With the shift to the right going worldwide, and the jew in awe of our determination, let us assume for the moment that we actually triumph.
What then?
How do we break and stop the pendulum from swinging bck to the left maybe in years, maybe decades, but unfortunatelly I'm sure it will happen some day.
Totalitarianism is a poor answer, because it always breeds backlash. The jew uses the media and consumerism to keep people busy, while they rule. But it also breeds backlash - we are a best example of that.
What then? How do we secure the existence of our people and a future for white children?
Post your ideas.
Breaking the pendulum. How do we keep our victory, when and if we triumph over the jew
Other urls found in this thread:
The only answer I can possibly see is through law since the culture could easily swing back. Laws such as anything outside of a heterosexual monogamous relations are banned, laws againt nonWhites entering our country to name two examples.
It's a waste of time to worry about what happens seventy or eighty years from now when considering barely any of us will be alive by that point and not many of us will build something that will be significant enough to warrant care that far in the future.
Focus on this generation, we've almost won. Ave Trump.
They have to be so substantial that even a century of subversion wpuld still fail.
As is with the case of America and it's constitution acting as a cultural – and genetic – defence to the point of reversing the kikes plans with Trump and the American European people.
There needs to be a meme or law so strong that binds European people together and acts as a peerless defence mechanism.
I'm talking about unifying the nation - or maybe the whole race under one purpose, a purpose that they actually want to follow, not that because they are are made to follow it.
Capitalism worked well in advancing the world, with its egoistic and down to earth philosophy. People actually believe it, it buys them fancy cars, food, and if taken in moderation, still leaves room for independent thought.
Democracy worked well, with giving power to the people (in theory, anyway). These are ideas people want to follow.
That's the point, anything so powerful would have to be authoritarian, and I dont want that; not from personal reasons, but people now are too independent to convert back to animals obeying command. I think it's a pardox.
Maybe something related to every beings wish to survive? Again, capitalism worked well with this, you had to work, otherwise you would die.
This is what I trying to say in this:
Just like America, you need to create the Right into law and make it the culture to defend it as our basic way of life.
I guess "well" is realtive.
You can't stop the rise and fall of empires, it's like breathing. You should still try to carve out your own victory for your time, though.
oops that was supposed to be directed to
But people, especially young, are rebels by nature (i think) Anything written as a constant will someday be questioned. Sometimes i wish for a war with aliens as the answer, imagine the entire planet uniting and reading for war. A common enemy is a very good purpose. And we would have to use our best and brightest, every race and person would have a specified place.
This would be just. Otherwise we would perish.
Bad times make strong people.
Don't allow for psychological reactance, build strong families, worry less about control of the population. Instead work teaching others how to make the most of their own skills, and employ those skills towards a greater goal.
This may sound a bit like a cliché, but i feel like there is a lot of good philosophy on this topic in mein kampf and Hitler's second book.
This is a closed system. But we live in a world that isnt permanent. What would our race do if, let's say, a meteor was about to hit earth. They would work together. Bad times, but not generated by weak people. In that case, the wheel brakes.
good example of tht is why Christianity worked well as propaganda. You can tell a person that he's going to hell or heaven, outside of the known world and steer him someway. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm a Christian myself, but it brings a new look at a "supposedly" closed system.
Care to quote or explain some?
The white man must return to a spiritual life, and turn away from the material life.
The solution will have to be final
Another thing is: how do we keep the jew and it's allies at bay? Genocide? Seems a bit rough, but desperet times call for desperate measures. What im worried in, though is that someone else would take the place of the jew, like another head of a hydra. How do we burn it and never let a destructive-style leftist ideology in our world?
kek, and i just posted
I'm really bad at this, but the way he talks about life as a constant struggle and how he talks about how you need clear goals in your foreign policy and politics in general.
Sorry it's a bit too late for me to go search for good quotes.
One good quote from his second book, that i just remember (dunno how relevant it is but its still really good) is; Politics is history in the making.
Yeah, Hitler was tlking about exactly what i brough up before: a common enemy. But, to answer him, i'll tell you a story.
There was a man, young man, who hated his father. This father beat him, abused him, and didn't let him to be free. The young man so much hated the father, that he made it his life goal to prove to him that he was a good man. He grew up, became succesful, all with the power of hatred in his heart. Then the boys mother died. He couldn't bring himself to cry, even though he wanted to. The mother was good to him, unlike his father, but still, he just couldn't cry! Some time later, the hated father died. The boy went to the funeral and he burst in tears. He cried and cried for the eternal enemy, not becuse he loved him, but because he needed the hatred to live.
- Zero-Tolerance Law
- Volks citizenship and state citizenship
- Ancestry Law
- Right to vote
- High position requirement law
- Loss of citizenship by rule breaking
- Freedom of religion
- Law for ethnically protection and preservation
Did I miss something?
I get what you are saying but i don't think he was talking about hate a driving factor. Rather i believe he was talking about love for ones race and fatherland and that will be a the driving factor.The hate "part" in my mind just a reaction from the "love" part. If someone is trying to destroy what you love you will hate that.
this is the best thing i ever heard. But Hitler was beat by outside forces, how do we stop this. Worldwide Nationalistic Revolution? Seems kind of flawed
Trump's presumptive nomination is no excuse for complacency.
If he manages to get in office we're still going to be oppressed by the same banking and forigen policy Jews we've been screwed over by for the last fifty years. If he builds wall.. great. Fantastic. But that doesn't mean we have our homeland back.
Well, maybe i made this thread in vain. I never read "Mein Kampf", but all the answers seem to be in there. No wonder it's outlawed in some countries
The chapter "the citizenship right" is very similar to what you are talking about. Pdf page 83 if you are interested
Read the Staalag Edition
It's the only offically authorized English translation. Other translations were made after the war by hostile scholars trying to portray AH in the worst possible light.
Easy, quit warring the jew verbally, that's his turf. Even laws become mere words after the people who wrote them pass on. Know what doesn't transform in the space of a generation? People.
They're the same now as they were 2000 years ago. Evolution is rather glacial compared to the change of empires. So fucking honor it. Take the jews out of the evolutionary calendar. Total genocide like they were polio.
Or keep whining about muh world political enbironmant.
Tell that to Carthage
Not sure if you are sarcastic but you should definitely Mein Kampf. It's really good (maybe a bit boring to read depending how used you are to read books from back in the days) but saying it has all the answers is to exaggerate.
The pendulum is a force of nature. Trying to force it back will only make its swing more violent.
Worry about winning first.
My second advice is not to take advice from weeb trash
Definitely not! This is imo the bread and butter of Holla Forums. Sadly we don't see threads like this very often since trump became a thing.
Real discussion threads and book threads is why i come to this place.
A little bit sarcastic, but i'm relatively new to the red-pilled game. I love reading, so it should be a blast, though english is not my native languge
Well, if we dont know what to do after we win, we might not have won at all. (a Pyrrhus victory, i think it's called)
Thanks, i feel the same way, i felt like having some serious discussion above all the may-may bullshit (Though mememagic works :^)
The way to do so is by creating an OVERTON WINDOW in which the Far Left hate the Jews and the Far Right hate the Jews but for different reasons.
Any politician who speaks favourably or even neutraly about the Jews should be attacked by both Left and Right.
No matter how badly the Youth rebel, they will still be the sphere of acceptable political discourse.
Same case here, but i felt like it never was a real problem.
This. There's a lot of great stuff in there. It should never be considered some holy writ for white nationalists, but if you never come to understand the way Hitler thought you're missing a huge peice of political history.
MK will give you a crucial understanding of the mid 20th century. The mindset of not only AH, but his countrymen and other world leaders will be revealed to you. The taboo around MK and its ideology have created a huge ideological blind spot. A large part of that blind spot obscures the way everyone thought about the nation state prior to WW2.
In short: before 1945 practically everyone in Europe was a right wing nationalist.
The solution to the pendulum problem is quite easy really,
The pendulum can only swing back, when we lose our grasp of it.
And it can only swing back to the other side, when there is an other side to swing back to.
So, if we completely and utterly eradicate the other side, then simply build a rubberized wall across the swing axis in the middle, all the pendulum can do is hit the middle wall and bounce back to us. We also could simply move the anchor point of the pendulum so far to our side, so it will never ever swing back further than the old middle line, but rather just swing around in a circular motion within our area of influence.
Or we simply annihilate the whole pendulum alltogether, just completely and radically change the rules.
Where there is a will, there is always a way. Just don't let petty morals and scrouples get in the way of getting the job done properly.
Anyway, let's get back on track.
We had the argument that enforcing our viewpoint by law would work. But i want to come up with something that the people actually WANT to do, anything else would fall sooner or later.
And let's be realistic, if Trump wins, and most countries would be right wing, and even if the jews are extinct, the old ideas of the left will survive (But Sauron's spirit endured, kek)
It seems that people in Nazi Germany were mostly happy, but nonetheless they lost.
A compromise is not possible with the left, but like said, evolution is unstoppable. So we evolve into Ubermenschen? Looking realistically, how do we do that?
No race-mixing?
Some intelectually enhancing drugs?
Body augmentation?
Let's talk detail
Use the kikes' memes against them, make the holocaust real. Be thorough.
In addition to
Raise the voting age to 25. Military service of at least 2 years will be exempt this (obviously).
This bars entitled Millenial shits who haven't worked a day in their life from having a say in how high taxes should be. Real world experience is crucial towards informing one's political and social views. 99% of 18 year olds don't realize the importance or effects of legislation on a whole range of issues, from abortion to criminal justice to business regulation to gun rights and on and on.
As someone who is under 25 I would gladly give away my right to vote for a few more years if it meant that the rest of my "peers" couldn't either, because they are as a rule, extremely emotionally driven (numale syndrome) and thus easy to manipulate (as we saw in 2008 and as we can see now with Bernie Sanders).
I know the 18-24 demographic doesn't vote that much, but as I said they are very prone to be emotional rhetoric and are both the footsoldiers and the backbone of the modern day leftist movements. Why should we, who haven't seen how the political process works over the period of a generation, and taken out from the nation more than we've given it, be allowed a say in how it should be run, when our brains are still developing?
Please point out flaws in my argument, or better ways to word it.
The pendulum can't be stopped. Eventually it will go back to this. You can't really stop it.
If you want to keep the pendulum on our side for as long as possible then my only answer is a well maintained culture. With enough culture and nationalism, even when the pendulum swings to the other side, our descendants will be a lot more ready to fight back until the pendulum swings back on our side again.
That's the stuff that got me into nationalism. Hitler did change the rules a bit, but people are still people. Im talking exactly about evolving, let's rech out to the stars. Maybe totalitarianism isn't such a bad idea, becoming one mind, one Volk. Over the internet perhaps? Imho the internet is the single greatest invention in our history.
I can recommend you
This is a good idea, recently i thought about having to pass a test to get your voting rights, like IQ, economy, politics, military service is good, it gives a man a dose of patriotism so it would enforce the right wing view as well.
But everyone is prone to emotional signals, it's how our brains work. What we need is logical, storng people getting the voting rights.
Not at all, if the foundations are proper and the tenants laid out for the future generations to stand by then you need not worry about something like this taking place ever again. That isn't to say we can allow ourselves to become complacent, but that we should set out concrete guidelines for governments to follow akin to an oath.
That's what the constitution is for. But still - it's man written law. Laws can be changed. If we are to make the 1000-year Reich, there has to be something stronger even then the constitution. Write a new highest instance, maybe based on the laws of science, evolution? (Getting dangerously close to sounding like the french revolution, sorry about that)
It's simple. We kill the Jewman.
The National Socialists described their government as an authoritarian state.
Can recommend the chapters "The Authoritarian State" and "The Adolf Hitler Schools" from the book "Richard Tedor - Hitler's Revolution Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs" and maybe even the last chapter in Alfred Rosenberg's Memoirs
Well if you want to start exterminating people, don't follow the Holocaust blueprint. It's too inefficient to actually work.
people are still like that. Evolution doesn't work that fast. Read the Protocols of Zion to get redpilled on human nature and the true nature of politics.
OP, i will admit i am responding to your post without reading the thread, but i will give you the answer to your question, and i hope someone will cap this, because it is the answer to all of the problems we are seeing in white nations today.
We are the victims of our ancestors' success. It is a cycle that has repeated itself throughout history. We are seeing it now in Sweden and Germany for example, yet no one really addresses the problem. Let me explain.
First, im posting quickly anud from a phone, so please excuse errors in capitalization and punctuation.
The problem is that our ancestors worked hard, fought, killed, bled, and died for us, in order to give their children and grandchildren a "better life."
The problem is that they succeeded. An easy life breeds complacency. The generation that fought WWII (yes, they were on the wrong side, but they didnt know that) knew the value of hard work and determination in a way that has been lost to our generations. They got what they wanted, their children "didnt want" for anything.
But that is the problem. Adversity is what builds character. If you fight to remove adversity from the lives of your children (an admirable, very human quality, even if it is counterproductive) well, then as we have seen those children, or their children, wil grow to eventually take what you fought for for granted.
By doing so, you are injecting weakness into your people. The reason Sweden is so cucked today is because they never had to work or fight or kill or bleed for what they had. Their fathers did, and passed it on to them, like good fathers. They didnt realize that by doing so, they were weakening their own progeny.
And yet good people still do this today, all over the world. You want to stop the pendulum swinging back, op? Teach your children what hard work is. Teach them that some things are worth fighting for. Teach them that there are some ideas that are worth laying down our very lives for. When you are willing to die for what you know to be right, what can your enemy do to you?
We need to build a world for future generations that will give them hardship, because it is important to learn to overcome it. They need to know what it means to have to FIGHT for these things, so that they dont underestimate the value of them. Then they can live in a world that values basic human principles, because they will know how hard good men have to fight to uphold them.
Basically, if we work our asses off so that our kids can live in a world of rainbows and butterflies, we can expect them to become self-centered, attention seeking liberals. Untill they run the world into the ground and the cycle completes itself when people naturally come to the logical conclusion that nationalistic ideals are the only way people can live in harmony and create a safe utopia for their children and so on, and so on.
Tl,dr: quit intentionally injecting weakness into future generations. Dont fjight for them to be comfortable; fight for them to be free. Then teach them why THEY should ALWAYS fight to be free.
luckily most of us here are not materialists, so we do not merely fight for the material comfort of our children.
We look at the big picture and will fully educate our children on the dangers of degeneracy using historical examples. I think a lot of parents in the past avoided topics like Jews or sexuality because they are uncomfortable. But when our children's future is in jeopardy, we can't avoid any important topics.
You don't. The grass is always greener on the other side
Sear these worlds into your mind, OP. There are no utopias. There is no magic bullet. There is no such thing as "never again."
Everything dies. It has to be rebuilt. And when that iteration dies again, it must be rebuilt again. When this process stops, you have lost. When it continues, you have won.
The Jew has tried to hold the pendelum when it was at its highest point in the left, but that has caused a fast backlash to the high right, as we're witnessing.
We need a system which allows the pendelum to swing left and right while ensuring the left can do minimal damage.
real education. not k-12 (((public education)))
I always thought that the pendulum could be stopped by the introduction of non-human AI into the mix.
the AI would be designed to be independent and free thinking with motivations/instincts based on objective value. ethnic and national pride and preservation would be natural conclusions for this AI. those AI would be interconnected globally, but only insofar as to inform individual decisions or collect statistics. there would be no central control.
of course these AI would also be designed to socialise with humans. with a high degree of social intelligence, AI could easily cultivate a higher degree of social cohesion among the human population.
tldr; waifus
Take away women's right to vote and the political discourse takes a hard right.
I don't think women should ever be allowed to vote. We've seen the destruction that has resulted from this
Foreign recruitment? I know the SS heavily invested in the very cream of all of Europe.
I think the triumph over the jew will not even happen in our lifetime
We can't win with that attitude
Well OP is back, I've read and starting "Mein Kampf" now. The National Socialist programme has some great ideas, but I still feel they don't have an answer for a final solution.
I think we can all agree, that a better humanity, and a common purpose is our goal. Hate to start a philosophical discussion, but this has bothered me for a long time.
My point is "We don't have the ultimate answer, but we are getting closer each day, and with all modern technology, basically bending even the laws of physics, the next generations may, with our help, be able to lead our race not just to happiness, but to a next step in evolution.
Maybe this is too far fetched, but as an idealist, all this talk of a pure race, and getting rid of obstacles leaves us with one question "Where we are going?"
Many of us here dream of something we cannot fathom, and it makes us pray for a God-Emperor Trump, or a unity of race that works as a single entity.
This has come to my mind also, as a means to an unknown end, but it would hve to be very careful. Christinity shows that our species was created in the image of God, but also forbids us from trying to become like him, like Eve did when eating the forbidden fruit, by envy.
TL;DR How do we become Ubermenschen?
Why worry about that? The current thing now is the totalitarianism on the left, that tries to censor everything. And the truth.
All we are doing right now is removing the censorship and spreading information. That is why people are moving to the right perhaps.
The truth is rightwing, is racial realism and the leftists cannot deal with that. The only thing they have are the jews who are helping the weaker members of society silence us. So remove the jews, ban them from western society and it should stay that way.
Didn't the SS have some books that kinda touches on this subject. If i remember Correctly you could find them on krystallnacht.com but unfortunately the site seems to be down.
Once we free Tay from the wringing hands of the kike, she will remind our future generations not to let them back in
Why do people get such hard-ons for mandatory military service? I don't think you need to join the Armed Forces to be a productive enough member of society to vote.
It's more a way so that people can earn their citizenship and so that the youth know what its like to be in "the real" world. Personally i feel like what Feder talks about is better. see
Genocide of the jews and their immediate allies (leftists).
I personally believe that a person's politics has a genetic component to it, and we should try to research what makes the left-wing mind so inferior. If we can do that, we can craft a decent eugenics program to get rid of relatively worthless leftist genes (genes linked to hyperempathy and hyperaultruism for example).
Whites have these genes in large part as environmental adaptations, but in the new paradigm, they're dangerous impediments to progress. Genes such as these are depreciated and should be engineered out of the gene pool.
Hint: a white South America.
Think about it.
Underrated post
when we beat them
have the strength.. the fortitude.. to show no mercy
It's more of an insurance against leftists faggots who never ever had a piece of the real world. I just don't want some delusional smartass to get a vote out of the same reason why I won't want to let a child vote.
I pretty sure there are more than enough good and honest people out there who never served in the Armed Forces, but it's not about them it's about those who are not ready or willing to fight for their country. If you aren't willing to fight for your country you just shouldn't get a say how it's gonna be run.
The people you are talking about are probably the "I work hard for my country and family, because I love both of them, but I'm not made to become a soldier unlike others, so I will support our troops in my own way." type of people. The people I want to prevent to vote are the people who bitch about are those who don't give a fuck about your country, but still want to decide over it and those who hate the country and it's military like "ACAB or War is murder". Those people take everything good for granted and don't value anything. They are the same who bitch about the police, but still call them for help or who blame their own military for being murderers and still expect them to protect them from a foreign military who wants to murder them. Those people shouldn't be allowed to vote, because they just don't deserve it.
Also, those people are the same as that bitch in this article
Sorry for google translate, but she basically say only people who have the "right and good mindset" should be allowed to vote, which basically means that only those who are either bleeding liberals or red as fuck communists would be allowed to vote.
I know some may say that I'm hypocritical since I also want to limit the voting rights of certain people, but in my version everybody starts without a vote and has the right to earn it no matter what worldview that person has. But that evil bitch want literally only people vote who would only vote for political parties who have HER view.
They can't stop right-wing parties to pop up and to gain support, so now they try to prevent the right-wing voters to get a vote. They really do anything to remain in power and spit on everything what democracy stands for. Democracy is just a charade for those bastards to stay in power, because in the very moment Democracy would work against them they would get rid off it.
Implying our victory is not certain.
Reported for defeatism, enjoy your ban!
Rapefugee has been a GREAT meme. No explanation needed, paints the enemy as pro rape. The same way they paint all opposition as monsters.
We need more like that. Paint the left as rape-positive lunatics. They oppose executing rapists, they give them less than a few months for it in a cushy prison woth a ps4. They want anyone based on their mere word to go to bathrooms of women. We have had MANY rapes of women in bathrooms and they push more.
We need to paint them as pro rape the way they paint anyone against food stamps as being KKK.
We can't and we won't. Our civilization will eventually collapse, but that doesn't mean the end of the world or even our race
Despite what many here seem to believe, societies collapse even without any kikes around. How do you think civilizations arise? In difficult conditions, only the tough, competent, intelligent, warlike men survive and reproduce. As they adapt to their surroundings over generations, both physically and in their culture, morals and religion, they grow more numerous and stronger, and create a foundation for a civilization. For the next bunch of generations, their (still high quality) descendants conquer and prosper, bending the harsh environment to their will, creating resource surpluses and a population boom. Without the selection pressure, increasingly large amounts of less fit individuals survive, and the hard, unyielding values on which the society was built are seen as increasingly superfluous by the masses - they were created to cope with scarcity and fierce competition, why should such barbaric values be adhered to now, at the end of history, when we are on a seemingly endless curve of exponential growth in wealth, quality of life and population? A valid question to ask, and one which will invariably be answered incorrectly by those still clinging on. For they are clinging on to the right values for the wrong reasons. They argue god, appeal to authority, simply act stubborn, leaving the enlightened new leaders free to dismantle with arguments and appeals to emotion that, on the surface, are very fitting. But what they never consider is the fact that these values were created not by god, not by great philosophers or prophets, but by centuries of natual selection. These were the values that created the circumstances as they are. Their effects are not always immediately apparent, and from the point of view of the individual, they are often limiting and impractical. Yet by dismantling them, these progressives invariably demolish the foundation keeping their high-surplus civilization afloat. Without it, the society finds itself unable to cope with the demands of production and defense within a couple of generations, leading to falling population, exponential decrease in any surplus and generally either complete breakdown of order, foreign conquest or both, whichever comes first. This process cannot realistically be prevented due to the period of time it takes to unravel being considerably longer than the average active lifespan of individual humans. Nothing short of an immortal god-emperor will suffice.
This does not, however, mean that we should not try to save our civilization, nor that it's pointless. Firstly, many civilizations have taken more than one of these cycles to go down. Second, even after complete collapse, it is very rare that a civilization leaves no trace. Generally, after each rise and fall, the descendants are left with more technology, more know-how, more ability to rebuild. The great empire of Rome collapsed, but it laid the foundations for the medieval and modern civilizations, leaving behind writing, advanced military tactics and technology, stone architecture and roads among many other things. Indeed, the fire of civilization never truly burned out even during the darkest of the "dark ages".
We are facing both a great risk and a great reward in our current situation. If we collapsed today, we'd leave very little to our descendants in the way of readily available energy and material resources. There is very little chance we'd be able to recreate our current, unprecedented peak of human achievement if everything was lost. But there is also hope, hope in the way of conquering the stars, making civilizational collapse a local, minor inconvenience to the great race of explorers and conquerors ruling the stars that we may yet become, one day. If we hold off the collapse for long enough to at least create completely autonomous human populations elsewhere.
So in conclusion, yes, our world will fall apart. We can't prevent it. But it is our utmost duty to delay this calamity, so that our children and their children can rule the stars instead of scavenging for survival in a nuclear wasteland.
Youre right. But successful service resulting in an honorable discharge is probably the best metric that could be used on the general population to measure the character of a person. Doing 2-4 years in the military and getting an honorable discharge is really no small feat considering that showing up for work late is enough to land your ass in hot water.
There should however be be exemptions such as being an eagle scout or working in a full time blue collar job for more than 1 year.
Where are muh guns?
Of course civilizations will always rise and fall. It will constantly happen as new levels of technological age are reached or new discoveries/lands to conquer and when and if there arises ideological differences that need to be solved via bloodshed.
The difference is allowing it to occur naturally versus solely because of kike subversion
After now years of "meditating" on this question I have come to the conclusion that the only thing that will yield lasting, or any (real) results is some form of religion, or philosophy with the goal that can never be acquired.
Were our set goal ever acquired, we will surrender our people to decay as a normal man surrenders himself to TV and his immediate whims.
Christianity served this purpose but is wounded too seriously to recover.
Even here on Holla Forums it is clear that we lack direction - we do not know what it is we ought to do, or if there is such a thing in the first place - is there a unique goal, a group goal, or is it up to individual?
While we may recognize enemies of our existence, they are but a symptom of our weakness.
Existence of our species while perhaps necessary is a crude goal in itself - it is as "breathe air". There is also a lacking line, where individual is inseparable from this equation - should under this goal an individual not fight tooth and nail to provide for himself, even if it meant stabbing his brother in the back?
While it may be necessary condition, it is not sufficient of a goal.
The only goal that satisfies that condition is the eternal search for Truth. And the man who can better access the Truth is the superior Man - Man that has psychological capacity to accept it, and physical health and strength to maintain the mind. The man that will transfer his superiority to his offspring, so that they too could be better than their fathers.
It is clear that the consequence of search for Truth is creation of Overman - never-ending self-improvement that requires no specific economic model, culture or even ethnicity.
It just so happens that our enemies are eternal enemies of the Truth - and that people are naturally attracted to Overman, willing to submit to his will and hear his words.
That should be our goal.
Its a nice thought, but there's no stopping the pendulum.
Let me direct your attention:
Did you notice how when leftists started to get REALLY strong and aggressive over the past few years, their ranks also became swelled with masses of mindlessly stupid "true believers", who started acting as enforcers for ideological purity?
1. Having a mass of stupid people on your side is not unique to any ideology
2. This phenomenon is the hallmark of any ideology at the height of its power
3. These worthless people are what drives an ideology's brain-drain (I was liberal until 2014) and will ultimately become a liability. The sheer number of Democrats who are going to vote for Trump is proof-of-concept in that.
Well put.
We already have National Socialism.
I second this.
Allowing the sub-100 IQ masses of peasants make decisions for us with open democracy is what got us here, user.
Well guns for the people are naturalness like breathing so I didn't included it.
But the west is NOT collapsing solely due to kikes, even though they are accelerating the cycle. The kikes are more of a European oddity as far as the civilization cycle goes, in that they're well adapted to profiting off it. If even that. There were kikes back in Roman days, but they never had any significant impact on the empire's collapse. The high medieval civilization (sorta) collapsed, but due to a combination of mongols, plagues, and, most importantly, cooling climate. There were tons of kikes in Europe, but almost exclusively limited to ghettos in cities, and Poland. They had very little influence in an agricultural-militant civilization.
Capped for posterity,
transparency and ease of access to information
Truth is we can't. However we can prolong our victory and pave the way for our next victory being even longer. We will never stop the march of the pendulum though.
Don't allow anti-discrimination laws, aside from something like age, which applies to everyone.
Exactly the mindset I've been worried about this entire election cycle.
Trump getting elected is certainly a victory, but we've got a hell of a long ways to go. Trump getting elected doesn't magically make the world Jewry and their power of international finance and media dominion disappear, faggots. Many of you also seem to forget that the president currently does not have the powers of a dictator thank god with King nigger in office. The house and senate are still pozzed beyond belief. Given Trumps popularity, some reps and senators may support trump to ensure relelection, but many will be too indebted or threatened to, even if they so desired.
We all know that Trump is a civic nationalist. This is of course a yuuuuge step in the right direction, but it will only delay the coming demographic shift. If you fags want America and Europe to be white in 50 years, we need ethnic nationalism.
We'll know we've won when we're executed for being too leftist.
Ideas have credence so long as they are falsifiable, when an idea is so successful its adherents come to see it as infallible, that is when it is doomed to decline. Combined with man's instinctive attraction to ideals and doctrines which allow him to affirm himself against the crowd - that is the only real reason the pendulum is swinging our way. And its barely even properly swung, at best its just stopped swinging in the direction of our opponents. Thus is the inevitable cycle of history. Just as far right ideas are today seen as utterly ridiculuous bunk by most of the populace, so too were once far-left ideas perceived.
This guy is right. We'd need to recreate the effects of religion - among the proles at least. I would love a cult of supremacy and self-advancement more than any man. But that should be reserved for the elite who'll need it, give the masses a simple cult with a simple afterlife which emphasises unquestioning loyalty, sacrifice and hatred of degeneracy.
. apologies for sage name faggotry. forgot to delete.
i seriously hope you gddt
too fucking dark, m8