So I just watched these two.
Unexpected surprises thread
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Sorry bro but your taste is just…very lacking.
Those where some alright kids cartoons (The Lego One at least) but if they effected you somehow on an intellectual level I feel bad for you son.
Get me a template or get out.
I was honestly more impressed with the visual designs than the actual story. The effort put into little details like differences in fur texture between animals and avoiding the "invisible ear" is far more awesome to me than the implied racial metaphors.
Don't get me wrong.
Despite that I'm more interested in Zootopia's topics I enjoy the more subtle execution of LEGO.
Nontheless forget that is a kids film and just a film touching this subjects in [CURRENT YEAR] is awesome.
And also I liked the perfect middle ground it got.
If you're a stormfag or a SJW you'll place your bogeymans respectively in place and works just as well.
Unless, regardless on your side you are a contrariant then you'll feel equally triggered by this movie.
Wait a sec…
I used 6 buzzwords in that post, I need stop that.
Zootopia was going to be so much more interesting though, before they decided to go "fuck it" and turn it into yet another funny adventure movie.
The LEGO Movie wasn't good because it was "deep" or "intellectual". It was good because it was one of the few animated movies in the past few years to actually try to be genuine. For something that was essentially a feature-length toy commercial, it actually felt less corporate and commercial than movies like Zootopia; movies that are designed to be as bland, sterile, and widely accessible as possible to maximize profits. It's clear that the people behind the LEGO Movie actually put effort into making it the best movie possible, which they accomplished very well. They weren't worried about branding or ratings or focus groups. The end result is a lighthearted, self-aware, genuinely comedic film that will definitely be remembered in the years to come, as opposed to being thrown into the pile of overhyped Disney movies of this decade.
Why not. I'm not saying you're wrong I totally agreee with what you say.
But why can't its deepness be good also?
what do you mean by that friend
same, Bellwether looks incredible even without having the HD experience
They showed a story hook to Pixar and they found it too offputting
Where you expecting a crappy CG RADICOOL movie and you got a surf movie that feels good?
Yeah I can see that.
TL;DW Zootopia was supposed to be about Nick at some point. Predators had to kowtow to prey and wear collars that'd shock them if they get upset. In all honesty, that would've been much more interesting.
The only thing that surprised me about the writing was the legal/cop shit (e.g. Judy's taking a case herself being insubordination, how she used Nick to let herself be "allowed" into Mr. Big's gates, etc.)
Can't wait for the WWE DTV crossover
Yeah, they also couldn't connect to Nick as a lead
I was expecting a cheap bootleg-tier CGI with epic facebook maymay jokes and pretentious tryhard story, but yeah it ended up being really feelsy and comfy to the point where I can consider it one of my favorite animated movies.
I consider both very entertaining but I thought that was a given the political views are what really surprised me.
But just on an entertaining level I've gotta give the edge to The Lego Movie.
I remember the contrariant threads on both.
Is a movie that explains how the goverment is being controlled by corporations and botched corporate media is taking your attention while also presents how Holla Forumss are a bunch of disorganized dumbasses that can't do shit despite their intentions while also pointing how rehashing and memeshit in media are killing culture.
Right from the beggining clashes the "You can be what you want" SJW shit with "As long as you CAN do it" realistic POV.
Aknowledges bigoted assholes or just plain assholes exist but that if you want to shut them down you must prove yourself, not just whine and complaint.
And that discrimination is just as bad as affirmative action policies.
Everyone can be anything, even things you don't like.
An just a little running gag that even if you don't want to be objectified or stereotyped, you will be and you can't change that.
True story.
What is this?
I like GF but…
No, seriously, how does that reflects your opinion on the series?
Also, fucking hipster.
It says "what I got", and that reflects what I got: an unexpected subject of conversation with people at work, at parties, with some neighbours even.
People of all ages, too. You should go out more.
Lego Movie was straight up diversity propaganda.
I liked the media control part, but if it was true to life, the media would be telling them how great it is that all the lego playsets have been mixed together, even as it caused social chaos.
That doesn't make any sense there all legos. Unless you count Bioincles but they were referenced as "There not that important to talk about"
It's children's toys, user.
They're plastic bricks.
Got that since 2011.
Don't blame for the sins I commited as a newfag.
It seemed to me as more of a non-conformist, "don't let others make your decisions" sort of thing, while also not taking that to retarded extreme. DUPLO at the end were the unrestrained "let me do what I want, no matter how stupid it is or who else I ruin things for" chaos.
Considering the stories I hear about the Angry Birds movie being redpilled about immigrants, I smell a jewish ploy to showcase huge blockbuster "enlightened" kids movies to cash in on the people who smell their money-grabbing shenanigans and to pacify the populace.
The most subtle knife of The Lego Movie is the way they made "Everything is Awesome" super fucking catchy (regardless of one's judgement of the song's merits, it's a massive earworm, like "Call Me, Maybe"; you hear it, and it will dwell in you mind for days) and then, just when all the kids and adults are humming along to it, the smarter audience members realize that the writers of the movie just said that anyone who likes that song is a faggot drone with no opinions of one's own.
Say what you will about Megabloks: The Motion Picture, but that CGI was top-tier.
I still know people that think the movie was done in stop motion.
If you used memegenerator in 2011 you're still a newfag. 2007 is the year the internet went to shit and you're merely a byproduct of that eternal september.
I love this movie!
I know I'm not an originalfag but 5 years is still good isn't it.
Didn't the Lonely Island verses make it clear it's mostly a joke?
2007 isn't originalfag you fucking newfag, originalfags are 2003-2006 only, after that came the Chanology cancer
Read my post again.
Where is written 2007=originalfag?
I said "I'm not a 2007 generation newfag".
Shit, user.
Jesus Christ, you never let yourself enjoy anything, do you?
2004 here.
2008 was the cancer. 2005-2007 was the gamefaqs cancer, post-snacks B&fest.
Snacks thought it funny to ban donators (he set up a script that logged ips of those who donated so he could ban them) and banned everyone and anyone he could. That's why moot kicked him out. so after 2005, there was a huge void, and 4chan got linked on gamefaqs. Thus all the faggotry started, then the second wave of faggotry, which was made into a personal army of anti-scientology forums, brought forth chanology.
Then Moot started bringing in his scene friends when he became an IMPORTANT PERSON and giving them mod rights. Then them and he became sjw faggots.
That show is disturbing if you know anything about the pedophile rings it's symbolizing
I loved it also.
That said, it's not particularly clever or anything, just a pic, name of pic and quote from name of pic that he's so badass. It's just lazy, like most demots, which might be why they're unpopular with chan-fags.
fucking normies ruined the memes
I remember having seen a few before I knew what "meme" meant and loving the depressive angle, but being unable to find more because there was a lot of dreck to wade through.
See, paranoid user here thinks that since this show acknowledges that pre teens that are 12 and 10 months up to 13 thus going through puberty have some kind of sexuality beginnings this series was made by pedos.
I agree, normal adults ignore even their own childhoods and their sexuality development in order to protect their kids.
that is retarded.
Also when I was 10 years old I already liked playing doctor with one of the neighborhood girls.
She was 13.
The fact that you haven't repressed that or added the feeling of awkwardness to that leads me to believe that you're a pedo.
Imagine a kids show that uses the gang symbols of pedophile rings as well as other disturbing symbolism based on very real atrocities. Everyone is too ignorant and happy taking everything at face value of a cute cartoon by a massive corporation, to bother to learn what the repetitive symbolism is. When you tell people no one belives you.
No seriously elaborate please.
Do you watch children cartoons looking for this stuff, because chances are you're gonna find them, at least for yourself.
Aren't you one of those guys who said that Harry Potter was devil's work because green is Devil's favorite color and Harry had green eyes aren't you?
stop using that idiotic groid word
This was pretty hilarious.
I always thought it was barely funny, but had shi tons of potential.
I don't, once you're aware of the techniques to force information into your subconscious (conflicting information, sensory overload, regularly undetectable visual/audio information, emotional reactions…) Anything that passes your conscious mind (which is like a very specific, flash light) reaches the subconscious mind (which sees and remembers everything, even if the conscious mind doesn't). The subcon takes information from the con, to protect it from psychological trauma, and stores it untill you can resolve this psychological trauma. What you don't understand influences your mind, even if you're not aware of the meaning of esoteric symbolism, your subcon is.
It's something that was always there, people just accepted it at face value. Once you understand what is there, you see what was always there, that everyone just accepted as an seemingly song or a peculiar recurring symbol.
I can't tell you about it, the best i can so is show you. I am not going to tell you about lizard people or anything since those are hard to prove there for it's just a theory, but subliminal messages are easy to prove.
No i'm not that guy. I'm not talking about this in a christian prespective.
Also see
I was going to type out a long message in ebonics when I suddenly realized I could save myself some effort and just tell you to go fuck yourself, champ.
Never heard of it. What made it good?
Getting some big name voice actors was a good step, but it's yet another bad parody of anime that doesn't seem to know enough about anime to mock it.
It's like a Mad TV sketch idea that shouldn't have gotten out of the writer's room.
It's just silly hero's story about preserving his people with sex appeal for everyone. It's not very deep though.
Can you name some examples?
The only western animu parody I know is KM.
I'm sure I could come up with some examples if I thought about it, but as a general rule, whenever some show in the west parodies anime, it's always just weirdly inaccurate and comes off as them trying to mock the weirdness of Japanese gameshows, rather than any particular anime cliches.
I didn't know what to expect
thats fine, black people cant swim
Half the movie is Bixnood ridiculing Bill Murray and Wayne Knight telling them they can't play basketball, but totally NOT because of their skin color! Not at all… Just the fact that one is old and the other is fat (it was fucking intentional).
But they both end up playing in the last match and actually being useful to the team, but it's a one-time gig and they both leave at the end admitting that they don't belong in the basket field.
Here's one I watched recently.
I see what user means.
Gravity Falls is full of Masonic jokes & references, and all the organizations it references have been rumored to be involved in human trafficking and other criminal behavior.
I'm sure there's more to his theories, but this IS Disney we're talking about.
Everyone can be a cook not everyone should.
That's pretty cool. But the real Masonic imagery is that shriner fez Stan wears. The pyramid eye shows up in so much shit just as a laugh.
Even Road Rovers had a pyramid with an all seeing eye.
Well, those things exists.
Disney changed it into that Pac-Man shit.
I don't think it was more malicious than the pyramid.
The thing is user, you look like a paranoid 12yo, much like Hirsch wanted.
I'm not that paranoid user, I'm another paranoid user dropping in because I don't find anything suspect with Gravity Falls. I always figured it just used certain imagery for the show's theme, now it's neat to find out why.
Disney however carries on a lot of illicit business in private related to their live-action shows.
That just sounds like they pulled a cop out to stifle enraged parents.
Holy Hitler double-dubs crush the egalitarian lies!
I finally watched this webseries and it was better than I expected. Had some good chuckles.
It's been replaced anyway by inspirobot.
This. I used to hate it for no reason, until I watched it.
I wish they made more episodes, or at least did reruns.
Have you seen this? It's by the same creator:
People in media clearly who work for the global elite, will mock and deny the secret sects and practices. It's disinformation.
Before these themes weren't even mentioned in mass media, now that people treat it as a hilarious meme, they can mock people while dening it's existence.
I remember watching the trailers and expecting the worst. For once, I'm glad I was wrong.
Sequel when?
savage af
Monsters University did this best by actually practising what they preached.
The point where Mike realises that the scare tester was tampered and everything that happens after that point was when the film went from a 6/10 to a 10/10
I swear, if there's a fucking GamerGate reference in the movie, I'll fucking hang myself. Even if its a positive GamerGate message, I'd still hang myself. I want a movie about vidya to represent what vidya is about, fun, not politics, but fun.
Well the first one didn't have any sort of political message, so I don't see why they would put one in the second? But I agree that it's a legitimate concern…
I recall it being CGI for some sections, but also with some elements of stop motion. It makes me rock hard either way.
GamerGate reference will come from another place
The first one was good at avoiding that kind of shit, so it'll probably be fine.
Daily reminder that Ralph was right.
Fuck you Gene and all the other little fuckers.
Well, Mike goes from loser to best Comedian after they change their energy sources anyway, so…
Not quite sure what you're referring to
Lego Movie had something entirely different. While it certainly is pretty much an entire big commercial, it had a more gripping story with underlying themes of creativity, individuality and one's own uniqueness.
Zootopia is shit. It's utter atrocious shit and your tastes are funky. That or you saw it different than what the mindless drones of the public eye see.
What do the carnivores eat in this universe?
The only reason Gene was such a bitch was because he was the one getting thrown off the building by Ralph everyday. Probably convinced everyone else that Ralph was a dick just out of spite.
Fish and bugs.