why can't everyone of you retarded 8gagers just disappear from the face of the earth I hate every single one of you so damn much YOU HAVE NO OC YOU LYING FUCKS YOU ARE NOT THE DAMN PINNACLE OF BOARD CULTURE YOU ARE THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL FUCK YOU.
I don't have a reaction image close to the eternal raging fire of hatred that is forever burning inside my empty heart but I'll attach this image anyway
That is because Holla Forums stoped being great a year ago.
But the entire idea is to be the asshole of the internet, so it is the pinnacle of board culture.
Kennedi Cotarelo will dox you faggot
woew man, what did we ever do to you
Well fuck you to m8
Holla Forums is mostly comprised of the anons with autism levels that were too severe for 4chan – that's right, congratulations, you faggots are basically the most autistic people on the internet.
You act like a bunch of self-entitled children who throw temper-tantrums when mommy says "no". And btw, it's LITERALLY a symptom of autism when you find repetitive behavior appealing (see: catalog, any given time of day)
There's a reason why you're some of the biggest fucking losers on the planet, and guess what, it's not because of "normies" – it's because you're petulant children who cannot relate to other people in an effective manner.
The more that I frequent this site, the more I sympathize with fascism and the less I sympathize with the callow notion of liberty that you imbeciles espouse.
That said, some of you are pretty cool
And what do you feel Is the underlying cause of this hatred you are feeling
Nigga you mad as hell.
Please stop replying to pasta, it makes me sad ;-;
Oh, look its that exact same faggot that posts the exact same fucking thing he posts on every thread he is in. Just so you know, youre not clever or original for posting that you insufferable cunt.
There is no story except the human story. The one which presents itself to you on a daily basis and is woven through every Abrahamic faith that currently plagues the Earth:
The idea that humans are special, that we're different, that we're separate from nature, that we're the chosen ones, that we're superior. As long as this narrative exists immoral humans will feel justified in the torture and exploitation of all beings that are others to them.
And other immoral humans like yourself will take pleasure in watching the torture and death of beings you feel are inferior. It is only when you are in your last moments of existence, as you breath your last breaths of air that you will realize how unspecial you truly are, how average, how mediocre, and then like everything else, you will die.
You know what. Fuck you. Fuck all things.
This fucking trans-fedora, ultra-cynical, le-go-back-to-reddit, and now "no memes allowed" shit has just got to stop. It's a black hole of fedora tipping "post-ironic" shitposting and it has rotted into the most cancerous faggotry around right now.
This is a fucking imageboard. We do memes here. Occasionally they are funny.
Being perpetually bitter and lashing out at anonymous posts does not make you edgier, or anti-edy, or post-post-ironic, or whatever other substitute for maturity you're seeking. It make you a faggot. And not a "thing-fag" kind of faggot. It makes you a daisy licking, hip wobbling queer who would suck a dick for human recognition and weep about it afterwards like the desperate tsundere faggot you are – Intellectually speaking.
Stop trying to "outpost" people on the internet, and go get fucking laid.
Your psychological well being is all I care about user… Im here because I want to help you… I can feel your pain as if it were my own… Don't turn us away user. We can be your salvation
You and me we are very different.
You are one of those who avoid of ghettos and poor sides of town filled with homless and drug addicts because you are afraid of getting hurt. You are weak and a little bitch.
I am the one who goes straight into poor town jam with hobos and deal bath salts while fighting off 10 niggers.
Filter cancer all you want.
Fucking great, the mods banned me again for absolutely no reason Now I have to wait another fucking 90 days before I can actually post something without proxying or being behind a vpn. This is so fucking retarded I hate all of the mods they're all a bunch of kikes that just ban when they feel like it holy shit. This is it, Holla Forums has now become a piece of trash run by hotwheel's cucks because he can't even bother to mod himself and instead goes into his damn irc all day and pretends that he's getting a blowjob by some fillipino fake chink yellow shits when he's actually drinking out of sippy cups all day and jacking off to his bones constantly breaking.
Hotwheels is a faggot, and do are all of his fucking cucks. Go to hell hotpocket pieces of shit.
Pasta? i wrote this right now.
That literally made no since user… This could of been fun, the ramblings of two crazy anons until you went and fucked up responding incoherently but alas my animu us done downloading and im gonna go watch it..
if you're from 4chan chances are you've used my oc
Are you fucking kidding me, Holla Forums ? I work my ass off for this fucking post and no one even gives a fucking reply? I come to this stupid board to show my hard work with and no one gives a shit, but stupid repetitive meme threads get a hundred fucking replies? This place obviously just a fucking parody of it's itself, fuck you guys I'm not coming back.
That's exactly what you just spread to us here. Posting a nearly all caps rage comment about how we're just "autists". It's ironic.
You got us beat there.
Correlation /= causation
No proof of that faggot.
I like Fascism but not in the way your faggy mind conceives of it.
It's Abrahamic faith that got us this far fag.
You just said you weren't us.
Massive projection.
Frankly I don't even know what you're bitching about.
>you will realize how unspecial you truly are
More premium irony.
"I turn my genuine feelings into a joke because I can't deal with them" starter pack
I'm gonna let you in on a secret reality (you're probably only pretending to be aware of) that I've been dealing with since the exodus.
Holla Forums is full of the internet equivalent to political refugees. Think Casablanca but with more Nazis.
Before GamerGate there were all manner of other groups of posters deemed "too extreme" for halfchan. Much of the alt. right in the case of Holla Forums, various people banned for hundreds of reasons from Holla Forums, people who want to discuss lolcows when discussion of them became forbidden on halfchan, the most annoying elements from various fandoms. All the people who made the most autistic threads on halfchan eventually found their way here after a ban.
Now, half/tv/ had a particularly antagonistic relationship with the group of people you're chatting with now. They've variously described themselves as "Actress enthusiasts" but they're responsible for every creepy thing attributed to half/tv/ over the years. Whenever an underage or underage-looking actress got creeped the fuck out by being tweeted pictures of some dude's cum all over a picture of them, or a shrine to them in someone's home, it was someone from this group.
They'd post endless threads, day in day out about various Disney and Nickelodeon shows, and insist they were intentionally sexual. "Look, some kind of goop hit this girl's face! PRETEND IT'S CUM!" "Look! This girl looked at a tub of popcorn she was eating from! SHE'S PRETENDING THIS VENTRILOQUIST DUMMY HAS A PENIS IN IT AND SHE LIKES IT!"
Endless stories about various actresses with giant misshapen heads and flat chests and how they wondered what their armpits smelled like, how they harassed them on a livestream about showing them their fucking feet, exaggerated recitations on the qualities of their menstruation blood. Pictures of small girls and references to pedophilia, perhaps discussing their desire to have a daughter, who they totally wouldn't molest, oh no no no, they'd just sleep with her. Naked. But totally innocently, they could restrain themselves. Unless, you know, she got curious.
Needless to say an endless cycle of banning, people who didn't like pedos complaining, the pedos stomping their feet and asserting they "just wanted to discuss actresses" while getting increasingly vile and crass. This constant back and forth (as these people would spam the board all day, every day and demand their own board, and ban evade constantly) likely encouraged the moderation there towards it's current draconian state.
One day they created their own imageboard, several in fact. I can't remember the url, but they had a "/celeb/" board. There they could shitpost and spam their individual pedophilic waifus to their hearts content… but then they realized quickly… This was boring without a audience. You see, pedophiles hate eachother. The only way they can stop hating eachother for any period of time is if people are actively telling them they're shit forcing them to band together against everyone else. Their threads would get repetitive and they'd go through their disturbing folders with hundreds of still frames of each actress very quickly.
They came here, they created various boards notably /waifuist/ and /got/ but the same thing happened again and again, no one wanted to talk to them and their behavior chased all posters away from their respective boards.
So now they're here. They've been here for weeks, largely contained in their /got/ threads. People still hate them and regularly tell them they're annoying, but they persist. You know, autism and all. But people eventually hide the threads. They're being ignored again. So they've started popping up in other threads more now. Started making threads about feet, started posting threads about nickelodeon shows, started replying to threads with the same gifs and images of young-looking actresses they do everywhere.
Because of the lax moderation on this Holla Forums, I suspect over the course of several months since they aren't getting banned, they'll eventually chase all the traffic away and be confused as to why Holla Forums died "all of a sudden". Without an ounce of self-awareness they won't look back at /got/ and /waifuist/ and /celeb/ and /who/ and every other stillborn board they've created and killed by association, because to do so would require admitting that the way they behave is fucking annoying to everyone else.
I hate christian people.
I hate them with every fiber in my being. I hate them more than anything else in this world. I have more hate for them than anyone who has hate for something and I assume the rest of non-christian brethren would sympathize with me.
Why do I hate them
-They're closed-minded
-They care about victimless "sins".
-They believe in a god that controls your existence after you die.
-They pretend to have facts and only believe bullshit bible propaganda about what god is like despite the fact that there are tons of other scriptures claiming otherwise.
-They influence the mass media and our culture by scaring people into believeing they're going to hell for eternity if they don't follow christianity.
-They verbally harass and condemn anyone who isn't christian.
-They use ambiguous bible quotes as sources.
-They fail to realize christianity is controlling them through fear of death.
I would also like to make clear that everyone who thinks jesus is the only way to a good afterlife is either a god-fearer or an idiot who uses the logic "well if it happens to be right ill go to heaven". And I'm sure none of you non-christians associate with anyone who is christian. Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from.
So I get this christian dude who was preachy as fuck with me and wanted to hang out in my dorm, and he's all like "so.." and I ask if he wants to pray and he's like "well….no sorry".
Alright whatever. So we have an hour long conversation and he's so fucking holy in everything he does, and after we're done with an in depth convo I ask if he wants to start praying and he's like
and I'm like "yeah" and he's like
and I ask "how so?" and he says
so I say "that sounds like bullshit, see you" and opened the door for his prude ass. I also said "no hard feelings" because there literally are none save for the fact he's a fucking christianfag who leads people on but he didn't say anything back as he left. JIDF.
Fuck, am I really so sinful or fucking evil that you throw away all the understanding that we just built up and an offer to let you make me into a choir boy? Fuck you, believer. You love to lead guys on to think they have a chance to go heaven with you. Fucking christfag.
I can see right through him. I thank god every miserable day that my high school psych teacher taught me to see through people's bullshit and speak my mind, saying exactly the right thing to make them forgive me. I love love love being a priest major. I mean FUCK it feels so good to let people forgive me and my ego.
I swear to fucking god, christians are disgusting. I lowered my goddamn standards for him, he's a 9/10 in the holy-smokes but was sinful/borderline satanic. Good luck being anything more than a weak lucifer's toy, fucking christian.
I'm fucking done searching for a higher power.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make posts like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Holla Forums by saying stupid posts that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Holla Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place…. this place has a lot to offer… heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
Good read m8. Very informative.
All the people are here because 4ch was flooded with "Normies" (A hipster word for people in general) Hipsters need to label the masses as something negative so it doesn't seem shallow that they like shit based on its lack of popularity
They make it seem like they are unique but they are just blindly looking for anything that has a tiny/ nonexistent fan base.
The hipsters entire life goal is being able to one day say:
I liked it before it was cool
Thats a chan hipsters way of saying I liked it before it was cool
This is a hipster hug box
I have uncovered one of 8chans greatest mysteries.
The identity of the group behind the fall of Holla Forums. That is to say, the groups responsible for all of the bad things that have ever happened to this board.
The spam, the divide and conquer, the shills, all of it. It all sources back to one particular group.
In 2015 my long period of investigative infiltration of into a particular group that roams this site had finally payed off. I have finally managed to uncover this specific group of crusaders that seems to persistently torture this site.
As I had suspected, the group responsible for all of these happenings on our site, was none other than the infamous Cat's Cradle group. The main purpose for their thread was to absolutely distract from any chances of anybody ever catching on to them. Fortunately for me, they left one little mistake, they let me aboard the infamous hacker group and I managed to uncover their secrets one by one.
They were behind many of the unfortunate things that had happened to this site recently. I will name a few.
They were behind the /int*/ boards, the Cat's Cradle threads (obviously), many tactical threads on Holla Forums, the Kennedi project, the Leo/Travis ETC (also known as the "Avatar Experiment") spammers, the tripfag circlejerks, they are behind the first pedo and pony threads, the cyclical threads and removal thereof. They were even behind Josh getting hired as a global site spy.
Why do you think Josh couldn't code well? He was never a coder. He was only a face who accepted programs from the Cradle group which went on to write code that "seemed" to work, but ultimately harmed the site and led the creation of the Infinity Next malware.
This is a very powerful and dangerous group, they have at least 30 members I have counted, and several bots/botnets and proxies. They lurk and post in every thread on all of the major boards and are responsible for cataloging every hidden board on the site.
They are among the tripfags, the pedos, the ponies, they are always in IRC be it in person or with bots, monitoring, watching, scheming.
I am the watcher of this group, I am the hero of Holla Forums.
It seems the mods have removed my flag, I wonder why that is…
After 11 years of work, I finally finished the ultimate meme.
His name is Cool Shirts Guy. It's ridiculously amazing and has all kinds of epic jokes.
Only I can post this meme because I am the best memer in the world.
I am the best. No one is better than me, because, as previously stated, I am the best in the world at meming.
I know I'm being modest, so I should say this meme was easy to make, because, as stated, I'm the best there is.
This meme is perfect, hands down.
Anyone who says it isn't perfect will have their comment deleted,
blocked from my account, blocked from Holla Forums, computer destroyed with a hammer,
and you will be killed by my millions of fans at the snap of my fingers, because I can demand that much respect,
because I'm the best. Hope you enjoy my meme.
His name is Cool Shirts Guy…
I haven't really contemplated why exactly, but it's very psychologically alluring.
Men are expected to reach certain standards, one of which is to take on a woman and have kids. A man breaking that standard is considered by some people, and arguably society as a whole, as less of a man. He's considered even less if he ditches his social obligation to be with another man instead.
For two men to risk throwing away their pride, respect, and masculinity just to be with together shows that they truly love each other. Straight relationships simply don't require that much risk and commitment.
Men have been at war with each other since the dawn of time figuring out how to control each other. But the most effective way of taking possession of a man, both physically and psychologically, is to overpower him in the bedroom, not on the battlefield.
Am I the only one that recognizes this is pasta?
wew lad. Go back to cuckchan if we trigger you so much. Newfags just can't let go like it's a brand name soda.
My People have called unto me, and I cummeth.=
nice post 7/10
Have some OC in return, friend of mine who did a stupid tattoo.
I hate to say it, but threads like this are cancer. But not for the reasons you'd expect.
There are actually femanons here. This thread isn't even mean by chan standards but when all the comments are of how shitty Holla Forums has become, or calling OP an autist, it makes a girl want to go stop posting at all. Not being even able to function on even a Holla Forums level of socializing depresses them into giving up on participating.
I'm not talking about attention whoring or posting tits, but just commenting or lurking as a default user. Making OC, meming. Just contributions in general. In fact it's better to be over the top rude and nasty personally, as that can be seen as exaggeration and banter. This bland "meh" dismissal of the state of this shit board is honestly disturbing, and makes a girl realize just how unwelcome she really is here.
Rude tbqh fampai.
You're meant to be the asshole, not the shit that comes out of it.
Fucking this. This place sucks shit but the fucking retards here still act like it's cool or something "because it's Holla Forums!".
kys losers, you're living in a shadow, this place was once great but the era of its glory has long been over.
Why are you posting here if it sucks?
the only difference back then was gamergate and hotwheels, now that's gone.
this place was always shit. that's why i like it.
belly button then go to bed, faggot.
Yes this, place was different, but I don't care, if you like shit then you can wallow in it all you want.
This place would be a lot better, with Suzy Salmon as a mod.