The truth about Linux 4.6


Other urls found in this thread:

Did you read it before posting it?

All he's claiming is that his version of Linux has better security than mainline Linux, not that Linux is bad compared to other systems.


He clearly claims the model used to address vulnerabilities in linux is largely unchanged and in fact worse than microsoft and other companies since they've since improved their processes.

Something that was already good can be better than something that was utter shit that has improved slightly.

Is linux safe? Am I safer on windows?



I love the meme where you say yes and no at the same time to try to confuse me.


Just the GRSec autist sperging out after he introduced a kernel panic in his branch, then shut down his twitter and banned anyone referencing the fuckup.
Nice security procedures there, boss.

Hi spender


gg no re

I don't know

Can you repeat the question?

Please hang yourselves.
He should totally run for president.

Nice joke there, just what I needed.




Can you repeat the question?

Why the fuck are they doing that on Linux too?

You're not the boss of me now


Archived version, because, as usual, OP is a faggot.

Archiving is good practice, but what's so bad about not doing it in this case?

Yeah preventing a forum post from getting clicks is completely fucking pointless. It's not like the forum post is a clickbait article by the libshit media. It's basically just a fucking blog post on a forum. There aren't even any ads. There is no chance of it getting deleted or censored either. It's like saying to archive a conversation posted on a text only mailing list. Complete waste of time

Windows in a nutshell.

cringed at "ulnerability has ever been released that would work against a kernel secured with grsecurity."

stopped reading the second time they said "real "hard truth""

shilling, AND bad writing? not a reputable source.


Aren't these the guy who blocked that guy who reported a security bug, then tried to damage control and eventually deleted their twitter?


that is exactly what happened, yes

Nice reading there, friend.

Why did they delete everything?

I don't know

Can you repeat the question?

autistic developer sperged out
it's still in the catalog