now what racists????
B-but niggers are stupid! xD
is this where you go once you get banned from Holla Forums to vent?
It's hard to build a computer now or something?
lmao they are just proving that niggers can't into science because they have to write a fucking article about how this one nigger who can build a computer. Like, if most niggers were smart enough to do it, then they wouldn't have to write about it, because it's no big deal, but the fact that they treat it like some big deal just shows that they themselves believe that most niggers aren't smart enough to do it.
If anyone used #whitetalent you know it would be considered racist. This idiotic double standard just made this kid's race the focal point and only serves to perpetuate the racism these people allegedly want to fight.
This isn't a real instagram account it's a fucking joke you retards
No. He assembled a computer. The smartest thing he actually did was google some components.
This goes for everyone who claims to have 'built' computers. The word you're looking for is 'assembled'. Honestly, it's like claiming that you built a car because you replaced the tires.