leftist faggots BTFO
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All empirical evidence shows that typical right wing economic policies (such as tax breaks on the rich) just lead to radical income inequality (hi Kansas), and doesn't actually lead to more economic growth. Over all the OECD countries, there is no correlation between tax rate, or corporate tax rate, and GDP growth. Also, I love his straw man about left wing people being anti free market. No, there's a place for the free market and there's a place for the government.
Obama is in the pic there, but he's pretty much right wing when considering the economic policies of every other first world country.
Does this just show that learning facts makes you left wing?
This guy is a dumbfuck with no credentials.
THIS is your only choice!
ponyfags…..figures they're retarded commies
May you present some evidence?
pick one
This is what you'd call a graph with no correlation between the variables. Between all the OECD countries this remains the same.
California raised taxes and their economy actually improved significantly. Kansas cut their taxes and it had negative effects throughout the economy. You'd think any rational person would look at this pure data and realise their abhorrent, ridiculous political views would dissipate. No, there's no saving the irrational right wing cucks. They say left wing are cucks, but the right wing are really the submissive and pathetic ones, they want to be cucked by big corporations and the super rich, they want them to fuck them and their girlfriend up the ass balls deep.
but srsly say in your state
California was considered a failed state when they had a republican governor. Growth increased by 4%, unemployment fell, and the deficit became a surplus.
Meanwhile in Kansas: Growth decreased, unemployment didn't improve at the same rates of their neighbours and the US average, and their surplus became a deficit. Wow, right wing policies sure do work.
Detroit,…..run by democrats for what the last 30 years…..bahahahahah
Detriot, full of niggers tho
If you switched Detroit to the republicans it would get even worse like it has everywhere else
lose debate move the goalposts :^)
I think you need to look up moving the goal posts is you fucking retard
You still have supplied 0 empirical evidence, you've lost cuck.
daily reminder that stealing is wrong
bitch you didn't either with your weak ass attempt at sophistry.
See the links in this comment you illiterate cunt, if you can even read.
Did you drive today? You just drove on a road created by theft, you are therefore stealing. Right wing logic is hilarious.
that does not follow
if the thieves didn't use violence to make sure there's no other option than to use their roads, then you might have a point
The right wing consider all taxation that is used for everything they don't like theft, but if it's used to created a police state that will deport 11 million people then it's fine.
You're still driving on a road created by 'theft'. You're using something you say is wrong. Fuck off hypocrite.
last time i checked Obama was all on board with the patriot act….
Like I give a shit. Obama isn't even left wing, essentially republican lite.
Hey Chiam, whats the weather like in Tel-Aviv?
У него крыша поехала.
Я перестал смотреть пони после того как оказалось что им нужно еще какое то говно собирать. Стоить ли продолжать смотреть?
Ну и лошары
Видимо ты не знаешь значения слова лох. Дебил
Зато я не смотрю пони. Лох.
Я тоже. Уебан ты несчастный
commie's BTFO again
not an argument
I never knew that was there much commie brony crap, /leftpol/ must be workin' the ban hammer pretty hard