Hillary Clinton Solicits Confessions from Anti-Trump Republicans

Hillary Clinton Solicits Confessions from Anti-Trump Republicans

Are you a Republican who just can’t back Donald Trump for president? Are you a #NeverTrump conservative? Then Hillary Clinton wants your story for her campaign.

“We can’t let Donald Trump become president. If you’re a Republican who can’t support Trump, share why,” a notice on her campaign website reads, requesting personal information from anti-Trump Republicans.

By submitting a story, the campaign assumes ownership of the content to use for advertising or campaign purposes.

From the campaign’s legal notice:

Clinton has already referred to stories from Republicans who can’t bear to vote for Donald Trump, suggesting they should join her campaign instead.

“I think that, for a lot of people, again, who take their vote seriously and who really see this as a crossroads kind of election, I’m asking people to come join this campaign,” she mentioned on Sunday’s interview with CBS’s Face the Nation. “And I have had a lot of outreach from Republicans in the last days who say that they’re interested in talking about that.”


Other urls found in this thread:


I knew it. That's the tactic shills have been doing in Holla Forums for days now.


Where are third party candidates?

That 8% though

Trump is getting double that percentage of the Democratic vote.

Why does no one ever challenge "licenses" like that? They aren't enforceable. I can't recall the term when a license (contract) is so one sided, but it really bugs me that shit gets accepted.

The top, red bar at 82%.

Do cuckservatives actually realize that this could very well be America's last true election?


Given that these are only a handful of examples in regards to what a Clinton presidency would mean to the country, one doesn’t have to imagine how they are all interconnected. For instance, with Clinton as President, how long do you think it would it take until Supreme Court Justice Merrick Garland decides that a Mohammed cartoon is “shouting fire in a crowded theater” and not protected by the Constitution? What happens when your Second Amendment right is deemed unconstitutional as an Australian-style gun confiscation scheme is implemented? How long will it be before a Republican wins the White House after Hillary grants amnesty and voting rights to tens of millions of illegal immigrants who will become dependent on Democrat policies?

These questions will be answered under a Hillary presidency and if you do not fall in line with the Democrat party you will be made to. That isn’t a threat it’s a guarantee. So today as many Republicans turn on each other in what has become a circular firing squad during this primary, never forget what is truly at stake in this election. Obama was given two terms to fundamentally transform the United States of America. It will take Hillary only one to destroy it.

Just flood them with cuckposts. Show them how pathetic these people are.

we should flood that shit with genuine seeming misinfo.

maybe give her a couple narratives which we say 'if you said this us cuckservatives would be more inclined to vote for you'

hmmm, how smart are hitlery's "political advisors" ?
do you think that you could false-flag the shit out of these confessions by writing slightly over-the-top bullshit with codewords or subtle puns or some shit?
then post a debunking video in response to the attack-ad that will be made with your work?
I don't see that's forbidden in the (((disclaimer))) you have to sign

+1000 top bonus special bantz kek points if you manage to get
>"I have a friend Pol, he says … blah … Holla Forums is always right!"
in an official ad

jesus christ I had no idea it had gotten this bad

But I thought all republicans are evil racist monsters. That's what the left has been telling me for years. Hillary Clinton now has evil racist monsters voting for her?

We need to meme her as the neocon candidate so less burnouts will be inclined to vote for her.

send in a comment saying "i have a recording of trump clearly saying the N-Word" and attack a video of brazillian fart porn

Wew. I just remembered I had something useful for this. Cant share it now because dont wanna blow my cover.. but christ if she takes this bait its gonna be ebin

scat porn

You're sick
do it

Are they trying to get comments or buy souls?
Seriously wtf?


You're just doing their work for them. They don't care what you write, since when has Hillary cared about what people have to say? They'll just list the number of submissions as a statistic and use it as ammo against Trump.

This probably. OP is likely a Hillary shill. It would be funnier if they waited for all these submissions and only ended up with like, less than 1000.