Are you man enough to vote for her?
bros4hillary com
facebook com/groups/bros4hillary
instagram com/bros4hillary
vimeo com/user48930347
How can Drumpf even compete with memes of this calibre?
Come help out!
Its like they bought their own bullshit propaganda that just sexist guys obsessed with masculinity were voting Bernie and think this will work.
Ergh it’s such terrible quality propaganda that it makes me feel uncomfortable.
It’s gross, what agency is behind this? They are shit whoever they are and should stick to writing copy for dishwasher tablets or whatever it is they usually do.
Normies who vote for Hillary make me sick.
We already have a thread for this. Read the catalog.
People talk all the time about Trump being a sexist, misogynist, hater of women, etc. It's mostly a lot of hot air, and Trump is predictably being viewed more and more favorably by women. We all know that Clinton is not doing well with men in general, and if there was any moment in this election process which was alienating towards one of the sexes, it's not Trump and his antics, it's fucking #Bros4Hillary.
How many "Bros" will see this and think of it as anything other than an embarrassing attempt at gaining support from a demographic she's doing poorly with? If anything, it's evidence that she's an old dykeish woman who's trying to relate but simply cannot.
She's going to lose the election.
Holy shit, is the imbecile actually using el Ratos widely mocked TrusTed style of slogan? What the hell is wrong with these people…
This shit is really cringey and disguting tbh.
Where can I become a paid shill for Hillary?
That's high comedy, right there.
Look, more faggots…
Wasn't she opposed to faggot marriage?
who is the guy in the 1st picture? just a model ?
yes but then she backflipped
They haven't realised that you can't pay for memes. It's a grassroots process built from a community.
I'm so confused by the current year.
Are these adds aimed at homosexuals?
Well a lot of young people purely on social issues. They eat this type of shit up.
A little advice
How diverse! So tolerant!
I think Hillary and all of her following are very confused people in general.
Now they're forcing gay memes.
Do they not understand? You can't force gay memes.
They literally are all massive camp faggots.
How is this masculine? This is nothing but gay.
My gaydar is 100% accurate and all of those men are 100% gay.
The best part would be , you could red pill people just by pretending to support Hillary. You could be getting paid to make people not vote for Hillary just by repeating this shit.
A very gay agency.