GLAAD urges Disney to make Captain America gay or they will label marvel/Disney as Homophobic

This is borderline slacker terrorism
I wouldn't be surprise if tumblr start committing literal acts of terror in the name of Steven universe drama or vow to help or join Isis if Elsa gets a boyfriend in Frozen 2. Hell tumblr getting fan artists to attempt suicide as it is.

Other urls found in this thread:

Gas the queers!


That sounds like a line from a anime

I wouldn't go so far as to call it 'terrorism'. Extortion, yes. But not terrorism.

In any case, I can't feel too sorry for Marvel because this is the audience they chose.

Yeah, gay characters for representation*! Otherwise the gay readers won't have their existence validated!

*but not Anole. I mean, what the fuck has that cocksucker ever done, anyway?

Not terrorism yet. But next time a cartoon has a cross dressing episode as a joke. A trann will go on a shooting spree. Mark my words.

This is the audience they chose, let them rot.

Isn't Vavle paying the price for hiring a tranny as a we speak?

Why do you guys always have to be such overdramatic fags about this kind of thing

From what I understand, he was just a regular dude when they hired him, and then he started getting a sex change later on. And his role wasn't even big at the company, just spanish translation shit for Steam or something.

The smart thing to do is to say No to them because I am pretty certain the GLAAD is not their customers…then again, Marvel has made a lot of stupid choices.

OK, just because I hate myself, I decided to read through some parts of the comments and..some of them are actually against turning Cap gay. I'm actually surprised really.

let's make that happen. we can then push for institutionalizing them

Well as others have said, they basically asked for this when they started pandering to SJWs in the first place, so I don't feel any pity for them. Let them all rot in their own retardation.

You'd be surprised at how rational and sane a fair amount of normalfags are.


Shut up concern troll

Exaggeration attracts attention


Holla Forumsedditors are cancer.

Archive since, for some reason, no one has posted it yet:

I wish people would stop trying to justify that, it's just going to be a throwback to the DTV sequels mixed with more Frozen shit everywhere

I heard lazy town had a shitty reboot recently

Thanks for this post, I didn't have to give that hyperlink a click to know what it really said and now I can safely ignore this thread and all the histrionic retards in it.

Not exactly, here's the full quote.

then leave 8ch, it's Holla Forums territory

Is there nudity this time?

Like a leaky septic tank becomes the shit's territory? No.

You have to go back.
>>>Holla Forums

Don't know. Stephanie's actor was replaced. The new one is on the left, Chloe Lang.

Nothing on the article say that. Stop being such a faggot op.

So they got them by the balls now after that Elsa BS. That's what they get for pandering to these fanbases. They did it in Once Upon a Time and now look what happened. These bitches think they practically own them and they're going to false controversy them into the ground.

Also why is it that only girls and teenaged boys (as well as Andrew Dobson) that seem to be interested in a force diversity with Capn and Elsa? I haven't seen any adult males throwing a bitch fit or giving a damn about fictional characters and "muh diversity". It always seems to be females or most effeminate who are obsessed with this like back with Korrasami. Almost every girl and effeminate manchild on campus is calling anyone who doesn't hashtag this a bigot or something.

Yes I know they won't actually do it, but the attitude of these smug shipping/sjw fanbases is annoying as all fuck and the fact that they're getting bigger is frightening.