why do leftists always fall back on shouting mindless slogans and words they don't understand?
Retarded Baby Boomer Shouts Like a retard at a Campus flag rally
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fucking hell
They are all retards, only that fat fuck is more retarded.
Cringe worthy as hell.
I left the IBEW (as an apprentice) because my local was full of mexicans who they pander to.
I just think its funny how he thinks some libertarians are "FACIST NATIONALISTS"
This guy would have a meltdown if he were dealing with actual Nationalists
unions love spics
like it's a bad word…
… Is it retarded?
I would be wondering what choices I made in life led me to be confronted by a giant human potato
Well shit. Let's all bow before his mightyness.
What a fucking surprise
*Liberals are the new commies of the west
what a twist
Man I'm just striking out today
What? Did you watch the video?
The fat baby boomer was afraid of "nationalists" and "fascists"… How is he afraid of liberals?
vids like this just make me wish that the russians would first strike us and all these self-important mongoloids would get vaporized and all the wildlife could just get the land back. the fucking human race is disgusting, these people are walking examples of the failure of the eugenics movement in securing power and testament to how far we have fallen since the second world war. we should just give this planet back to the bacilli and the microbes, consciousness was a fucking mistake.
I was implying that the people he gets upset about aren't even that nationalistic or remotely fascistic, hence me callig them "liberals". Holla Forums could be considered extremely natioanlistic by outsiders
What the fuck. Fascist I can understand because Fascism is authoritarianism, but who the fuck uses Nationalist in this context? This guy must legitimately be retarded. There is not one negative thing about Nationalism. Not one.
this is why you dont respond to shills. because they are buffoons like this slob in vid related
tell that to a globalist.
can we get him fired
This is the first time I've ever heard someone use "Nationalist" in a negative context. I've only ever heard Lefties say Nazi, racist, Fascist etc. It's actually pretty funny. This moron can call me a Nationalist all fucking day and I'll smile and say "you're damn right." I would never stand there in the street screaming with him like these idiots though. At most I'd provoke him to physically attack me so I could kick his ass, or I'd laugh at him. I never understood people that stand out in public screaming. I don't care who you are or what you stand for, if you're standing out in public screaming like this, you look like trash.
I'm a frog, and "nationalist" is equivalent to "nazi" for the Lügenpresse (and the bluepills).
Probably the same in the rest of western europe.
Am I the only one that found this a little amusing?
It's been a hundred years since we defeated the IWW and they still keep coming back.
Yeah, I'm amazed at how quickly that term has been spun to be equal with fascist.
Having pride in one's nationality is fine for illegals, but not for white Americans. It becomes evil when it's whites.
There's no middle ground: either you take equality to its natural conclusion or you take inequality to the same; social democracy is just a transitionary form.
The Equality Cult sees nationalism as momentum for inequality, which is their anathema.
I see more nationalist boomers there than just the one bolshevik boomer.
We ARE Nationalists here.
Stalin said they would win by slogans.
Most people, don't know how to think as they were never taught. The parents didn't know any better and odds are, they got divorced. Either way, it was Talmudvision and or a spic nanny that raise them. Never read to so they didn't read. Several generations of such dummies now.
Dewey disclosed serveral times that he designed America's education system based on the Prussian model. He did, because the intent was to turn out factory workers and idiots dumb enough to volunteer for the military.
So Tourette's type outbursts are to be expected. That's how you get, 'it's the current' type remarks. These dumb motherfuckers imagine saying so, makes it so. They speak in buzzwords and soundbites which is why garbage like Twitter and Facebook work. You see these morons on their phones. All busy doing nothing, talking pure shit. These are children in adult bodies. They belong in a fucking landfill. Robots and automation is the future, not dumb motherfuckers who think regurgitating what they heard in a thirty second NBC news story makes them some sort of expert. It's delusional insanity.
100m Americans CAN'T READ. Another 50m read at a fifty grade level which is the level at that newspapers are written for. Which is why they are now able to use software to turn out 'stories' as the prose is exceedingly simple. Get a hundred year old copy of the NYT for instance and compare the depth and vocabulary used. It might as well be from another fucking planet. Oh and less than 10% read novels. So look at some random cunts Fagbook. They'll have a 100 shittier Jew movies listed and no books. Some of these dumb motherfuckers will even say shit like, 'really not a reader' or, 'I don't like books' haha or, 'I prefer magazines'…
What shocks you OP, is that someone could be so old and yet so stupid. You're probably a bit on the younger side and still cling to some false ideals of your elders being wiser and such. Nothing could be further from the truth… these days. Some asshole doing LSD in the 60's, cocaine in the 70's they didn't become a good person as a result of that. They killed brain cells and now, they have early onset of dementia or Alzheimer's and spend 6+ fucking hours on average parked in front of the electric Jew. That asshole reproduced. Now you have 1in48 kids in America with autism hahaha. Soon!… what was the stat… it was fucking horrifc. Like 100% of males in 2020 will be tards.
It's time for a eugenics type cull. Spics, niggers, mentally defective types and degenerates if the species is to survive.
I know, but others view us as extremely nationalistic, because the west hasn't seen proper proper nationalism for the last 30 years
what a fucking fat sperg
Why is America such a shithole?
Reminder that unions are what keeping legally retarded fatsos like this comfortably employed.
Why is Europe such a shithole?
It's frustrating lads..
Bet that fatty is jewish.
Go jack off to anime and stop pretending we're all of one clique here you faggot.
/weebpol/ here. We still use normalfag, because normie is a bastardization of it used by failed normalfags tone-policing themselves into using a more palatable version. That is all.
Just more evidence that all baby boomers need to be euthanized.
This idiot is basically championing globalist communism while condemning communists.
And the average burger thinks we won the Cold War.