
I've been trying to share massively the picture with the rally for months..

go to reddit today and see it on front page.

With time, as holohoax "survivors" all die, no one will remember the jews being victims, but only that "we fought the wrong enemy".

Other urls found in this thread:

You would expect reddit cucks to shout in the comments how nazi were monsters, but seems like as time passes, they just accept it, getting closer to the truth.

It's in our nature to want racial unity and being part of a strong group.

filtered reported trashed discarded

Comments are blue-pilled and the picture is posted in the context of "look how evil this is"

It can't be bad. People think that was Hitler was wrong only because all discussion was censored. But no matter how many lies you make up, truth will always find a way. Just like the creators of the picture with the nazi family had to cancel the ads with it because.. people did not saw it as something negative.

Fuck off back to Twitter.

The comments are blue pilled, but there is a sense of longing in some, like it was still better than what is today.

This is what plebbit thinks is important and worth discussing? Shit like "I took selfies (fuck that word) for almost 7 years look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee give me attention", Reague of Regends for the Holla Forumsedditors, "lol look at the shape of this keyhole", "lol gifs", "oy vey mysoggyknee", and "don't you wish the nadzees didn't exist".

This is cancer.

Only surprise is one thread about family courts being slightly less pozzed.

don`t get me wrong - i am absolutely against nazi ideology and stuff but: their style was brilliant :-)

It's a nice retort to make them think.

Damn the nazis had style. And those uniforms? omg fabulous

ELI5: how in the hell did the NAZI party have so much support. I have never seen a political rally this big before. Even when Obama was at his height in 2007ish, his Rallies were like half of this size.

Sometimes I wish I was born in 1920's.

sometimes I wish I was there

I have never seen this photo before now. Woah. Holy shit.

There was a picture of a massive Trump rally near the top yesterday with a similarly-worded title.
It's an assblasted SRS SJW being le irony.

it's shit, they upvoted the one with courts, but there is also that shit with that attention whore that was sent home for not wanting to wear heels

It's the argument I use as an Englishman, it's doubly effective on minorities when you remind them that your blood paved the way for their insolence. They can't come back without being seen as racist or ungrateful.

1444 points 5 hours ago

To be fair, back then we hadn't invented the internet, or dank memes for that matter. So there wasn't a whole lot for people to do. You either sat in front of the fireplace with your family, or supported an autocratic regime by attending their rallies. It was a much simpler time to be alive.

The front page is what's most popular on the entire website and 2/3 of users are complete facebook tier retards.

That's /all/ - the front page is only what the cuck admins allow there.
Sage for leddit shit.

saw some faggots trying to make that connection, but it does not work anymore, the lies don't hold it

it's in the blood


265 points 7 hours ago*

Got to give it to Hitler. You'd never see that kind of turn-out for a rally these days.

Imagine once Trump has reconciled the entire Republican party under one right-wing movement, instead of having to fight off Cruz and Kasich and the rest of the neocohen cuckservatives.

His rallies are about to get YUUUUUGE like we haven't seen yet. His primary rallies were just warmups.

9 points 3 hours ago

Bernie Sanders rally?

those are comments from reddit

they'd wish

I was about to say, that sounded /reddit/ tier to me

Looks really good mate

These photos just make me sad. Will the white race ever be able such greatness again?

see how they get their pussy wet seeing the greatness of it and then the conditioning comes in they must excuse themselves.

What a great sight. Hitler was a great leader. A nationalist for his people

When Germany was still Germany and not full of Arabs and 3 Kebab shops in every corner.

stupid title, cool picture.

We have been so lost for so long.

Order, fraternity, prosperity and unity. That was a terrible time for Germany.


Some of the comments are pretty hilarious.


This. So many people these days feel they have no purpose in life and go into Antifa, or even come to Holla Forums.




What did he mean by this?

This is the disgusting truth about the war

Rebut what?

i wonder if being a cuck hurts


Is that the Karl Self Propelled Gun ?

Schwerer Gustav actually. Has an 800mm (or 31.5 inch) gun.

Keep in mind the Yamato-class battleships, of which they carried the largest naval artillery of any warship in history, only had 460mm (18.1 inch) guns.

