imkampfy a shit edition
>>>Holla Forums592097
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imkampfy a shit edition
>>>Holla Forums592097
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I wonder if 1/8th of endchan's userbase will continue shilling at us
Lotta loyalty for a hired gun!
How does any of this horseshit drama affects me, the regular user who does not give a fuck as long as he can read threads and post every now and then?
Why are you here instead of on 4chan?
All 3 of them?
Regardless of what happens, it's been an honor shitposting with you all.
Because halfchan has shitty threads
tbh fam
How does that effect it's merits?
What happened over there is starting to happen here.
I don't know man, maybe the ability to post, depending on where you live.
For someone who complained about the site bleeding users because of "Tor pedos spamming boards" Jim sure doesn't care about that when nuking six gorillion million IP addresses.
Who said anything about its merit, Why are you so touchy about endchan.
Well who's else is deleting the content off said boards right now if hotwheels is axed.
Because every board mention is called /ints/ or has 'three users'.
Loyalty to 'Holla Forums' is retarded if HW is crippled in both mind and soul.
Is the thread going to get spammed again?
I find that fact that it never got cleaned more than a little suspect.
Hey Heil, if you're reading this, how come you allow learningkike the SA goon to shitpost his balls off? We report him and you dismiss the reports.
Meant to attach pic
This is stickyd on >>>/hebe/ right now.
You seem to have a persecution complex or equate traffic to merit.
Just looked, new sticky.
Are you talking about the .pl/pol/ SA goon BO? His name is greyface
The fuck? I don't care about traffic, the only thing that matters is will the code work with 3k traffic boost, do they store IP's after thread deletion, and if the owner isn't a piece of shit.
Good. Fuck those people.
No, I'm talking about "Heil", one of our Holla Forums mods. I know he's lurking here right now just by looking at the logs.
No you mentioned the learningkike SA goon
the SA goon shitposting and attention whoring in the sticky is greyface
Then why did you accuse my first post about questing "endchans merits" when the post was about traffic alone?
first they came for the pedos
They may be depraved fucks, but they make for a good canary. It doesn't bode well if they're abandoning en masse.
Oh boy, here we go with the fear mongering bullshit. Either present concrete proof that greyface is a SA goon or fuck off
For exactly that reason you dope, the traffic at the moment is irrelevant.
I mentioned both of them. Jesus Christ, learn how to read. "Heil" is the guy in OP's screenshot He also happens to be the same mod who dismisses reports of /int/ shitposts. I want him to explain himself.
I don't think you get what I was saying.
I was saying Jim complained about Tor, saying he wouldn't want to enable its functionality on this site because he says pedos are using it to spam cp on other boards (which is false) and thus the site is losing visitors as a result (ignoring the fact that the website was barely usable a few weeks ago). Yet he has no problem range banning all of south america, denying a lot of visitors the ability to post.
Please think further than your nose is long.
Noone ever said pedos were smart I guess.
this is nigger-tier logic
go away goon.
He's obviously trying to smear the .pl BO at every opportunity. They used the same tactic against the people that was correctly pointing out that Infinity NEXT was an obvious failure, every single thread critizicing josh was full of hurr durr you are a goon, Holla Forums, SRS
I'm honestly thinking most of you faggots bitching about this are /int/ shitposters who are ass-shattered that you won't be able to ruin this website anymore.
It generally doesn't.
But now we have shills and paranoid schizophrenics working up a shitstorm telling everyone to abandon ship because they either want to crash the site with no survivors or they're too retarded to leave themselves and have to get confirmation from others before they go through with it. If you're really that worried just leave for fucks sake.
So far we've seen hamfisted range bans for pedophiles, a couple of nukes for their boards, and pretty much nothing else. It was a poor solution to a larger "problem" but retards take this as a beginning of a "slippery slope." Ironically, I'm sure most of these are the exact same retards that want leftists banned too. Jim already stated in the last thread he has no intention of shutting down Holla Forums at any time and until I start seeing unwarranted bans around here I'll be giving him the benefit of the doubt. If he starts going after something else after the pedos, then I'll start worrying. You don't have a slope if you don't have more than one point to go off of.
Until that happens I'm more concerned about our existing moderation (I'm looking at you imkampfy) banning things they don't like. They've toned it down but I'm still cautious.
I'm pretty sure user is talking about the rachposter. He's constantly avatarfagging, shitposting everywhere and nothing ever seems to happen to him. On one hand, he's not technically doing anything against the rules, but on the other hand he's abusing the shit out of them and deliberately trying to piss people off.
Oh its a persecution complex.
Oh I didn't even know what the justification for the tor b& was I just assumed shit posting. I'm on here everyday and agree that's bullshit if they start going after normal VPNs like on 4chan then that's the line for me.
What? That's an actual expression, dude. Nothing to do with jews. I'm telling you to think about the consequences banning boards like that has.
I have no problem with them staying in their containment boards. It scares off shills and advertisers as well as normalfags who would otherwise shit up boards like Holla Forums.
Range-banning for content well within the legal barrier is full on retarded.
You really don't read a thing people post here, do you? Do you not see the hypocrisy of those actions?
Go ahead and tell my why it's a good thing.
I was around on 4chan when they banned loli. Then they banned candydoll.
They're going to do the same thing here.
You remind me of that one pic of that guy going 'stop being such a tinfoil hatter' when he's in a FEMA camp.
the .pl/pol/ BO dropped enough clues around to smear himself.
Then they started banning all pictures of teenage girls as a "teen models". For a board that will never shut up about the slippery slope its amazing how many anons are inept to this over moralfaggorty.
provide actual evidence or fuck off.
Oy gevalt! It's like another shoah! Please think about the G-d's chosen people living in Argentina before doing something like that!
provide evidence he isn't a goon
I already posted enough things that smell fishy as fuck. Deflecting and trying to dismiss imperium as a warhammer meme when its THE name of the SA clan in EVE is shady as fuck m8
In regards of Lowcard and the situation on Holla Forums.
From >>>/a/
Just heard of your troubles. Poor niggers, I went back to 4chan a long time ago (but i don't use Holla Forums because fuck that) and I just heard of your troubles on Holla Forums
This site went to shit a long time ago, having to write a whole super high quality essay just to post on 8/pol/? fuck that shit
Your kind was not missed
This is bullshit. Hotwheels confirmed on twitter that Jim has access to his global account, and also gave himself a global account called tiw. Jim is an admin as much as codemonkey
So no evidence then.
That's not how it works m8, you are the one claiming that he's SA without any kind of proof. Guilty until proven innocent is SJW tier logic
oh for fucks sake, even the more brain damaged imbecile understands what the burden of proof is.
The imperium started as a warhammer meme, you're making a false assumption. By that same train of logic the entire /tg/ board is a goon board and trump memes are goon memes, they also use imperium. Oh I guess the SPQR are goons too. Man, 2000 years before the internet and they managed to go back that far.
come back with some evidence or fuck off.
Codemonkey is doing all the heavy lifting
How is Hitler going to shitpost if Argentina is range banned?
With coding. He isn't doing shit as an admin of the site. He isn't the one range banning innocent people. He isn't stopping Jim from range banning innocent people. What is he doing?
All right. So what to do seems simple. We need a safe bunker in case history repeats itself, or a new Holla Forums that is run by a trusted white man. My choice is .pl for the time being in case it gets bad here in the coming weeks/months.
It'd be a great shame if the user base of Holla Forums was torn apart.
You can't even play the devils advocate without being sunk/deleted by the mods, fuck this shit
this is why this site has negative growth
You go right ahead and post on a site where Holla Forums, Holla Forums and other boards are moderated by SA. I honestly could give a shit. Tried to warn you though. (and for the record I do not blame czaks for the fuckery going on at .pl)
We want your type to leave. Bye. You wont be missed
I haven't noticed anything much different since this took place. Why should we be worried? So long as illegal content is deleted, spam is controlled, and we are left alone to share ideas then what is the big deal? Other than an era and well liked figure being displaced somewhat.
Because everyone that has gotten banned is a pedo
Thanks for the information Jim.
So where are we headed now guys? This guy he can't even speak to us reasonably when it comes to our concerns so why should we even bother to stay here? Even if you view that post he replied to as unreasonable he could of easily ignored it. Instead he took the opportunity to show he is in charge and doesn't have to reason or speak with us if he deems it below him. So what else will he deem below him? Right now we are a bastion of free speech that he will fight for but so was one Christopher Poole before he betrayed us. One day our Holla Forums will be put under pressure by someone and what will he do? Will he fight for us? As much as I love the site and hate the thought of moving due to the amount of people we lose I think we might have to.
As for Hotwheels by no means was he the best admin or made the best choices but he never thought he was better than us and showed us some respect within reason. This Jim has an ego on him made his own board and even banned our board owner for questioning him. He can go fuck himself.
One point from the last thread is that jim has not touched Holla Forums at all. There was a link to the Holla Forums log somewhere in the sticky that shows if someone other than the regular mods are starting to fuck with us. For now it seems fine
And neither will this site, it could have beaten 4chan, but it has no chance now with its "super intellectual posts only" Reddit tier moderation.
Is this boards BO a pedo?
i dont really blame hotwheels for leaving us
i mean, the lil nigga hasn't got any bones
i mean, its a miracle that he made this site in the first place
"South America being banned" is just disinfo, I'm posting from Chile.
Doubtful, which is why I posted all those screenshots of non pedos being banned and sarcastically said "because everyone that got banned is a pedo"
We're moving.
Where are we moving to?
4chan Holla Forums, the last place that allows free speech on the internet
Keep an eye on endchan, and .pl. Don't move there full time yet though.
none of the options are viable right now. endchan won't be able to handle the traffic, as well as .pl
plus .pl is infested with SA
It's not "banned" as in no one from south america is allowed to post, but a shitload of south american IP's are range-banned.
Check my previous posts in this thread. Draw your own conclusions
.pl seems just as bad as here from what I've seen. I don't trust it.
All you did is shitpost with no evidence
Ok, you go ahead and put all your posting trust with them. No skin off of my ass
Not saying to trust them, but your lack of evidence is just as bad as the faggot going around saying endchan servers are located in Germany which is provably false. Either post some evidence or fuck off is all I have to say
So you just shitposted almost 1/8 of the thread for fun then?
So how would a SA owned Holla Forums look like if .pl really was owned by them? I mean it would be obvious once they started removing threads
so what chan are we going too?
Your previous posts are nothing more than you being unable to provide proof about your fear mongering garbage.
pink shirted bitch falling for the golden mean fallacy
4chan Holla Forums, just don't go to Holla Forums
Fuck everyone who isn't or Endchan or smugloli
4chan Holla Forums is unreadable, you can't go from here to there and not get triggered by their shitposting.
I don't know, but it would be nice if one single bunker site could be agreed upon to migrate to if SHTF here. Mainly a place that values free speech as much as Frederik did and can also manage a fairly large influx of users.
I'm not giving up on this site just yet, but things aren't looking too bright. We'd be wise to start preparing for the worst
He does seem to ban disagreement going off of our BO getting banned when he posted on /operator/ though. Not leaving Holla Forums yet but I'm wary.
He told someone to fuck off over saying it set a bad precedent. He's moderating discussion the same way I've seen 15 year olds on anime roleplay forums do it, then repeats his criticisms back at you with a retarded deflection of meaning to make it sound like you said something dumb for disagreeing.
No site anywhere survives this kind of administration. I've seen it kill everything from hobbyist forums to professional workplaces.