Ok, somebody better explain to me what happened to Dredd. Is he supposed to be a faggot now...

Ok, somebody better explain to me what happened to Dredd. Is he supposed to be a faggot now? Did the writers believe that their fans would not object to this?

Please, tell me this is just a spin off story.

Other urls found in this thread:


You don't read 2000AD do you?

First: This story is from YEARS ago.
Second: The story is literally about a bunch of homos having wild sex orgies while dressed up in Judge uniforms. It ends with the real Judges, of course with Dredd, coming in and giving them 5 years in the ISO Cubes for being degenerates and impersonating Judges.

10/10 THE LAW doesn't discriminate!

As for you OP, 10 years in the ISO Cube for not reading 2000AD!

Thank Lord, so it was just a publicity stunt. And of course I read some Dredd, otherwise I wouldn't be so buttblasted about this.

Since this was resolved so quickly, I guess I can post some Dredd pics to salvage my shitty thread.




And my final gift, all my JD comics in cbr format.

mega.co.nz/#!sJVEBZQJ!BtLUqp8aNDyuoXhGY7EI9pIhEAtfBJ1cigjcVD9StdM 1 - 999 progs

mega.nz/#!lRkgnLpI!M3PmtVHzOVvKgoFWJ0LW9VLCEyjZHLixf3lxgOpFn_M 1000 - 1829 progs

that's actually a rather rational spaceship design for a comicbook.

Woah, momma. This is what I've been waiting for to finally read all of JD.

Thanks, user!

What a relief this isn't real. I lost all hope for comics when I saw even Crossed wasn't safe.

Crossed was always sjw-inclined, but in more subtle ways.
Have you ever wondered which horde of violent and savage brutes were also "crossed"?

Based Rapehorse.

Funny thing is the story basically is how Dredd is an icon among the Mega-City 1 gay community

And I doubt the city bothers to oppress teh gays given they have massive overpopulation issues already

How did Apetown get passed the Censors in the UK?

Dredd is protected by his creators John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra and the rest of the Old Guard of 2000AD, the taint of [CURRENT YEAR] won´t get Mega-city 1's best Judge that easily

Now, IDW's run on Dredd…. that shit is blasphemy

The credit for Ezquerra and Wagner is a formality, they don't "own" Dredd. The publisher does. Same goes for all the 2000ad series. It's understood that by accepting payment from them meas you surrender all the rights of your creation. It's the reason why Alan Moore cancelled Halo Jones actually.

I think I own a few Dredd comics my father gave me. How do I into dred?

"Futsie murder"?

What happen?

I'm getting triggered by Ciudad España. You have the most fertile soils of all europe and access to both the ocean and the mediterranean and the best you could do is making a city just in the middle the size of madrid.

Dredd can only be lawsexual. Nothing gives him an erection except enforcing the law or thinking about enforcing the law.

That's slander against a Judge, Creep.

10 years in a cube.

So uh.the white areas are uninhabited?

Also..damn, Indonesia got wrecked hard in the 2000 AD universe.

ive never read judge
lovedthe movie
is there a scanlation or torrent?


A futsie is someone who suffers from future shock in the Judge Dredd universe. Basically they get so overwhelmed by the fast paced living of the future that they eventually snap and go crazy.

Futsie murder is when you kill someone while suffering from future shock.

I'm just reading it from the beginning through the complete case files

Well first I recommend just reading what Dredd comics you have from your father since they're right there so why not. Next you want to download yourself a CBR/CBZ reader(Comic Book Reader) like CDisplay and download more issues courtesy of this guy . As for which story arcs to start with specifically I would recommend the "Block Mania" and "Apocalypse War" arcs as that's when the character and world really starts coming together in a great way in my opinion. If you want a physical copy instead I recommend starting with Complete Case Files 05.

I loved the 2012 Dredd movie. tfw no sequel never ever ;_;
Just read the rest of my post to start your journey.

Because if you assume it's about a certain minority, you're racist for assuming so. At least that's the defense I'd go with if anyone wanted to chimp out it. I mean they could be Italian proxies just as much as they could be dindus.

Like if this country wasn't horrible enough

Ok guys, I'm kinda confused
Was President Booth a satire of Reagan, Nixon or someone else ?

Dredd itself is a parody of America. Joe Dredd is an American cop seen by the eyes of the british.

Reagan does appear in a Strontium Dog story (Bitch, which introduces Durham Red), and he's portrayed as a half deaf idiot who never gets a clue about anything.

But Booth himself, was he a parody of Reagan or someone else ?

The Cursed Earth was released in 1978, Reagan didn't became president until 1981
So he's either a Nixon, Jimmy Carter or Gerald Ford parody, most likely Nixon…

Why does it have to be only one?

Farnese still best girl

Problem with her is that Miura is losing it. He dropped her BDSM fetish as soon as she became a good guy and hasn't done anything with her religious leanings after the Tower of Convictions ark. Casca has also gone from likeable to annoying and Schierke is too OP and convenient to be likeable.

All the girlsare shit. Guts is best husbando and waifu, he's that great.

How would a Dredd saga would go under Miura's direction ?
And how a Berserk chapter would go with Pat Mills or John Wagner as main writers ?

judge death was actually dredd's partner who killed all the other judges and raped anderson to become immortal

So… Rico becomes Judge Death ?

Let's put it this way
Horrible doesn't even begins to describe it
You know how Dredd is known for having a good amount of satire on his stories ?, well.. the guys writing IDW's current run are bloody terrible at it, it's a satire at online communities for grud's sake, Ol' Dredd is stock in a post-apocalyptic Mega-city of some sorts and everyone around him is a literal retard, and not in a funny way

Just stick to regular 2000AD

Is 2000AD a good alternative to the big 2 ?

OK, didn't see any Dredd threads besides this.

I remember seeing the movie as a kid and thinking it was really cool. I never grew up with the comics. Earlier this year I saw the newer film and it was better than I expected to say the least.
I even watched the animated film Superfiend.

So, long story short I'm even playing the video game right now. Entertaining as fuck.

I know so little about the Dredd universe despite all of this. On the very first mission you are introduced to vampires. I didn't even know they were a thing in Dredd.

I'm a big time lover of WH40K, and Judge Dredd seems like a great universe to get to know.

Where and how do I start?

A Street Judge is better than a Senior Judge?

Dredd refuses to be promoted after all

anything is these days, going to have to check it out myself.
I know that cuck Dan Abnett writes for them though

user here uploaded his Judge Dredd collection
As for where you should start… you have a lot to work with

You can start with the Origins saga, where the origins of the Judge System, on how Eustace Fargo created the Judges and how he became to be known as "the father of justice", how President Booth ruined everything, started WW3 and left most of USA to become the Cursed Earth, how Dredd and Rico were born, etc.

Blockmania and Apocalypse War are the most common places to start, since it's one of the biggest events in Judge Dredd: it tells the story of a disease known as Blockmania, an infection that turns most of Mega-city 1's population into angry mobs divided by the different Blocks (over-populated super apartments), leading the entire city into a civil war, and after this, East-Meg 1 ( a russian mega-city, rival of Mega-city 1) launches a full-blown siege on Mega-city 1, leading to an even bigger conflict.

The Dark Judges introduces Dredd's most dangerous foes, the Dark Judges: Fear, Fire, Mortis and of course Judge Death, it also introduces Judge Cassandra Anderson, Dredd's psyker partner and one of 2000AD most well-known characters

The Lawmaster's specs are insane…