Holla Forums is dead

Why does everything I love die??

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the lesson here is:

never love anything

Communism does not dead yet



Because you touch yourself at night.


fuck off


He was killed with an icepick. That's a pickaxe.



Knowing how particularly drunk Russkies get, the use of a pickaxe would hardly surprise me.

Also, you Commie cucks ought to hang yourselves.


So go to south America and live out the rest of my days comfy?

the fail is all yours. he was killed with an iceaxe and anons pic is an… iceaxe in trotsky's head

Trostky was killed by a Spaniard. Go back to fellatio and leave history to those who can use google.

It's funny how people imagine an iceaxe must be one of those red fancy professional curvy ones that cost $3500.
In 1940 Mexico

Leon Trotsky hooray
Trotskyism hooray
fourth International(FI) hooray

I hope you love yourself.



Everything you don't love dies too. Things aren't immortal.

People actually love communism? Glad it is dead though.


Removing pedos and the getting a new mod was a mistake. This is the future you've chosen.