Christians and Muslims make up the largest bulk in the world today.
It will be interesting to hear their views on Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese religions, and many other Eastern religions such as Tengerism.
Christians and Muslims make up the largest bulk in the world today.
It will be interesting to hear their views on Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese religions, and many other Eastern religions such as Tengerism.
they're heresies
not sure what you thought the view would be
Indians are batshit insane. Chinese were a bit better, but only a bit.
It's mostly "spiritual" bull that tries to claim it has some mysical aspect or great understanding to it.
Christianity is the only true religion and heresies are typically the result of demons or some crazy people claiming to be enlightened.
Daily reminder that most sun gods are Lucifer the Light Bearer.
That's a pretty good b8 picture actually
you seem upset
t. /r/atheism subscriber
Whatever you guys thought of Christianity being the true religion, I'd prefer sticking to the Chinese religions as I believe in them more than Jesus.
This thread went places.
Meanwhile China is becoming more and more Christian by the minute. You should take some inspiration from them. :^)
as an atheist, these look like low quality bait.
M'kay, have fun following a religion that nobody follows and has next to no scripture.
how would you know, unless you visit r/atheism regularly?
Abrahamic and Eastern religions are all shit compared to the one true faith of Asatru
Name one miracle performed by your gods that isn't just a floktale passed down through oral tradition.
granting Norsemen the favorable winds that carried them to America 600 years before Columbus
Do you read only 1 word an hour m8?
regular just means that you do something every day/month/year/whatever length of time
clearly this is the case with you visiting r/atheism
Wasting 5 minutes of my time to laugh at autists isn't "frequent". I think you have some form of autism. Tell me, have you ever went to a mental hospital and gotten checked for autism? Bet you didn't.
So, you hate reddit without ever having seen how retarded they are? If you haven't ever went on reddit then how would you know? Because anons say that reddit is retarded? Guess you are a group thinking faggot then, maybe you should grow some nuts.
It's not "using" reddit either, fag. Lurking a website doesn't mean you are using it.
That's all I needed to know. You don't have to go to a mental hospital to know that crazy people are crazy. It's the same with autists.
Listening to Christian news on the religion of China is like listening to American news about the world: distorted and bias.
Seems that you have forgotten that Chinese's definition of religion is very different from other, and most are polytheistic.
Yet they only make up 2%-4% of Chinese population. By your definition, most of China will be Christian today.
So why?
Apparently you have left out the local folk religion as being dominant in China, which if you classify by who they believed to, is too numerous to note down.
Also, majority of Christians in China are mostly illiterate, Women, and Elders, who don't make up the bulk of the population.
Jokes on you. Ever heard of Chinese Popular Religion? These are collection of various folk religions practiced predominantly among the Chinese, christian or not. And amazingly, they don't have scriptures; just the story passed from generation to generation, and yet it's very much alive today.
Are you chinese?
What's your point? What are you trying to prove with these shitty strawman arguments?
Me: I went to /r/atheism to laugh at their shitty arguments for a few minutes, was funny as fuck.
Me: 5 minutes every few months isn't frequent.
Go take your meds faggot.
Do you live in China?
Not him, but you say he used a strawman yet you answer to the strawman. That's not clever of you.
Lol no I'm a christian. I'm not that faithless fag you were arguing with.
Nobody here should ever use reddit, even if it's to laugh at them. Only excuse is if you're going in with a group to fuck them over.
Chinese born Indonesian. Stayed in China for a few years before going to Malaysia.
What? What drugs are you on?
you didn't answer on your point but on his.
Okay then that's fine. As long as you aren't a westerner practicing a religion that has nothing to do with you. I'm fucking sick of hearing about how every faggot over here is "not religious, just spiritual" and they have decided to follow the way of the Dao or Buddhism or some shit.
following a religion is retarded anyways
The scripture of Taoism is Tao-Te-Ching.
And Taoism has a noticeable presence in many countries.
well, whatever makes them happy.
Just because I laugh at ChrisChan doesn't mean that I am ChrisChan, nor does reading ChrisChan's Encyclopedia Dramatica article mean that I am his mother.
But ok I guess going on reddit for 5 mintues has made me a redditor. Or maybe I am just comfortable with my faith and don't think going on /r/atheism to view their shitty arguments (and therefore be prepared to shut down those arguments instantly) is a bad thing.
We wouldn't have the OC on reddit's retards if no one ventured there either. Sorry for assuming you was a fedorafag though, guess I just assume everyone on Holla Forums is one.
I follow a religion for their philosophies, not for things like Final Judgement, or "BELIEVE IN ALLAH/JESUS CHRIST OR YOU WILL GO TO HELL"
Yeah, I see religious people as people having inferiority complex, as they all believe they are weaker than their gods.
Why not reading Plato or Epicurius then?
Do you know where you are?
on Holla Forums, which means I can say pretty much what the fuck I want
Yeah, I see atheists as people wanting to be hedonists, degenerates, and scum without being called out on it. And basically smug faggots with superiority complexes who never outgrew their teenage angst phase.
Woah, nice bait.
I don't see the link with the picture. I'm living in the country with the highest percentage of atheist and we don't have that retarded speech censorship.
Since when being hedonist was bad? Are you scared of having fun, user? I don't mind being called out degenerate because I don't see what genes have to do with my thoughts and scum is like an insult, it could work for everyone.
And you're the one believing in santa, who calls me in my teenage years. That's ironic
Always works on an American website.
If that is so, why huge temples and a big Guan-Yin statue, built and paid for by the government, existed?
Hahahaha dats 2 phunny XDDDDD
Thank you helping that user showing the obviousness of Holla Forums
Following a philosophy is retarded.
If the philosophy is retarded, then obviously do not follow.
no problem, you're welcome.
How big is the banana that you stick up your ass?
we are going places
No you
Big enough to tear a new asshole.
Come. Let's go beyond the potato.
I'm a religion.
Follow me you fucking baka.
platypus mode engaged
no, I'm cozy behind my PC.
Does it involved slavery, hitting women, and bombing of infidels?
islam has a copyright on that
Did I say you had a choice?
Say what your country is then, bet you it's worse than what you are saying.
Since we stopped being babies.
I can have fun without being a degenerate hedonist, just as I can eat food without being a glutton.
What do genes have to do with this? How is the word "degenerate" related to genes?
God isn't equivalent to Santa Claus, and you aren't smarter than Jesus. No need to be so prideful.
This is an American website, but that doesn't mean only Americans will reply to you. Go to a board with country flags like say /fit/ and you will see lots of non-Americans, especially people from countries like Brazil, Britain, Australia, Germany, etc. You are a newfag aren't you?
you can't hurt me I'm behing a thousand proxies
XD no
All retard reactors in full tard-pacity.
I'll tear you a new asshole with my dick
Then you're not having fun.
… what is etymology
both only exist in books and tales.
says the one replying to my bait.
prepare ignition of the mahsed-potato-injectors.
Ok now. You're starting to scare me now.
user I'm going to cry.
Sweet! Count me in!
it's ok user, pile up with the 10 others.
Good. You're supposed to fear your god.
It's easy to decipher it once you learn to read and write doctor's hand-writing.
I already did.
I can't even feel it…
Are you fully erect yet?
tbh smh onii-fam
How shall we begin?
Mass immigration of our believer to a target country?
Kill off infidels within our area to establish whatchamallit-stan?
Don't worry, your body is just numbing the pain because it's too much.
Or that it's me falling asleep as I can't feel anything.
I shit my pants, fart uncontrollably, and pee and cum whenever I see Him.
We will slap them with our holy book until they believe.
Start with your family members and/or your dakimakura. Let it spread.
What does كيبورد للكتابة بالعربي mean?
Ow, the edge.
ITT: Fedoras act like annoying little mosquitos.
but.. we don't have a holy book..
But at least I have my dakimakura.
Brb gonna slap my family with my waifu until they believe me.
I'll beat you in chess
It mean holy fucking shit double doubles
no you won't. And I guarantee it.
Religion is necessary.
Conservatory religion is good for a country if widely accepted.
Other religions can stay, as long as they don't bother me like Islam.
Islam must go.
hey! Yes you, captain obvious, why don't you sit down and act retarded like all of us?
for what? Allowing you to breed with another retarded believer?
You're a religion and I will not follow you.
user, we've accomplished something.
you wouldn't go far, I stay seated all day long.
Wrap your waifu in one of these, uhh, whatever this thing is fucking called.
What an enlightening language!
It should be promoted over the barbaric, cishet, patriarkyal language of English!
But where?
faito me
on my chair
The human psychology needs to focus on the present and future, and it's proven it has a better time at it if you stop thinking about death.
Having something after your death removes the fear of dying and so you can focus on your life.
Christianity in particular is pretty good as it makes people be somewhat generous, and also keeps countries from falling into sjw ism.
Only Christianity, not talking about that retard of Lutero.
But what chair? Where?
I'll follow your religion.
Love you.
man, try harder at least
it is a blue braided chair, worn by my ass. In my flat.
but what if I don't have any?
Where is your flat?
I know user.
The age of space colonization has dawned on us.
All thanks to the ultra cheap spud fuel.
You will in a few days.
Your mom's chest
I don't.
I am amazed. I can die in peace
I'm not a roleplayer, thanks
You don't even know the half of it.
islam is a real backward religion
enlighten me, user-kun
North Korea has churches, funnily enough…
From my observation user, Atheists breed progressively retarded atheists, while those in religion breed more sensible, and loving bunch of people.
But it's underground since Great leader > Jesus
Have your observation seen something else than your basement?
Odds are many atheist do.
Religion makes dumb people feel better.
A country that feels good is a good country.
I also noticed a pattern on sjws here.
Why would I bother doing that when you'll figure out in a few days anyway.
Just remember that I warned you.
I ain't feminist, crackhead, lgbt, unhappy.
What now?
that's one of the best advises I've ever read.
They also have a Buddhist temple now or so I've read.
nirvana > finitude
Following your dreams is retarded.
Sit the fuck back down.
I could write a wall of texts on how wrong islam is user.
Instead, look at ISIS and this website:
seriously, that website has some essays that makes you think "holy fuck this is damn right!"
Then you're lucky, cause odds are people get like that
I've always dreamed to be a furniture user.
How dare you hurt muh feelings.
For some reason, Buddhism isn't really THAT persecuted in NK compared to Christians.
what dreams? Ain't no paradize for me hun
Can confirm.
user, you really are that spiritual to believe in something like luck?
Yes. Reddit and CringeChannel
Why do you bully me so?
I'm an atheist prophet.
Luck is just the happening of unlikely odds
Nothing spiritual it's statistic
I don't see why, user
They would've demolished that and replace it the temple of Our Great and Beloved Leader of Prosperity and Eternity Kim-Jong-whoeverIsInTheCurrentThrone.
How young?
Cmon man
tfw he got bullied by a 10 year old.
he said it himself
true, but then I want your numbers.
Did it hurt user?
It will be your fault.
what is it, citizen?
His dick got stuck.
it's a job for captain planet!
Generalization is bad m'kay
Don't die yet.
There are many places in the cosmos to explore.
We die once the entire cosmos is in our hands!
that's a nurgle titan user.
tbh this board looks worse than /test/
I'm actually having a lot of fun
T'was fun commenting in this thread comrade user
Somebody thinks they can just come here and spam Sena
Go purge them pls purgenon.
I actually derailed it and I watch it sink. But it is one of the most active threads since everyone left.
It has been purged. No more chinese drawings.
doesn't matter. had fun.
Praise the Emperor.
Only the drawings of the Imperium shall flourish.
I post one now.
farewell space cowboy
walk above peasants
Good bye, random user
ITT: Ah screw it, post anything
reel bee spirit activated
It is done, Inquisitor.
May the Emperor help us.
so long, random planet
Look at sky Ivan
We keel one planet
we take over 1,000,000 more
conquest never ends
c'mon user
Quick question: are girls real?
Even if we had conquered the entire cosmos.
There are alternate cosmos/universes for us to expand towards.
Remember our motto user:
Forever we expand.
Eternity is our empire.
The Empire of Mankind!
I ran out of materials for Trump. sorry to disappoint.
They are just man with boobs and no penis, but a hole instead.
so did I, so I pointed out your lack of material. Ain't I twisted.
That's nothing surprising user.
You must have met the Russian god.
(Fun fact: Tcherno means black, and bog is god)