Why #whitegenocide doesn't work

The objectives of the white nationalists behind the #whitegenocide meme are laudable. They seek to defend the right of people of European descent to live, to maintain European cultures, and to preserve European nations. They seek to demonstrate that diversity is intrinsically anti-European. These are all very good, desirable, and for those of us who value Western civilization, true andnecessary goals. Western civilization is a European construct.

But the #whitegenocide meme simply does not achieve its purpose, it does not work, because it is a misguided attempt to use dialectic in the place of rhetoric. This is obvious, because those who use that particular meme are always - always - having to rationally explain and justify it. And it can be justified rationally, at least to those with a reasonable grasp of history and sufficiently long time preferences. But that doesn't make it good rhetoric.

As those who have read SJWAL know, the fact that something can be rationally justified is not only an entirely different question than whether something is rhetorically effective, it is a very strong indicator that the meme in question is not rhetorically effective due to the fact that it is clearly not rhetoric at all. One does not persuade the emotions through the use of logic.

When people think of "genocide", of what do they think? What is the one single word that immediately springs to mind when someone says "genocide" to you? It's not "Holocaust", it's not "Jews", it's not "Rwanda", it is "bodies". We are all programmed to think of stacks of bodies, limp and scrawny and robbed of all dignity, when we hear the word "genocide".

Well, where are the white bodies? They don't exist. So, to make the connection between the term "genocide" and the serious problem of the 50-year assault on the various European nations and cultures requires an abstract leap, and what is worse, an abstract leap that ignores the instinctive emotional connection. So, #whitegenocide fails because it is not rhetoric at all, it is pure dialectic that predictably fails to move the emotions.

Contrast, in comparison, this ad for The Man in the High Castle which was quickly pulled because it was inadvertently serving as effective propaganda for the very ideas and peoples it was attempting to denigrate. It was run with the hashtag #whatifwelost.

Read the rest here: voxday.blogspot.com.au/2016/05/why-whitegenocide-doesnt-work.html

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice try Chaim, but until we get something better it's the best we have. Want to come up with something better? Go for it. Until then we've been doing just fine without your input

They're recognising it..


White genocide doesn't work as a meme because all normies and leftist faggots and mudpeople think that the world is run by white supremacy. Normies even think that jews are white. So when they see wall street and federal reserve kikes doing their usual kikery, they think it's the product of "evil white fascist capitalists". Unfortunately it looks as if western civilization will have to hit rock bottom before a reconquista could happen.

Why do these altistic-right types who haven't been able to appeal to anyone but defectives think they're experts on propaganda?



For over 95% of people in the world: fee-fees>facts

Fuck off jew. You did not even read the post which was talking about how to make better propoganda.

I read the post, and deemed it to be shit. If you don't think white genocide works, then come up with your own shit. Until you can come up with something better, be quiet about one of the earliest memes intended to protect whites.

Quit being an autistic fuck. The majority of people are only persuaded by emotion. That is why memes work. That is why rheric works. That is why four word slogans work.

If we cannot win the propaganda war we will lose

Take this picture. It hits you in the gut. It is so simple and yet it is more inspiring then a thousand facts.

Are you really this retarded? Why keep using something that is not working instead of coming up with something that works.

Here is what works:
The 14 words
White girls are magic
Make America White Again
Diversity is white genocide

Here is what does not work:
The 88 words
White genocide

You can start giving advice about what works when you're no longer a newfag.

Maybe they meant the 88 precepts? I mean, this is shit.

As for the white genocide meme, I generally call it "ethnic displacement" and compare it to what happened to the Native Americans. That tends to work because it removes their "Native Americans were here first" meme and gives its power to me.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Also we must kill all jews, as millennia of expulsion attempts have proven that they will never stop their subversion. Finally, we must recognize that the differences between the races of humanity warrant wholly separate species designations, not just subspecies. And since eloquence allows a person to say everything that needs said that simply, these extra words exist simply to kick the count up to eighty-eight, furthering the mockery of the obvious troll. lol.

Right, and they associate the term "genocide" with mass killings.

It's easy to dismiss and mock the term for this reason.

The article is criticizing the term "white genocide", not the entire uncucked right.


Fucking newfags don't even know where the 88 words are from. Here's a hint, Uncle Adolf wrote them.

They have been used since before infinte chan existed and they repel normies too much to be good propaganda

The 88 words were the words carved in stone at the Beer Hall Putsch on April 20th, 1940. Nice try, Solomon.



The problem with the 88 words is that they are too extreme for most people. The 14 words are great propaganda.
14/88 is great so long as nobody mentions the 88 words. I sometimes wonder whether the 88 words were not tacked onto the 14 words to discredit what was great propaganda.

You cannot argue with the 14 words without looking like a white hating maniac.

The best propaganda must appeal to the normie whites and sway them to our side. That is what the poster in the OP does unintentionally.

Writing 'white genocide' fails because once you need to explain it you have lost the emotional impact. The white genocide is not a genocide of bodies. It is a genocide of spirit, a genocide created by generations of anti white propaganda encouraging white suicide but there is no way to make a good meme out of that.

Which proves my point. If normies think something is associated with hitler and killing the jews it will repel them.

But if you post about defending white people you win them over.

See the difference?

Just say you were "only pretending to be retarded" and go back to twitter before embarrassing yourself any further.


New York, Boston, London, Woolwhich, Copenhagen, Moscow, Burgas, Paris and Munich to name a few. What was the response to their deaths? Import more invaders.

#whitegenocide works as an effective shock tactic.

I don't know, where are the white bodies?

I never see any, dead or alive!

thread theme

You realize this dumb fuck is a self-hating white right? Take your shitty writer's blog and go somewhere else.

88 Precepts is an essay or manifesto written by David Lane, a founder of the white supremacist organization The Order

Not Hitler.

Yes, white genocide is a stupid and ineffective meme.


nah, you just have to bring up the real fear of administration inflicting conditions upon the population so as to destroy it. it's evil scientist type shit.
the phrase "white genocide" fills an alternate purpose. it presents the people with the worst possibility. it anchors duscussion and draws people in. they will disagree, then people will justify and a discussion will be had. if it's ridiculous, it just means people will be more likely to react to it.

IMO it should have been left to the reference of White South African's. That really is a fucking hostile situation that they can't get out of in large part. Everyone hear gets the message used in the broader context because it's simply the fucking truth if you have any analytical brain cells in your head, but we know people don't care about facts, they care about emotions.

It does cause a shitstorm with people, which can provoke a conversation IRL, but on the internet it's likely to amount to little.


I have tried the mantra and talked about white genocide with at least 50+ white people, none of them understood what i was saying and they denied it.



OP has a point. We need to focus on positive white identity.

#whitesolidarity #whiteminoritypride #northernlords

We also need to disarm the idea that white pride is inherently anti minority. Even if you have anti minority sentiment, what is important now is that we waken whites to their racial identity and restore pride in it. We can do this like the Jews have done with minorities, focus on common ground and common interest while maintaining independent identity.


I wonder who could be behind this post…


No. It's negative conditioning, requires too many deductive steps and remains rooted in dialectic. The average 100 IQ pleb is just going to shut down those unpleasant though-processes well before he sees the light. That's the main reason Holla Forums, Stormfront and other white-nationalist sites remain so small, even though they are factually right.

Posting a picture of a beautiful young white girl with a healthy, smiling white baby is several orders of magnitude more effective. It's positive conditioning, rather than negative. And it rhetorically makes the exact same point: "Don't let this beauty vanish into extinction!"

Conversely, that's why the Left recognizes that it's a very effective tactic to post pictures of white girls with niggers. It's leads to humiliation, demoralization and a visceral anger that no dialectic can ever match. Why do you think the kikes have been working so hard to make interracial cuckold porn mainstream?

What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of Europe, so that our people may mature for the fulfilment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.

Curious onlooker here, what are the 88 words that even stormfags think is too powerful to be used as propaganda?

Theyre the first dubs Hitler got when he posted on Holla Forums.
also check 'em

This is obvious, because those who use that particular meme are always - always - having to rationally explain and justify it.

Aristotle provides an excellent 3-part measure of good rhetoric (which necessarily moves men's emotions):

goodwill - that the message is intended in the best interest of the audience
good moral character - that the message appears to be righteous
good sense - that the message is easily grasped and appears to be founded on evidence (despite the absence of evidence).

He puts it another way: to move a man to believe a thing without relying on evidence (as we know, evidence is not relevant to persuasion), you must a) understand the man's emotional state, b) know the people towards whom he typically directs that emotion toward and c) be familiar with the grounds upon which those emotions are typically based.

So, #whitegenocide has (or may have) goodwill - If it is offered in the interest of mutual, peaceful separation for the prevention of something worse, like war.

It has good moral character, as it is intended to raise the awareness of victims and to restore the reputations of the wrongly accused. That is critical to hit the correct emotional buttons.

What it does not have is inherent sense. Any sense it does have must be demonstrated. Demonstration is the domain of dialectic, and serves no emotional purpose.

It's out.

To apply the second, related map from above, ask yourself: if I want to shock (emotion) someone into realizing the threat of "white genocide", I first must know what shocks them. Well, "genocide" is pretty dramatic, that could work. It is a big word designed to shock a certain mindset. However, now I must know the sorts of people by whom they would be shocked in this context - and the sorts of people by whom they would be shocked to hear of genocide would be…people for whom they have sympathy.

The intended audience, regardless of race, does not have sympathy for "whites" as an abstract concept. Because they don't have sympathy, they also don't have grounds to be shocked, especially since there are - as Vox mentions - no bodies stacked like cordwood.

By the way, the three bolded principles above are precisely why Make America Great Again works so brilliantly - it is even more emotionally reliable than "Morning in America" was back in 1980.

What we need is another phrase that's framed from the positive that supports the continuation of the white race, instead of nothing but doomsaying and defeatism that currently dominates the discussion.

You are a joke.

If the white genocide memeplex did not work in creating a new paradigm to understand how cucked whites have become, it wouldn't have become viral in the first place.

It's not dialectic or rhetoric, it's a paradigm to separate the pro-whites from the anti-whites, as the anti-whites all want policies that will end in white genocide, while we the pro-whites, want whites to survive.

its 14 88

14 stands for

we must secure the future of our race and our white children

dont know the exact phrase im not a stormfag

88 stands for hh

heil hitler

Fuck off Plebbit.

great point… old school = best school.

so, what then?

#EuropeanExtinction? #EuropeanCrisis?

watch the joe owens video i linked. no more silly hashtags like that.

we might have some success, springboarding from #whitegirlsaremagic, with something like #whitegirlsfromwhiteparents

or we could hasten the diminishing of the power of the the word "racist" with #justdontcallmeracist right after admissions of what cucks will put up with.

more ideas:
#whitekidswearsuits (you see any other hs kids in suits? outside a job interview?)
#wholesomeandwhite or #waw
something that doesn't trigger the normies' aversion to racism, and instead glorifies having white families or white kids.

i'm not very good with crafting hashtags, though. perhaps someone else on the board is a better meme-magician than me.

Found a shill, guys…

your ideas are terrible…

Yeah lad I think we're going to need someone with a bit more creative flair to come up with hashtags.

We need something that specifically centres itself on white children. After all, whites are the only people capable of creating cute little fuckers with fair skin, coloured hair, and coloured eyes. It discourages race-mixing, it tempts racist non-whites, it fills women up with broodiness and men with protectionist instinct.

I'm not very capable of coming up with a catchy name either, but I'll brain-storm some influences which may stick.

yeah, i said as much. i'm just brainstorming here. i just want something that still gets the ideas across without coming across like an autist that has to explain just what i mean by "white genocide" whenever i use it. something that captures as much hope and magic as MAGA, not lamenting the coming extinction as with WG.

still, I don't see you coming up with anything much better. extinction and crisis? still require a lot of explaining.

think images of white children will get your message across better than a slogan/hashtag.

current invasion crisis and white hate promotion is strong enough for the common person to understand it.

I agree, "white genocide" is overly dramatic.

Why not call it "suicide" like suggests. It's more accurate and more believable because it doesn't imply a conspiracy, it implies low birth rates.

Another thing, "think of the grandchildren" might be pretty effective. Most of us will be okay but what happens if it's like 70% african and it turns into south africa? People might feel guilty for their ancestors but I don't think they want their not-yet-born grandchildren to be killed because of it.

You know she is half hispanic? She is still cute.

Because suicide takes blame off the "people" orchestrating it and puts it solely on Whites.

the flimflam was still white enough to get labelled as a white dude by most of the country, so it doesn't bother me much.

extermination sounds better. maybe replacement or trading?

The entire point of OP was that is ineffective because it requires a lot of research and willingness to believe in conspiracies, plus it's not murder. It's something a drama queen would say..

If you convince a person to commit suicide, it's still considered suicide, not murder.

That sounds too apathetic.

I got an obnoxious one




not strong enough

I'm just throwing stuff out there, trying to brainstorm here. got any better ideas? because we need them.


These twitter autists are quickly replacing the GamerGoys as the biggest cancer on the board.

I vote on #InvasiveFeces for highlighting the invasive subspecies of humans outbreeding the natives and shitting it up.

What medium do you suggest? Twitter hashtags create epic levels of butthurt.

Real life.

#EuropeanExtermination might get some heads turning, and a few to take the red pill.
But yeah, twitter is a lost cause, there's a reason I don't have an account.

No, they just cause shitposting by mindless drones.

if you don't have to interact with young people on a regular basis these days, you still think that everything online is trivial. this is the same generation that hypes up cyberbullying and takes a lot of the internet seriously. it boggles my mind how much importance people even 4 years younger than me put on what happens on the internet–yet when I was in HS/College, you could trivialize anything by appending "on the internet"

We've hit a brick wall.

Nothing left to do but vote, make funny pictures, and lock your doors.

I've already posted m8.

Underestimating the importance of social media in red-pilling normies? Or are you just a shill trying to contain us here?



White genocide is great because it stirs up controversy and gets people talking. It gets people on the fence to question the liberal narrative and join us.

There is a lot of white people on the fence of this issue. In a world that's getting less and less politically correct, more white people are questioning why race mixing is pushed so heavily and what's going on in Europe.

A phrase as drastic as "white genocide" pushes them to us. Getting people to talk about it is the first step. There is nothing wrong with the phrase white genocide.

Why not both.

Shills tell us

Why would anyone care if Holla Forumsacks are on twitter and reddit spreading the memes?



Just spread shit everywhere. Noone can stop you.


There's a difference between someone who spreads propaganda on reddit and a redditor. The same can be said for twitter.

That's the same reason why I'm still here. I agree on using #WhiteGenocide but I also want something else, that way we hit people from two angles.


White genocide is good for the internet, but in real life you can just describe the situation in europe if you're american, and vice versa. You can virtue-signal to the cosmopolitans by saying how bad it would be if european culture went away.

I would never, ever say white genocide to someone I know because I have a lot of credibility and I don't even think of it as genocide myself, it's someone telling you to commit suicide and you go along with it because anything else would be racist.

Is this a brand new meme?

I'm gonna buy 10,000 shares in it right now.

White genocide is a good phrase because it gives YOU the moral superiority. YOU are the one who doesn't want your race to be genocided- anybody you questions you is now trivializing genocide.

And most importantly, it plays on the other persons emotions. Emotions are the easiest way to get somebody on your side. It takes no thinking to feel emotions.

What's the worst somebody can possibly say to you for not wanting your race genocided?

You know what makes my blood boil more than anything, and actually inspires me? The thought that kids like that might be a minority in their classroom, bullied by swarthy sandniggers, and their parents will be completely unable to do anything, since Principal Abdu Salem doesn't think their behavior is wrong.

Y'know what doesn't hit me right in the gut, where it matters? Some sperg screeching WHYTEGENOSYDE!!! on twatter.

The meme has been commandeered.

No it isn't, it makes you sound shrill and conspiratorial, just like the article said, the average normie simply doesn't associate mass immigration with genocide, no matter the official definition.

Found the kike

Spotted the Sub-Nigger IQ

White Genocide is a rabbit cartoon, Goyim.

It's pure silliness.

I'm going to say it another way irl because google brings this up first if you manage to pique their interest (plus I think the term is inaccurate):

Everyone knows our birth rates are low. But it's a big stretch to say it's 100% conspiracy when the policies were voted on or at least popular enough. Anecdotal but I even know a jewish guy who said to me "we need more white babies".

What I AM comfortable talking about is mass immigration being "divide and conquer". It's still a conspiracy theory, but there is very visible evidence like black lives matter, "la raza", and even racist whites. Mass immigration causes racism and divisions.

If you're incapable of having this conversation IRL you might have the nigger IQ

Ok. I'm going to leave this thread now.

i like these 2

War on whites=

would be a much better term.

Don't show them to Hill-hare-y Clinton.



this needs a redpill website at the bottom rather than "tagged by…" and then it needs to be stickers we can slap everywhere

This thread isn't your diary.

Well can you do it? lol.

Am I the bottleneck for #OperationWhiteGenocideRabbit?

Niggers go on and on about their police brutality myth.

Women go on and on about their wage gap myth.

EVERY group of people is allowed to make wild accusations in the claim of "i'm just looking out for my group" EXCEPT white people.

Stop letting political correctness define what you discuss. Can't even believe I have to say this on a board titled POLITICALLY INCORRECT.

Reminder genocide does NOT have to involve violent means. It can involve policies that make a certain group die out.

What is happening to white people is genocide, and tiptoeing around the subject will get you nowhere.


I can photoshop, but I'm not an artist, and I'm not sure what website to put at the bottom. In fact, I've actually been wondering what we should 'tag' campuses et al with. We need something pithy and that gets the message across. Look, I was way, way into my education before I was redpilled at all. I am so mad that I was at least introduced to the idea of Jew manipulation until it was too late.

What is the best thing to say to someone who is bluepilled that would get them to simply think, to simply do a little research? If all you knew was "poor jews holocaust," what would snap you out of it most quickly? I've been pondering this for a long time, and I'm not sure.

Any ideas? let's brainstorm.


I was thinking: "Why didn't your professors tell you about the Haavara Agreement?" or something like that.

We all call each other fags around here.
If you can't handle being called a fag maybe you're the one that needs to fuck off you thin skinned little bitch

good idea, but too strong. It can't be anything too associated with "muh ebul" – I was thinking quotes from Zionists/Marxists about Jews. Marx, Moses Hess and many others had really terrible things to say about Jews.

I even have an article where JM Keynes says some really redpilled stuff and then, at the end, Isaiah Berlin defends him. I'm not shitting

They're the only website that's spot-on.

Just tell them it's "satire".

Let me find an old picture from stormfront…

of course the furry symbol came from stormfags. the same ones that make TL;DR "memes" and have an autistic aversion to rhetoric. that cartoon has all the markings of a forced meme, the "post it till you like it" sort.

so instead of creating something new to further spread the awareness of normies to white genocide, or glorify the reproduction of white people, they double-down on what obviously isn't working and focus on the doomsaying.

dailystormer is too strong for most people. you're not going to persuade or convince anyone with over-the-top material like that. this all reeks of the asocial maladjustment fantasy of "if I just present enough facts, they will HAVE to agree with me."


not bad

So I assume you tell everyone "gas the kikes, race war now" instead of tiptoeing around the subject? If you don't, you're being controlled by political correctness.

Seriously, I am not going to use a term in real life I don't even believe. Stop trying to convince me, I'm here every day and already know it's being engineered.

Simply talking about the subject to people is just as effective. Tell them you don't want white people to die off.

I think I am done here because this argument goes in a circle.

As Bernie Sanders said "it's satire, goyim".

No, not "telling" – We need something we can 'tag' on walls that will get people to actually look, and not immediately move away from the website.

Maybe j

This is not bad, tbh. maybe we should put daily stormer where the whiterabbitradio was, and then something else at the bottom.

I just think it's going to appeal to already fairly redpilled, but not to wake up newbies. That's really what I'm looking for. I swear, if we come up with something that turns on my dick, I'll put up a bunch of cash to get the whole thing started. These (((assholes))) fucked me over so bad, I'm so fucking pissed. They've been taunting me, sending me death threats… even my kike lawyer was 'hinting' at things which really pissed me off. You never know what they're talking about until you leave, and then you realize they were being antiwhite assholes

That's pretty good. Combined with some funny (and witty) image macros of shitskins being shitskins it could have some impact.

On the topic of positive reinforcement, drawing attention to the accomplishments of Whites is another angle. It doesn't have to be limited to old paintings and architecture, either. It could be space engineering, a well-tended countryside, expensive jewelry, sport cars, and bikinis.

If you really want to trigger the twitter niggers, tweet pictures of hot black chicks who enjoy the BWC. Preferably with not-so-veiled references to black slavery. Yes, it's implicit race-mixing. Yes, it's flirting with degeneracy. But the point is to cause as many feelbads as possible. SJWs always project. How do you think they'll react when their own tactics are used against them? Bonus points for announcing the current year if they object.

Genocide is something we can punish the cucks with, as "I was only following orders" is not defense according to precedence set in Nuremberg.


PPS. When you have finished decided for a genocide alternative, how do you think to spread it?

It's not like an army of shitposters are at your command as by magic, and I doubt you are going to do such lowly prole stuff yourself?.

Brevity is the soul of wit, aspie. Read some Aristotle. Rhetoric trumps dialectic.

Did they really say this?

At the top: In their own words

At the bottom: White genocide

And then a link to the UN definition of genocide. This might work, no?


"rhetoric trumps dialectic" – this is retarded shit that dude on TRS said. Aaaaaactually, "rhetoric" is divided, in the Greek education system, into logos, ethos and pathos. What you are actually saying is pathos trumps logos.

logos = logical appeal (what you are calling dialectic, essentially)
ethos = ethical appeal
pathos = emotional appeal

Jesus, you alt-right faggots should interview me, so I can help you out.

stickers and 'tagging' (spray paint) just like they did in the 1930s in Germany, dude.

Public printers?

Positive reinforcement is the way to go. Give people something to fight for, something that inspires them and provokes primal feelings of tribalism and protectiveness.

Not in those words.

* is divided into

I think the words replacement or extinction could do much better too i.e.


But Weev won't do that for you guys, and you don't have the BUGSer's, nor the Troll Army.

This. The stormfags, in their untempered autism, are their own worst enemy.

Bloviating is shit propaganda. Save it for the club meetings.

just a rough draft brainstorm (i could add shadowing, etc). What do you think?

somebody was spreading the code to that not long ago, actually, but I didn't copy it I don't think

Spergs gonna sperg.

My god you are pathetic,.

You guys can't even tell us how you plan to get somebody to do spread your message, and you don't get the point about white genocide being a paradigm.

Retweeting edited pictures like that one is a great idea. It's not really false flagging either, since that's what the SPLC really means.

So if you have the code, it will be sent to printers as by magic?

Where will yo get the manpower needed, as white genocide has been imprinted in the minds of millions already.

Nice D&C tactics, Shillary supporter



It's you guys that are shilling, as you don't meat honest arguments, but try to get pro-white from following a strategy that works.

filtered and reported



Yes, they are open fax machines. You make the list by using the code to search, and then you simply send it out. The only problem might be a DA who wants to press bullshit charges

retard. filtered and reported. Help our cause or STFU

filtered and reported for derailing

How about a sticker that says:

Israel says you're an antisemite if you oppose:
Wall Street
The Media
White Genocide
–What do they know that you don't?

So you only need a pro-your slogan haxor living in Azerbaijan, or where the fuck weev lives?

How are you going to compress the post script file, as weev hardcoded it IIRC, to get it small enough to send to 25.000 printers?

I think a better hashtag would be #whitereplacement

It gets to the point and people instinctively understand what it means. Everyone knows what "replacement" is, and unlike "genocide" it doesn't require any contemplation to figure out.

The problem with "white genocide" is it makes people think that violence is occurring, or will occur in the future, but this simply isn't the case. Whites are being passively replaced in our nations, and this is something people already know and accept is happening. People can dismiss "genocide", but they can't dismiss "replacement" since it's already been admitted openly.

If we can direct this at whites and make them feel like they personally have something to lose, like there's something of there's that's at stake, then we can make it more effective.

What does "white replacement" entail that "white genocide" doesn't? It entails a loss of employment to the "other". It entails a loss of political power to the "other". It entails a dilution of white identity to the "other".

Why do I think that #whitereplacement is a better hashtag? Because it invokes more than just the thought of physical harm to whites. It suggests a foreboding and inevitable helplessness and relinquishment of power.


The average normie isn't going to be swayed by antisemitic stuff, ever

you need to start with arguments based on "this is unfair". White people need to know it's unfair that they're being targeted and singled out for guilt tripping about "urrr racist and urrr culture is baaad".


And white replacement is criminal where in world?

Genocide is a criminal offense in all UN member states.

something of THEIR'S that's at stake*

It doesn't matter whether the UN deems it a criminal offense. No one gives a shit. The UN and our governments openly want us to be flooded by non-whites and have our identities erased.

If we go down the "white genocide" route and point to the UN, we're trying to appeal to one the establishments that wants us gone. We have to direct everything at whites and make them realise they have something to lose. I find "replacement" hits home easier than "genocide", since genocide automatically makes people think of violence and mass-killings.

Are you still a kid, that needs to correct the mistakes they do in front of the class, or else mommy professor might become displeased?

No. I just dislike making autistic and obvious grammar mistakes and decided to correct myself.

Maybe we should drop "white" and "European" completely and just call it the "suicide of western culture and Judaeo-Christian values". That way it's more inclusive and won't be viewed as inflammatory or offensive to anyone.

But we intend to punish them for the attempted genocide, and it's your opinion that don't mean shit, because you have nobody to push your message to the people.

How is using the UN, a cornerstone of leftist, egiltarian globalism helpful to furthering our white nationalist interests? So much of what's promoted by the UN runs contrary to what we want. If we give them authority, we risk damaging our credibility later on if we then go against the UN's values.

This needs to be about whites. These days, people are delusional enough to think niggers and Asians had a hand in developing Western civilization.

Do you think they always include white women in those 'diversity' shots so women will glance at it, and say "ooooh, look that's me, how inclusive, how nice, and look they're all smiling so it's got to be nice!" You know, so they don't even notice that white men are being subconsciously edited out.

It's the low of the land when they committed the crime, so they will get punished for it.

The law might be scrapped later, but it's there now, and we intend to use it.

It's not fair that the children of the anti-whites inherit any money or property from their parents cucking the working class, and somebody will have to pay for the catastrophe, and it's not going to be pro-whites.

The UN hasn't committed any crimes since they're not directly in charge of immigration. How do you propose you'll "punish" them, especially considering you're using their own definitions? It makes no sense.

Jesus christ, those pictures are sobering.

They are made so the presstitutes and whorenalists can use them in propaganda, so that is probably one thought behind it.


That picture makes me sick.

The UN genocide convention is American and European law, no matter if the UN exists or not.

If you want to convince the majority of people (who are idiots) yes you need to appeal to emotion because they don't think using rational logical thoughts

yes, but if we use their definition of genocide, then we're shooting ourselves in the foot when we eventually want to deal with the Indians once and for all.

There's no need to genocide the Indians, they'll all die of poo related illnesses soon enough,

fair enough. what about something like:

I have 6 million of them, as I have been pushing the white genocide memeplex for quite a while.

I mean the natives in North America.

nice pics. Why don't you make them into something we can spread IRL, if even just with 'tagging' with stickers

No one cares what a spic identifying SOB has to say about the very existence of the European race both in out home land and our settlements. White Genocide is all rhetoric. Calling the colonization of your homeland by foreign people with the help of your internationalist governments is as rhetorical as one can get. The point is not to convince, it is to shock and put a seed into the mind of the normie. The next time he notices he is the only white in a room or the next time he sees a column of arab invaders marchig through the balkans while Merkel rubs her cunt, they will remember the propaganda: White Genocide.

Yeah, genocide is a kike term anyway. I never really liked the term.

"Ethnic cleansing" works better and is easier to demonstrate, but it doesn't sound as good as white genocide.

Who will enforce it?

Nobody is enforcing the genocide convention today, as white people don't exist in the anti-white world.

White Genocide is not a plea for mercy, it is a battle call. It's is saying the fence sitter, hey buddy, if you don't stand up about those things that make you uncomfortable, if you are more afraid of being called a racist than about preserving your heritage, everything your ancestors gave you and everything you plan to give your descendants will be washed away in a tide of unlimited non-European immigration, a white genocide. When white genocide becomes mass consciousness, those cucks in your 2nd picture better watch the fuck out, because they will be labeled the genociders and the jews hunting old SS soliders will not be able to hold a candle to the justice delivered on those who plotted to destroy the European people.

Because it isn't. People never asked to be replaced by unlimited shitskin from wherever. It is a top-down imposition by international elites. Even when it is elected officials doing it, not too many ran on the platform of replacing the native population.

Ethnic cleansing is being pushed as part of the white genocide memeplex, so use it to your hearts content.

WE are the natives of the Americas. The Indios are dying off on their own now.

Actually their population is growing thanks to government gibs

you are literally posting in a shill thread now, fam. Just look at the post history. Pathetic


It's when the cucks cry that the uncucked are cheating, that we know we are doing something right, so it's wise to reckon that the anti-whites will double down on what we whine about as well.


#whitegenocide works but not instantly.

It makes people stop and think, and it is thinking and coming to a conclusion for yourself that is most persuasive. That doesn't happen if you connect all the dots. Leave a few unconnected and the person is left wondering, thinking, and then connecting the dots in their own head. Now they have a dilemma - they want to oppose the idea that "whitegenocide" is an important concern, but they will have to spell out what it is they are attacking. In other words, they have to inform what 'whitegenocide' means and connect all the dots first before they can even introduce their rebuttal to it. They don't want to do that so they are left ignoring the meme - ignoring a meme that is getting people to think.

And they will shy away from certain topics to avoid situations where the whitegenocide meme can be thrown at them. For example, whining about native peoples being dispossessed from their homelands by evil whites. So the narrative of evil-white-man is seriously curtailed.

Never shy away from the truth as a meme - the truth is better than being clever.


Often a result of the clever seeking out the truth, as way to virtue signal that THEY are to be trusted, because they are something completely different to the cucks over there?

That we can't change, but we can exploit it so we don't have to take part in the punishment of the anti-whites, as it will be the one the gray toned scaled that will need to show zealotry, when they hunt and punish cucks, so nobody might think that they were anything but manipulated victims.

#WhiteHomeland as in we don't have one. There isn't a single country that is considered white only.

Or #NoWhiteHomeland

Nah. This makes us look whiny as though we're trying to appeal to our enemy and ask for permission to have our own homeland. The can just ignore us and say "go back to Europe" or cry about "muh native americans".

We are trying to get other whites to listen. Not shitskins

Basing it off religion is a bad idea - if we do that, we limit our reach to only the religious.
Our movement, whatever it is exactly, should be based on facts and survival, and must appeal to all Whites.

Also, don't further the "Judaeo-Christian" cuckservative bullshit. Judaism and Christianity are not much closer than Islam and Christianity.


The old families with money in Europe will support the leader who arises to save it. I suspect that's been the design behind all this madness.

oops that reply meant for this

whites use that excuse, mate. Have you never argued with a liberal?

Fetishizing Nordic traits and turning them into poster child won't help white nationalism, it will only make things worse.


We are pro-white, as it's only if whites survives, that nationalism become a possibly future option. .

If you are White but not Nordic looking, that is fine by me. I'm guessing that your comment comes from personal concern that you won't be accepted as White. I do not think that will happen.

However, many Nordic/Aryan people are undeniably beautiful (even to normies), so they are useful propaganda. Science has shown that fairer skin and features correlate with a perception of beauty in all cultures worldwide.

Also, you didn't exactly post an example of an especially beautiful person there, by any measure.

Self-check of not exactly dubs but still a great pattern. (polite sage)

Stick around and participate. See you there.

lol at pic 2

Thinly veiled race war
Hidden race war

i agree

They're amazing.


Western nations will have to collapse to the point that national militaries and police forces which will be mostly muslim by that point will be unable to properly and quell resistance movement.

That girl is a gypsy, not white.


Nordic traits are undeniably beautiful. What I'm concerned about is the fact that some Europeans (particularly Southern ones) may feel left out because they have darker features.

But the Native Americans were there first.


This is your response:

Daily reminder.






this guy is right, yea

Nope, my response is that the fucking Native Americans were there first, so calling that a meme is fucking retarded.

Listen to this and tell me if he is not right guys.


Is the french meme for white genocide. It doesn't have the same bite as #WhiteGenocide, but it sounds 'sane' enough to be openly talked about on national TV by reasonable people. We can use both.


this is very good

That's why you have to use pics of nigger/muslim victims in your propaganda. Bonus points for making WOG:2 with gore and intense redpills on nigger crime rates.

this is just like NPI's 'the great erasure' meme


Also, they're good as posters: print them and place anywhere. Don't forget about propaganda, of course.

SJWs are claiming that they're the most oppressed group and that's the source of their power. That's why it's important to start different movement, with real victims, with real blood and real oppression.

Steal victimbux from SJWs and they're done.

Say "The Great Replacement" instead of "White Genocide" in real life, it's what we said in France (Le Grand Remplacement).

You will still be seen as a conspiracy theorist, but you could use any other words it would be the same, leftists are blind.

he's right though

most people are over-emotional retards

This plus weev's R.A.C.E system of convincing people should do the trick, imagine we spent a full week doing some redpilling on website where you can chat with random people, it would be nice.


See these dubs ? They mean I'm right fags.

the Indians genocided the people that were here before they came over from what's now Asia

(the people here before them were from what is now Europe)

Have you done anything but talk on pol about what others should do?

I'll just warn concern trolls working for money,while I am here, that pro-whites will seek you out when we get power, as trying to derail us from stopping our own genocide, will get you a guilty verdict in the new Nuremberg trials, where "I was only following order" is no defense.





Top Ten Funniest Things Anti-whites Say

If you want to get in power, you need effective propaganda. Modern propagandists try multiple variations of their memes to test what's more effective. It's called A/B testing, look it up. Maybe #WhiteGenocide is better than #TheGreatReplacement, but you won't know for sure until you try them both.

Another problem with #whitegenocide, at least in Europe, is that people don't identify themselves as white, they identify as French, Dutch, German, etc. Maybe that's why Europeans and Americans came up with different memes.


you know, saving the white race and saving the transit system is not mutually exclusive.
there is such a thing as too little too late.

precisely, but it can also be clever.

why is sensationalist journalism effective? how much time do people spend in comments sections discussing materials in website or youtube?
at any rate, we can deploy any method.
one method for the "average 100 IQ pleb" and whatever other method for whoever else.

Agreed, though I don't know if it should stop all the way.

The meme and artistry is forced and submissive. It's asking to be taken seriously instead of maintaining staying power through repetition and sharing. Pepe worked because it was recognizable and immediately built upon. The 1488er folks are there because they're loud as hell and purposefully offensive and rebellious.

As you say, the goals are admirable, the problem is that the product is sub optimal.

The issue isn't to show the issue, a majority know that the west is dying. The trick is to make them care. We have no self-esteem anymore. Fight against the narrative that causes masochism, instill value, and the rest happens on its own.

It's the same reason that kikes like Milo and the like are so degenerative. They attempt to shift the narrative not towards self-worth, but merely to take the problem (pathological altruism with latent self-hatred) and shift the focus to whatever faggy minority they want to defend for the other part of the issue (immigrants and the like). All that happens is the narrative is split, not done away with.

Same reason National Socialist Germany is vilified to incessantly. Protecting status of a victim group while brushing off the idea of a collective struggle.

The key to this issue is classical racialism; Look at the camaraderie within the volunteer SS divisions during the war and you'll see that despite the modern lie of a chauvinistic worldview in Germany, there was a clear stance of respect.

tl;dr oikophilia =/= xenophobia

Nobody cared about white genocide before we made people care, and now you are telling us to step back, because you know that we need effective propaganda?

Are you going to spend years of your life making the meme you think out popular, or are your job done when we don't say white genocide anymore?

He never said we shouldn't use #WhiteGenocide.

Great link and great dubs !

ad shadowing

just like spamming CUCK CUCK CUCK CUCK you really that popularizing terms like #whitegenocide are going to go positive places? Ya'll claim to resist "programming" but chatter off some of the most self-destructive applied memetics phrasing there is.

Fuckers, you're memeing the opposition to life. Dindus fetishize shit like #whitegenocide you may as fucking well put a #blacked on there if you want to post pictures of white women with a tag so self-deprecating on there

Don't make it sound like you're just asshurt cuckboys, give it some mention of fucking pride somewhere, some dignity, instead of this "I'm taking it up the ass please come help me"

This isn't meant to undermine working towards a better future, but unless this is just a more-clever-than-average schillmo behind this thread you fuckers are disappointing me.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and we wouldn't have had this level of concern trolling over the use of cuck and white genocide, if the paradigm had been a failure at waking up white people.

That is a child from England, not Scandinavia. All English children are born with blonde hair (I myself was, it turned brown in later years).

Fuck off with your shilling, Shlomo.

It also isn't for shills to push their subversive agenda.

Waking up white people and talking to Holla Forums are two different things though


it's 8% but exaggerate the truth like Trump



#EuropeWillNotCollapse ?

No, use 8%.

It does not work because it's transnazis White Nationalist fucking weirdos behind it.



user., I have a question for you. Are you anti-white?

White Nationalism is anti White. No results for decades. Just wanking cowards on the internet.

WN is the Jew's bread and butter. It's how they survive.

if Jews are concerned with Holla Forums and a potential rise in white nationalism, why don't they do something about this website?

It could be shut down in various ways.

I've always felt that WN wasn't a big threat to them. It's just so easy to subvert.

Just look at what they did to Hitler, and he wasn't even a white supremacist.

Maybe they actually want WN to rise, so they can crush it once and for all.

Jews are not "concerned" about White Nationalism. It's to their benefit and always has been. pol helps their cause of the anti semitism, racism and the holohoax. WN's dance for them everytime.

Maybe not this specific website, but it's obvious that they're using Milo and the "alt-right" to subvert the growing White nationalist sentiments on the internet.

Jews are concerned with USING white nationalism in any way that will further their interests.
They need to be very careful that things don't get out of control however.
White Power is the force they are used to parisiting, but like a tick that drinks too much blood eventually explodes, they may have bitten off more than they can chew