Post whatever you've got.
Pussy pumping
one on the right is pretty cool
post anal prolapse grills too
I'm no doctor but it looks like this might cause irreversible damages later on in lifeā¦
Ever fuck one of those? Even better if your dick is just as pumped.
It's just tissue engorged with blood. No permanent damage. It all goes back to normal after a few hours.
Fucking degenerates.
You're damaging sensitive tissue and you could cause permanent damage that sends you to the hospital. Make sure to upload pictures if it happens.
But what if you do it on a regular day basis? It seems like it could possibly cause damages.
Nobody's going to do that on a regular day basis. It takes a couple hours to get those results.
skin is elastic. Tissue isn't going to get damaged unless you get overzealous and pump too hard too quickly. The pain from that will be intense enough, though, that you'll most probably immediately remove the pump.