is he /ourguy/?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's the only alt right youtuber I can take seriously. The rest of them is cringe material.

No. But he got an "A" once in a test, so there's that.

spamming your channel is not true communism, OP

lmao OP is from portugal


whats with this whole wave of "right youtubers"?

if you watch them for a while you start to realize they're all anti-white, anti-male cucks. like every single one of them, Commonfilth, gavin mccuck, sargon of cuckad, mister metocuck, stefan "not an argument" molyneux, one after another, they're all degenerate, pro feminist-ruled world.

I think they're just trying to pull an "anita" but with the rightards instead of the leftards, and the dumbass neonazi cucks (the kind who shave their heads, wear leather, do drugs, and listen to "hardcore" music to rebel against mommy & daddy) fall for it too easy and boost their numbers.

then after that the normalfags find them and think "omg these right-wing jewtubers are so right!" because they're fucking retarded normalfags who can't think beyond the next week, they fail to see the subtlety of the whole thing and start following them, making them even more popular.

it's called controlled opposition

since when was Sargon considered right wing?

sargon is not right wing nor did he ever claim to be tho

What you could affirm as a authentic alt right vlogger?
Eliot Rogder?

TRS, Morrakiu?


yep thats about right


Yep he's definitely with jew goy! :^)

w8, stefan is a jew?

Not an argument

The fuck does "alt-right" even mean?
Nobody I see that has that label slapped on them seems to have any consistent beliefs between them other than "hey mass immigration is bad"
Molyjew is an ancap, that Spencer guy is a fascist, Holla Forums are NatSocs, /r/the_donald are conservatives, Styx is a libertarian, Sam Hyde doesn't even seem to know very much about politics, Sargon of Akkad is a fucking liberal, etc.
The only thing that seems to connect any of the "alt-right" is their stance on immigration. I'm starting to think it, alongside the whole "Russia hacked everything" narrative, is just a boogeyman for disenfranchised Hillary supporters.

he never claimed to be alt-right and is actually quite openly against it

He's something like a 4th or an 8th Jewish, but it's on his mom's side, so according to Talmudic law he's a Jew.

I don't think Sargon is alt-right. Though I do think you have a point that it is a bit of a boogeyman. I think of it kind of like the gamergate thing. There was an original group of people in it but then the SJW's flipped their shit and labeled anyone they didn't like as Gamergate even if they had no relation to Gamergate like MGTOW's for example. So there probably is a core group of alt-right but it can be used as a label to slander others with who simply disagree with liberals who are butt hurt that Hillary lost.

None of these people did other than Spencer, it's a label I see other people slap on them.

there is a core of self defined alt-righters though
see jared taylor, ramzpaul, millennial woes, richard spencer as you said and so on

All i know about them is that they're not true communism


I have to wonder if this picture is a fucking joke.

Also, why are Trump, Giuliani, Carson, and Christie all on there twice?

What's wrong with Evalion?


I'm pretty sure the image came form halfchan, so what can you expect?


The whole Neo-Nazi thing was just an act orchestrated by her German boyfriend. Also, she's mentally ill.

inb4 "soundless webm." I've never seen a version of this with audio.

I rather be a kike but life gave me oranges


All the people you listed are known as the alt-lite or alt-kike. You can add Vox Day to that list.

Because Sarcuck was on the good side of gamergate.

"alt-right" is basically all the right wing elements that have been excluded from politics since William F. Buckley took over the Republican Party with a bunch of warmongering Jews back in the late 1950s early 1960s. Buckley died in 2008. The internet has spread the suppressed right wingers message a lot in the last 15 years.
A big driving force of all this is that guys are not getting laid. If the average guy could get a q.t. virgin gf who won't fuck chad and be rewarded by the state there would be no alt-right.

let me guess;
flat earth
global warming hoax
sandy hook false flag
moon landing never happened
hilary is a super serious criminal conspiricist rather than a worthless failed politician who assumed it should be her turn next
obama is a secret muslim
obama founded isis singlehandedly
9/11 was a false flag
pearl harbor was a false flag
the lusitania was a flase flag
the globalist elitist jew bankers all have this foolproof plan to force the world into doing their bidding

did i miss anything?

Leftycuck in action. They can't address the real problems so its solution is D&C and deflect!

>"You people? YOU people?!"

What if Baywatch turns out to be as redpill as Angry Birds?

as if dividing the alt right is very difficult

trumps presidency will fall apart in the first 100 days. let's see how you deal with a four year long lame duck president

You sound upset, bernsperg. Are you upset?

I hope you all realize the youtube account is associated with a SRS account who's a shitposter on /int/

You're right about all the tubers here being pozzed but OP deserves to be strung up

Choose one, jewfaggot.

It means
*looks around nervously*

You mean the totally real boyfriend who has never come forward and whose existence is proven by anonymous screencaps that look written by a semi literate goon? That one?

You are forgetting about (((Brother Nathaniel))) the mentally ill jew that joined the Orthodox Church, then got kicked out for being a jew, who larps as a monk, begs for shekels, Sucks Putin's cock like nobodies business, and came out against Trump? I can only assume he changed his mind once the Hillary Campaign started in with the Russia shit.

This is either mockery or somefaggot who was paid to cram a bunch of "alt-right" things into a pic to create an example of the alt-right that could be shared around to condition people to lump all these things together.

Why are there so god damned many jews in that pic?

Not to mention all of the jew lovers like Gavin McCuckis. Also, why is Dylann Storm Roof's neck so fucking long in that pic? Did they shoop it so his head would be visible?

nice try homo




iam still talking


iam still going off on a long tangent to distract you from the original argument


mike mike cut him off this guy is starting to make logical points

cut him off mike!!!



common spic is by far the worst "right wing" jewtuber of the bunch, to call him alt-sodomite is a compliment

Honestly, I never liked the aut-right, and on top of being 100% right about them, I love how the specific way CF got under their skin was by pointing out how much of their shit is projection. We mock blacks for "we wuz kangz" and blaming all their problems on white people, and then the alt-right act exactly the same by blaming all their problems on jews. That specific quote he says all the time "Even if the Jews sell degeneracy, they can't sell it unless there's a market for it." To blame it on the jews for selling it misses the point, the problem is why people buying it. We have to fix the illness that results in leftism. If white people stop buying degeneracy, jews will have to stop selling it.

But the alt-right is completely obsessed with faggotry. Not hyperbolic "you guys are such fags" faggotry, actual dick in manass faggotry. "homosexuality is the last bastion of white identity" is an alt-right quote. Milo constantly advises quite seriously that everyone should be sucking black dick. Of course they'll react poorly to someone calling out faggotry, everyone in the aut-right is a leftist who got kicked out of the left, they don't care about traditionalism, conservatism, or anything other than racial identity.

What CF then did with all his attacks on degenerate white communities, his "white girls fuck dogs" type stuff showed the aut-right to be complete hypocrites. They should have applauded that shit, because it operates on the same thinking as calling people cucks. "Man up! Don't want to be called a cuckold? Don't be one then! Don't give us a reason to call you one!" but did they respond that way? Nope. "How DARE you talk shit about are sacred time-honored faggotry and dogfucking, fucking chistcuck!"


theres nothing objectively wrong with buttsex


Is your point based on something or am I just going to have to cut you off?

*cuts off mic*

So you don't want to talk to me anymore?

That's not an argument.


Common Filth had to go out of his way to find the most degenerate porn possible, and on top of that he searched exclusively for white people doing that shit while ignoring the myriad of non-whites that also revel in being disgusting.
If you expect anybody to take someone like that seriously then good luck not going completely insane (if you aren't already).

Examples of this…ever?

ITT: Purity Spiralling and No True Scotsman falicy.

You're Alt-Right, get over it.
You don't get to pick what you're enemy calls you.


it was surely a poor choice of words from spencer, but he actually meant the exact opposite of what you think
he was saying that the issue of homosexuality was the last bastion of white identity, he clarified this numerous times
milo is not alt right
you see, you don't even know what you're talking about
try watching less trashy spic youtubers next time

also this, his research for the most niche and obscure porn possible in order to bash white people is honestly ridiculous
i don't know why anybody takes him seriously

Nobody has defined what alt-right is though.


It's not even "right youtubers"
It's not retards.

It means whatever CNN wants it to mean.

just because (((Carl))) Benjamin says it with a British accent doesn't make it true

lmao redpanels BTFO by based sargon

that fat nigger takes as long to make a point as movieblob

most of that time is taken by the long, embarassed silences of redpanels lol


I get a bonner

Is this real communism?

When Sarcuck of Wikipedia BTFOs you then you should just kill yourself.

sure looks like it

Nah he's too thin. Needs to be skinnier.

Shit I meant he's too fat.