Other urls found in this thread:
Im not attaching an email to my plebbit account fuck normies
yeah that's kinda reddit's thing, what else is new?
Also why do you go on reddit fag?
Fuck off
Pick two.
Go back a month, pick two.
Go back a year, pick two.
Go back several, pick two.
its Holla Forums lite and this site can go down at any time because of cripplewheelz
I don't know what "quarantined" means in this context.
I'm not a filthy reddit attention whore faggot.
But you still use reddit you faggot, you have no right to criticize it.
Take your pick:
I've only ever looked at it once, and they were circle-jerking about how how great "Tommy Robinson" is. Seems pretty cancerous.
Nevertheless, if you are still trying to move about on sites that are openly hostile to you in the current year, when you know there are alternatives, your "reeeeeee"s are officially autism "reeeeeeee"s.
When something like this happens, its just an opportunity to get more normie faggots out of the PC womb of the internet.
ITT jewish defense leaguers and autists saying fuck plebbit without realizing that normies need to get redpilled somewhere and they sure as hell aren't going to seek out 8ch.
Ya, totally shocking content - not. Highly offensive maybe if you're some SJW. They're sure to go the way of Digg.
Some of us are interested in spreading the red pill, believe it or not.
Motherfuckers. That was a major red-pill station.
Pic related. bro
Reddit needs to leave and stay gone. Remember what happened when gamergoys invited reddit?
I'd never go to reddit.
For the last time:
reddit is dog shit
The people who frequent it?
people who eat dog shit willingly
Everything about it is cancerous fail, its only vague appeal is as a shared pool in which you might try to convince some to wipe the dog shit off their mouths and go elsewhere - which doesn't seem to happen much, just getting a bunch of dogshit smeared cunts to come here.
When you play in retard land run by sjw leftist swine, why would you be surprised by those leftist swine acting like sjws?
It just doesn't make sense, and frankly, I just don't care.
The precise advantage of r/European was that it let us spread redpills WITHOUT inviting Reddit into Holla Forums proper. It was a forward outpost that let us interact with them and enlighten them without throwing our gates wide to the uninitiated.
Ah, so that's what 'quarantine' means.
Hilarious of a sense - "You can still come here, bû we're going to add a step in between that will inhibit most goldfish attention span nor pies, and which increases our chances of IDing you for doxxing."
Cleverly Semitic.
We have to go where the blue pilled congregate.
I'm not defending reddit at all, nor am I suggesting we invite redditors to this site.
Well said.
Reddit is a gay place for faggots. This only confirms that.
Yet now we have people who crossboard with reddit and 8ch now. That used to be a sign of shame.
Do you think Kek would have given sick quads if that weren't true?
By definition, if you are a Holla Forumsack participating in r/European redpill provision, you are crossboarding.
Sage because OP's too stupid to know what 10minutemail is or how to bypass the quarantined page.
wew, lad, so many kikes trying to downplay this obvious censorship of true European values.
SRS go and stay go.
Yeah, but why? Whenever a bad goy board gets anywhere close to popularity it gets shoa'd. Every single fucking time. Yet people still go back to reddit thinking 'this time itll be different guise'.
It's a waste of time. People here used to understand that. We would focus our meme energies into creating content that would then naturally disseminate to those less curious parts of the web.
If you haven't learnt by now, then you're never going to learn.
Even now people are regrouping on Voat and planing how to pull traffic away from plebbit. Nobody is pushing for invasion of Holla Forums. Negroids here don't have to worry at all. Anons who cross-post will cross-post.
No one wants to go there anymore, nigga. Get it?
someone needs to make a white-friendly Reddit, that isn't run by jewish financiers.
I don't get the faggots that stay on reddit and think it will ever change in a positive way. Those fat fucks chose to be on the side that gets purged on the day of the rope. They will do everything they can to make you believe that day will never come and everything is A-OK!
It's idiocy. Why not go make an alt-right facebook page? Because it's all the same. You are trying to use the jews tool to fight the jew, and the jew is defending itself.
It's a redpill/outreach program.
You go to a busy forum to spread the pill. If you want to stay in an exclusive supersekrit hideout and wait for them that's fine but not as effective in terms of recruitment.
I just can't get into reddit. The community sucks, the thread structure is fucking horrible, I hate the upvote bullshit and how easy it is to manipulate consensus
But when you start to talk about said site/battleground in a positive manner due to you having your little FOB up, it kind of defeats the point.
Like going to a synagogue and spout your shit.
Are you retarded? This is what I said:
stop giving those fatties content. don't go there. don't post there. don't talk about it, don't promote it. It's a dead ideology, and if your dumb ass was able to figure out, the next generation of idiots will smell the bullshit just fine.
That's the problem, we don't want reddit traffic you fucking mong
pic related
Who gives a shit. I only use reddit with my 25 sockpuppet accounts to cause leftists to fly into apoplectic rage.
It’s like I’m really back in 2007.
Out, Jew.
Out, out, out.
Let me try an analogy a fat reddit fuck might understand:
Let's say there is a very popular game. It's the most popular game in the world, and it has millions of users. Now let's say a major exploit is revealed. A game breaking exploit that makes the game unfun.
Instead of fixing the game breaking exploit, the game designers simply boot anyone who uses the exploit. Now you can start all over again if you want to, but if you ever get caught exploiting the bug, your character will be deleted and removed. Further, if the game finds out you told someone else about the exploit, you will be kicked and your character deleted.
Now, what should you do? Be an autistic fuck that continues to play the broken game, and pretend the exploit doesn't exist? Or will you foolishly try to expose the exploit to others, simply causing them to be booted. No matter what you do, those lazy designers will never fix the bug, because at this point, they see it as a feature.
So that's why it's time to stop. It's their fucking game and they're acting like crybaby faggots. Fuck them, and fuck their game.
Who cares? Reddit is and always will be compromised on all levels.
This is the only reason to use reddit.
Pretty much. When they do this all they cause is redpilled people to spread propaganda.
You faggots understand that /r/European is a big avenue for redpilling normies.
I’d love to know more about the backend of Reddit–how the software determines vote weight, shared accounts, multiples from the same location, etc.
I want to game the system as much as possible, and to do that I need to have my network of sockpuppets upvoting each other so that I don’t have to sit through the fucking NINE MINUTE LIMIT BETWEEN POSTS.
This faggot thinks people NEED to be redpilled. It happens when people are exposed to niggers and spics
What do you call a white baby with wings? An angel.
What do you call a black baby with wings? A bat.
Why not just ask the Southern Poverty Law Center to host your website? I'm sure they'll keep it up longer than Reddit…
FPH showed those faggots don't care if you follow the rules. if it hurts sjw feefees, it's gone.
reddit may as well be
Its a good feel
Where's the problem? That was expected. Now we're on Voat and we'll still try to redpill on plebbit.
you dont even need an email to sign up for reddit. it's optional
reddit is about #32 alexa ranking site. If you understand what that means in terms of propaganda exposure, you'd go there if you were interested in changing society
This gigantic faggot thinks he'll change society using reddit and facebook
How did you become red pilled?
How do most people become red pilled?
Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit.,
my hand wasn't held by some fat fucking loser. I searched it out.
If you hand the answers to the brainwashed faggots they'll rejects it outright. If they reject the faggot dogma and find us, they stay and listen and learn.
That's a fine strategy for running an elite Dojo but it's a loser in politics.
lol wut?
Mein sides.
when is reddit going to crash
I can't image anyone even uses it anymore if its that bad.
I literally get downvoted within 30 sec of posting something.
It must be AI.
This is the type of language SJWs use to describe people of differing opinion.
Are you of the opinion that Holla Forums users who spread propaganda on reddit are fat losers? Why are you trying to persuade us against disseminating propaganda?
/r/european was actually earlier and better for news links than this shit hole most of the time.
He's a kike?
Meanwhile this board is shrinking at a time when Europe and US are experiencing unprecedented red-pill tsunamis.
r/european was fortunate to have lasted as long as it did
that and coontown were the only ones I browsed
True. It often felt like an imageboard.
Actually better because it was filled to the brim with curious newcomers.
We're moving to
Anyone who wants to come over feel free to pop by.
People like you are the main reason we need other platform than pol.
I want a Germanic language with a fully functional case system (the accusative case barely exists in German) with natural, easy to remember grammatical gender and regular plurals. Why is that so fucking hard to find?
Can you answer some questions while you are here?
Was there anything in particular that quarantined the subreddit?
Do you think this had something to do with the recent /r/srs stuff that tried to dox mods?
Do you think it had something to do with the fact that you had reached a critical mass that posts were now reaching the front page?
Use a spam gmail account.
Is voat secure? I receive this message when on Holla Forumseuropean but not when I browse the default subs.
Also what are some noteworthy subs, other than Holla Forumseuropean and Holla Forumsniggers ?
From what I can tell the unencrypted elements are just images making up the custom layout of the sub.
This, fuck red pills, let's just wreck the thing
Nope just a PM to the mods that we've been shoahed.
The admins went silent a good few weeks ago. I think it was already decided then. I could honestly not tell you what happened and why. I guess they just couldn't handle our memes.
This is the most likely explanation. Since we started to hit /r/all we were officially on the radar.
To my understanding it is yes.
That sucks, but just take it to /r/The_Donald. There's a lot of crossover these days.
The mods of the_donald are cucks. All of them.
Just change the images in the layout to "https".
That should fit the issue.
*should fix the issue
quarantined subs required verified email
that said, there are tons of temp email services
Sounds like you've never been there. I for one have been calling out that cuck since forever.
Only you're at fault here.
Not by going to Reddit or Facebook.
Not by going to Reddit or Facebook.
Post on their board that you refuse to post on the subreddit if it's going to be blacklisted. Suggest a new European board and the creation of more until they stop blacklisting it. Everything we do here trickles down to more easily digestible avenues of redpill.
Just use voat.
Imageboards don't have some magical and exclusive power for redpilling. You can redpill people on Yikyak, twitter, Instagram, tumblr, or some platform that isn't even invented yet. It's not like platforms have to have some rigid or fixed culture. Culture isn't written into their code. You go in, stir things up, and alter the culture.
This is it I'm here and I started and ran European. Doesn't change my opinions or who I am just because I go to a specific site. The biggest issue are all these milennials who identify themselves with what fucking website they visit than who they themselves are. If we are to grow as a movement we need to be everywhere.
You have to go back.
You’ll notice my statement was exclusionary, not inclusionary. I spoke specifically of Reddit and Facebook.
bless our missionaries who face reddit and others
I started on the path to being red-pilled via FunnyJunk. No one goes from full normie to Holla Forums overnight and that's a good thing.
Bread crumb websites are vital. Otherwise every halfway-there idiot will end up on Holla Forums asking us to explain if Jews are "actually all that bad."
If r/The_Donald goes down, for example, here and 4chan will be overrun by meme sprouting retards who think Trump's policies should be the extent of our ambition.
numales and fat chicks love it
best avenue for "red pilling normies" is youtube by the way, for those that actually care
reddit is a waste of time
It's not and I know it for a fact.
FunnyJunk should be a useful tool. I've seen plenty of politically incorrect humor, anti-SJW sentiment, & other user-like shit (including greentextfags & screencaps of 4ch/8ch). I've even seen some FJers take a sort of anti-normie/casual stance (despite how many normies go onto FJ). Also, it was one of the few sites that wasn't deleting/banning GG stuff (IIRC), back when GG exploded. It's a popular site, so it should be great for pilling.
waah, my faggot ass was redpilled on reddit, therefor I need to keep up the fight!
its a jew toy and they'll take it away from you goy. stop giving those faggots content
Everyone knows it's a jew toy but it doesn't change the fact that there's so many potential people who could join us. And many do.
What the fuck is that flag?
we gained 100 users. Reddit dun goofed now.
In all seriousness, r/the_donald has sensored the discussion of r/european being quarantined. a former mod on TRP said that it's trumpgal being the admin stooge, doing what shes told with threats of banning the sub.
If you're good at reddit, you need to be dropping the quarantine into your high ranked comments on the sub. We need to push the narrative that reddit is censoring refugee news, and we need to push refugee news to the top again. At least force the mods to admit they're censoring anti white news; signal boost that shit. we are running /r/all now and need to use our platform to its full potential
The flag of England.
New development. Pic related.
This is exactly what they did with r/niggers and r/coontown before they shut them down.
Oh well… There will be a demand for a new forum where people can talk about facts and race. Someone will eventually open a mainstream forum with access to as many people as the other subreddits and it will probably cut into reddit's profit.
Sure will. And we already have one
lol, shill butthurt
A quarantine means fuck all on Plebbit. It's literally just an extra button you have to click in order to access the sub. The real story is that the faggot mods set the sub to private in protest of the quarantine and moved over to Voat. The faggot mods are using the quarantine as an excuse to shut the whole sub down.
MOD projectmayhem666 IS A CUCK
Awhile back someone leaked info on projectmayhem666, turns out he's a closet Mudslime lover and a faggot to boot. He was an infiltrator from r/europe.
DOX INFO FOR FAGGOT MOD projectmayhem666
Daniel Scarlett
28 years old, March 1987
Flat 3
5 Market Street
SK13 8AX
Also, Voat is a honepot. They only allow five account registrations per IP which means that most VPNs are useless since the quota is already met. They also block Tor. Voat really really reeeeallly wants your real IP address. Not even fuckin' kike-plebbit limits accounts or blocks Tor.
Enjoy your Voat honeypot, faggots.
There are so many places to burn down on election day.
They should be sued for this. Corporations have no right to overrule the first amendment. Move to China or prepare to die defending censorship, reddit.
try reading the constitution. you sound like a retarded leftist.
Get the fuck off Holla Forums you finnic mongoloid faggot. Go back to your Voat honeypot and sucking Daniel Scarlett's dick.
Try not letting niggers bang your wife.
join chat:
Whoever decided to upload Holla Forums memes on FunnyJunk is a genius.
Humor has been crucial in the left's process of social engineering. The le happy merchant meme, and the ironic usage of Jew words and phrases, are now ubiquitous throughout the internet.
They're afraid of our memes.
Most people get red pilled through gradual exposure. Take a normie straight to 8ch and they're not gonna absorb shit, they'll recoil. Slip some truths into a reddit post here and there, and you might get somewhere.
Corporations are not government entities, the Constitution has nothing to do with them.
No they don't.
you can use tor
These people are so pathetic. I sent a bait message telling them they are terrible people and then they "mute" me from sending them new messages. Thanks for telling me i actually got to you ;)
They are people according to the Supreme Court. The laws apply to all people within the border, even sociopathic ones.
So it's this guy?
You can browse, try registering an account over Tor, you can't.
Go back to plebbit.
Yup that's the faggot cuck that routinely stickies threads from "moderate" muslims and "good" muslims.
Yes you can.
I actually browsed that place quite a lot. A few weeks back they made an escape plan, /r/European is now at
Attached are some screencaps and posts from the sub
You guys are morons. Reddit is a mainstream website, and we need to force the mainstream in our direction. We can't just ignore websites that all the normies use and masturbate over eachother in a hugbox, we have to infiltrate their spaces. And when they shut us down, we can use that, because it proves our ideas are dangerous to the establishment and they are afraid of people being exposed to them. This only reinforces our position to the masses of people who are looking for alternative political discourse in the wake of all the major happenings of recent day including the black riots and the migrant crisis.
The Left will not control the mainstream forever. We must continue to push our ideas on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and in every comment section. Because we offer the truth, people are going to come in our direction.
What a bunch of morons. That finnic mongol and his faggot ass buddy Daniel Scarlett need to be publicly executed for being traitors to Europe.
Listen to this poster.
their attempts at shutting down the happy merchant have been very succesful, I barely see it anymore outside of here.
for a while it was everywhere, and many liked it, but then the grubby assholes had to come and shut it down.
Search for le happy merchant on google.
FunnyJunk is one of the top results.
Reddit is fucking cancer, you post on reddit you become reddit.
Their Trump subreddit has gone full kotakuinaction
That sub has been cucked since day one.
Are all your fellow literallys upset?
I thought The_Donald was half-way decent but looking at the comment section they're all traitor cucks
It appears that White Nationalists go there and post "nigger and kike". They are a cancer.
Actually, it's fairly easy to use the api to code a Python bot that surfs through a given subreddit to downvote everyone posting in it.
It's almost simpler to code one that goes after given users to downvote everything they've ever posted by going through their history and hitting everything until they disappear.
/g/ could probably teach you how to do it in an afternoon, provided they ever decided to do something besides hang around in volafile and parrot "install gentoo/arch/ubuntu/win10."