Further proof that trump only hires the best people:
Trump's Based Butler
Only Trump quality.
The fuck name is that? Did the parents just smash the keyboard?
he is literally a monster. like actually scary.
Gets better and better.
If Trump is Batman, then does that mean that this guy is Alfred?
Hopefully he hires this guy as his official white house Butler.
Surely this couldn't backfire.
The bantz are strong with this butler.
all this time we thought it was a Trump lurking this board, now I see it was actually the butler in the library with a stolen credit card
All through 2015, I had no hope for anything, everything was going down the shitter.
2016 is the most entertaining year I've ever had.
Even the hired help shitposts on par with the finest Australians.
Nice Clue joke.
I can recall Holla Forums used to be filled with doompaul and calls for the happening
Now with the Trump campaign there is a sense of hope and optimism. The overton window shifting. Nationalism rising in Europe. This is just the beginning
Maybe it still is the Happening, just we have shifted it so we aren't the ones looking down the barrel.
Trump confirmed for Batman
We need more Trump Batman art.
these are shit tier.
these are obviously anti-trump
Holy shit
Yeah, but their done so badly they come out like the Hitler/Trump comparison ad or one of the latest Hillary ads about Trump's Words.
holy shit fam. wow.
This old guy gets to be a butler and shitpost on his spare time. Tell me Holla Forums how do I become a butler? I already got the shitposting part down.
If it turns out this guy is australian I'm buying a new super secret shitposting machine
Be smart.
Be loyal.
Be grateful.
Batman is dull, where's all the SuperTrump art at?
After I have that what's the next step? Go to a butler agency or something? Do those even exist?
I'm not even making that shit up user, do us proud
People think this will hurt trump.
This is the way the world works now, we say what we want then when we're asked about it we say "yes I said that, I believe that"
Is he a designated?
I did not expect this to be in such high demand.
I'm guessing this is the first phase of The Cuckington Post's plan to constantly attack Trump?
Well what I got from this story is:
1) Trump has a butler, which is awesome.
2) The butler likes to say unapologetically awesome things in public, which is an entirely new layer of awesome beyond that which he accrues just from being a butler in the first place.
I'm pretty sure that if they plaster that story all over the intertubes, more people will notice those points rather than whatever message they think they are spreading.
I have to imagine being a butler isn't so bad. Also, they probably only enroll a few of them.
Anyway, this guy seems really based. I also heard hes very fond a Trump. This guy doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would lie about liking someone.
The memes are real.
I repeat,
The memes are real.
I don't see the racism in that, he's right.
Fucking hell, some of the guy's Trump keeps around him are fucking great.
God, I hope the next two weeks won't be
Notice how this is the big story, but they aren't even mentioning this one.
The Jewing knows no limits.
People make a huge fuzz about his butler wanting Obama dead, but not a single word on the thousands of people who want Trump dead on Facebook or Twitter.
Yes, the butler is closer to Trump, but still.
It will backfire on them, like everything else. One more item on the list that includes a GOPe graveyard of careers ended, entire Dynasties ended in disgrace and ridicule, journalists like Fields and Shaprio with no future, there's so much it's hard to keep up with and remember.
You can't imagine how many other people feel exactly like this butler but can't say it.
Feels comfy as fuck.
Absolutely. Pic-related explains it really well.
Thats a different guy
is this where the comfy pepe pic came from or his he mimicking the pic, i can't tell anymore
forgot pic
They all look the same to me.
That "comfy" meme with the blanket is five years old or more.
(((Gidon Yoel Eilat)))
Did Trump pull that guy straight from the 1800's? He looks fantastic.
This is what the border should look like.
Just so you guys know, he's apparently disavowed him on facebook.
Guess we know who bought all those Trump ads on the site.
Damnit Don.
This butler is fucking awesome.
Could Holla Forums take it?
That would be awesome.
Th-that's inspect element. Right?
I can't take it if it's real.
Where is this from?
Oh, so the butler is an ex-employee. Then Trump doesn't have to say anything at all on the matter, he has no control over someone who doesn't even work for him. They just used the blatantly misleading title "Trump's Butler…" and assumed that it would never backfire on them and Trump wouldn't be able to use this as another example of the lying media.
Well, that's sad. No, its really sad. Like deep tier sad.
fucking kikes