernel vulnerability recently if I am recalling correctly.

Normal people DON'T matter, in this discussion, you short-sighted fucktard.

The software you use on your gaming computer doesn't mean shit here.

I'm talking about software that a hacker will go after. Software that companies use to transfer money, such as ANY company that sells items on the internet, as well as companies or organizations that keep records of real people, like insurance companies, government organizations, websites like Facebook, that track people, and other LARGE entities that use a central, but proprietary piece of software.

For instance, Facebook's chat uses XMPP, which is an open piece of software.

If it wasn't, if they had designed it themselves, but still had millions of people using it, all it'd take is a small vulnerability and Facebook's chat would be compromised, putting millions of plebeians at risk.

Same with Amazon's servers. It would be quite troublesome if they had hired a company to make server software for them, and then a hacker ended up finding a vulnerability and fucking them over.

You are thinking TOO SMALL for this discussion.

Quit it with your "desktop linux" or "my gaming software!" bullshit.
Imagine the chaos if the NSA got hacked, because no one was able to quickly fix software vulnerabilities.

All the information they had collected on people would be released, either to a hacker, or even publicly, and that would be a huge problem.

I'm talking about corporate and government security, for the good of people who buy things or submit sensitive information to servers.

Not your stupid, insipid desktop software.

So stop being a fucking moron and talking about things you don't understand, and will never understand. You are simply too stupid to comprehend these issues.

Wow, such a great guy. Everyone should take everything you say and adopt their lives to it because clearly you know what you're doing and everyone should just believe you #PATRIARCHYSMASH

What a fucking little bitch. I won't even respond to anything else. At this point you've lost all credibility and all I need to do is laugh at you. :^)

I now fully believe I am correct in that you lack the intelligence to comprehend this issue.

Likewise my large worded, small minded, friend

Oh and by the way, I'll point out that you're the reason no one will ever take Linux seriously.



Holla Forums runs on linux, dumbass.

Holla Forums actually runs on FreeBSD, HWs just mained on Arch

Is that supposed to be funny or something?

The BSD license is still an open license, and if you had been reading the conversation, you'd know that the GPL or any open license is compatible with the ability for independent source code reviewers to review the code.

But again, I'm still not quite talking about operating systems.

I'm referring more strongly to software that runs on OSes, such as Tinyboard, vichan, infinity, as well as any other software that helps make the internet as a whole robust and advanced.

NOT software that runs on your consumer computer. When I said "normal people don't matter", you should have understood I meant "in the scope of this issue".

It does not matter if you run Windows or Linux. What matters is what servers run.

They really should've balanced the ecosystem with wolves and predators to keep the herbivorous population in check. I don't know what this has to do with voting machines though.

You really ought to read the posts you're quoting.

You're right, save for a couple of expamles:

You have that completely ass-backwards. Windows is security through obscurity, whereas Linux is designed from a standpoint that a would-be attacker already has the source (i.e. how proper security is designed). You're talking out of your ass.

You argument here is that because Linux has vulnerabilities it's bad? That means all software is inherently bad. You might be onto something with that, but given that Linux has so few for being open source says a lot about its security. OSX had the most CVEs last year, which is just staggering for a OS hidden by a NDA. No one really knows how many vulnerabilities Windows has, and chances are more than likely there's a couple dozen that have been their for ages undiscovered. Again, security through obscurity. That doesn't seem to help Apple.

We may never know the extent of Windows vulnerabilities.

If you have anything substantial to add to the conversation, by all means, but right now you're on a "series of tubes" level of cringe.

seL4 doesn't get vulnerabilities :^)

lmao, cheers never even heard of that one. gonna go get sidetracked on Wiki now.

u mad

Guess this means she's going to win Kansas!

Fuck Jews, their greed is KANKER

Sorry for of topic, but people talk about open source and shit itt and my question is probably too small to get a whole thread

I'm working on a game and want to sell it on steam, but also release the source with it. What licence would fit this purpose ? You can do what you want with the source expect selling it/the compiled program, but you can ask for donations.

Look guys, a Europoor

have any valid criticisms of trump other than things you're conjuring up on the spot to justify unfounded beliefs the media has instilled in you?

Good for you.

The guy that made Tales of Maj'Eyal has gone this same path. I bought his game on Steam and very much enjoyed it. When I read more about it, and about how it, and the engine is open-source, I bought the expansion as well. Take a look at how he does things.

Oops, forgot link.

Neither of you niggers have any fucking sources. Cite your shit.

Ask this question on /lv

If you're not allowed to sell it that actually means it's not open source. I don't know any common licenses that forbid it.

I recommend GPLv3. It doesn't stop other people from selling it, but it does require them to keep it open source.

Why do you want to stop other people from selling it?

Did I click on Holla Forums by accident?

You're retarded, read the fucking OP.

Is not reason and logic the same?

This. Personally, I think the Chinese represent the biggest threat to the US' safety from it's closed source business model. The US gubment is YUGEly leveraged ass-deep into Wangblows. Several simultaneous carefully-crafted day 1's and our infrastructure will be fucked.

Cutting off enemy lines of communication is an ancient and well proven strategy cuck. It's fucking war you cunt, not the local SJWtard empowerment bitchfest.

I can use maths to figure out if there is actually fraud if we can get the district vote totals. just throwing that out there.

Pure cohencidence, user :^)

That's only your speculation you neurotic faggot