BREAKING NEWS: George Zimmerman auctioning off gun that he used in Trayvon Martin shooting
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oh man
The butthurt shall be legendary
Sounds like a fine sidearm for the commissar of a RWDS.
Calling it now: Skrelli will buy it to mock the niggers like he did with that one of a kind Wu Tang album.
I love this man.
The dindu's on twitter are having a meltdown
This is the gun, that slayed many dindus, in self defense.
I hope he's serious.
When are they not having a meltdown? If they spent less time being nuclear asshurt and more time finding a job, niggers wouldn't be niggers.
Legendary wargear
Kek @ 50% knockback resistance
This cheeky bastard is brilliant.
It's been months, yet he's still causing nationwide ass blasting.
user, I..
Fucking base
Only fired once!
it's a Kel Tec PF-9
1 shot, 1 kill.
Seems like a sensible buy for any good citizen.
I really appreciate that he only needed one shot, especially with all these stories circulating of cops dumping mags into undercover officers because they thought they were armed.
Where was his shot placement? I can't tell in the picture.
Holla Forums's orange-tier legendary wargear: Edgelord's Arsenal DLC
only 6 shekels
Through the heart, he's a straight killa
Can you really blame the guy? He was rightfully judged not guilty by a jury of his peers, but his life was fucked over by the SJW court of public opinion courtesy of the leftist media.
I can't imagine it's easy for him to get a job given his current social stigma status- so if I were him I'd play up the role to trigger some niggers as well.
Not much of a source though. Can't find anyone else covering this. But hope it's true.
He can keep it, hang it over his fireplace or something
You can tell Blizzard is in charge of the legendary weapons.
While I would love that, I want more nigger butthurt. I want Officer Wilson to get his hands on that gun somehow.
That is like the sword of a thousand truths. The gear was locked away, for it was too powerful.
Hands in the air. Back Turned. Kneeling on the ground. Gun Pressed to the back of his head. Pleading for his life. Shouting "Don't Shoot!". Shot execution style anyway. #blacklivesmatter
Any trump-based weaponry would have to fire caliber of at least punt gun size.
That'd be pretty based man.
Too bad Officer Wilson has been totally out of the spotlight unlike Zimmerman.
It'd be nice if they could become buddies, seeing as they both were wronged by the liberal media crucifixion and they both know the truth of the entire situation which was lied to them in plain sight.
Is he stuck? Get him out!
I would imagine they would look something like this
Except the sword is eternally flaming
Imagine the meltdown the niggers would have if Darren Wilson and ZimZam became friends.
He was just about to graduate with a degree in bein' a gud boy. RIP.
Also don't forget the legendary bolter of Dylann "Playing real-life COD in the house of God" Roof
Gender studies for male allies?
Nah, fuck roof- he was a two-bit heroin junkie who just used white nationalism as a excuse to be a wigger. Pure degenerate!
What is that? A glawk fowdy?
Nigger's Bane. +10 Critical hit.
Fuck off, kike. Dylan was a real American hero and a real human being.
By remaining in the public eye he can also release a book for quick shekels.
Not trying to be a shill, just VERY anti-drug. I could be wrong, but I think I remember reading somewhere that he had a felony drug charge for heroin consumption before he actually bought the glock he used.
Like I said- I could be wrong. If I am I'll eat my own words- but I find it incredibly hard to sympathize with a junkie degenerate shooting up on opiates.
Both you faggots shut up. Dylon Roof was a false flag that set White nationalists back for years and discredited are movement.
Bookmarked. Hopefully I'll get some work done after finals week to stockpile some shekels to bid with.
Speaking of which, if I buy this or donate to Ben Garrison's patreon- does that make me a sponsor of anti-ZOG terrorism considering that I'm funding the nigger-killing?
So much happening today. The memes are accelerating to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
My fucking sides.
More info here:
George still not taking shit from anyone.
Does this niggerslayer even use ebay?
he got saved
Kike alert.
This guy is so great. Sadly 5,000 thrones is too much for me to spend on legendary wargear. I'd rather get my own firearm to build a legacy with, to make God-Emperor Trump proud.
contrary to komando memes, glocks are actually breddy nice
They're pretty nice grenades :^)
Yeah, they're fine in every sense of the word.
They are perfect for reliability, getting the job done. But fuck me in the ass if they aren't the most soulless looking and feeling guns ever made. There's just absolutely nothing special about them.
Glocks are something you use and put away. Not something you cherish and attach yourself to.
5k is pretty cheap for +200% damage against blacks with AoE damage against nearby gang members.
Bought a certified kebab-remover AK a few months ago, it even has cyrillic engraved in the stock. Can't wait to use it in action.
Is that site that sells surplus AK wood stocks and handguards still around? Do you know what im talking about?
They are just a few bucks and its pretty much a grab bag. Some people got them and they had art engraved into them.
*unzips dick*
I guess I'll have to settle for video games.
Good good
What coutry?
Where do you live mang?
If you want to learn everything in depth about most guns, download on Steam "World of Guns".
Disassembly, reassembly, and operation w/ a 3d model all in one with history as well.
It's the best you're going to get short of actually finger fucking a real gun.
you would defile an sks in this way?
There's a Remington 760 that feels left out
Canada here
When I get my PAL I hope to get either the sks or the vz 58. the vz 58 is the closest thing to an AK we're allowed to own in Canada, as the AK itself is banned literally on the basis of being a "scary" gun that's used by terrorists.
Puerto Rico
Actually, there's lots of guns, they're just owned by the criminals
Is it bad for it to have a magazine?
Placing the bullets one by one through the top on the original is kind of weird.
My dad said he would sell me his NIB Russian SKS, that he bought in the early 90s for 75 bucks, for 300 dollars. He's never even taken it out of the box.
you use stripper clips to put the bullets in all at once. You can remove the fixed mag and get removal, extended mags if you really must, though. I think it kinda ruins the look of the rifle, though.
Don't forget a certain .38
Can't you maple leafs get vz58s really cheap because of a lack of import requirements?
I think that's the sks. vz 58s sell for about a $1000CAD here, I think. That's about $780USD.
Holy shit. The absolute madman!
Since we're on the subject of Holla Forums tier war gear.
No, it's White Rage.
The black rage is their defense.
Now when the young guy in Charleston did his shootings, they instantly convicted me which gave us lots of publicity.
The guy who just did the Jewish Center killings has just been convicted. At the beginning of his closing argument he put up on the whiteboard that “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide”.
But oddly enough, nobody came after me.
One explanation for this is, the same reason they put it off with CNN, they can’t deal with me.
But all this has made me consider White Rage.
If a black man runs around killing white people, it’s because of oppression.
Now if we have white guys out killing, In The Name Of White Genocide, it may be a warning.
Isolated Black killings of whites are the result of a legitimate “Black Rage”.
So isolated killings In The Name Of Genocide, may mean that instead stopping all discussion of White Genocide, the White Rage may indicate that’s exactly what we need to discuss. Or are we going to just have people keep picking up guns?
At the moment we’ve had very isolated incidents, two of them, but should we not consider White Rage?
There is no excuse for anybody just shooting other people, on a basis like this, but it may signify that we are going to have to discuss the real issue. And that does not mean with in the current bounds.
So maybe we should start looking at these isolated two killings as White Rage.
And a warning.
George is probably going to roll the proceeds into more guns, ammo, and supplies before the election (I would)
When are you faggots going to invade us again to fix this damn political mess?
I've been thinking about re-colonizing a small island or obscure area of Africa, or at least helping out the South African Whites as a private security contractor once I get some training. It's truly a magnificent continent, the niggers don't deserve it. We'll have the perfect diversion to do so once Europe is busy dealing with the religion of peace and China starts going full-colonial, there will be plenty of work and support available from the chinks.
That wa a falseflag you fucking faggot
Nah, Martin is on a good guy PR tour right now. He donated like 10k to some autist organization a week ago.
What do you have against the Commander?
Are you trying to make me envious? Because it's working…
The story of Rhodesia is incredibly sobering. Such a proud nation reduced to dirt under that nigger Mugabe.
This sword
What's the correct way to rape it?
the fact that you are fucking spic and you want to make a sks into a fucking shitty 90s nigger ghetto blaster is hilarious, an AK is going to work much better and will be around the same price. those detachable mags are stupid as fuck. the beauty of the sks is the simplicity and the compact design and the fact that its a bit more accurate.
*than a shit tier AK
Might as well post some ZimZam twitter bantz while I'm here…..
Might as well post some ZimZam twitter bantz while I'm here….
Some unmolested SKS's for those of us who were triggered by that abomination.
I'm white, I don't live in a ghetto. Thank you for your opinion, tho.
I'd bid on it if I had the money tbh
Yeah, western governments would be your primary concern.
Executive Outcomes toppled an entire African army with around 100 good men.
Tricked out SKS's do tend to send some gun autists into a rage but don't take it personally.
when did he become based?
That's what you sound like. We all know that Dylan roofs media spectacle just provided more ammunition for the kikes and their gun control agenda. The flanagan negro who shot shot up up the news anchor was also a falseflag and both of them had "manifestos"
This shit plays right into the current fragile political climate and the elevated racial tensions. The Jews are salivating over the thought of "neo-nazis" shooting up black children.
Just wait until the next falseflag implicates Holla Forums and they write up some bogus story about some neet shitposter who frequented 4chan. They already did this with the Oregon kid. It's a psyop and you're in it goy.
He took the the Red Pill. However, instead of taking it orally, the media/government/legal complex rammed a giant suppository up his ass.
Salt mining time.
I have a pretty distant family member who's gonna grow medical marijuana in puerto rico. How in the fuck is he not going to get killed, either by your criminals or zika or some shit?
Reminds me….we're getting awfully close to MUH SIX MILLION
It's been a while
Hillary Clinton is currently campaigning with sandyhoax victims. The emotional pornography that is generated through falseflags is the jews best weapon.
Reminder that the jews sold the bataclan theatre right before hajis attacked.
Reminder that they conveniently found his passport at the scene of the crime (just like the Saudi passports found on the floor on 9/11 lmao)
Reminder that the rothschilds bought Charlie hebdo right before the attack in paris
Reminder that Mossad has been the confirmed perpetrator of many falseflags in the past
How bluepilled are you faggots?
He should be more worried about the police than the criminals. They're usually power hungry and roid rage junkies.
As for zika, the best you can do here is get a mosquito zapper and check your legs regularly.
Surprised no one has made one of these yet
Five grand for a two-fiddy gun.
Looks like his account has been suspended.
because SKS is such a beautiful rifle and it looks fucking dumb to slap a bunch of plastic over it
great video on the subject for the 3 people that don't know about it.
RWDS General Sam Hyde purchases the gun that killed Trayvon Martin
I fucking hope so.
Believing anti-KEL Tec meme started by libtard democrat who justify Obama banning eastern made firearms over Russia having mUH FAG marriage and tranny bathrooms at pre-school
To be fair I own a single kel tec and it's awful.
Oops I mean not MUH fag marriage. Dealing with Mac book pro auto correct here. It's cute how this guy spent years white knighting Obama until he has to admit democrats are a anti-gun party.
I wish I had the money to bid on that, otherwise I would. That is a legendary piece.
Fool me once.
Lets not forget THIS.
is that that yankeemarshal faggot?
can't stand his shitty videos.
kel-tec sub2k seems nice tbh fam
Yes that is him
TFB TV is another one who should just kill themself over their shitty videos.
oh man, this week has been one giant asspain parade after another
Shit… I would need another two months just to get NJ's permission to buy that.
What you guys think about kel tec 12 gauge? I want one for home defense
How does this have no replies?
Literally the sword that slew communism and saved Japan.
I don't even care if he's not white, this man is a true American.
that happened a long while back when he slut shamed an ex gf.
The average adult non-Hispanic black male height in the US is 5' 9.5".
Martin was 5' 11".
The average adult non-Hispanic black male weight in the US is 200 lbs.
Martin was 160.
These fucking boons, I can't honestly tell if they just don't fucking know any better, or don't care.
Can I have sauce on the image?
What worst. He was a Muslim white knighting atheist until recently. I never seen someone get ass blasted so badly they admit both democrats are anti-gun and Islam is not a religion of peace. He gave even defending Obama to.
Why is auto correct fucking me over this badly?
Black men are manlets
Who in the name of Christ Almighty would do that to an SKS?
Zimmerman is the man who makes me most excited for Trump becoming president and opening up libel laws, he will rip so many journo assholes in court over how much shit they've caused him
If he does anything he says he's going to do, it wont be retrospective, more a "from now on" thing.
Zimmerman is an asset, this play is to ensure niggers don't vote Trump just in case. It's a pre-emptive strike against the "super predator" play that could come from the Trump side to get niggers on board.
Why would Trump court the nigger vote? Not blacks - niggers?
Because they are going to be used for increasing chimpouts so people get scared that this will be how it is if Trump wins. This is designed to rile the democrats unaware army.
Zimzams going wild on them holy shit
Top Kek this guy is a master at rustling leftist jimmies.
The man who can truly wield it will become the king of the whites.
Poor guy overdosed on the red pill.
We will probably see more like him as things worsen.
If he would keep a low profile, he could find a job. Granted half the country hates his guts so working at any customer-facing job is out of the question. If he has so many supporters, why doesn't one of them give him a job? A job that doesn't require interfacing with customers?
I want this to happen so bad.
From the auction:
better yet
this guy knows how to troll niggers and their handlers for maximum results
thats what they get for shitting on him before the facts came out
I used to think this was a joke, then I started working armed security. I carry a revolver. Every single nog that has asked me about it has asked if it was a forty or a glock fourty in those exact terms.
The first few I tried to explain that glock doesnt make revolvers and that 40s&w is a rimless round only used in semi autos only to be met by blank glazed over stares. Now I just tell them "yeah, its a glawk fody"
TLDR; niggers think all sidearms are 40cal glocks
Don't you have the dolphin edit?
So, have the elders of the dindu tribe spoken yet? I'm dying to know what they think.
first time in a while i've been this rustled
Trump/Zimmerman 2016
That should help with the latino vote
This one made my mind hurt
checked and heiled
Check em
Inb4 some user hotglues it
Man the asshurt this morning is making me delirious. Great move by Zim
If only he'd put the starting bid at $1,488
Where do I get that tiny slim-line rail laser?
where did gun go?
I think we've been taken on a ruse cruise….
so, who'll win it? a /k/ommando or a Holla Forumslack?
Speak english you godforsaken spic.
Need some charmed up firesticks in here.
What happened? Gunbroker caved to SJW?
This is why white nationalism will never take off.
If it becomes popular, we'll have Sandy Hook 2.0. This time it'll be a KKK Nazi shooting up a black school. Maybe they'll lay the bodies in the shape of a swastika or something.
It's 2016.
They took it down…
This is the most nothing story I've heard in a while. What the fuck makes that gun any different than any other fucking gun?
This is what happens when you think only in absurd emotional outbursts.
"I'll give you niggers something to pray about"
-Dylann "God is dead, shoot a coon in the head" Roof
He just did a podcast where he talked about doing shit to piss people off and how he's actually the good guy. I think there's still hope he'll buy it.
that russian one is T H I C K
too bad I like the norincos but its mostly because I am not alpha enough to own a russian
nice trips
yeah its a spic what would you expect, he literally wanted to buy a 450 dollar weapon and make it into a less effective version of a 500 dollar AK. he is a faggot and deserves to be sent to a FEMA camp for thinking tapco shit belongs on a SKS
Thank god I'm not a beaner, fix your own shit taco
Just turn it off you double nigger. I have never in my life seen auto-correct being a consistent improvement.
Sage because I'm posting offtopic.
The Russian ones are the nicest although I wouldn't mind having a Yugo.
Maximum asshurt achieved. A legend and an inspiration.
Great job George!
A reminder that George Zimmerman is a cancer to society
George Zimmerman's gun auction is an ugly symbol of racism
Looks like George will have to pursue some other method of selling the weapon. Maybe have people place bids through his attorneys.
Listing for gun that George Zimmerman used to kill Trayvon Martin dropped from auction site
So many agendas in such a small article, jesus.
some of the comments are great
thread theme
relevant to this thread.
author is a mulatto flamboyant faggot Holla Forums is hating as hell right now.
no archive because lol I don't give a shit.
what is this guy actually saying?
meant to reply to you
He was found NOT GUILTY by a jury of his peers, you fucking nigger.
I hope Zimmerman sues NBC for tampering with the 911 recording. He's probably waiting for Obama to leave office. That's what I would do.
I fucking love the ZimZam.
All these nigras seem to forget their show trial was a failure.
absolutely based
Twitter: Giving 13 year old girls, mentally unstable crazies, and subhuman filth a voice since 2006.
BLM wins again
The butthurt would be amazing
This nigger, always posting Delocated.
I wanted to buy his gun, but now I'll have to get sides reconstruction surgery instead.
i put a tapco stock on my chinese unmolested SKS. my russian and yugo SKS i only clean and maintain.
my chinese one has a spring dampener, tapco pistol grip/sling/adjustable stock with fat rubber pad., scope mount,
i dont really give a shit about chinese SKSs. i still have all the original parts. i can put it back in that condition. but i prefer the comfort this one provides.
but i mostly do it because it pisses liberals off to see it. (i live in NY)
You need to cello-tape skittles to his cut-out too.
Gun purportedly used to kill Trayvon Martin disappears from auction site
He tried. Dismissed. Appealed. Dismissed as well.
You completely failed to refute one word of that entire video. Typical. He is completely right. Kel Tec sucks.
yep its cancer
He should have waited. Obama protects his lackeys in the lugenpresse. Especially NBC.
you are worse than the spic
yep and the sub2000 is a overrated meme gun that is targeted to muh filters retards
Correct. Kel Tec likes inventing shitty guns.
Kel Tec flunkie: (snorts line of coke) Let's make a 9mm rifle. The weakness of 9mm with the size of a rifle. The worst of both worlds. Let's see if the fuck heads buy it.
/k/ fan girl: Awesome!
user, puertoricans are not beaners. We don't do honor killings or celebrate day of the dead either, that shit's weird.
In fact there's a place here where you gringos come all the time called Rincon. Get over here an gib money.
wow, norinco isnt a gun manufacturer you retard. they put serial numbers on them and export them. they have no history or identifiable markings.
my yugo was a 1970 original actually used in combat.
you think i should fuck the one with historical significance up? are you autistic?
video on this page says zimmerman has put the auction BACK UP ON A DIFFERENT WEBSITE
Can't you just tweet at him?
are you able to get on the site?
it apears to be offline for me
i cant even ping it
same for me.
That man is a hero.
The sword was his tool.
Together they saved Japan for a little while longer.
Will another hero rise up when needed?
There were many legendary swords and weapons throughout mankinds history with names.
What shall we call this gun, Holla Forums?
How about Trayvon.
Diddu summin
Skittles Dispenser
and i forgot to quote which is what the embed was for
Trayvon's Bane:
1488 damage per second
+200% damage against niggers with AoE damage against nearby gang members (18 meter radius).
Beast Mastery level +15
+50 Shadow resistance
1488 Z model
Ah back during simpler times when kool aid was just used to describe a nigger
The Corner Dorner. You know, because he was cornered on the ground and he used his gun to shoot the nigga off himself. So he was no longer cornered like the Dorner… this don't make no goddamn sense…
Call it the Zimmerman.
We turned him into a fucking monster meme.
Who's the lady on the left?
Nigger's Bane
Natasha encinosa
I'm imagining a recreation of the charge with the Lance of Longinus, except instead of the spear that pierces Christ's heart leading a cavalry charge, it's the pistol that killed a dindu heading a charge of Honda Civics mowing down dindus.
Current status: Un-simmered
The gun George Zimmerman said he used on Trayvon Martin is up for auction again after being delisted
All of this is happening because some stupid kid didn't get smacked by his mom enough.
Zimmerman, Zimmerman,
Does whatever a zimmer can,
Shooting nigs any size,
Catches jigs just like flies,
Is he strong? Listen son,
he's got a semi-automatic gun.
Can he swing from a thread?
No but he shoots niggers dead.
In the chill of the night,
at the scene of the crime,
he gets punched in the head,
then he shoots Treeboon dead.
Zimmerman, Zimmerman,
friendly neighborhood Zimmerman,
by the cops, he's ignored,
wasting niggers is his reward.
Look out! Here comes the Zimmerman!
in one of his interviews
if not for the service he did please let him stay on the right side of the wall for that.
Has Zimmerman endorsed Trump yet?
It's back up on another site. See link.
Would probably hurt Trump more than it would make him gain, general opinion is he is as guilty as OJ simpson.
guilty of what crime? murder? no. guilty of self-defense maybe but thats no crime.
also, Zim endorsing Trump wouldnt hurt him anymore than David Duke, someone with actual history in the KKK. Which is to say, it wouldnt hurt Trump in the slightest
I wasnt talking about facts, I was talking opinions. Retards believe zimmerman is a rascist who killed an innocent boy who just wanted to eat some skittles.
I'm not so sure it really matters. The people who agree with the zimzam trial are probably already voting for Trump. An endorsement would do very little positive for him. At worst it would push away some dindus still on the fence. Things would just be better off if he keeps quiet.
these same retards wouldnt be voting for Trump anyway. its not like he would lose any support
yugos suck anus, they also look like shit and shoot like shit sell it and buy a WASR or something
some filthy huenigger
hes going to get rich by selling the weapon he used to clean the streets of a thug chimp
Some faggot ono the radio just cried raycissss
Wrong faggot:
It needs an accuracy buff.
I'm sorry, you went into a coma after Zimmer wasn't simmered.
Kek that tweet about the transgender a bit below.
And then this: Claire has also begun making social media diaries of her transition, sharing her experiences with transgender teens across the world.
They always attention whore, ALWAYS
Imagine what would happen if someone were to "steal" that get…
I dont remember any salt from that get
Black Death
I want to grab one of these, too. I have my PAL and applied for an RPAL the other day; my primary concern the that CURRENT YEAR man's party may stick it back on the prohibited list.
I guess they are DDOSing the new site
Reminder to everyone that Roof killed those coons because a girl he liked ran off with a nigger.
It's like a forced fed red pill.
He's unleashed cosmic asshurt, again.
These niggers have to understand this won't stop him.
Dindu Destroyer
If the salt keeps flowing this hard and zimzam doesn't stop, it's gonna become intergalactic asshurt
And that's why he killed Senator nigger and other random niggers. But not the nigger that pissed him off.
Looks like they shut down the new site. BLM wins again.
Nigger please.
why does this mexican have a confederate flag
you're a retard
Zimmerman's case shouldn't have even gone to trial it was so open and shut. The whole thing was a sham.
Maryland resident here- after that rat bastard Martin O'Malley banned all ak models after sandy hook he forgot to ban the VZ-58, so I got one myself.
I highly recommend the Century Arms VZ-58 sporter- yeah I know, "le drunken monkies" jokes, but it functions the exact same for over $400 cheaper…truth be told, I just replaced the barrel on mine with a stainless steel one because the default one doesn't have chrome lining and any corrosive ammo will be a bitch when it comes to rust.
That's gaudy as fuck. shame on you, Adolf.
Well you can't really blame Uncle Adolph for that.
Probably just some enthusiastic gunsmiths.
it's true though. What will it take for regular Joe 6pack normies to learn that in the face of leftist threats, you don't back down - you double down.
They will never respect your 2nd amendment until it is erased.
They will never think you aren't a racist.
It's not like the man DOESNT have home full of guns to defend himself and his family. Kinda pathetic that he folded so quickly.
I stand corrected then, the second site pussied out. Not good.
And guess what.They didn't remove dox…
They just embolden the left when they back down so quickly.
Zimmerman always has the option to use the good old postal service to conduct his auction.
That is unless King Nigger finds a way to fuck that up too.
good to know someone's paying the bills around here
One of you /k/ommandos must know someone with an FFL.
This gun WILL get sold. One way or another.
It might take ten years but it will happen.
The longer it takes, the more money Zimmerman will get.
for much less then it wouldn't have gotten on the internet.
It seems these loud American gun owners are all talk. They back down to internet superhero's.
Because twitter posts? cucks.
Gun owners have a huge problem with concern trolling and MUH PR, not wanting to appear as "extremist" and the like.
They're just driving up the price mate.
He will end up having to sell it local. Big auction site gave him international market.
good point. something I hadn't considered. It should be privately sold (with great publicity) to some rich bubba who doesn't give a fuck about muh PR. Somebody like Ted Nugent or one of the Duck Dynasty kids.
Thing is, you can conduct an auction outside of the internet and without a physical auction house.
Not as glamorous and fast paced but it is possible.
ayy fellow MDfag, small world
Fuck our state and its government though, it's shit.
Limited potential buyers and making it harder to find auction does not drive up the price.
They are actors playing a part. They will not wreck their careers to own some gun.
The moment he pulled the trigger.
Lol they even deleted that tweet. Fucking pussies.
It never ceases to amaze me just how cucked so many gun owners are. You'd think by now they would've realized that you can't appease leftists.
They have been caving for 40 years. Its no surprise they caved on this too. Always stepping back never pushing forward.
No one gets salty about Hitler gets anymore. Holla Forums has leaked out too far for that.
i keked
It's up to $7,900 right now
Some leftists artists fag is going to buy it and put it in a museum as a ready made…
wow they uncucked themselves.
yeah right, lets hope that Moonman buys the gun though
8200 now. Zimmer was simmered yesterday but is back today.
Who the hell throws around that kind of money?
Craig Bryant apparently
I hope they have some way of screening the bidders so its not just some BLM cucks spoiling the auction.
Jesus Christ, I could almost buy a new Prius for that kind of money.
Those comments! We need more comments!
Fucked up that first screen grab.
It's going up by the minute
33k and still 5 days left.
hot damn
It's Bryant vs Blanks!
It's 47k now lads.
blanks don't play, look at him double down on his own bid, what an intimating strat
I think they fucked up not screening the bidders. This POS site is nothing but fail. Its clearly someone fake bidding the max even against himself to spoil the auction.
ZimZam maybe FlimFlammed here.
the first 10 bids was that faggot bidding on himself
We're going to need an edit of this with zimzam's gun in place of the heart piece.
Holy shit, I KNEW IT!
He wont pay a dime. They just wrecked the auction.
Is that legal?
He's a fucking lolberg.
Ok who here entered in a bid
And he is a fucking cato lawyer. HOPING the site brings a suit so he can make a name for himself.
This site is a fucking joke. They should have screened the bidders.
What are the chances the site would win and he'd be forced to fork over that money over the duration of his pathetic life span?
They should just end the auction now with "user bidder" being the high bid then Zimmer can publicly thank Blanks for driving up the price. Stick with the story the gun really sold.
Then later on sell it offline.
Its not a contract.Same goes for Ebay. Its not legally binding.
I remember a kid getting arrested for bidding like 5,000$ on socks once. But that was years ago.
So what one of us is bidding
Tried signing up as ben garrison to bid on it but couldn't because of some error. Is anyone else up for a shot at it?
I guess ZimZam got FlimFlammed on this one.
Maybe Ben is registered
How much do you think he has saved up from Cartoons, do you think he'll buy it
So it seems like we scared Blanks off, out of the Legit Bidders it looks like Craig Bryant and Henry Johnson are the only ones left
Maybe but then again, maybe not. This has already caused some jimmyrustlin' among the shitlibs and if a six-figure bid hits the news, it'll cause even more. Maybe we'll get lucky and have some chimpouts!
Never give up on your dreams, and always look towards the brighter side of things.
Diddu Muffin has to be one of us
Just look at those repeating digits
Yes at the very least all this coverage is getting the word out that the gun if for sale. Someone will contact him off line now i am sure.
And we learned to never use GunBroker or this bullshit unitedgungroup site.
All is not lost.
Must be jewish.
Which one you faggots is this so called "Nig Ger"
Let's give'er a test run, shall we?
(((Nig Ger)))
Semite status: plausible
So the site is shit and anyone can make a fake bid?
We're at $330,000. Will we make it to 6 million before sunrise?
Tameer Mady is going absolutely Insane
My sides
holyshit lol. Thanks for a happy ending, user
Ok its up to $880,000
Ok we're 1/6th of 6,000,000 now
We're past the one million mark.
Who're these faggots?
false alarm.
you forgot Gaddafi's golden gun
Nice try but Lean is codeine (opiate) based not DXM based. It's a different thing to robo tripping. 10 second google search.
what the actual fuck? what could they possibly do, show up at their homes to get shot in the face?
C'mon, guys. We're almost at 6mil.
Holy shit he will actually pay off all his court fees with this and become fucking rich.
Bet the first cuck sites are shitting themselves over how much they could have made if the winner actually pays off.
The Young Turks have already lost their shit.
Whelp, I'm off to bed. At the time of typing this, St. Zimmer's Holy Nigger Nixxer is selling for 52 million dollars. Thats 8.667 times the magical six million figure.
Good night, faggots.
Noone is actually paying that amount, all bidders are fake at this point.
start a kickstarter or indie gogo shit thing to buy the gun on behalf of BLM ;D Get those libshit idiots to give money to zimzam, and then keep the fucking gun hahahaha.
ZimZam should set a price and sell it to the first person (who isn't a troll) who wants to purchase it, ideally a Holla Forumslack with money.
Maddox the cuck continues to limp out.
What the hell is that retard wearing while trying to convince me she should be explaining the news to me?
Armenians are trash
recent updates on
wew lad
I kek'd heartily.
I am aware of that. Codeine doesn't make you violent, either, and is much more of a pain in the ass to acquire than dxm-containing syrup.
Do we know exactly what kind of cough syrup trayvon had developed a taste for?
The VZ's sold in Canada are legit CZ made, come with chromed barrel in both 5.56 and 7.62 and have a magwell convert for STANAG mags.
leftists pls
You guys are playing with fire. All it takes is one dark Wizard winning this auction & we're all Doomed.
This is both funny and in poor taste.
Probably anything the nigger could get his paws on.
I'm partial to the one below, I like the stronger contrast from lighter wooden tones.
I've used both removable mags and stripper clips in my SKS and I can tell you that stripper clips are vastly superior. The removable mags are slower and harder to store in a chest rig.
He's an honorary Aryan at this point. He slayed a violent nigger, and he constantly generates liberal and nigger butthurt on universal scale. Not to mention, he's also half German.
>tfw I keep a 12ga shotgun and a large dog
Darn tootin'.
should give it a name
cant flim flam the zim zam.
"Racist McShootface,' 'Weedlord Bonerhitler', other fake names bump bids on George Zimmerman gun to $65 million; online auction appears hijacked
This is the funniest shit I've seen in ages.
Can we meme killing niggers as an artform yet?
Too bad they didn't preserve Trayvon in situ on the grass. They could get Madame Tussaud's to replicate Zimmerman and have him holding the gun. It'd make a lovely installation at the Met.
St. Zimmerman, Patron of the US law enforcement.
If the site wanted to be based they should have deleted all the bids down to the 1st one where he bid like $6000 and let that guy be the winning bid with his real name for all to see.. Then spread the word that he really paid for it.
Zimmerman's Gun and the Merchandising of Black Death
No surprise the homos at Vice are triggered. Negroes and their kike overlords have been merchandising the gangster/thug/killer lifestyle for years but somehow Zimmerman is the guilty party.
daily reminder that Zimmerman is only free because of the racist media's overwhelming bias against black youths
I hadn't considered that angle, but you make a good point.
Youre fucking retarded. He shot some old church going negro ladies, because he was a CIA operative.
scat, might want to pass this one up fuccboi
lol Mark Dice is another really awesome nationalist. He just KEEPS triggering anti whites every single day.
I fucking hate these people
Be sure to dislike his video on YouTube.
NVM dude, they shot it down.
Underrated post.
Hitler dubs
Buy the gun, then buy this site you richfag
how does it end?
United gun group deleted his auction?
Media reporting auction is over with a final sale price of $120,000 pending verification of buyer.
Not too bad if it goes through.
All the cucks seem to have a very similar vocal pattern.
Hope it's legit…Zim needs the money
we own your board e-celeb spam forever faggots
He's gonna drown in beans, now.
Hope he announces he's bought two new ones with the money.
Very well written given scenario.
reminds Holla Forumsacks of how much little game they are despite their heroic act of defeating "PC".