"Software shouldn't guess gender"


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is the modern version of

Learn to recognize Neon-Nazis, it could save your life

What kind of software guesses gender? Aside from "Are you a boy or a girl?" in vidya?



Retards acting like retards on the Internet, I'm so enraged.

It's just SJWs being worried that software might correctly guess a tranny's real gender, thus disproving their headcanon about gender being social construct and people changing their genders at will.



I'm not the same user as the one you replied to, what are you talking about. I just want my race to stop being attacked unfairly.

Making trouble over political agendas should be a banable offense on places like github.

Too bad github is run by a culture policing cuck now.

The word is "sex". There are only two sexes, and it is not possible to change.

I guess linguistics software analyzing conversations, or software for market research. The repo OP linked to looks like the former, but I have only glanced over the readme.

Gender is a real thing and there are three genders in English. It's a grammatical concept and the name comes from the latin "genus":
In English gender is trivial because everything that isn't human is automatically neuter, but other languages are more complicated. Seriously, English is such a simple language that is sounds like caveman speak compared to other languages I know

The question that led to that answer is retarded and shouldn't have been asked in the first place.

The whole point of an NLP lib is to guess those things, arguing that it shouldn't work because you're offended by it working is like saying relativity is wrong because nukes exist.

At best it's delusional stupidity, at worst it's full blown obscurantism.

Exactly. English is largely gender-nuetral.

I still don't understand why anyone would use github over any other git service or better, his own

remember the 600 gorillionz goy!

Why don't these project owners just tell the SJW "issue creators" to fuck off and mark the issue as closed?

No really, just two words. "Fuck off", and then you move on to working on important things. If you start to give these people a platform to speak as though they are reasonable, you'll end up with hundreds of posts which is a large waste of time for everyone involved.


Seeing these absolutely problematic comments has revived my faith in the FOSS community


this entire Github project is a goldmine

This is amazing.

Did those guys knew someone would be bored and made this issu- jokes just for me? The salt must flow.

excellent. that's up there with leg beard

Fuck you, neon-nazi is an established aesthetic. See SkyDas.

Because most people are neutral, unaware of what these harpies are, and inclined to be kind. They don't want to be sexist and mistakenly assume that most people's complaints are based on something legitimate.