Where do gfs come from?
Where do gfs come from?
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Mine came from Rubik's cubes and forcing her to go to an arcade with me.
Now we're having a child.
Don't fucking look user.
Stay alone.
But I want a gf to hold hands with while talking a walk on a chilly autumn's evening. I want to cuddle in bed after a long day. I want to impregnate a beautiful girl.
Oh you WANT the child. Aight. Well, here's how I did it:
Teach a cute chick how to solve a Rubik's cube, tell her she's going to the arcade with you, give her pizza and fuck her.
I can do this. I can fucking do this. God damn it I can do this.
I can't wait for you start creating tears of regret. I'm running low on some and I need to stock up.
I can help you stock up bro
you should go back there and stay.
They spawn randomly.
Jesus christ, this place is even worse. I was off for a few months and now we have attwhores volunteers?
They come from god, but only if you're a gud boy, go to church and get your life back in order.
Gfs doesnt real user
Everything is a lie
You are put in this world to fail and despair.
Your despair feet ancient entities who in return grant wishes and power to beings in Nibiru
Lmao ayyyyyy
that's BO to you.
GF's are what make life worthwhile. You may have a shitty day at work, your stomach hurts from that greaseburger, your boss yelled at you and your paycheck sucks.
Then you go home to her, you smell her perfumed hair, kiss her soft lips, listen to her cute giggle and she gives you a backrub while you slumber.
You live in some fucked up magic world
How many miles of cock do you suck per week on average?
Genuine question. We need to know.
Who is this semen demon?
There's hope for me yet
I wish I knew
You legit don't know the half of it. I have over 112 puzzles. Trust me, there's hope for you.
prep the bull, cuck
unfortunately for you, you have to go out and find one.
Females in the wild can be a rather difficult species to capture for mating purposes. One must use a variety of methods including baiting, cornering and/or trapping. Even if captured, some time must be spent enticing the animal to be one's pet using inducements, money, exotic foods, lit candles and a kinesthetic technique called "foreplay".
your mom's vagina
I used to think that this grill was completely unattractive but you faggots keep posting her and I suddenly want to fuck her. Fuck you all.
Motley Crue demonstrating how to capture, corral and tame women in a post-apocalyptic world where the only survivors wear leather, high heels and teased hair.
Beware of the spider queen that shoots magic from her shield though. Combine your forces to defeat her and you're good, OP!
It's called pubertiy, it does curious and wonderful things to a girl.
I thought she was hotter as a little girl. I would still fuck her now though, she is beautiful.
When you are friends with a girl for a long time.
It's kinda hard to explain but it goes like this
1. Meet a girl
2. Be friends with her
3. Hang out with her for a long time. Best until you and she felt that you're besties.
4. Confess when you start noticing signs she likes you. Or for the hell of it, just confess.
5. She reciprocates, good! If she didn't repeat step 1 through to step 5.
Just don't give up too quick.
Got friendzoned? Fine. There are lots of girls out there. No need to cry a river over her. Let live let go you know.
Die normalfag scum
I ain't dead yet.
And fuck Tumblr.
This is why youre still a virgin user
if she doesnt just try again since it only takes max 3 days instead of your shitty plan of wasting a good few months on a girl
I have a girl in mind. I might see her again if she works late shifts. What do I say to get her to hang out in the first place? 'heres my number, text me if you want to hang out some time?'
The fear of more rejection just makes it hard. Is it true its better to go for women way out of our league just to get shot down and build a tolerance to it?
I used to fuck the hottest grill in highschool. College was dry for me because of a bad brain post breakup and now I just cant get back on the horse. Camgirls cant fill that hole when I'm trying to fucking sleep.
"hey gurl u want sum fug"
it's important that you say this in a completely serious manner, without a hint of irony
She has thick glasses and wears a heart pendant on a tight necklace. I just want to make her smile after work when I see her not clam up. God damnit I don't know what broke.
They come from their mothers vagina just like everyone else. As for how to get one it requires no real effort. Its easy to meet girls you already know through friends and start going out. It just happens naturally when you know a girl with similar interests. The likelihood is that people here can't get a girlfriend because they are fat desperate losers with an utterly shit personality.
Yes but because you're such a degenerate freak no women want anything to do with you. There's your problem.
No you literally just have to talk to them. Especially if you're of similar age, intelligence, and interests. Its not a fucking science or anything.
You can make them in photoshop or any other image manipulation software, but unless it is a small image with few colors (or animation) you would be better served with saving it as a jpg.
We breed our own gfs here…works a treat.
See youre overthinking it user, you dont pick the girl per sé, you can kinda choose if shes cute or nice at the date itself. Just ask her like yo I'm going to this place tonight want to come? or just chat up women at a concert or something (Im kinda bad at picking up your kind of girl I just get girls from coffeeshops and stoner concerts)
Then afterwards you go to her or your place and if she stays for the night and considers you two a thing you can settle with her (sorry if this doesnt work as I said I just hang with really laid back people who just go with whatever)
+1 because im bored
No you shouldnt try higher up girls, just make sure you seem like a big time alpha and pick up girls who are in all reality out of your league but dont seem to think so thanks to your new look
The cute/nerdy/shy/other beta traits only work great when youre handsome. Best I can tell you is to be funny, I used to be like a 7/10 max but I still got tons of pussy by just being a funny lad
Now im more of an 8/10 but the humour still helps big time
Pretty sure they only exist as fictional entities.
Which is a real shame tbqh because they seem nice.
Do I just rub it and one comes out like a genie?
Read all this shit and I still don't have a gf 2
I always wondered why people had Rubiks cubes lying around.
This is good news.
This didn't work either.
Letterkenny is amazing
-Cool & Sexy Lilotas-