
leftypol in a nutshell

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fuck off

triggered by the mirror







































Funnily enough, I haven't watched the original yet. Does anyone have a link?


thx, bub


No problem, user.

Fuck, I thought the one with long hair was an ugly chick. It's just a beta fag.



There is no way you're from Holla Forums. Even those cucks don't spill this much spaghetti.


leftypol in one picture


hahhahaahh retards







Conservacuck, you're getting cucked by big boi Trump. Hilarious to think you cucks believe he's going to be looking out for your best interests.




If I'm retarded, Trump voters must have the intelligence of a brick.


Majority of Americans are stupid regardless of being left or right. Both sides are filled with self righteous cunts, and both pol and leftypol are pure cancer. Stop going on Holla Forums for your political education.


Sitting in because Republican cucks won't stop terrorists from committing mass murder by disallowing them military grade weapons, they're such babies they need to grow up. The Republicans aren't being children here obviously. :^)

But you can't get a military grade weapon without a special license. You can't even get an automatic.

Obama get the fuck out of here you still have a lot of shit to ruin to be shitposting your ignorant bullshit in imageboards.

b-but muh religion of peace ….no retard they didn't get their way so they had a tantrum.

Isn't the entirety of the alt-right just a big tantrum by NEETs though?

Nah that's the Bernie supporters who want everything for free and increased welfare.

It's not free, taxpayers like myself pay for it so you NEETs can put it back into the economy.

Hope this helps.


This is why I'm happy to pay more for education, it's the easiest way to eradicate idiotic statements like this.

How sad

How sad.

Hypocrisy as usual

Where's the part that backs up your argument then? Literally the only part of that that could be construed as women's studies is social sciences and history. The rest shows that engineering and computer science are becoming more and more popular.

I didn't look it up myself because I know when I'm being bullshitted, and I don't see why I should waste any more time being bullshitted than I already am.

Herp derpery as usual.


What are you talking about?

What is second place?

Where have you found the 20% statistic?

What do you do other than whine?

You know if we spent more money on education you would be able to convey your point quickly without me having to spoonfeed you the way to do so. Can you please explain to me why there should not be free education?


Because nothing in life is free chump.


derp de derp kekeke le ebin americanski kapital komik xD - It's free at the point you get it because you put the money back into the system later in the form of taxes.

You are the dumbest of the lot. Go upstairs to the ground floor, locate your kitchen sink, open the cupboard beneath it, grab the bleach and do your bit for the white race and chug it like your girlfriend chugs BBC. This has already been gone over.


why don't you just answer the questions the girl couldn't answer in the video ?
I mean she clearly is asking the same garbage you're doing and got BTFO, if you have no answers either you can GTFO too

Answers to what? Are you just mad because I won't watch your autistic false equivalence video? All anyone responding has done is post sources hoping I won't read them and spouted their favourite Holla Forums maymays.

user are you ok?

Why, are you mad bro?

Holy shit my bladder…

'w-w-w-well the girl couldn't answer the questions and I bet you ca-' It's time to stop. The video was some sort of bullshit evidence that everyone wants to take women's studies, when I called you all out for statistics on this, you posted a source hoping I wouldn't read it, I did, and it disproved your original point.

I'd advise you get some diapers if you piss yourself every time someone refuses to watch/read anything you nutjobs produce rather than a legitimate source.


Oh, I see the question in here. I'm fine thanks. Is that all?

Yes, Who will pay for your college.
And how are you going to make them pay for it when rich people are already keeping their money outside the country to dodge the excessive taxes?
It has gotten to a point where companies would rather squander money off-shore than bring it back because it's cheaper for them that way.

America has some of the lowest corporation tax rates in the world, your branch of litigation is corrupt and infiltrated by these rich companies that have people writing in loopholes for them. You could also stop spending a bullshit amount on your military, clamp down on filling privatised prisons to the brim and deescalate the war on drugs.

It wouldn't be my college either, I'm past that. It's a civic investment in having less stupid people shitting everywhere up.

Ignorance and stupidity are not the same thing dipshit…education was wasted on you.


You still haven't said where the free money is going to come from, and government funded student loans has shot up the price of college. In over 200 years, the government has drove a debt of 10,000,000,000 dollars. B. Hussein has doubled that in 8 years. 20,000,000,000 dollars debt. Sanders proposes MORE spending, good luck with crashing trust in the dollar and handing world power to the Chinese. Chinese and bankers already own Africa.

Under Obama, the US has appeared weak, given huge influence to Russia in the Middle East, and provoked war with Russia for banker's and corrupt men's interests.

Putting people in college will not make them smart, there is a culture of idiots and feeling. Culture rot. Look at nigger social media, anyone says something to better their lives, and they say fuck off stop trying to be white niggaw. Mexicans might do it too, I'm not sure. Minorities are very unable to reflect on themselves, mostly unwarranted grief, loser attitude. LOSER ATTITUDE. Giving people a free ride so they don't care about their college education will drive down effort put in, "someone else's money, I don't care". Small businesses will be crushed with the 'progressive' worker's rights and will give up, live on welfare.

Drugs are brought in by Obongo not letting people do their job to secure the border. If corporations are taxed too high, will they not leave all together? I've also heard the left's business taxes crush small business and allow corporations to fly mostly unscathed. Where is your source for the low taxes of corporations? I heard government money allowances are given to corporations and the high taxes are a reason it's cheaper to hire chinks.

I agree, cut down on military, the pussy retard yuropoors have to pay for their own defense.

War on drugs is a bad name, but drugs must be cut off. I know, some hippies want to smoke weed and roleplay as communist while stealing working men's money, but drugs destroy people's ambitions and must be stopped if states do not want them legalized.

Anons, get to work.
Doesn't have to be employment if you're in a bad place and leaning on someone right now, but being normal should be your goal. Independence and freedom should be the goal. Wealth can and will, if you desire it, be born out of your hard work. Exploitation is not an essential backbone to wealth. Work with what you can, to be better and closer to your ideal self.

Or, don't work. Take it easy. But don't be an ass and vote to take other people's things.

No one should believe lies to make them self feel better, choose your life and own it.


If you really wanted to get rid of the stupid people, you'd start by eliminating the whole right hand side of this pie chart.

There's absolutely nothing you can do about dipshit culture but grin and bear it for a couple of decades trying to outfund the fuckboys like Murdoch.

I just looked it up, and holy shit your corporation tax is actually insanely high (whoops), it's fucking 39%! We have 20% here in the UK. I was getting mixed up with arguing for higher corporation tax for the UK since we constantly bitch about all the businesses leaving if we raised it. You're wasting a gargantuan amount of cash.

You're spending more money than the UK on healthcare, without even having it nationalised. Your education and welfare are lower quality and still costing you more. I think you need to lower corporation tax, close all those loopholes and stop handing out taxpayer money to corporations to avoid being seen as the government handing out free money to the individual, since they just throw it at people with plenty of money anyway.

agreed m8
fucking loopholes everywhere, heard there's a committee that has a monopoly on this psuedo socialized healthcare


Straw man. I think all religions create hatred and division, it's just Islam creates the most hatred and division. All religions are cancer.

America is a socialist country, socialist for big businesses.

Maybe if the US had free college this dumbfuck would be smart enough to form a coherent argument :^)

Don't bother arguing with these right wing cucks, they have no idea how left wing economic policy works. They think it's just 'mah free shit', even when most of them are on welfare or living off their parents, but they don't understand how economics works so there's no point. Also, it's not free, everything costs money. Lets say I got free college, I finish college, I get a good job, I pay taxes to pay for other people to go to college, how is that not costing me too? So, it's technically not even free. It's just that we're more altruistic, and care about low income kids not being able to get an education purely because of their parents income rather than based on their ability. It reduces the burden of debt on younger generations (which will be a HUGE economic issue very very soon), and gives incentive for younger generations to become more highly skilled without negative repercussions, thus actually producing a net benefit to not only society, but the economy.


in students who go to college, it will receive a net return on investment of four dollars and fifty cents as
the increased and higher earnings of graduates are taxed in ensuing years and the state saves money in social
services and incarceration costs.

attended but did not graduate. Based on these findings, college completion would represent far and away
the best investment return for both individuals and the state.

Top zozzles, I think I actually say this outright to one of them somewhere in here.

The only reason the right controls the narrative is because it appeals to the sort of person who loves repeating themselves (answers on a post card for the group that likes comfortable repetitive behaviour), making anyone that disagrees with them ultimately get bored and leave them to their own devices. You can't change the opinion of these dense classcucks but you can change the opinion of lurkers and passers by when they see them constantly get curbstomped and run to another thread where they haven't been discredited yet to repeat the same arguments.

Agree with everything else though, will remember that California $1:$4 bit.

It's to do with how the conservative brain processes information. Conservative brains and liberal brains work completely differently, and noted by psychologists. Liberals are more likely to accept new information or explore different ideas, while conservatives are more likely to hold onto their beliefs. They're 'conservative' with their arguments, they retain the same 'free shit' argument even when it's show it's complete bullshit.

I can sum up all conservative arguments:

no knowing the difference…..You are a moron! bahaahah


You posted a meem and called me a moron, argument = destroyed! I'm such a leftie cuck! Please cuck me big boi Don :^)

That queer socialist is a moran.


Poor people are poor because they have a bad attitude and made bad decisions, no one fucked you over, except maybe your parents.
Some want to break the free market, for what? They are betas, afraid of higher risk and reward. Angry that someone succeeded where they failed, unable to comprehend it.
F-fucking porky…

Good job moron.

Lets see, you committed the old

and the

So the government can't fuck you over? Big corporations can't fuck you over? Other people can't fuck you over? What world are you living in, I'd really like to know. I'd love to live in a world where only my parents fucked me over.

20,000,000,000,000 dollars debt and people want to seriously spend more, and grow the type of government that gave us this debt.
How much in taxes are some people willing to continue to take from working men?

"It doesn't matter, we can eat the rich."


I should also mention, being poor isn't as simple as "you're lazy" or "you're just shit", it's complex with a variety of factors, such as:

You can spend more in certain areas and then spend less in other areas, and also increase revenue by raising taxes. I say we should drastically reduce military spending, get rid of all the unfair subsidies, increase the taxes on the rich closer to the WW2 era and start to pay back some of the debt. This premise that to spend more on certain things you must go more in debt is bullshit.

And I hope you're not making this partisan, because both republicans and democrats have drastically increased the deficit for decades and decades.

explain people who succeeded from absolute misery then.

Taxes are high as fuck, businesses are fleeing the country and switching their staff with people from India because we just can't compete anymore.
And you want to RAISE taxes?

Exactly, it's fucking stupid

It's fucking insane.

Great job Einstein.

I never said it wasn't possible, but those situations are just unlikely in general. I know someone who was living in poverty, started their own business, and working incredibly fucking hard (to the point of getting heart issues from stress), and are still barely getting by. This dude I know almost went into bankruptcy a month ago. Not all small businesses make it big.

I'm not saying to raise corporate tax, income taxes. I don't even see the point of a corporate tax, why not just tax people's income instead, it goes to the same place. People aren't going to go "lets hire people in india instead because my income tax was raised."

If they want cheaper staff, they're going to move to India, it's nothing to do with taxes.

There's a clear distinction between giving the government more power, and pushing for a government to implement policies that work for everyone. Conservatives make a big deal about big government, but I couldn't care less about the size, the test is if it's working for working class people. Can people that are in poverty move out of poverty, and do people have better opportunities.

What's the alternative though, according to conservatives we should let corporations do what they want. Who needs a minimum wage for example, let them starve on the street while CEOs make billions off of their work, it's their own fault! it's a free market, after all, the free market gets to decide their wages, even if it's unlivable. The free market is free to fuck you over if it's completely free.

There's a balance that needs to be had. No one's saying we need to be socialist, we need a free market with some socialist elements. We can't have full government control, and we also can't have no government control, there has to be a balance.

The government has fucked people over, so let's not grow it.
Business monopolies and lobbying has fucked people over, so let's keep them in check and cut government power, so that buying out the crooked politicians isn't so effective.
How has someone else fucked you over? How has this manifested on a large scale?

Poor people have gotten more gibsmedat under B. Hussein Obama. How has that worked out?


Looks like it's culture rot. "Everyone is against me"

Like F.D.R.? The guy that made a depression similar to the one Calvin Coolidge dealt with by lowering taxes and government spending into a decade long Great Depression?
Economy is stagnating under Obama. Under more taxes, it would break. There's only so much abuse people will take. Less taxes, closing up loopholes so people pay their taxes is what would work.

No, both parties spent more and more. That's why it's good that there's one they both hate. A stepping stone to being better.

Do you think everyone deserves to make it big?
Without the intelligence and talent to back it up?

We have as much equality of opportunity as possible, you just want equality of outcome.

No there isn't, because you want to give the gov the power to meddle into our affairs more.
With the NSA, the patriot act, the gov can't be trusted and you're well aware of that, but your bitter desire for 'EQUALITY' is making you claim giving a massive untrustworthy bully the ability to fuck everyone over just so the people who don't like because they're better than you might get fucked as well.

And we all know that won't happen, you'll be the one getting raped anyway because the successful and rich are smart enough to buy out the bully you're crying for anyway.

the issue is that socialists don't understand is that in order for someone to succeed someone else has to fail
they live in a sort of fairyland where both the deer and the bear grow fat and no one ever gets hurt, it's just surreal

lol, gj einsteinberg

Then why are you a shitposting, lobotomised NEET?

This is more of that 'the longer you talk with Holla Forums the closer you get to incoherent babbling'.

yet you have no replies, just ad hominems because you know I'm right

Hold on how is NOT GIVING corporations more power giving corporation more power?
Shit son did you even finish middle school?

You mean how you got BTFO and put a load of shitposting in between your points to try and deflect that you've been utterly rekt?

Shit son, did you even read the thread?

user you seem buttmad, you are not even adding anything to the thread but butthurt

You seem to have forgotten the part where you counter their points before claiming everything's debunked and you BTFO which you probably did in your mind like a massive autist and just started quoting a bunch of posts that hurt your feelings with absolutely no comeback at all.

Are you ok? Did you just got BTFO so hard you forgot how to have arguments anymore?
Do you want to just call them all racists and stop already like all the lefty cucks do?

I dont think superior education should be free unless, you were really talented in highschool, other people should pay. But I also agree that you guys in u.s.a are paying way too much. My parent pay 3k C.A.D a year for my university fees, so we really aren't getting ruined.

We are one stage away from incoherent sentences, let's continue.

Cohesive argument good sir, would engage in enthralling political debate again.

why do people do this?
just shouting 'debunked' 'I won the argument' as a reply without even dealing with a single one of the points?
i get when faggots just target a single typo or the weakest point of the argument and just hang to that, but the whole 'I BTFO U I WIN' is just the most retarded shit a person could do, why do they even bother?

like a retarded Nostradamus

leftypol banner should read:

eternal butthurt

Lefties argue with emotion, never with facts, never with evidence, nor even logic.
It's just feelings.

but womens studies doe

it's fucking sad really, their entire political view is based on how butthurt they are people make more money than them, so they want the gov who is corrupt and bought out by the very guys that they hate to have more power and fuck the rich in the ass, which obviously results in the gov giving the rich more benefits while everyone else gets further fucked

they're born losers who do nothing but hit themselves on the head out spite for the people who are successful, and yet they never learn that they are only fucking themselves while the rich laugh all the way to the bank

'revolution soon commarade' my ass, the commies were backed by the bankers anyway

This user is trying to bury the long written good discussion with shitposting.

I agree for most but this type of post doesn't win people over or make for good discussion, which is our tool to win people over.
It has its place, but not here, when leftypol user is attempting to draw shitposts to hide discussion.

1st paragraph is great, agree 100%

and that's the first half, then after that you try and equate free education to the entirety of the education system being feminists studying gender studies, refute your own argument with the only source you have, then shitpost a load of tranny idpol retards.

and you wonder why people sack you the moment they find out you're such a bunch of secret autistics

people in both side of the spectrum are tired of corporationism, pretty much everyone that knows about the TPP hates it regardless of them being left or right for example

only a complete idiot would think the solution to that would be making the government bigger or just picking up the hammer and sickle because it worked out so well with the other countries that tried it




123908765432 testing test test

Why would this trigger anyone? Why?

No, we don`t care about the presidential elections anymore.

Death to the traitors, specially to B████ ██████

reported to the FBI

See this is exactly why hitler had the right idea.

Damn, he posted a song, and voiced his opinion without saying he personally is going to go out and hurt anyone. I better go contact the internet police because, I for one, am offended.