where we're going, we don't need roads.
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I call for a race war
race ya to the race war!
I am home now and wearing nothing but my boxers and some socks.
ok come on. this monkey faced pile of shit was marching with the protesters, with his rifle, and no one said shit. not one person in that whole crowd said, "hey, that guy has an assault weapon."
not a peep. from hundreds of people? they're terrorists.
its legal to open carry in texas because Murica. What, can protesters not arm themselves when men are being shot down in the streets?
Who's she?
Get dressed, damnit! We have a hate group to purge.
They couldn't speak out because he was black, and that would've been racist, now wouldn't it?
Didn't the "kid" get shot in Baton?
the protests are national now. everyone's pretty tired of this shit. I think its about time the working class started to shoot back
have you drawn anything lately?
Noone's going to say shit because in Texas its completely legal to do that.
but is it normal?
did you see a bunch of others with guns?
or anyone shooting back at him? he was using that crowd as cover.
Not really. Last thing I drew was a cat in lingerie.
*licks the frosting off of your nose*
I can purge without clothing on.
Police officers across the country are a mixed bag. Some need serious reforms, but others are generally decent people. But attacking police officers blindly will encourage more violent behavior from them.
It is also completely legal in Washington to walk down the street with an AR-15 strapped to your back. But unless you live on the Eastern side of the state, it is likely that someone will call the cops on you because they don't know the law. It isn't considered a regular activity here.
The reason Texans aren't going to bat much of an eye at someone open carrying a weapon isn't merely because it's legal, but because it's common enough that you guys have a reputation around the country for being always armed.
yeah. that picture is fucking amazing by the way. I love it~
if you would like me to draw anything, just say so.
cops gather in crowds with guns all the time. working people have the same right.
peaceful protest doesnt work on our class enemies and their enforcers. I'm not going to criticize the efforts of those who stand up for the working class against those who murder and oppress us.
yeah it's normal to see people open carry here like that which is exactly why no one questioned them
Love the filename
Draw uh… Uh… Dominator?
I've been trying, but she has a really fucking weird head.
anything she should be doing?
i would never get messy in the first palce
I'd like to see more protesters going around armed, thats when people need to be open carrying. These pricks who show up at Starbucks with their half assed militias and act like the restaurant is oppressing them, they dont have anything to protest about.
if it was so normal then why wasn't anyone else doing it?
I am not saying people should peacefully protest. I am saying violent protests should not be taken out in cities whose police officers were not originally violent. People far too easily group together innocent people with their actual enemies merely for being a part of the same class.
*licks it anyways*
she doesn't have a chin.
or a nose.
I thought a few of her freckles made up her nose.
You know, thats fair. I wish the ones responsible for the murders, if the blackies in those situations were indeed murdered at all, could be the ones to suffer for it. But the number of working class folks shot in this country by cops is ridiculous, its like theres a war on poor people here, and I'm not going to shed any tears because the poor people struck back
maybe they're scars. from her nose-ectomy. or whatever those are called.
Meh. As long as it doesn't happen in my city… and hopefully not in my state.
a chopper just flew over my house heading towards DC, wonder if the protests there are getting heated too… Maybe this is finally the advent of class war. If so, man, that'll be fun!
It's like you expect black people do and behave the same way as everyone else. Are you aware this was a black lives matter protest? Do you know what kind of people use twitter to organize and go to these things?
You might want to lookup open carry protests in Texas, we have militias that have protests like these and run around with "assault rifles". You might also notice a subtle difference in the crowds skin tone. If they were to question that guy for doing that it would be considered profiling I'm pretty sure and they'd have made another chimp-out over that.
Hopefully it'll provide for some entertaining news.
Fucking niggers can't tolerant like we been doing since the towers fell.
The open carry "protests" are a bunch of hicks showing off their toys. They dont have any grievances, no one is shooting them or arresting them arbitrarily. You can compare those motherfuckers to people who are actually fighting for real change and respect.
what the actual fuck does that even mean? Since the Jews did the WTC we've been in a state of endless, nightmarish Orwellian war while we torture and spy on the world, and shoot down black people in the streets every day.
well now it turns out maybe he really was just open carrying as is his right. look what came of it. he's the target of every cop for a thousand miles, face on every TV station. his life is ruined. and, i might add, he didn't do anything to stop the shooting. so what the fuck good was this guy?
before the score was, what? a thousand to nil. Now its 1000-4.
They do have grievances. The government keeps trying to take away said toys, and this is their way of giving them the finger. In Washington, when we passed the law requiring background checks on all firearm transactions – even temporary ones – many gun owners went to Olympia and openly transferred their guns to one another, thus breaking the law.
Oh yeah, I sure feel bad for white assault rifle owners. Man, they sure are oppressed. And the only way to stop that oppression is to wander around the local taco stand with a rifle making everyone uncomfortable because HURR DURR MUH FUCKING FREEDUMBS.
You're comparing gun fetishists to people angry that they're being extrajudicially murdered in the streets every day? Theres no fucking comparison, none.
And we're told to "tolerant" every time a minority does something like this yet every time a white man does it "take away their guns" "death to all whites". Blew, I know you better then this.
As far as I know they've been saying the shooting was pretty well planned, people were hiding in a building or something and they're saying they only have one of the guys in custody so what good were all the other hundreds of armed police in the city when some of them are still out there?
cops get killed by blacks all the time.
you're acting like cops kill black people for fun and not out of fear. cops know blacks are more likely to be violent, so they treat them that way. blacks, for their part, get super offended by this profiling and get an attitude with the cops. this leads to them making actions that could be perceived as threatening, and they get shot.
i don't know, they say they have the guy pinned down. they probably want him alive.
No one has ever suggested disarming only whites. How the hell would that even work? I'm a proponent of taking away all guns in this country until we figure our shit out and stop being a violent shithole, but, hey, if people are going to actually, actively use those guns against government agents who are killing them in the streets? Well, isnt that the main justification that gun nuts give anyway? And its finally happening too. Well, hey, THAT I'm ok with. If the time has come when workers are ready to take up arms, I say lets arm ourselves then. Otherwise, no, we don't need guns.
I heard it was essentially sniping. Shooting from a crowd doesnt make sense anyhow, theres no way to get a clear shot unless you're right up against the police lines, they'd hae had to be up high.
Yeah, its cyclical, and I really do look at shit on a case by case basis - like that giant nigra that attacked the cop in his own cop car and got shot for it after stealing the cigars? Yeah, dude had it coming. But its too much of a common thing to not be addressed. And all the protests in the world havent changed things, so, hey, maybe this will.
I've been part of those open carry protests, there is a local militia I am not officially a part of but do participate in, we wear come and take it shirts it's pretty fun and the whole point is to taunt police lmfao
so, like i said – no legitimate grievances.
Fucking hell Blew, left wing assholes have been screaming that since Columbine.
I'm just going to ignore the rest of the post since it makes no sense.
whooo! fucking race war!
The gist of it is that I don't agree with Americans having guns at all, unless they're actively using those guns against the government. In this one instance, I'm actually fine with Americans being armed.
I am super saiyan 5 high
Then we're no better then Somalia if that's the case. Like living in shitholes, do ya Blew?
shut the fuck up
Fuck off, there's a race war going on.
So am I
lmao fuck off outta here if you don't like it xD
I'm NOT comparing gun owners to angry mobs of people pissed off over another shooting. I can understand that there are varying degrees of reasons to be pissed off at the government. But you should not discount other people's concerns just because they may not be as great as yours. Everyone has different value systems.You would be pissed off too if the government was trying to take away a right that you have had throughout your entire life, which was promised to you by your forefathers, that you have continually exercised, and which you are constantly being demonized for in the media.
And for the record, they are not all white. In fact the two issues we are discussing are more related than you might think. One of the two black men killed last night was a concealed carrier. He had informed the officers that he was carrying a weapon on his person, as is common practice among those with concealed carry permits. He then told the officer he was going to get his license and registration, and he had been ordered to do. Following all of the police officers orders, and doing everything he was legally required to do, he was still shot.
Furthermore, I think that if you are going to recommend non-peaceful protests then you should be a second amendment activist above all else. You cannot have an effective violent revolution without effective means of achieving it. The so called "assault rifles" (and I'm going to drill this into your head until you stop listening to the liberal media and calling them that, THEY ARE NOT ASSAULT RIFLES THEY ARE SEMI AUTOMATIC WEAPONS. ASSAULT RIFLES ARE SELECT FIRE RIFLES AND ARE COST PROHIBITIVE TO CRIMINALS DUE TO THE INSANE AMOUNT OF TAXES AND REGULATIONS PLACED ON THEM.) that you seem to be complaining about are the most effective means of carrying out said protests. You cannot and will not overpower the police without effective weaponry. Fuck, you're a communist. Don't you know that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun?
righties always use defense against the government as a justification for gun ownership. if people don't want to get behind it they need to lay off their pretenses and admit they just like having toys and open carrying in the mall to look like tough guys.
every time a black person acts violently, they confirm a very dangerous stereotype. because cops go by the law of averages. and every time a cop lives by those averages and puts innocent people in danger, he feeds the backlash. and it will never end.
Yeah how're you?
you got more memes you can show me?
also same
LOL just LMAO @ Skittyhole
fox just showed a guy get shot.
anyone watching this?
So lets all shoot at the bastards at the white house and call it a day
sounds good Blew, tell me how that goes
you fuck off too
I'm ok. How goes it with you? Do you have a card?
seen it seven times since yesterday
why yes i do
i'm not talking about the damn nigger.
I have an opinion that essentially comes down to "niggers and useless people shouldn't get free money" and you have the opinion that "niggers should get free everything & noone but the governent should have guns"
You're a living fucking JOKE FAM
Nice. Do you just smoke or take edibles and capsules too?
that a quick reple
ddin't expect that
we talking about something else
smoke and edibles thats about it
grammer nazi i see well fuck off
I missed it shit
Being mad at the fucking burger king telling you to take your tarded redneck ass out of their private property or put your stupid toy back in the car is nothing, nothing like a mother losing her child to police murder. Its amazing you could even try to link them. Open carry faggots are not legitimate protesters. They go into places with weapons to cause problems and, as Skitty himself put it "it's pretty fun and the whole point is to taunt police lmfao"
thats NOT a real protest. ive BEEN in real protests. First of all, the people there are older white folks with enough disposable income to afford thousands in guns and ammo and other bullshit toys. Second of all, they're NOT PROTESTING ANYTHING.
Yeah, I'm aware the guy was a concealed carrier, but he was shot because he was black, that's the reason. So its not a good excuse to hijack racist murder to use as some ridiculous defense of some hillbilly piece of shit wanting to take his AK47 to the local Golden Corral. There is absolutely no relation there.
I'm in favor of workers being armed when they're taking on the government. When insurrection starts, workers can and will arm themselves. Outside of that scenario, we don't need weapons. If this is the revolution? Hey, great! Guns for all, let the streets run with the blood of our class enemies. If not though? Gun control needs to happen.
Also, I don't care how much you sperg out about what silly names you want those particular toys to be called. You can call them anything you like. All guns should be controlled, and assault rifles should be banned entirely.
"Michael Jackson is Pop King of sick fucking country", as the guy from the movie might say.
ingoring me now
i always shit out truth that you fucks never wabnt to hear anyways fuck off
Do you prefer Sativa, Indica or hybrids?
If its class war? Fuck yeah. Basically every member of the last two administrations needs to be on trial for crimes against the workers.
I think everyone should get "free money" if that means being able to eat and have a roof over their head and health care and roads, so yeah, accurate.
I did however mention that in this instance I'm fine with workers having guns. Ive heard people insist time after time that we need guns to fight hte government, and now its finally happening. So, alright, if that's what this is? I'd want a gun myself.
I just like the ones with the higher THC content so i can get higher the danker the better
fuck is this, smoliea? fuck off if you sjw's want to take guns away then do it
i gaarentea that the USA will turn into a fucking shithole and you will regret it every year from then on
Do you have any favorite strains?
With gun control, the armed revolution is not going to happen, or it's going to become significantly more difficult. The second amendment exists purely for the sake of enabling armed revolutions.
Why? There are nearly 0 crimes committed with assault rifles. Aside from being cost prohibitive, they are more useful as a defensive than an offensive weapon. The main advantage of being able to fire multiple bullets per pull of the trigger is suppressive fire. Semi automatic fire is slower but more controlled. While full auto can be simulated in a semi automatic weapon using a slide fire stock (which uses the recoil of the gun to force your finger back into a position to fire again, effectively allowing you to simply pull the gun forward and get rapid firing), it is not really used in mass shootings because of the serious accuracy loss one would incur, along with the need for faster reloading.
Parts of the US are as violent as Somalia, yeah. You're living up there in Canada where there's less than 1 guns murder per 1000 people. in the US, we have 10 gun murders per 1000 people.
durban poison
HAHAHAHAHHA Learn your history Ruby. Washington crushed an armed revolt against taxation and hung all the leaders. Adams passed a sedition act making even speaking against the government a punishable crime. They wanted militias to fight the British to keep them in power. It was never about freedom or any of that bullshit propaganda. The pigs were in control then adn they're in control now.
Ok, sure. The main purpose of the assault rifle (or whatever the hell you want to call it since you're sperging out about gun terms) is suppressing fire…. How often do people need to lay down suppressing fire outside of a war zone? Granted, the US IS basically as violent as a war zone, but the cure to that is fewer guns, not arming random assholes with military hardware.
I've been smoking True OG and Purple Afgoo.
yeah what about fucking canada
weed man is probaly wanting to remove guns altogether next year but that another discusstion
if you take gun from "bad people" then you find out that smuggkles will smuggle in guns it happend in canada
Yeah, what about Canada? your gun homicide rate is 1/10 the US' rate. I dont understand why you're complaining about gun control. Do you just want to see more dead bodies around?
go to winnipeg, highest homicaled rate in the contry, as for the guns shit
smuggkles will smuggle in guns from the states and use them for mass muders n shit
that's gun control in canada in a fucking nut
allahu ackbar
Most gun murders in the United States are criminal on criminal, and committed with pistols. Rifles kill less people each year than blunt weapons, like hammers. More people are killed each year with unarmed strikes (hands/feet) than rifles and shotguns combined.
Just because you believe that people should be able to revolt against their government doesn't mean you agree with everyone who is trying to do so.
Hence why he didn't get re-elected. Betrayed his own virtues. But I digress, the original purpose of the 2nd amendment when it was created in 1789 (years before the sedition act) was to enable a violent overthrow if need be.
are you high
High as a kite.
Yeah, American guns are also used by the cartels in Mexico, they bring drugs across the border then use the cash to buy high powered weapons to smuggle back into Mexico. So both Canada and Mexico are hurt by the US being a fucking war zone with no gun control, and you're still arguing for less oversight.
I think hunting rifles are negotiable. But anything that can lay down "suppressive fire" as you put it isnt a hunting rifle and isnt needed. The US is a violent, fucked up country, and giving people more and better tools to do violence is the opposite of what needs to be done.
The founding fathers very clearly did NOT believe people should be able to revolt against them, hence why they crushed that armed revolt. The second refers to the SECURITY of the STATE not to guns being used to maintain individual freedoms. The founding fathers were pigs. Rich, white, Christian pigs who enslaved and raped and exterminated and oppressed. Fuck all of them. Jefferson was probably kind of OK though.
ii'm aguing that bring in more gun control ain't gonna erase your problems and you'l still get shot on top of that
Gun control worked in Canada, Australia, Japan, Britain, etc. Every country with commmon sense gun control in place has fewer gun deaths than the US. You're like a guy arguing against chemotherapy for a cancer patient.
Take off one sock.
no is doesn't and the left knows this
nothing more then a fucjking fuzzy feeling to the libral votes
Your country has a gun violence rate in keeping with the rest of the civilized world, which has gun control….
Your solution is to stop having gun control and give guns to everyone like in the US, a country where 1 in every 100 deaths is caused by a gun.
math is not on your side. neither are most Canadians. If you want to live in a violent shithole, move South.
I already removed both.
Okay… But just so you know, the most popular hunting and sporting rifle is the AR-15.
The security of a FREE state. An oppressive government threatens the security of a free state by making it no longer free.
I thought that I had seen it all
I don't know what is going on, but Blew is probably shitposting. Never discuss politics with master shitposters.
alright, well we ban those just to be safe or do something about the size of the magazine. Or, at the very least, get some common sense screening like are you a terrorist? do you beat your wife? do you have mental health problems? etc.
The US under the founding fathers WAS an oppressive government. Women and non-landowning males couldnt even vote and, as I already pointed out, they criminalized dissent and put down armed tax revolts. The US wasn't ever "great" the way you want to pretend it was. Those people had ZERO interest in the freedom of working people like us.
math is never my srong suit fuck off
and that "gun contriol" you prech aboput is falsh and smuggles will still bring in guns
and half the population can't defend agaisnt that shit
lust nothing more then a fuzzy feeling for you lefttards
join the fun!
topkek and saved
I didnt know I had attained shitpost mastery., Sweet!
He did use the term "white" as an insult against the founding fathers, so I think he's just b8ing.
He's a a masterb8er
Implementing gun bans actually caused many areas to increase in the amount of violent crime, not decrease. Implementing gun control in the United States would only further increase the number of murders. Maybe instead of thinking, "Canada has less violent crime than America because it has less guns", you should be thinking "Canada has less violent crime than America because Canadians are less violent than Americans."
clearly not. Ok, let me try again.
Canada has gun control, and the gun violence rate is 1/1000
Japan has gun control and the gun violence rate is 1/1000
Germany has gun control and the gun violence rate is 1/1000
The US DOES NOT have gun control and the gun violence rate is 10/100
you dont even need to know math. its just basic pattern recognition. Can you not grasp that? Canada DOES NOT have a gun violence problem because there is gun control.
Your "solution" to a problem that doesnt exist in Canada is to make your country shittier by being like the US, which DOES have a gun violence problem.
oh here i though you assholes down there want canada to be the second coming of thw us
my bad
What are the violent crime rates?
Thats local gun control, not national. Ruby, you know that's a stupid argument. It's like a town bans pizza, but the town next to it still has pizza delivery places. So, yeah, people in that first town can still get pizza. As long as you can cross an imaginary unpatrolled border and buy an assault rifle then go back, gun control wont work. Its a deliberate sabotage and trying to use such obviously flawed parameters is ridiculous
only you left fucktards think that
That im not sure of. Yes. Violence is always going to be a thing. But I'd rather have people fighting with sticks than with high powered military weaponry.
If I had to choose between being shot or stabbed to death, I'll take being shot.
Unless you want to ban knives too.
Yeah Im not sure what you're talking about, but I am indeed a leftist fucktard.
now ypou get ing it
Actually Blewbs, those charts include the UK as a whole when it banned handguns. The crime rate skyrocketed. It's not exactly surrounded by other countries with guns. It's surrounded by water, and its closest neighbors, France and Ireland, also have gun control.
Canadians are well known for being extremely polite.
Japan, being a high honor society, does not have high crime rates.
Germany is well known for respectable, hard workers.
Americans are known for being arrogant pricks, to the point where many pretend to be Canadians when they vacation.
Knowing this, would it be a surprise to anyone that Americans have more gun murders?
It's not the guns causing the problem. It's the people.
And on that note, I would once again like to point out that the majority of gun crimes are committed by criminals at criminals using illegally obtained handguns, not rifles.
Sure. I'm going to talk to Ruby now since he can type a coherent line of text.
and can you go fuck yourself
fucking ignoring me
Just like your mother ignored you?
god damn it my wrist hurts.
Stop fapping so much
ah, my bad. you're right. Well, studying the charts now, after the initial spike, you'll note that the gun violence rate is lower than before and trending downards.
Yes, yes they are. But statistically those other countries have two things in common - gun control, and less violent crime.
When some Jews blew up the WTC and killed 4000 people, we started a decades long war to fix that.
Meanwhile tens of thousnads of us die every year, and we can't even consider a way to fix that other than "hurr durr lets all carry guns because muh freedumbs"
Yawn. Yeah, and STDs dont kill people, people kill people. So lets stop all STD treatment and just demonize anyone who has sex.
And yah know what? Alcohol doesnt kill peopel, people kill people. So why not just let everyone drink as much as they want at any age they want. Theres no need to control the service and sale of alcohol because hurr durr personal responsibility.
And while we're at it, cars don't kill people, people kill people. So lets stop regulating cars. The government shouldnt force me to have insurance or know how to drive. Because fuck living in a civilized society, I WANT TO PLAY FUCKING BUMPER CARS!!!!1111
Who cares who is shooting eachother? Tens of thousands of people are dying every year who might not be dead if we kept guns off our streets. Criminals or not, they're people. And we have the power to stop it with common sense gun control
she's dead
Get on rabbit, you nigger
no attention for you til you shave! Bad Reecey!
You're a good man, Lloyd
yeha watch fuck ing nowa make a asshole out of him self
I can't help it!
okay, Aaron
sure thing kiwiwi
i hear chatting but i dont hear shaving! *swats your butt*
Name one crime committed in the past 30 days with a high powered military weapon.
I remind you that our military uses select fire M4 Carbines, the AR-15 was designed explicitly for civilians and not the military, and that the Sig Sauer used in the Orlando shooting was in fact, a semi-automatic variety, intended for civilian use (while the Swiss military does in fact use a Sig Sauer rifle, the firearms distributed to civilians after their term of service, and those sold abroad are semi auto, not the select fire version used in the military).
You'll note that gun crime was already in a general downward trend before the ban. You'll also note that their rate of firearm homicides per 100k people before the ban was still significantly less than that of the United States, thus proving my early argument that culture is why we are having so many shootings, not the number of guns. If legalized firearm ownership is the reason for our high firearm crime rate, why did the UK not have such a high firearm crime rate before it banned guns? Why does Switzerland, which STILL has legal firearm ownership, not have nearly as much violent crime? It's all culture.
I'm going to propose a radical solution that you leftists never even contemplate – How about we try to remove the reasons for our gun crimes happening in the first place?
Criminal on criminal crime. Why does it happen? Territory wars over who gets to sell drugs where. How do we stop it? End the goddamn drug war. Decriminalize and tax all drugs. The crime rate will plummet overnight.
The mass shootings? Most of these are caused by kids with really shitty childhoods that grew into sociopaths. Pull off some radical overhaul in the school system. Stop trying to treat everything with drugs, hire more psychologists. Don't say you can't afford them, give administrators a pay cut and redistribute federal funding so that every school district is spending exactly the same amount per student regardless of whether it's a rich or poor neighborhood. We spend the most per child and get the least out of it.
ruby stop
blew is an asshole troll wanting (you)'s
But Noire, I need something to do while I wait to get into 2b2t. It looks like it might take another half hour to an hour.
then join the stream
look. A gun that can kill 50 people in a night club? I call that a high powered military weapon. Sperg out all you want. You wont impress me with your knowledge of murder implements. I could not care less.
Your arguments seem to cancel eachother out. You insist that the US is too violent as a culture, yet in the same breath suggest that people should be as heavily armed as possible. That doesn't follow.
Sure, ending the war on drugs would be nice and you;re absolutely right that it would go a long way towards solving our gun violence epidemic. I dont agree that t he education system is responsible for mass shootings though, but sure, any solution needs to look at education too.
My point with the 9/11 analogy though is that we should be ready to do anything to solve a problem as deadly as this. The drug war and education should be on the table, but so should gun control.
The rest of the civilized world has sensible gun control. Its not a trolling position, its a global consensus from societies that want to be safe, decent places to live.
but he's ded :(
all done?
but who is ded aaron?
i dont have much longer before bed reeceypet
that guy who refused to go to bed and played lots of dubstep in defiance
gee i wonder who that is
Thank you Azuriah!
i hope its not me. i'd hate to have died with out realizing
Maybe you have
Maybe you're a spooky ghost
its bedtime for this little pony. enjoy the coming class war, everypony!
a dead pony? ew.
sleep tight.
goodnight Rosey!
i'm playing the world's smallest pony for you
such tiny pic
Goodnight Reecey, I'll see you tomorrow or after you get back from your travels. Dont forget your sunscreen, OK?
My arguments do not cancel each other out. I am arguing that the problem is the violent culture, and that removing the guns will not solve the problem. I am recommending means of dismantling the violent culture rather than disrupting the rights of gun owners who, by and large, don't commit crimes. The majority of gun crimes are committed by a small percentage of gun owners, and many of them got their guns illegally, thus suggesting that gun control would have little effect at tackling the actual problem. I am suggesting that your argument that countries with gun control have less crime is fallacious because you have no means by which to imply that their lower violent crime rates are BECAUSE of their gun control, when on the contrary, many of them had relatively low violence rates before gun control.
You fail to look at the big picture. Why do all of these countries have lower crime rates. Is it because they have less guns? No. If the people wanted to go out and kill large amounts of people, they would make bombs, as we saw in the Oklahoma City bombings, they would make their own guns (you can now 3d print guns, or make them from kits that the ATF doesn't even consider to be a firearm), or they would otherwise find a way to engineer a creative solution to kill large amounts of people. Do you know how easy it is to make some poison gas? Just mix ammonia and bleach. Or if all else fails, there's the black market. You think 49 people dead is bad? Brevik already topped that kill count, and guns aren't even that easy to obtain in Norway where he was from.
America has a problem with violent criminals. The majority of the population isn't violent criminals, but there's enough that we have a higher rate than normal. If we take away the people's gun rights, we negatively impact more innocents than criminals, and we don't solve the problem of having people with violent tendencies.
night night, I'll probably be back on monday
ruby pls
Noire, Blewbs and I are both trolls. But this is a political argument and I'm bored. I'm 84th in line right now for the 2b2t Minecraft server. It takes literally hours to get onto this server.
why do you even want to be on this server?
If people are so violent here, why would anyone in their right mind want them to have semi automatic weapons? People in less violent countries dont have those and their countries arent any worse for it. Gun control doesnt cause any problems, and statistically seems tied to fewer gun deaths, why is that not something worth trying? Its difficult to prove something on such a massive scale, but the fact that the US is the only developed country where this shit happens and hte only developed country with a gun free for all, thats a pretty clear correlation. You have a positive gun control to low gun crime correlation, and gun availability to high gun crime correlation. What other logical conclusion is there?
Yes, I know. People like being violent. But we can restrict the tools of violence so that those frequent violent outbursts we have here can be less awful. What if the guy in Florida only had access to a knife and not to a military assault weapon? How many people would still be alive? Gun control could have saved dozens of human beings, but youre more interested in your toys than peoples lives.
Gun control doesnt "negatively impact" anyone. Its not like taking away something people need to live. Far more freedom has been taken from Americans with far less cause.
Be a good boy Reecey, I'll see you Monday! You can send me a pic in email when youre done shaving, I'd love to see!
*resets ur ip*
I spammed chickun on 4chan for years. Yeah, calling me a troll is pretty accurate. Not sure what youre getting at.
trollbrohoof. anyhow I really do gotta get to bed, good talking with you though.
Feel free to beat it
Still trying to get the last word in?
Why does blewberry think you're sending him pictures?
to a dead horse? no, sorry. that's not my thing.
I swear to god rosey
Well off to work…
stay safe, dork.
u influenced the masses
heh, gaaaaaaayyy
They're going to have them anyways. And if they don't have semi automatic weapons, they will have bombs, gas, or other means of killing large numbers of people. Be thankful they only have semi automatic weapons, because that means that they can reasonably be stopped by cops. Remember, this is a country that will kill people with pressure cookers if they have to.
Where gun control has been implemented, most countries were having no real gun problems beforehand, and gun control did little to nothing to help. In some cases, rates of other violent crimes, such as hot burglary, went up due to families being completely unable to defend themselves against criminals. So you're next argument of there being no negative consequences is pretty void. You just made people defenseless when they're surrounded by violent criminals.
*cough* Switzerland *cough*
That comparing countries with different cultures is relatively pointless for starters.
What if he barred all of the doors and set the place on fire? What if he detonated some home-made explosives in there? People in the middle east have no problem using IEDs to take down fucking tanks, what's 49 people?
Have you ever heard the phrase "creeping fascism"? We should resist every attempt by governments to take away our rights because they won't be stopping at guns.
Oh, alright. Nini. Gonna be joining this server in half an hour or so anyways.
Someone should put their Essence in my Being.
Catsune mike
*miku damn phone
Is this a vocaloid joke?
hey kat.
Katty only posts the cutest of catgirls. We need more of this poster.
Have you prayed lately?
no, I've been doing a lot of something else on my knees though.
how are you, katty?
make an anime thread then
Why not?
You're creepy as fuck
i'll volunteer
I'm not intending to hit on Katty. I just want them to post more catgirls.
This reminds me of Goethe…
I don't like vocaloid!
I'm waiting…
What's your boytoy doing today
Catty. I think you need to leave.
Like, 5 minutes ago.
Well let's see…
Hey you~
Yes lets.
It's the law
oh. neat.
what essence of mine shall we use specifically?
Skye was asking what you were up to. How are you?
3rd in line for 2b2t. Almost time!
trying to make my prrrty right now is all
how's you rubsy?
I win!
You made that up.
Really really?!
The baby batter.
yeah, sure.
Nah huh!
What's the matter, Rosey?
*pet pet pet*
Fuck you!
what's an emails?
an excellent option, which you shall have
to steam then?
yo Holla Forumsread
I was already there!
no sir.
absolutely nothing. just a little tired.
Wow rood
Yo, bed!
Rosey go to bed
Come to bed~
no u
It's 9 am!
no, I'm reading. and I'm already in bed!
its 12pm here so no im stayin up all night sleep is for the weak
Well, then get pet, nerd
*pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet*
you don't pet me… I'll pet you, ya dork.
how are you gonna grow up big and strong without sleep!
Too late~~~
no I'm too hungry to sleep.
*pets back*
ill sleep tommorow
Doing well. Playing minecraft on the oldest server.
Annnnnd…. safety logged after I got raided
theeeeen eat?
make sure you do
my little brother is crashed out on the couch. I don't want to disturb him.
how polite!
I'm turning over a new leaf.
I wish I could download some food.
dont we all.
startreck food maker when?
shortly after we're able to transfer matter across long distances I imagine.
Everyone must die.
That is the trouble of being born.
im high
daily reminder to always wear sunscreen
Comeback reecypoo
hey user
Hey there
how are you this fine morning?
who is best pony?
Pretty bored, thinking about gaming
in bath won't be long
aw what's wrong with ska?
Nothing wrong with it, just got a fair bit on my playlist already and was looking for something new
Don't drop your toaster into it
ya like the aquabats?
So sayeth Reece, king of long baths.
yeah but I'm on a mission this morning
getting my body as smooth and hairless as possible
Aquabats, Streetlight, Less Than Jake, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Toasters, Buck-O-Nine, Reel Big Fish, [spunge], Goldfinger, Catch 22, Mustard Plug, Mad Caddies, Skankin' Pickle, Planet Smashers, OC Supertones, Sublime
uhh… heheh. the only one of those I know is the aquabats.
You don't know Sublime or Goldfinger?
the only bands I know of are ones I come across in my wanderings. I rarely talk about music, or flip on the radio.
now tell me who the worst pony is
Fair enough
I resent this implication.
if you wanna share, I'm always up for it.
now the one that everyone wants to fuck
I don't know where, but I think I've heard this somewhere before.
no, that's the rape one, try again
Popular in the 90s
then I know exactly where.
this one isn't half bad.
guess who could that be.
sorry. what? I don't understand what you mean.
what's this? reminds me of some trash I used to be into.
Memes. It's the new Darude - Sandstorm
oh, neat I guess.
you're confusing the hell out of me.
Maybe I'll stream or something
sounds fun.
Nobody's gonna watch so
I might.
Who even are you
I will.
Some shitter.
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.
based user with the spoiler
maybe I should just kill myself.
nah. that takes too long. got anything quicker?
The fuck?
those are banned where I live. got anything else?
I don't own a car, and all the buildings in my town aren't tall enough to actually kill me.
Stream's up, not linking it here.
can you link me over steam?
Could if you were online
I realized that soon after I said it.
beep beep
*performs robotic gestures*
we're all going to die!
Best villan!
yeah. she's pretty :3
She's mean!!!!
… I think it's kinda hot.
She is She is!!
I want to sneak inside her engine room and freeze her core~~~
sorry master.
Yes Reece?
I bet she gets awful sweaty and gross standing near lava all the time.
I'm going to be leaving for a few days-ish in about 20 minutes….. tell me how much you're going to miss me, and how sexy smooth my skin looks
You seem thirsty.
it's horrible, isn't it?
No, I would not go as far as calling it that.
I bet you find it entertaining, don't you?
Mmm…. will definitely be missing sexy booty~
Do you really believe I would?
I would if I weren't the one suffering.
You know me well.
I beg to differ.
hae gae.
Katty, who is your favorite catgirl?
Better than most of those present, then!
I am not Katty.
Okay… are you Kitty or just an user?
I thought would have you figured out by now, but I was wrong.
How are you?
I feel gross. how are you?
hey gae, I'm literally about to leave. will speak to you soon!
miss you too
goodbye everyone
stay safe.
Have a safe trip, Reece
Have a great trip!~♥
There is not much to figure out.
So you are a namefag, posting as user, but aren't Kitty or Katty?
I am confused now. Care to elaborate?
I should reiterate, I'm not the mostest clever.
Yes, that is correct.
There is not much to elucidate. No one here would know me.
Practice and that can change.
practice what? the method of loci? I'm trying, and it takes a lot of time to get used to.
You sleep!
I can't stop myself. I have work in 13 hours. I am addicted to internet.
Fine, I mostly stopped by to say good bye to reece anyway.
Good night
Well what should we call you? Catgirl poster #3?
sleep tight.
Another way to raise your cleverness is to discontinue PUNS.
You could use that or Darwin.
I guess I'll be stupid forever then. I might as well just become somebody's stupid pasty white ass slave, or pet, or somthing. I can't think of a pun now, but I would if I were awake enough to.
Alrighty then Darwin, what is your favorite catgirl?
I am slightly thankful for that because it spares me the pain. Go to sleep.
I possess no ultimate favorite. I am more partial to the ones with penises.
he's not done streaming yet.
spares you the pain of what? am I being groomed, or whatever?
I could not watch anymore. The exhaustion got the better of me.
The ultimate pain induced by puns. I am not allowed to groom you. Some people would be irate at me.
So… a fan of catboys/cat traps?
ah well. good night then master.
Why it was lagging and randomly hiccupping, I'll never know.
Hey az, how're you?
how was uhh.. work?
Good afternoon everyone
;-; I'm so fucking busy
Why are you fucking busy and not Nat? does he know about this?
WAs a decent day.
Nothing too crazy.
Aaaaaaannnd…. Darwin's gone. Oh well.
Hello Wezzy Wezzleton, how are you?
That random user was Darwin?
you sound tired
That is what they asked to be called.
Heya you two! I'm just back from physiotherapy, so not a whole lot going on. How's yous?
How horrifying.
I'm swamped at work honestly
How's it going Rubles?
I am a little worn, but I have all weekend to get well.
Hows the electric knees
get plenty of FOOD
It's going alright. There is improvements
I am doing well, friends. Might be heading to bed in an hour though.
tfw scared of going to sleep
Glad to hear you're doing good! Had anything interesting happen today?
Had a big dinner :3
Glad to hear it
True, fair enough.
did you have a good day? get up to much?
Mm…. yes. A bug in my program that would give different fuckups every time the program was run. I tried making a few changes, and it still gave some fucking wonky coredumps, and after changing the program back to the initial state it was in when I started crashing, it stopped giving errors… for now.
Either libc or libsfml is being really fucking weird.
Any idea what was causing the incorrect behavior?
I'm going to head to bed guys.
Been a long day, I'm a little stressed and worn out.
I'll catchya tmorrow though.
Have a good one~
Goodnight Rap! Sleep well!
Not a fucking clue.
At least it doesn't work without you knowing why
but then it would work! and he wouldn't have to worry about it not working for a short while..
Nah, as far as I'm concerned, if I don't understand why it works, there's still work to do. Because then I'll need to fix shit a little later down the line and I won't know how to duplicate what made it work in the first place.
Pretty much, if it works but it's not supposed to, it's going to break at the smallest change to the code you make. Or even when no changes. Or just because you looked at it wrong.
posters ending in even numbers must kiss
All the recent posts have been odds, lel
that's why i said evens
..what an odd thread
Hehe, puns.
What'd you eat, anyway?
i just wanted a good night kiss. fuck you too world
Azzy's 12/10 sghetti with herbs that have been spliced with flavourless herbs to rip off the customer :C
Spaghetti is top tier. Also, you got evens, ha!
Evens get!
I need to go to sleep too. Nini after this
you're on the wrong side of the world for everything currently!
I think we're all at least a third of a planet apart
*kisses your lips anyways*
Good night Azuzu~
Boston is pretty boring
Hiya Sockies!
i like my solitude but Australia is a bit too much
night night :3
Remind me next time.
Good night Azzuzy! Get some good sleep
How's you, sockies? c:
bored and in Boston
Why are you in boston?
layover of sorts
What is your final destination?
Neat. What are you going to do in NY?
going to my fraternity
Oh, enjoy your spanking with that paddle
Someone save me from this mind-numbing boredom. Make the mail come faster so I can go to sleep or something
I can't do that, but i can keep you company :o
Heya you two :3
How's u Wez?
I'm doing alright! How about you? been up to much?
I've been good, had lunch, and same as usual working on assignments, less than 2 weeks and this semester is over!
and now its a wuna thread
Messing around with Databending.
What a long day
heya Skye
not much going on right now and how about you
Good day, horsefuckers!
Hey hey!
Howdy Khan!
What's good?
hello there
having breakfast and scootin. you?
Soup Khan?
Had some breakfast and playing Fallout 3's DLC for the first time.
not much going on
sounds like a fun time!
same here, watching last week tonight
Man, I hate children
Good job you'll never have any!
I'm back, had to do something really quick :o
yay more wuna
that's actually a qt luna pic
thought you might like that!
Bleh, why am i so tired, it's only 7 pm
Because you touch yourself at night.
I know that feel
I'm not even kidding, somnophilia is pretty hot.
Anyone here got some expierence with 8chans captcha challenge?
Ahoy Wez.
What captcha channel? And how is you, btw?
Hey! What up on the southern front?
Greetings sad rainbow colored one
not a lot, just scootin. you?
I'm trying to make captcha validation through Java and Apaches HttpClient. But I only get 400's.
Something I do is wrong, but I can't lay my finger on it.
Besides from that, gaming, drinking and honoring the fact that I survived my first week of exams
Yay! Luna pics i don't have yet
Hey Canon, it's me, 7. Can't get myself to enter my trip.
They show up from time to time
Had a feeling it was you, so I asked dubz if it was was you and my call was answered
Yay 7wubs!!!
Drinking. Being out of exams for 5 weeks.
What up my friend?
drinking a fun! hurray!
i saved dis
Hope you get that work to work for you! Which year of uni are you?
I want your folder
Oh not so much, I'm working on a report on one course while working on report of a report on another, still got 12 days till last day of summer semester then gonna travel for about a month then get back in time for fall semester.. also enjoyed these past 2 days with family as it's feast for ending of Ramadan here.. so all is good
how have you been?
Surely by now you have a sizable chunk of my folder after all that I've posted no?
Not even close, yours is massive. And where are you traveling for a month, that sounds fun as hell :o
also, I don't have much choices so I'm heading to central-east slavland
Have any of you degenerates bought deviant art points?
I'm asking for a friend.
You could always come up to Europe!
actually I should have called it western-northern slavland , which country comes to mind when you hear that?
What the hell is a slavland?
I'll just say it's a region composed of many Slavic countries
your place is a part of it
You mean the balkans?
Balkans included, c'mon figure it out based on countries those official languages is Slavic.
Does that mean you're coming for a visit? :3
All these wunas remind me of wunanon
He will forever be missed. Should i try to get him back?
if he doesn't wanna come back (which is evident seeing how its been forever since he last posted ) the nah
haha I wish, but I said "western-northern", your place in the western part, but more central-southern than northern
they should make a version where the attacker is chickun and the runner is 4ch mod
So, czech?
Extremely close now!
I saved it years ago.
Neat. What field you study in?
help is shep or doggo i dont know
biomedical computer science
Fookin neat! Are you good at it?
Thx! :3
That country east of you, but I won't be going through Frankfurt this time though..
also super glad to hear you smashed your exams, keep up the good fight! :3
None of my exams was less than a 2,0 so far. Can't objectively say how good or bad I am.
Effin' Poland. Why.
Meh. Let me know if you do come through germany again. Maybe we can awkwardly meet up and not talk to each other.
Why don't you stop by here on the way?
You failed me :c
2,0 out of what possible score?
Am i invited? I'm practically next door
I honestly feel like without your pictures, we could be friends.
Afternoon, Kekku
I want to cum inside Princess Celestia and call her mom.
Have you ever tried making your own Celestia content?
I feel the same about your autism.
Sure! If you can cope with me being a scary but shy mf.
Smug pls.
A what?
I've edited a few images, the middle image is and edit I made of an edit that I edited.
Yea yea, settle down there, Oedipus.
I'm big, rather built and mean looking but shy af.
Neat. Got pics?
You should have been in poneh breads back in '13/'14. I did some camwhoring back then.
I was only here 12/13 and this year. Does that mean no?
I would rather not post any personal shit here anymore.
cuz one of my parents is originally from that place, that's why
and if I ever do get that chance, I'll be sure to inform you on that.. so far I've only met RK for like 30 minutes when he was passing through my city once
because I'm atleast 500KMs away from the nearest Slovenian town
no, my upload speed failed you
I have someone named Seven on my steam, probably isn't you, right?
When and where are you in Polandball? I'm visiting Clover there this summer, might as well time it when you're there too.
This. Only a few have seen my face and I plan to keep it that way.
Woah. Nice. I sometimes get the chance to get to Kuwait. This is by far the nearest place I can be to you. But still. It would be an awkward meetup. I'm not good with social stuff.
Social stuff is easy. Just walk up to people, offer them a pony figurine and yell at the top of your lungs "WHAT IS YOU FAVORITE PONY?!".
Trust me, i'm the expert on social stuff.
we'll all see the photos of you an hero.
Sounds reasonable
If it roman seven, it might be me.
Yknow, fuck you. You're going back under the filter.
oh yeah, that'll stop me.
Nah, that's not it.
hello Holla Forumsread
I know. I'm old. I'm wise.
Maybe it's an impostor?
Maybe a number just isn't the most unique name?
Thanks, Satan.
Been ages since I saw him post
hehe well you'd have to be going to an entirely different country then. Also, I wouldn't worry, it was kinda awkward when I first met RK, someone that you know on the nets and usually reply with a text post and then suddenly you gotta actually talk to them.. eventually after a few minutes it was normal and we enjoyed the chat.
Hai M1zzy!
Maybe not? I'm the uniquestest!
how're you doing?
hey hows it going?
ayy lmao
hey canon hows it going?
Give Clover a kiss from me.
Fooking noice! That's where Clover lives. When are you there? I'll organize a get together.
Of course, you're a snowflake :3
My dick eclipsed your face
Doing good! You?
A pleasure, servant.
I'm looking forward to it then. Eventually we'll meet.
Drunk. Intending to get smashed.
How about you?
I'm not a snowflake. Snowflakes melt. I'm a black hole. I consume everything nice.
Well, try not to consume me :o I like existing
not flood.
Existing is a farce.
just smoking
high intending to get higher so the same thing just with weed
I can't smoke weed. Makes me barf. This makes me sad.
Damn good farce, then
Have fun with that!
that sucks
Not a Flood just Travis.
Perhaps one day we shall, but Wezdor saying he's gonna meet Clover(and if I go there.. given I would be staying in the same meeting city) perhaps it would be easier if you took a visit there given it's much closer to you, imagine 4 people from Holla Forumsread……
Doing good, just chillin and working on a report, got 2 weeks till I'm done with summer semester, how bout yourself?
holllyyy crap…what are the odds!!
I'll be there between july 21 and august 28 :3
Anything you percieve is not true. It's an interpretation of your brain. Reality doesn't look like you think it is.
So sad. Yes. I don't know why. I smoked weed for an elongated time. But then from one day to another: barfing. Weeeeeeeee.
Better mosey on outta here then, son.
All the awkward! Meeting in poland?
Neat! I'll keep that in mind
Yea, Krakow
now imagine if I spoke with RK and we made it 5 lel
yeah, still can't believe it's the same city lol
also, nice trip
im high
that fucking suckls
hello skye how'reyou doing?
Azzy gave me the tripcode. And i'll try to find the best time to come up to Poland, the release for Eldrich Moon is 22nd.
That's ~250€ for me to get there by plane. Or 10 hours to drive.
Yes it does. I moved on to other drugs then.
hey beautiful!
Im good thanks,how are you?
well good luck there is all i can tell you
Well whats new :P
I'll be taking the bus. 12 hour drive, but it's only like 50€
hows you?
Ye. Thanks. How're you today? Besides of getting high?
Oh, that possibility still exists, yes. But I need to explain this to my gf. Heh.
Why…why does that face look a bit too masculine though?
ouch… that's pricey, I guess the distance is because you live on the west side of the country, well if not by plane or driving you could always try bus no?
bulletproof safe argument right there!
It's a male character prolly.
no you dont understand i have enough to achieve a never before seen high
Because its a kid drawing it and it cost me literally $10, to be honest, its already better than what I paid for, and they're going to colour it and complete it, so yknow, I'll accept some small imperfections.
wow rude
So bulletproof she's shoot me on the spot to try out.
Oh. It's not the permission I need. I'd just like to make sure my flat is still mine when I return you know.
Yeah, wouldn't want Merkel to put some immigrants in there while your away. Impossible to get rid of them afterwards.
How much is it?
well that sounds great!
I've got a refugee shelter just around the corner. They produce so much waste. I seriously don't know where they get all that stuff to throw away.
an ounce
Your taxpayer money. And my condolences on the location of the shelter.
I'm only here with about 2g
up on dem clouds eh?
Hopefully we can work out something good, should be interesting lol
doesn't look it though
gee I wonder if their ability to make a feminine character look masculine had any influence in your decision to choose that particular artist hmm hmm hmm..
But you'll be protected by the power of poni!
Don't feel so bad, there's immigrants left and right here, and they make up about 25% of the country's population
It'll be fun regardless. Unless you pricks are gonna be antisocial, then it will be awkward.
And that last comment made me feel worse! D:
Likely. Good thing I don't pay the full tax.
I suspect the power of poney would leave me bleeding.
I seriously don't feel bad about them. If I see 'em, I greet and smile. It's not their fault our politics suck so much. And that ISIS is using islam to make terror.
wow okay rude.
Nah, its just something on the cheap, and this is what theyve done so far.
I didnt have much of her previous work to look at to check against
Haha let's hope not then, I usually tend to heavily join a convo if there's a topic I'm knowledgeable on
also, check 2nd pic
trust in the poni! learn to embrace its power!
that sounds kind of ya, and yeah, good points.
As long as you liked it, then I guess that's all that matters
I liked the first pic better :c
its not even finished yet!
but yeah, i like it, considering the price.
i like it even not considering the price!
I know that feel… I mean even before the Syrian war we didn't have 24/7 state electricity or state running water(which now we rely on private suppliers) and with all these refugees and strain on the economy it ain't helping nothing
oh, cool!
Moshi moshi kawaii pony~
Damn :/
Princess Wez.
New Bread
I am best princess!
howsu moshpit