Let's create a community for people with non mainstream political views.
Meaning: * not a twitter nu-male cuckold * doesn't think people are racist if they don't support massive immigration * no CoC bullshit * more but lazy
aren't there are enough of us to actually create an active community?
Also I would propose to set it up on some (existing) onion service so that, I don't know any of yet though - what's the tor equiv of freenode (or we could just get on i2p's irc net, but they have a coc).
Hudson Hughes
Wouldn't the opposite of anarchism be monarchy? That image is all sorts of retarded.
I think there'd be plenty of people ready to hop on the anti-PC bandwagon.
Jack Peterson
Holy FUCK that image makes no goddamn sense.
Luis Bell
OP what the fuck does coc stand for? Would we just be recreating Holla Forums except with everyone from the far left and the far right actually getting triggered about eachother without anyone getting banned? Maybe we would be able to work together and come up with something new and better like anarcho-communist aryan imperialism. I'd be interested.
Brody Martinez
You want a good community? Have one that refuses to accept fags and trannies. That will sadly block 99% of the free software community, but sacrifices must be made.
Owen Barnes
Unless the king is liberal? Jesus that image is shit.
Charles Clark
What do you expect fromthe Holla Forums.
Brandon Perez
Whoa OP, you seem to have stumbled into the wrong board.
Matthew Perry
I guess tech was the wrong place. /g/ is even worse though. no idea how to build a community. everyone is brain damaged.
Adrian Parker
Michael Thomas
It's not from Holla Forums you commie faggot.
Robert Robinson
Mason Fisher
That image is pure cancer. Take that shit back to reddit
James Rogers
it's called google image search not reddit
Zachary Morales
You forgot: * not 8ch.net/tech/
And you clearly meant it, otherwise this thread would be unnecessary.
Adrian Gomez
Liam Brown
dude, that diagram really sucks.
Easton Perry
I'm guessing you are one or more of the following: * a twitter nu-male cuckold * thinks people are racist if they don't support massive immigration * supports CoC bullshit * more but lazy lolbutthurt
Jaxson Young
That image is full of horsefuckery liberal bullshit, fucking Facebook-tier retardation and blatantly disinformation with regards to traditional conservative values
How the fuck is Conservatism closer to Fascisn when it promotes states rights, individual liberties and gun ownership
How the fuck is Liberalism closer to anarchy when it favors a stronger Federal government, banning of firearms, and pushes for hate speech laws?
Seriously, delete that image from your computer right fucking now and never post it again
Joseph Cooper
Levi Parker
Hopefully such a community won't be run by you, you are in no position to be talking about any kind of politics, please leave and don't come back until you've educated yourself
You really are a special kind of stupid m8
Thomas Robinson
Its funny because most people who side with neutrality are hedonistic, which means they'd lean left in the retarded normie sheep spectrum , true neutrality doesn't exist, if you're politically neutral you're a fence sitter
Isaac Miller
Please make a new community and never come back to this one.
Parker Flores
The left wing schools of anarchism are as left wing as you can get. Mikhail Bakunin (the inventor of 'Anarchism', which is now known as Anarcho Communism due to the emergence of other anarchist schools including right wing ones like Anarcho Capitalism) basically called Karl Marx a pussy said how his system is shit and that it would never lead to a the classless workers paradise but instead a new dictatorship. This was the only thing Bakunin was right about since his system produced arguably even worse results than the one Marx proposed.
The pic is highly retarded though and was probably made by a fascist to make him/her feel morally superior.
Connor Ramirez
Anarchism is slavery? lol wut did I just read
Jordan Bell
such relevance new Holla Forums on new chan when?
Hunter Gomez
Last week
William Powell
Code of conduct, which are fine and lay the ground rules of the community. The issue with them is the people that have been busting their balls to be the ones writing them are SJWs who want to tilt everything in their favor. If someone is eager to write the CoC for a place you can be sure they have ulterior motives.
Cooper Scott
That's mainstream, though.
Being anti-PC was a big thing back during the Bush Sr Presidency. Anyone >40yo hasn't forgotten. Does anyone on Holla Forums even know that the likes of Jessie Helms ever existed?
Ryan Harris
Holla Forums - Politics
Seriously how is this not removed yet? Holla Forums has no mods.
Christian Morales
Since fascism is slavery on this pic, I don't think so. One axis political compass is retarded anyway.
Matthew James
no form of socialism is of right wing.
communism > nazism > socialism > social democracy > liberalism > centrists > libertarian/anars > republican/neocon > conservative > nationalist > monarchy. because it's spelt monarchy. i think i just took your bait but for someone who works in politics i assure you things are a bit different.
Aaron Smith
Yea I was being retarded when I said that, didn't notice that the scale went Slavery-Freedom-Slavery and assumed it was Slavery-Freedom
In reality none of those ideologies are freedom and are all just slavery to some extent, the only thing that changes is how overt/subtle the slavery is. True freedom is the various forms of Libertarianism which isn't on that image.
Henry Rogers
Forgot to sage sorry
Well it depends on how you align the left/right axis, if you align it in terms of internationalist/nationalist then NatSoc is very right wing, but if you align it in terms of collectivist/individualist then its quite far left.
Also 'anarchism' typically refers to left-anarchism, the right-anarchist schools are usually referred to by their proper names to differentiate them since even they (as in people like Murray Rothbard) admit the names are a misnomer due to the left assuming the title of 'anarchism' first.
Joshua Robinson
I see you enjoyed your first day on Holla Forums
Gabriel Myers
Ryan Price
National socialism is not socialism, period. It is completely in bed with capital and thus appropriately far to the right.
Hunter Howard
Burgers and politics, everyone.
Aiden Thompson
conservatism and rightist are ill-defined. fiscal conservatism alone is compatible with individual liberties, but mainstream conservatism (up-right direction in the political plane) is pro-heavy government and very toxic to individual freedom.
liberalism and leftist are ill-defined concepts too. It seems to me that you are too confused by the overly simplistic left-right model. You can be economically leftist (and be called a liberal for that); but that doesn't say anything about your opinion on the involvement of government on other issues.
See and then overlap the different doctrines on on it.
Hudson Wood
Wasting your breath OP.
Computer nerds tend to go status quo when it comes to politics.
Plus its not a comfort zone.
We're talking about socially inept autists here.
They're not gonna have the balls to stand up against majority opinion.
Kayden Cooper
Just be sure to follow the /trappol/
Jose Miller
Your shitty idea for a political message board isn't technology. Build it yourself and come back with a link or don't come back at all.