So many fakes and trap threads recently/ Let's fix that.
Hi infinte Holla Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
That's some really nice Photoshop there! Great job!
Also shoe on head
sharpie in pooper
This please.
w-w-will you tell me that you love me OP?
fake and gay
That would be a lie though.
I already said too many traps tripfag.
Oh well, sharpie in pooper it is then. Don't forget that timestamp.
Holla Forums's makin a comeback!
Make this shit official and stick somethin in your butt, OP!
Hold on.
Not showing my face, sorry.
C'mon, baby girl, lemme see dat face.
Lemme. See. Dat. Face
Show your face, and your tits.
And you better get an Holla Forums logo on there.
You have 10 minutes.
u got a dick?
what girls smell like?
They smell like cheap chemicals
No your not, you fuckin liar. Now you better post your fuckin mug, or I'm gonna get real pissed. And by "mug", I mean face, so don't even think of posting a picture of a fuckin coffee mug.
You have 2 minutes…
Gimmie time, your cancerous BO. I'm fucking high.
Like pussy.
How is this?
You have a man jaw, are you Kennedi Cotarelo?
You're pretty good at photoshop for a girl
Post ur titties.
Very unattractive. Pot makes you fucking retarded.
There are approximately 298,0846,376268,487,222 +641/2 × 10 fuckin infinity pairs of tits I can immediately look at on the internet.
I wanna get to know you, baby girl. Now lemme see dat face.
What are you gonna' do? Hack them?
who is Kennedi Cotarelo?
Good. I can accept no face (since I would never post face)
Now post those tiddy
You can stay if I can add you on Steam.
Silly user, you have no idea who you're talking to, do you? You cannot even fathom the elite skills that I possess; in fact, I've already hacked BOTH of your faces. And if you continue to make feeble attempts to besmirch my character, then I shall be forced to post your face all over the internet (along with every valuable piece of information that is attached to your pitiful name).
Go. Back.
annnnnd it's another fag.
how long have you been taking hormones, lil boy?
nice dubs though
Well, at least you delivered. Thanks for making Holla Forums great again.
Now go take a shower and clean the weed out of your fingernails.
I've never used 4chan, friendo.
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Kennedi check em
Do you know about Kennedi Cotarelo?
Can I drink from those titties?
I'm trying to get Kennedi Cotarelo (Forest City, North Carolina) to forgive me… What should I do?
I rawr Kennedi Cotarelo from our Skype days
post more
take lots of pictures
Yes she killed Sage's kids, etc. Fucking stop with that shit.
You may!
Spread dem cheeks gurl… I wanna see some pink.
Do you think Kennedi Cotarelo will ever forgive me?
Ok I am working on it
are you going this slow because you're stoned?
Well those are nice breasts. If you were looking for our aprouval you got it.
What would she like?
in terms of forgiveness
Yes, also I knew you woud be tough on me but it's different when you actually do it.
They're small… Then again Kennedi's aren't much bigger :(
░░███░▌▄█▌░░▀░░▀██░░▀██████▌You've been visited by autist-kun!
░░░▀█▌▀██▀░▄░░░░░░░░░███▐███ Send this dank meme to atleast 83 weeaboos,
░░░░██▌░░░░░░░░░░░░░▐███████▌or you will never get a real 2D girlfriend.
Coulda fooled me
Here we fuckin go. Things were actually kinda nice for a while.
Would you fuckin ban this faggot (^^^) already??
Thank you. Now why have traps and trap threads taken over Holla Forums? They are everywhere!
I wouldn't ban someone who actually delivers.
Because people it must be part of the Lord Fagottini plan's.
I mean the Kennedifaggot.
We should touch cocks.
No homo.
There's not a point in banning them anymore. They ban evade 24/7. I've tried everything, they won't go away.
Does the tought of anons in a dark room fapping at your nudes in front of their computer turn you on?
So what are we going to name this one? potchan?
How am I supposed to know if you're op or not without time stamp at each post?
Natural and organic forced meme.
Requesting vag
Double dubs? Potchan souds good to me.
It's literally written on my hand and tits.
Just arrived.
more angles
post ur butthole
What angles?
That first image is perhaps one of the least flattering angles possible.
I find it hard to believe there is more than one. Fuckin hell.
Sorry :(
All of them. Get creative
I'm sure it's 1 guy.
I really don't think so.
I would bet 90% of my Holla Forums-bucks on it
Your pics suck. Post better ones.
that's because OP is the kind of tranny that cuts his dick off and thinks he's fooling anyone
Let's see dat bung, OP!
Post closeup pics of your clit. I am diamonds.
From chest, lying down, so we can see those legs.
On a mac.
Am disappoint.
Careful tho… you're dick might literally explode.
Is that all we're getting?
Post more you dumb bitch.
Men across the country are jacking off to you. Does this feel empowering? jw
Are you Greek?
It's her butt you fag.
What the fuck am I looking at in that first pic?
A penis folded in on itself?
Oh shit. That happens from time to time. It's weird.
I swear, I know the fuckin difference lol
Ok, I dunno if YOU'RE ready for this one, user, but here it goes…
You may wanna empty your nuts at least 5 times before you enter, cause this one's a doozy.
Shush. She's obviously new to taking lewd photographs of herself.
no, it's all over "her" legs.
I know! Eliza used a Mac as well!
Why are all camwhores all so bad at buying tech (I was going to say tech iliterate but Eliza knew her stuff).
Yes that's all.
Goodnight Holla Forums
Not too many. But some are, which is very nice.
Faggots are jerking off to you. The rest know you're a man.
just show your pussy in clear sight so that we know you're a real girl. Don't take a picture at some weird angle, just take a picture of your pussy straight on and without shitty lighting.
Just know that every faggot who has ever visited Holla Forums would fuck you, OP.
Yes they are. You killed Holla Forums.
goodnight, you deserved better treatment.
If only Holla Forums hadn't died to the point where only the most jaded and disoccupied can handle it this would probably be a glorious thread.
That's disappointing. I wish I could've gotten a better view, but alas.
I am.
Holla Forums started out like this you faggot tumblrinia, if you don't like it, go back to tumblr.
Holy shit, you guys gave me less of a hard time and I showed nearly nothing compared to her.
Good night OP.
Fags will be fags.
That's because we like you.
Well by all means, user… go right ahead.
Funny, she looks like she might actually have an attractive face.
Define "shit". I started browsing Holla Forums back in 2005 and it was shit, but it resembled this shit, which is a good thing. If you want some social network like hugbox, go browse sites like tumblr or Reddit.
Who the fuck are you? Tripfags get out
this, it's obviously a trap
Oh man! I missed out on that.
She's got a very pretty mouth.
Goddamnit, I wish I could into photoshop lol
Someday… I'll make one attempt, get pissed because I'm not an immediate pro, then quit
Go back to tumblr
I don't want a hugbox, I want last year's Holla Forums, with pedo threads, tripfags and discussion.
Having actual productive discussion instead of plain memery and shitposting doesn't turn an imageboard into a social network.
The only main difference between this place and 4/b/ right now is that 4/b/ is the same threads being posted over and over by different people and here it's the same threads being posted over and over by the same people.
moar ?
congrats, you just outed yourself. I even thought that by making this comment: that I was being too obvious. You proved me wrong.
I realize that most anons would be inclined to laugh at the notion, but I agree. And maybe it's just me, but I actually feel like 8/b/ is heading in that direction again – at least the POSSIBILITY of cerebral dialogue seems to be on the rise.
Has it only been a year since Holla Forums died?
Why are you talking about it in this thread anyway?
I'm not a pedo, but I do kinda miss seeing those threads
Same. Kicking out pedos was a mistake.
no it wasn't
I want them back too. But I just don't give enough shit anymore to change chan again, I'm going to stay here even if it's cancerous and the moderation especially is cancer
Yuh huh
Not user, but there was usually only one thread on Holla Forums – I really hate the term "normie", but if that triggered you, then you are at least 75% fucking normie.
Was it you who doxed opiatefag, dysentry?
Why?. And why would you rid Holla Forums of the kennedifag and not, say, Chyristal or yourself?
Most of the pedos are still here. Not all pedos constantly post pictured of underage girls and boast about how they love fucking children. The retarded pedos just went to masterchan and the rest remained.
Why? I can switch my IP just like anyone else. And more often than not I stay in my own thread.
Do you think that was really a female.? The voice sounds like a boy.
What's with the trip? Are you actually an xx chromosome, or just some autistic tripfag who thinks it's ironic or something?
your silence is an admission; do you think your efforts on deviantart went unnoticed? How's about you get doxed next, unsufferable attentionwhore that you are?
Yeah, tits looked real. Just had a deep voice, still feminine sounding.
I took this trip so people wouldn't demand tits or GTFO every damn time. But I just showed bra w/timestamp, never bare tits or near what OP showed.
Yes I am a grill btw. If you saw a lot of emojis and porn threads, that was me.
I don't think the problem is that we lost the pedos, I think the problem is we lost anyone who had any respect for their privacy, and any sense to see the writing on the walls, at the same time as the Pedopocolypse™.
Trans user says her bra isn't his style.
Hmmm…I like it.
Good point. Most millennial faggots think that if they aren't breaking the law, it's cool for the NSA/FBI/CIA to spy on them.
That's what I said. I asked what kind are his style and he says he doesn't know .
I dunno what millennial faggots you've been talking to, but that would be in pretty sharp contrast to the millennials that I've come into contact with.
No, they all seem to think that "the NSA is like… toootally a threat to my privacy. I mean like oh my fucking God, they're like… totally spying on me. They're probably spying on us like right fucking now, user"
You. Are. Not. Important. And just because you've seen a few youtube videos and Citizenfour doesn't make you an expert on NSA surveillance tactics.
Snowden is fucking retarded, and that is a blatant False Equivalence.
Your radical and unorthodox use of greentext tells me that you are a bit triggered. Your opinions also tell me that you are triggered.
Which ones? I am talking about the majority. The fact is, most millennials support the left and love progressives. I'm just telling you the truth. If you have come into contact with a few millennials then that is neat. It doesn't prove that most of them are brainwashed by the left and that their educational institutions are being infiltrated by radical leftist fascists.
you need a sharper razor, or you're gonna get even more ingrowns, filthy faggot
you look less like a turkish man, and more like one of Jim's pigs.
we have more homos than furries on Holla Forums
why would you make a comment against what the guy you replying to, unless you were against free speech?
the ironic thing is that you are trying to support "free speech" when you have no idea what it actually means.
This is 100% true. But I see the NSA issue as being fairly bipartisan.
A bit, yeah. It really irritates me when people engage in such ridiculous hyperbole and various Slippery-slope fallacies when discussing this issue – especially in light of recent events, where terrorists have numerous bright red flags against them, yet we find out after they slaughter a bunch of people, that they were barely on the radar for any alphabet agency (IF AT ALL). Yet dipshits think their rights are being trampled, and their privacy is being tossed out the window.
It means whatever you want it to mean. Just don't pretend that you actually have it.
It simply means that you can say what you want to say. Toddlers do it all of the time. You are born with it. It's not a right given to you, it's human fucking nature.
You're annoying as fuck and everyone ghosts
Which is why you don't have a boyfriend
Regarding metaphysics, I don't believe it's quite that simple; in regards to Jurisprudence, there are stipulations – so I think you're shortsighted on both levels.
Never forget
I like how you brought up metaphysics (a literal pseudoscience) and then didn't back it up with any data.
So you mention things that you believe in and then say the person you are having an argument is shortsighted, based on your personal belief?
Are you trying to contradict yourself or are you just being ironic?
Pick one
I'm a firm believer in a determanistic approach to the concept we call freedom; however, it's 4:30 in the morning, and I'm tired, so I'm not gonna get into it with you tonight.
Yes, you cannot incontrovertibly prove either Freedom, nor determanism, but I believe that determanism is more accurate, given the fact that every event, every choice, is predicated on a maelstrom of other events that one has no control over.
So we were naturally born as shills that only repeat a certain agenda?
No, we just say what the fuck that we want, that's why most PC people think kids are rude.
Expressing our own opinion is given to us at birth.
Lol. Not exactly, but I suppose I don't think that's a totally absurd way to look at it.
They certainly have fewer preconceptions, and therefore, an underdeveloped social filter; however, I can only see freedom as an absolute, and so if a mentally handicapped child is unable to speak his mind with the same "freedom" as a gifted child, then I believe these varying degrees are true for everyone in between these extremes as well – it's just less obvious. It seems to me that you can have varying degrees of "difficulty of will", but varying degrees of freedom doesn't make much sense (for what it's worth, Nietzsche felt the same way).
How many opinions are truly your own?
I'm not saying that we don't make choices, and that we're not "responsible" for those choices, but when you add the judgement of "freedom" to those choices, I believe it's misleading.
Funny, I actually had a similar discussion the other day on here.
So basically they aren't politically correct or don't engage in so-called "hate speech". Yeah, they are so fucked up!
What does that even mean? Please tell me about the proper "social filters".
I think you are talking about being "polite" but even still, everyone has the right to say what the fuck they want. There are no social filters in nature.
inhibition is a word for it. loss of inhibition is a symptom of social failure and leads to exclusion. There are many examples of this in the animal world. The absolute freedom you posit as a natural condition is only found in the most primitive organisms who lack any self determination.
Since you seem to be so against "free speech" or the ability to say that you want, I want to know what your actual definition is of what people should be able to say. What are your limitations? What guidelines do they have? What ideaoligies can they talk or not talk about?
You are basically saying that our speech must be restricted in order to be free.
I think you have the wrong idea about what I'm attempting to convey – you seem to be caught up in a political narrative, and this is causing you to misconstrue my philosophical position.
Either that, or this is some abstract b8.
Obviously that would be a subjective matter of perspective; nevertheless, they do exist, whether you like it or not. And to some degree, we all abide by them (some more than others).
And is this based on science? Please cite what it is you are talking about.
I think you are trying to admit that there is some sort of objective morality, but there isn't. The things we like are subjective and the things we dislike are also subjective. There is no scientific research that can prove there is "one certain way to live" or what is "right or wrong".
If I am "wrong", prove me "right".
I think this was mainly directed at me, so I'll respond in kind…
They're all over the place, whether you're aware of them or not
See what happens if you attempt to exert this freedom that you think you have. We set boundaries for ourselves, and for those who aren't very scrupulous or discerning, there are laws.
This is where you go off the rails. I'm not talking about political correctness, so you can put that to rest.
Exactly, these are the only things that give us boundaries. The things you naturally like or dislike are based on your own opinions.
I like eating shit from teen blonde girls (i'm 100% serious). Does that make it right? No, it makes it my opinion and nothing else.
Holy shit you guys are still debating, bumping this for an hour and a half after everyone else abandoned thread.
Nothing wrong with that, just strange to see in a camwhore thread almost four hours after she fucks off.
We've already been over this, user.
There IS mathematics/logic that touch on the subject of determanism vs. free will, but I'm not quite qualified to get into that, nor would I, as I'm going to bed.
No. And I don't know why you would have interpreted my position as such.
I'm going to assume that you're young, and that you're at an underdeveloped stage of contemplation, so all I can say is that you should read more about these subjects, and then I'm sure we'd be able to have a spirited debate – or perhaps then you'd simply see where I'm coming from, in which case we could be a good Echo Chamber.
It's probably her lol. If so, she needs to lay off the weed.
Ok wait, I just read the second part of this post…
This doesn't shock me, given our current location… but why?
Nope, I am 30 and realize that you are just young and assume there are objective opinions the everyone collectively shares and abides by. There aren't. I'm not trying to say that everyone is a special snowflake, i'm just trying to say that there is no guideline or principle that everyone follows.
Again, you continue to misinterpret my philosophical position as an ethical stance – it's not.
I would agree, and this would be a logical conclusion to draw from the line of reasoning that I've followed throughout our discussion; nevertheless, I'm going to bed, because it's almost 6 am.
I like your pics. Thank you for posting them.
Don't be discouraged by the naysayers.
Were you really expecting to get full approval in a place inundated with homosexuals and transsexuals?
Everyone post your poo and feet
Can you show me your puss puss please
I'd really love to see it
See .
Looks pretty nice to me, although the angle and the lighting are terrible.
It's like showcasing your face with a nostril shot. That's very unfortunate, could have been golden.
OP, please come back!
That's why I'm asking for more
Please OP I'm sick of all the traps posting their faggot dicks
I want a real pussy from a real girl
Traps is all you deserve beggar
Better a pussy beggar than a trap lover
This is what I meant by
I thought you'd just be like "Oh, maybe he's right." and send some quality shots, then I'd be able to compliment you on your genitalia.
I like your hair a lot. What I can see of your face does not look bad at all.
Your breasts are really nice; not too big and not too small. Moreover, they look pretty firm.
Your skin also looks very clean.
Your vagina looks to be well-shaped, but (as was addressed in ) it's pretty hard to tell from the picture you posted.
I would really love to see your hips and to get a better view of your vagina.
Thank you for posting those pictures, I appreciate it a lot. I hope this is not the last we've seen of you.
fucking cringe
Checked, faggot.
It's not like I'm not aware of it.
I just don't want a good thing to go away because some people here don't know what's good for them.
I am compensating for all of you.
This is in your best interest. Just let it happen.
Will OP come back ?
I believe in OP.
She's on halfchan now apparently? Bad move considering her chances of being recognized there are much higher.
nice breasts~
That doesn't look like her at all, to me.
OP has more petite breasts and bigger areolae in relation to her breasts. Also, look at the handwriting and the formatting. In particular, compare the 6s and the ts.
I'm going to need more convincing.
Not the same tits
eeeeewwwwwwwwwwww what an ugly pair of tits.
Puta Lárgate de mi chan! maldita perra te odio.
I can understand what you are saying, but what are you trying to prove by saying it in another language?
Eine andere Sprache zu sprechen ist keine besondere Leistung. Ich finde, es ist einfach nur angeberisch.
I miss OP.
Me too. I wish she stayed longer. Glad for the vocaroos though. I like to hear the voice.
Sounded like a wise ass and stoned sloot. Wish she had called me a nigger faggot ;_;
I do! Face would be better, though. Sounded like she had an attitude. I liked that.
Bump for belief OP will return.
What the fuck, I missed this shit, fuck…
yeah, you suck to be you
You should never not be here.
Bring moar pics of this trap, you faggot
Pues que que pinche asco que tiene las tetas bien pinches culeras.
Please come back.
If we didn't want you, we wouldn't still be replying two days later.
Come on, at least post something interesting. What makes you think that your thread is better than a random porn thread?
we don't want her. stop being such a beta white knight faggot you pathetic bastard
She's one of us.
Whacking it to hot porn models has its appeal, but it's not nearly as special as having somebody from your community come forward and offer up their body for your dirty deeds.
Learning C++ I see. Visual Studio might be made by Microshit but it's still the best IDE out there in my opinion.
OP will come back.
She probably will just split like Spiderchan did. Once girls come here and experience 8/b/'s superior autism, they eventually get scared off.
Do you have pictures of her?
yes, newfag
i miss her
I've spent more than 99% of my time on Holla Forums and /n/.
Thank you, this is great. Is there more of her?
Did Holla Forums have any more girls?
Yes, but I don't have pics
Not that i'm aware of, just traps.
Who is she?
Thank you.
Did people on this board only ever request butt stuff?
How much gayer can this board be?
inb4 ban. She showed college ID.
there's literally nothing wrong with buttstuff
4chan Holla Forums
who is this qt?
I'm not into butt stuff and I try to avoid it.
Considering there was only butt stuff and no vagina stuff at all, it seems pretty obvious to me that a lot of people on here are only into men and trannies.
That opinion is so retarded. I remember thinking that way in 3rd grade. You're just extremely insecure with your sexuality if you think it's gay to fuck a woman in the ass.
Redchan. Hasn't been seen, so far as I know, in several years.
Was this Holla Forums?
predates Holla Forums, I'm afraid.
I will never understand why anybody would want to stick their penis in the place that is literally there to dispense shit.
I don't care how "comfortable" or whatever it is, I think it's fucking stupid.
You can keep liking it. I don't care. But I will never think it's not disgusting.
Calling me insecure because of that is just retarded. By the same token, would you affirm your "security" by having sex with a man? Why not? Are you insecure about your sexuality?
Terrible argument.
Lastly, what I originally said was only, that from my point of view, a board that has a strong fixation on anal (and none on vaginal) is one that is likely to be host to a lot of homosexuals and people who are fond of transsexuals.
I probably worded it a bit more in an inflammatory fashion than I intended because I was disappointed about the lack of vaginal stuff.
By the way, before I posted, I realized I did not really address your point, but I posted anyway.
I don't think fucking a woman anally or liking a woman's asshole is gay. The rest stands.
Thinking it's gross is one thing but thinking it's gay is just stupid. If that were true then you'd regularly see gay guys getting girlfriends to fuck in the ass. Gay guys aren't attracted to a woman's ass, plain and simple.
The implication was that the people instructing the girl what to do were not interested in women but still took the next best thing.
It was an insult. Don't take it so seriously.
Maybe I can do a bit better this time.
Oh my god.
I've been waiting for this moment for a long time.
(two days)
Yeah, not me
Hi user. Some of you seemed to want more.
Oh I got em! Does that mean Lain really is a shit, and tripfags must be banned?
Why tripfags? Why?
Tripfags make up about half of this board's userbase. Getting rid of them would be a fatal loss.
Death to Dysnomia
Yes I am back!
I appreciate it!
You can stay. Vinnie best tripfag.
Indeed, Vinnie is the best! Unlike Opiatefag, who by the way should commit suicide.
They are safe. I think I'd have to personally fuck dysnomia to make that happen. And then he would just change it back the next day.
I'm quite relieved, in the picture above the obscured infinity sign looked like something was growing out of your thumb.
Well I am a cancerous attention whore.
A benign cancer—after all, you have your containment thread.
Where is Chrystal? I dare her to show her actual tits.
If dubs, Chrystal is banned on sight unless she finally shows them.
Though I wouldn't mind if you metastasized more.
Too bad. Chrystal's a tranny though, right?
Should I make a trip?
I could be here all the time.
I don't know. Maybe?
Is getting yourself banned part of your plan?
That's assuming tripfags actually will get banned. Which they won't.
Maybe they are just trying to tempt you, and the second you join them, your head rolls.
Where is dysnomia,anyway? How much do I have to write his name on me til he notices?
Being 18 make me legally aloud to fuck a willing 15 years old. But not to witness pornography of minors please stop, as I do not want to go to jail.
I haven't seen him all night.
Keep them coming!
Glorious OP, we need more pussy
But Chrystal has already posted her tits.
I missed that. I doubt that's her though.
Very nice, can we get some belly button?
No timestamp. Yeah, right.
Trips again. You aren't doing that on purpose, are you?
How about pussy?
No just lucky, kek.
I guess this was meant to happen.
Do it.
Full frontal view this time, please. With hips (please).
This is a good start! Take this guys idea into consideration… VV
I want to talk to dysnomia
He has 10 minutes or I fuck off from this thread, and lain a shit forever.
But you can have this memento
Yes! Please continue.
Agggghh! Who the fuck is dysnomia!? We need to get him/her/it here fast, pronto
moar. I want moar of this goddess
Where is Dysnomia when we need him.
Yes, I am here. Continue posting pictures.
Spell his name right. If I can do it on my pussy, you can damn well type it. Cap code too.
Hey! Here it is!
Thank you sweetie!
Let's not go crazy here, but I appreciate it.
Vinnie please.
Mods are asleep I guess. Too bad.
Can we get back to that whole frontal view with hips?
It's not on irc neither.
I'll give him three more minutes.
Hell even omlet will do.
It was really me, I just entered the wrong password by accident, which made it display the wrong name.
You can go on now.
Maybe you shouldn't take the lack of vaginal so seriously.
Yeah, see? This is why tripfags are cancer. They just talk about eachother for hours and there's nothing of substance happening.
Damn, we are fucked.
Please come back tomorrow!!!
I love you.
It's just infuriating. You see a beautiful vagina but they don't do anything with it. Instead they play with the part that men also have.
You are an impostor, right?
It was you all along, Vinnie!
Goddammit, I don't think it's very often that you miss out on pussy because another guy didn't show up.
This is what it must feel like to be a cuck that forgot to prep the bull…
Also, I think this thread stopped bumping. Great.
Too many literal faggots and chads in their own minds. We almost never get camwhores here, and when we do people act so unimpressed as if we have a multitude to pick and choose from.
Fuck Dysnomia!
Not to mention, she seems to have a really nice face.
And she still owes us on the frontal pussy and hips shot; disnoggia showed up and you know it!
Naw he's just asleep when we need him.
Kek. He has to sleep sometime. Just bad luck. Still from the beginning and the end not too bad collection of pics. I would have liked more, but at least her tits have the 8's written all over.
Why this thread has stopped bumping?
Bump limit. I think it's at 300 posts.
I think 300 is the bump limit. It keeps getting changed.