Why do you faggots hate this guy again?
Marvel BTFO
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Hope you faggots are Tweeting that video to nick spencer
GTFO Holla Forums
i don't read capeshit, can you guys explain me what hydra is? redskulls ""nazi"" organization?
so its LE EVIL organization that wants america to go back to traditional values?
how is that wrong? hes captain AMERICA, not captain muslim, he fights for america, so isn't it logical that he'd join hydra?
Holla Forums is Holla Forums territory faggot
supposed to be basically the only existing one left in the modern world
it's not even traditional values that hydra wants. they want to take away free will, basically making it so everyone is safe and secure, but not free
Weren't negative eugenics on steroids their original goal?
not sure. i don't usually read comics
i see, so its leftists retards vision of what "nazi" is.
im really glad i dont read this garbage.
Holla Forums here.
Compared to the current degeneracy that does not sound like a half bad idea.
Had to stop at 3:33 because I'm tired of listening to some poser act like he knows a goddamn thing about comics.
First things first, no shit Marvel wants to pander to the press, they're owned by Disney and if they do anything stupid they will get shat on for it.
Also can we please stop acting like Miller isn't a goddamn fruit cake at this point? Seriously the man's brain is pretty much a vegetable these days, so no I won't take anything he says seriously because he's fucking insane.
And second of all, I fucking get it! You hate Waid's Daredevil run! Get the fuck over it you fucking faggot.
Remind me again why anybody takes this fucking poser seriously?
But Marvel is cartoons as well, user.
iirc, he's a Rand Paul supporter and is really more anti-Hillary/Bernie than he is pro-Trump
true, but don't think many cartoons really explored Hydra's motivations outside world domination
How did those legs got pass the censors?
I'm sorry, how is he a poser? the man does seem to know his shit about comics, unlike mr. Lewis "can't tell when a comic's just a propaganda comic & you shouldn't take it too seriously" Porklover
and he's even admitted that Miller's basically a parody of himself at this point
you act like he can't stop talking about it, but he really only brings it up when it's relevant. it's relevant here
Waid's run is easily a great example & one he's clearly versed in. it's trying a shitty take on a superhero that critics absolutely adore, but the fans don't want any part of it & the sales clearly show
i don't know, how did what's clearly characters being killed by robots & cthulu get past the censors?
He's a huge fucking casual who puts up the act of being some intellectual contrarian. The fact that even the most brain-dead of casuals are upset over this move just shows how fucking retarded Marvel is.
It was a magical time, then.
Because he's a 'published comics artist in the industry.'
Strangely, he never links to the avenues where anyone can see his published work.
Oh shut the fuck up autist
Waids shit
Anons will love some faggot they call an e-celeb (which they usually aren't) until they inevitably say something they disagree with in which everybody says they are a traitor and will get butthurt at the mention of them like any of it fucking matters.
There's no need to begin your post like that.
We're all Holla Forums here.
You mean he Googled a bunch of numbers and spouted out opinionated bullshit to sound smart?
Gee where have I see that before?
care to give an example from this video, or do you just hate him cause he talks shit?
I guess it makes more sense than his rant on 'The new P.C. Gaming'
Whenever he starts talking about how much he hates 'the regressive left', especially in gaming, he gets 10x less coherent and just rambles on instead of having a point.
There's something about his art that seems… stiff.
anyways, the guy fully admits his show is opinion based, yet you act like that's a bad thing
not even sure that's his art. the channel it comes from is linked by ED & hasn't really been confirmed (or I think used in a couple of years)
Oh hi RazorFist! Didn't know you lurked here.
This is the first I've heard of this and I've been following him for almost two years now.
yeah, try someone who lives on the opposite side of the country
all you need are the numbers to prove what razor and sargon are proving.
nice try, try again later faggot
Isn't that what SJWs want?
Not really. SJW's don't want you safe, secure or free. They just want to climb the social ladder in the eyes of their peers and oppressing you, their mortal enemy, is how they let their peers know how awesome they are.
The whole SJW thing is better understood as a political/social cult, rather than a good faith philosophy attempting to create a better future.
Then why try to create "safe spaces"?
To shut down dissent within them.
Looks pretty bland tbh family.
Being a decent artist wouldn't make him any less shit as a commentator/critic.
so people hate him because he's right?
Go back to tumblr/reddit/steven universe general.
Gee, I wonder why people don't like this guy
You sound like a "true" fallout fanboy
Razorfist? I don't hate him, but he has bad taste in most video games beyond Thief and Daggerfall.
Also, the guy willingly consumes fast-food comics and then complains about the bad writing as if he didn't expect it. The fuck? He would probably feel right at home on a board like this.
When I see a picture like this, it makes me think. How few pictures of hats do you have that this one only needs a one-word name? You don't have any other cock pictures? You could also have an extremely well-organized picture folder but that would be ridiculous.
I actually only had 5 on this computer though, so there's that.
Safe spaces exist for moral posturing and to comfort the egos of the queen bees who dominate the safe space, they're a luxury not a charity.
I wonder if Elesh Norn even knows what a cock is.
He obviously didn't praise a fanboy's favorite game, or comic series, going by the replies here.
He's been denounced as a "contrarian" (as you see in this very thread), but this is hot claim chowder. The metalhead gimmick will definitely come off stupid to some, and for that there's no remedy. Additionally, there's residual buttfrutration from a few folks, because certain fans have called this board out as cucks in the past which the faithful will never recover from (>>595421).
Razor knows what he likes, plus provides tear downs of what he doesn't, making him competent & confident. When somebody has to describe that's being a "huge fucking casual", then I read it as "he's not a massive polarized sperg". Oh.
You haven't played the game and neither has he.
He complains that the stealth in MGR is bad.
His Dennis Miller impression where he tries to come off as far smarter than he actually is gets pretty tired. Calling someone a "homonculus" doesn't really pack a punch. It's just something to say to make him sound to clever to just call someone a faggot.
He could also slow down a bit and take the instragram filters off his videos. But I guess he'd just be another professional youtube replyfag if he got rid of his gimmicks.
All gimmick reviewers are Cancer.
t. Razorfist
Razorfist has fucking shit taste in pretty much anything outside of Daredevil comics, so I'd take whatever he says here with a grain or two of salt.
He's also got a thing where he wants to defend positions that almost no one holds, often seeming like he's only holding it for the sake of being different, like that Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas, for example.
I'm not a fan of Kojima like a lot of people, but his hatred of the dude and his works borders on excessive at times.
Spoonfeed me what this hydra meme is about? I seriously don't get it.
Are you retarded? The hate on New Vegas was that it was more buggy than 3, even in places that 3 had working properly, and that you couldn't just explore like you could in the Elder Scrolls games and Fallout 3.
These are facts.
I don't hate him, but he has the voice of a whiny little bitch and the lexicon of a pretentious twat.
You could explore just like in Daggerfall, Morrowind, and the only other good Fallouts (1&2), where challenges were set and weren't scaled to your level, thus forcing you to either come back when you've developed your character to fit the challenge or make more careful decisions based on your current build. AKA, actual vidya roleplaying challenge. There's no point in leveling up and actually building your characters while exploring in open world games like Skyrim, Oblivion, and Fallout 3 if all the challenges just keep up with you. It's poor, lazy world design.
So, if someone asks for a reason not to like Razorfist, just say he's a contrarian pseudo-intellectual who does a bad Dennis Miller impression and parades around with a chip on his shoulder like the faggy lovechild of a mallgoth and a metalhead.
Holla Forums hates him because he spoke out against the alt-right
Generally speaking, any group hates it when someone else talks shit about them.
He should have been more considerate, they're highly sensitive, like a teenage girl going through puberty.
Poor world design is north is instant death at the hands of cazadors and deathclaws, east is death from radiation or super mutants far beyond your abilities, west is the edge of the god damn map, and south is the only option which happens to be where the story wants you to go.
Lazy world design is that you can walk for a few minutes in a direction either encounter FUCKING NOTHING or INSTANT DEATH unless you were following the game's story.
In Daggerfall and Morrowind you might stumble across a cave/dungeon/whatever that was beyond your abilities but odds are whatever you were encountering outside wasn't going to pounce on you and destroy you.
No one thinks Fallout 3 is better though
You are correct. No one does think Fallout 3 is better, Razorfist included.
I have played New Vegas, I think it is a good but ultimately flawed game, with bugs up the ass, crashes, and the overall emptiness of the game's world. Your just mad cause your sacred cow is being shat on.
Listen to what he said about the dialogue system. He didn't play the game.
No. I hate him because he's part nigger.
>>>Holla Forums
You'd sure know about that, wouldn't you?
Holla Forums hates him because he spoke in favour of Islam at the Rotherham case.
He's a full blown cuckold and a literal-rape apologist.
Sorry he triggered you user
Are you talking about Sarcuck? When did Razorfist ever talk about Rotherham?
Yes. Thought he was replying to this
Is there a hero whose integrity is more FUBAR than Steve Rogers?
The only other character with a history this shitty is Donna Troy, and she wasn't even the leader of the C-List team she was on
Please tell me this loud douche changes posters int he background to troll people.
There is no way I can take the opinion of a dude seriously who makes videos like this and likes Titanfall and Murdered Soul suspect.
He had a Fable 3 poster while shitting on FO:NV.
no, they want equality (in their own retarded sense)
they want to make the world equal in numbers of race, religion, sexuality, and sexual identity
on top of that, they want every male to be sensitive, non confrontational, and to cower before the vaginas of the world (both real and poorly constructed under the knife)
it'd give him more credibility when talking about a comic's art style. it's like how linkara should learn to write a good comic before criticizing a comic's writing
he didn't say shit about the stealth in Revengence
the glitchier game that's somehow glitched things that worked in its predecessor?
probably more a hatred because his favorite genre is littered with the mediocre games by this guy and people spout shit about how great they are. it's like being a transformers fan, but the most films for it come from micheal bay
I like Razor at times, but like most people freaking out over this, he shows how little he knows. Traditional "I don't really read comics, but I get real pissed when Marvel/DC pulls a stunt designed to piss me off" that you'll see from most people.
The only valid thing I remember him bringing up is the writer looks WORDY AS FUCK. Like, damn, would you like some art with your word bubbles? Maybe he was very selective with those, but the pages shown were pretty terrible.
all i remember him saying about the conversation system was that it was basically the same as 3 but with slightly less depth
iirc, he said he hated the wordiness and Trump-mining were worse than the "Hail Hydra"
also those might've been put in by his editor
I know what you are going to say next but it doesn't matter since you are so adamant on defending this faggot.
That isn't why I called him a gimmick reviewer.
He posted a review that was one sentence hinting anything about the game and the rest was an autistic rant about anime. I know other reviewers do this too and they are also Cancer.
No and that is not true.
He implied that every NPC was like in Skyrim where talking to them would just activate a script line.
Holla Forums really is the entry point of halffags.
Fuck off and watch anime kid
Then why are you here? Leave.
84chan is superior to both of your pleb sites.
Then leave.
and there were unleveled enemies in oblivion or did i imagine Umbra kicking my ass like she's Mike Tyson
besides, what's the problem with a world leveling as you do? doesn't it make more sense for your enemies as they hear word of the almighty goblin slayer and the higher level enemies coming out of the woodwork as you bring every species that much closer to extinction?
then stop being such a shy faggot and say it. I never said fallout 3 was glitch free, no one with a brain and a basic understanding of programming would EVER make the notion that anything is glitch free. i just STATED that new vegas fucked things up where they shouldn't have because they had fallout 3 to build upon
then share, bitch. the class is waiting
correct me, faggot. and implying isn't the same as actually saying
also, that fucking pic you gave is pure shit. whose to say he doesn't do what I do when I want footage and record on a different account, or hell, he might not be going after the fucking achievements/trophies. i don't know who can in the time he gives himself to review a game and remain relevant without forgoing sleep and a social life
It makes sense if it's Gray Oak or something. However, when an unexplored cave has level-scaled monster and bandits are wearing armor from demi-gods, it goes against your progress. They could have done something cool with it like low level bandit going like "Shit! It is Raul the Stabber of Dicks. Let's get out of here!".
I'm not watch that shit again.
All rushed reviews are Cancer. You don't write a review of a movie that you didn't finish watching.
Why are you defending this guy? Because he shat on Marvel?
i disagree. it makes sense that the bandits who didn't have appropriate gear would've either quit or fucked off in fear of the mysterious traveler staining the roads with their blood
same for the animals. they'd sense the predator and look for somewhere without the living god
look above, but if you didn't know, the opposite's actually true. if you strip down to gear costing less than what they're asking for, they'll think you're just a poorfag
I think you CAN get them to not mug you by putting on the grey fox's hood too
you just did if you got the footage. his complaint was about all the characters with a single conversation bubble and the lack of elements that were more prominent in 3
from the looks of this, he gets a month worth of game time, which is more than enough for most of these games. hell, if he had to go through an entire RPG then he'd take jontron lengths to get done
and once again, trophies/achievements do not equal the amount of time you play a game. hell, how many achievements do you get in halo 3 for just beating the game on normal? like 10?
try calling out bullshit arguments for why Holla Forumsirgins hate someone when it doesn't make sense
You sound like you're repeating the faggot's points. The map design is not nearly as restrictive as you're letting on - the hazards and harder enemies can definitely be avoided if you're skilled enough. The design of the challenges around the world are no different than Morrowind - where central and ashlands of Vvanderfall are death to an unprepared character unless they can properly account for the dangers in their exploration.
No, it does not make sense that random fucking dime-a-dozen street bandits to suddenly have high-quality armor and weapons. Nor does it makes sense that random fucking animals are now getting a shit ton more powerful all of the sudden. This is poor design and shouldn't justified.
One enemy, does not an unleveled game make.
It completely defeats the purpose of having any sort of roleplaying mechanics in the game. If you want to maintain a steady level of difficulty throughout the whole experience you might as well just go straight up action. RPGs are about getting stronger to conquer tougher challenges, there's a satisfaction in returning to an old area that was once difficult and curbstomping all the enemies there that you lose when everything stays the same. It also loses the value of taking on a big monster that used to kick your ass and finally destroying it. Not to mention it completely destroys any semblance of a difficulty curve.
No, not really. It's completely unbelievable that random bandits would suddenly get their hands on perfectly smithed glass armor, or daedric weapons. There's a way to handle some leveling that makes sense, but the way it's applied in Fallout 3 and Oblivion pretty much ruin the games. It's lazy to just apply a blanket HP and damage boost to the world wholesale rather than actually taking the time to develop tougher enemies.
it's not all of the sudden, though. it's gradual because the world levels as you do (or did you just forego leveling until you stack like 20 level ups at once)
well, I'd rather the enemies in this game feel they need to up their game with me reaching level 50 rather than run into a radroach one minute and a deathclaw the next at level 5
that was just the first example that came to mind. i'm sure there are more that people who played the game more recently than I can tell you
how? you can still play the roll you choose
and why can't the game just scale with you in an RPG?
and there are STILL enemies in oblivion where that happens, but it doesn't always have to be like that
should everything just be like pokemon where apparently while you're level grinding everyone else just has their thumbs up their asses and waits for you to come?
anyways, if you want an easy game just turn the difficulty down like the pussy you are. me, I prefer going the distance like Rocky to just getting a one-hit-KO all the damned time because I killed a bunch of rats early on
because the game gives you bigger, tougher, and/or better equipped monsters because you're a big boy now
like you mean how the game gradually gets tougher with you? or is that not tough enough?
and its believable that a bunch of gates to hell are opening up all around you? or that you just happen to be in the perfect jail cell for all this shit to go down? this is a game, it doesn't have to make perfect sense
here's an idea for you. these are random mercs that you put out of business and all they've got left is mugging people
do i think it's perfect? no
do i think people complain too much because you can't find any pussies left to beat on like a wimp? absolutely
besides, I like this game's level scaling better than skyrim's
I don't think the game was even out for that long when he reviewed it.
Good good
The worst thing EA has done is lower the standards company have to do to be consumer friendly. Now apply that to reviewers. I think that you are just OP being booty blasted that people like me aren't watch that video.
That is a different video. Besides the bank closes at noon.
Those were in FO3 too.
Like the hand holding; level scaling is Cancer.
Regular assed bandits having demi-god armor.
try half a year. he reviewed it on april of '11 while it came out in october of '10
yes, the average consumer loves swearing and metal music coming from a guy dressed like an Alice Cooper cover band
never said they weren't. i'm just trying to explain the argument as best I can from what I saw, if you wanna know what he means by it then go ask him yourself
yes, because you can't fight your precious rats and roaches anymore to grind like there's no tomorrow, oh boo hoo for you
preceded by bandits with other armor. i'm sorry that you can't handle a game keeping a certain level of difficulty through the game, princess
Also, level scaling makes the game easier not harder. If it was the case, why doesn't the enemies get stronger based on your playtime instead your level? Why does the enemies get stronger based on how close you are to finishing the main quest? Why have fucking levels?
I can kill cockroaches in one hit and that doesn't stop them appearing.
largely because higher levels usually equals better loot (from both you and your enemies)
besides, I don't know how many games use playtime in their mechanics. I got maybe two that change what cards you have depending on how long you have them, but that's about it
jokes aside, most of the shit people have a problem with is opinion based, which you can't technically be wrong in for most cases
because this isn't a game where radioactive roaches or rats the size of dogs show up regularly
What he said was wrong. You are just twisting words to make him sound less retarded.
What did he say that made Fallout 3's dialogue system better than FO:NV's dialogue system that Fallout: New Vegas didn't actually have?
And going to unexplored ruins too early locks you out of one of the kind loot.
My point is; If level scaling is meant to make the harder, then it wouldn't have kept enemies weak just because you are low leveled.
Because he's a shitty e-celeb. E-celebs (even if we agree with them) all belong in the trash.
Finally someone fucking gets it!
1)If Marvel wants money for it's books they need to make READERS happy not critics.
2)NO, he isn't scene we can't know how bad he is now and that vid snipet is from 2012 an he sounds perfectly coherent their.
3)Waid's Daredevil run was shit.
Remind me again why anybody takes YOU seriously?