Trump Asks Jewish Son-in-Law, Jared Kushner, to Plan for Transition Team

Trump Asks Jewish Son-in-Law, Jared Kushner, to Plan for Transition Team

Donald J. Trump has asked his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to begin quietly working to put together a blueprint for a transition team should he win the White House in November.

Mr. Kushner, the husband of Mr. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, will work with Corey Lewandowski, the Trump campaign manager, and Paul Manafort, a senior adviser, to set up a prospective team and determine who its most important members should be. But Mr. Kushner is not expected to be involved if such a transition should occur, according to two people briefed on his new assignment.

“The campaign will likely be announcing transition team leadership in the coming weeks,” said Hope Hicks, a Trump spokeswoman.

Mr. Kushner, 35, is the publisher of The New York Observer and heads his family’s real estate development company, Kushner Companies.

He and Mr. Trump have a close relationship and are often in contact, talking informally about the campaign. And Mr. Kushner, aided by The Observer’s editor, Ken Kurson, wrote a closely watched speech Mr. Trump delivered to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in March.

On Tuesday, after Mr. Trump won the Indiana primary and emerged as the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, he praised Mr. Kushner, who was standing beside him.

“Honestly, Jared is a very successful real estate person, but I actually think he likes politics more than he likes real estate,” Mr. Trump said as his daughter broke out laughing. “But he’s very good at politics.”

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Thanks, Chief Rabbi Chaim Schlomosteinberg.

What would we do without you to spam 5 threads anytime Trump hires (1) jew?

It really pisses me off how bad you are at this, get some professional shills who don't out themselves in just one post. At least let us use you to redpill and teach a few newfags.


Try harder

Great argument, Trump spammer. Oh wait, that wasn't actually an argument at all.

If you say so.

Another great line of reasoning, Trump faggot.

Heil and Kampfy, when you finally get around to banning these shits, make sure it's a broad-range IP ban on all their VPNs, and this time make sure that the BO doesn't hire some real cocksucker to unban the VPNs.



Inb4 "Don't vote chumps just wait for hitler!"

Yes, censor any factual threads about your Jewish G-d Emperor Donald Trumpstein.

There now, that's a good goy.


Aren't you even aware that we have a secret way of telling who is actually a member and who is not? Write a 100 words text about how much you hate kikes, how much you want to gas them, and maybe i will tell you how you can get into the inner swastika club.

Speaking of sucking nigger dicks…

There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish. Trump is a strong ally of israel and I'm voting for him to end antisemitism and discrimination against transsexuals using public restrooms.

If Trump was really this gay for jews, then why are jew shills like you dumping so much time to crumple his campaign using crude shitposts? And why would all of Israel be shitting their pants at the thought of being billed? And why does my catalog consist of anti-trump shill threads?

That's something we Holla Forums posters do jokingly to imitate jew shills like you.
If you had a gaggle of gentiles to whip, you wouldn't call them shabbos goyim. These have been very bad goyim and soon they won't even be defending Israel for free.

Yeah, your argument?

Reporters and you can try harder

This board is ALL trump. even a single shillary shill will be shoo'd away

op's post is just facts

Hey, Shlomo? You do know it's Trump that hold the shekels in this situation, right? Think of it like this…

Trump: "Hey Jared? You're a great guy, love ya much, but if you don't help me, you will be without my daughter, know what I mean? Do what I ask, or know what it's like to be in ruin. Otherwise, love ya like one of my own sons, but not really."

Trump is in charge of these kikes. He's using these fucker's tactics against their own kind. Trump is the long gamer. You're finished here, Moshie. Suck a newly cut baby's dick or something.

This! Antisemitism has no place in our society.

if dubs jews wasted so many shekels on shilling that they won't be able to afford their antidepressants and they'll kill themselves

Daily reminder that Jared Kushner's father, Charles Kushner ( ) , was convicted of making illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion and witness tampering. One of the politicians he had close ties with, Jim McGreevey ( ), former governor of New Jersey, who was criticized for appointing his secret gay lover, Golan Cipel ( ), who was an Israeli citizen and a former member of the IDF, as Homeland Security Advisor.

Charles Kushner use to host parties at his building on 666 Fifth Avenue(not even joking) and people like Bill Clinton and Benjamin Netanyahu use to attend these parties. So the father in law of Donald Trump's daughter was convicted of making illegal campaign contributions, and one of his close associates actually ended up appointing a Israeli citizen as Homeland Security Advisor while governor f new Jersey. Pure coincidence I'm sure.

Pic related is a post I made last July about this subject. I'm including it just in case I'm forgetting anything.

ah well. at least next time the gas chambers won't be "disguised as showers" and won't miraculously dispense water instead of gas. :^)

All those 1's start to add up my friend.

I'm proud not to be a member of your kosher Donald Trumpstein cult.

I'm convinced Kikes developed antidepressants. The only people that them are usually white people. They won't kill themselves.

A damn shame, really.


Dude, the idea of shilling is to blend in, not explicitly mention you're anti-Trump.

Expect to be shorted on your next commission.


Facts trigger Trump campaign interns.

Speaking of shills…

Oh, and another thing. The time frame of the relationship between McGreevy and Cipel, and Cipel being appointed as Homeland security advisor is the later of of 2001. A convenient time for someone right next door to NYC, and who happened to be an Israeli, to be in charge of coordinating with local, state, and federal law enforcement in making sure that everything stayed safe, which it didn't because of 9/11. A man who is it pretty safe to assume was put into position after being the governor was bribed by Charles Kushner, a friend of Netanyahu. I also don't actually believe the homosexual story for a single second. I think it's a cover story to explain why he'd appoint someone who had no business being appointed to what he was appointed to, and a the type of cover story that people would be afraid to dig into on the media out of fear of being labeled as a bad goy homophobe.

One of those pure coincidences again involving the chosen

Good information. Thanks for the post.

You do realize he has that as a, "see? I'm not anti-semetic" deterrent that all the others have, but that is clearly used as a means to shoot down criticisms. Its like Clinton pandering to niggers, Trump is pandering to kikes. Keep trying, though, Talmud-niggers. Maybe you'll go from $.50 to $.75 per post.

More very astute observations. Speaking of Donald Trump's 9/11 connections:

Remember that Trump's deputy campaign manager and national political director is a former AIPAC lobbyist who was directly involved in the NY Port Authority privatization/transfer of the WTC complex to Larry Silverstein right before the 9/11 attacks.

Pure coincidence.

I just realised that Trump has effectively married into the bloodline. Fortunately, the nations of Europe remain in their homelands and will not fall like American's will. We must all connect with our ancestral roots. We should all connect with the ancient gods of our races, like Iceland has done buy building the nordic temple. This is how we beat the kikes.

Of course.

Jim McGreevy gives off a very gay vibe though. He probably was having sex with that gay Israeli Golan Cipel. Jews, especially Israeli military intelligence agents like Golan Cipel, commonly use sex as a way to infiltrate and/or blackmail Western political figures.

This place has become unbareable in the last month, it has reached a point where there are more shills than regular users. Is 1/2chan still garbage because I'm thinking on going back

You Trump campaign interns have made this place unbareable [sic] for the past 10 months.

Fuck off.

I know why they're concentrating here.

Normies come across Holla Forums and they see this shit, this is the impression they're left with.

They're just trying to use our stance against kikes against us (because in the back of every normies' mind they can't trust kikes either. They're just too afraid of the consequences of naming the jew.)

Good point.

Notice that Jim McGreevey is Irish and Charles Kushner and Golan Cipel are Jewish.

There's that ubiquitous Jewish-Irish connection once again.

Trump is part Jewish on his father's side.


I don't care why they are here I just want to know where the fuck the real users of this board are, because i'm sure as fuck that bar a few, they are not here.

American's fall for the jews at literally every chance.

Maybe you would be more comfortable at, a CIA website that shills for Donald Trumpstein 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

sage goes in the email, report, and hide.

Trumpchumps BTFO

Here, have some delicious black cocks.

America was founded with Jewish financing (cf. Haym Salomon).

Another black cock for the Trumpchumps

Are you a Trump false-flag poster trying to get this thread deleted?

Trumpchumps love black cock

come on, user. We can still support Trump for his immigration and protectionist policies without pretending he's not a jew-loving good goy.

So you lost the argument?

Who's BTFO? Yeah, you.

Sage. This post lost it's flavor.


Yes. He absolutely is.

You won't be unfiltered. Stay mad irrelevant cuck

Post more.
Jokes on you

Why can't you faggots just accept him as a useful tool to further our cause?

Yes, keep responding to someone whom you supposedly "filtered," you brain dead Trump cultist.


You're not Holla Forums. Nice try, Shlomo.

This is starting to get ridiculous.

Shills have become so bad at their job that it's really just low quality shitposting at this point.

you're not very bright, are you?

The majority of Holla Forums realizes that Trump is a useful tool to buy us time in terms of demographics and further the cause of nationalism, but is not the "savior of the white race" we desperately need. This is basic logic. Only a fool denies reality or tries to explain it away with theories like "he's really just hitler 2.0 in disguise, guize!!"

this is the face of our enemy.

if anyone is going to subvert DT, it's this faggot.

Not controlled by kikes, but still zionist?

Yeah, nice try.

The kikes he has WORKING FOR HIM don't get shit unless they do what he wants. Your "Basic logic" is hemorrhaging before my eyes.

Good try with the redirection, but fail. Post more black cocks like it actually does anything.

you fags brought this on yourselves by falling for the shilling against gamergate, now the shills know you are weak and can be flipped.

from now until he gets elected we'll have to hear about how donald trump is a kike shill.

congratulations you dumb faggots.

Nice revisionism, gamercuck


You're as bad as the shills bringing your dead progressive movement to a completely unrelated thread.

Fuck off to any of your dead boards.


That's your problem right there, dummy: You're literally indistinguishable from the shills here 1 year ago. Fuck Milo because he's pro Israel but long live pro Israel emperor Trump, right? Fuck Sinead too, or anyone who talks about white genocide for that matter, but let's all get in a line and suck off the guy who says anti-semitism has no place in America. I'm pro-Trump but refuse to believe some of the mental gymnastics around here aren't ghazi goon related.

Go back to cuckchan then faggot.