is jack donovan a faggot LARPER or a red pilled guy?
has his group ever done anything useful?
should they start being disciplined and prepping with intensity?
Is jack donovan a faggot LARPER or a red pilled guy?
Well, he has muscles and tattoos. Surely he can't just be pretending, can he?
Well, he takes dick up his asshole (or sticks his dick in shit covered assholes), he cant just be pretending can he?
seriously, how stupid are you people? Hes obviously controled op to get fagism into nationalism.
He's gay?
Second Jack Donovan thread in as many days. Fuck off with your shit posting.
No, Dick, you and your pet faggot donovan aren't based. And no, you don't represent our race.
Now get the fuck outta here and back to your UCB (((safe space))), fag-git
If this is the guy in your picture, do you really have to ask?
Well according to him he "basically fucks men like they were women" but he's glad they aren't.
So, yea, he's a homo and needs to be put to death.
can someone make a hitler propaganda video on the "Metallica - Nothing else matters" song ?
We have had to much le-epic batman epic wardrum music.
This song would be perfect. Since the family and your kin is all that matters, nothing else.
Seriously, fuck that faggot for that book. I have never read anything more trite in my life. No cohesive paradigm, no citations, just cover to cover broscience.
He denounces faggotry and gay culture.
His justification is that acting "flagrantly unmanly" (failing to be physically strong, violent, skilled, and honorable) makes your group of men appear weak, and thus endangers them by making them targets for other gangs of men.
He wrote a book about how if you happen to be born gay, it's no excuse to act womanish, so quit bitching and be manly, ot else you deserve to be treated only like an impotent woman or child.
He says that masculinity is largely about hierarchical group relationships of men, about fighting to be top dog within the group, and then being value able to your group in fighting against other groups of men.
No, he's a sodomite.
This belief is prevalent in men who were raised in fatherless homes.
He's not gay. He just loves manliness so much he wants to fuck it.
Faggot larper
This 'person' is nothing it cannot take responsibility for its own mental health.
The Way of Men makes some good points and his website also is based at times but he's a faggot.
And looks like a stereotypical leather daddy.
Way of Men is a good intro book to read, then move on to better books.
Just another faggot with his own group of faggots. Basically 100% degenerate.
You mean the Wolves of Vinland?
I'm a comedian
All homos are mentally ill, the worst offenders that want to spread their plague to others should hang, tbh.
Fucking hell. Another shill thread. No, fags cannot be redpilled. If they where they would not be fags, and if they are red pillede but to weak to change they would be hermits and never promote faggerty.
Skews far more faggot larper than anything else, but I mean his group is tolerable. Better than a leftist
this. he clearly has "daddy issues"
And you wonder why white women are sucking nigger dicks and being raped by samdniggers
You white "nationaliats" are true fucking cucks. Gods damned christkike faggotworshipers.
He's made me want to start a homo commune of my own. Too bad all the homosexuals I encounyer irl are insufferable faggots.
when will this meme die. fags are fags b/c they got assblasted in their youth or their father was garbage
He's anti civilization. All he has in his life is the will to dominate and if people acted like Jack Donovan, white people would be chimping out like niggers.
And yes, he's a fag.