Can butts be Kino?
Can butts be Kino?
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Why does anime have to be written by complete fucking morons? I hate japanese people so much.
Goddamn! Why can't anime girls be real!? Why can't I have a cute little waifu ass to squeeze!?
I like them so your point is moot.
That entire game/anime is fucking dank.
One day you'll realize what a waste your life has become.
One day you'll get on my level. Until then don't touch me, normalfag.
because if they were real and you wanted to squeeze their asses, they would use that fact against you.
the only reason anime girls are perfect is because they're not real. if they ever became real, they would be just as awful as 3d women.
at least they can use a fucking eraser instead of a tampon
2d girls don't menstruate, user. menstruation is an imperfection.
What is Kino?
I have memed it long enough I don't even know what it is.
Kino is kino. You didn't meme shit faggot. You just meme'd magic shit you had no clue you were casting. That's hilarious. Lurk moar or pray an user takes pitty
I gotchu fam.
Here is kino.
dont impose your fucked up beliefs on me, you who desire a girl to be a perpetual cartoon and never develop tits older than 13 years. dont presume to know me. the audience chooses what it wants and i choose an animated woman who is both capable of producing offspring and getting the fuck off to a women's only bath house once a month
Not all of them would be like that.
He's right, I've watched everything there is to see. I've read most of everything manga related there is, and now I'm reading web novels/light novels. All garbage.
Only when they are spanked.
Some of them do. And what if I want to make children with her? Also there was an episode of Lucky Star where the girls talked about their periods.
Every time, I click on this in the hopes that it is the original.
Every time, I am disappointed.
post yfw whites are teh hottest race
Nice taste. Here you go, fam.
Not the males. White males are a genetic dead end. Too weak and small dicked to compete with real humans. Too stupid and violent to compete with yellow ants.
Seeing white men is like getting a glimpse into the mind of a young and inexperienced God.
White women getting blacked is quite possibly the greatest and most noble thing they could ever do for their bloodline. They are slowly weeding out the weak and stupid genetics of their father and introducing strong dark essence that will serve their children well.
As a white man myself every time I see a white woman with a dark man I whisper
to myself knowing that it is one step closer to a better world.
I'm not a anime fag but I liked blood lad a lot. Wish there were more episodes after only just 10
Taylor swift is a cow even for 3DPD fam.
Get some real taste instead of going for skeletal copy/paste blond girl
She's a feminist too and is friends with Lena Dunham.
in name only
In a condescending way. Like one is friends with a downey
Don't waste your time, it's like talking to a maisiefag
3DPD butt>2D butt
I'm saying this as someone who occasionally watches anime
So a normalfag then.
Anime butts and anime in general are either rotoscoped or based on real female bodies.
2DPD is just imitation of 3DPD
You mean idealization. Everything 3D does, 2D does a thousand times better.
Except be able to love you back, hold you, and tell you everything will be alright. Everything a 3D can do because 3D is real and 2D is just endless depression, the promise of fantasy forever out of your reach.
Whoever has the most spankable ass wins the kino.
They can do those things if you use your imagination right. Also
Maybe for you.
Is it cute or sad when these lil glimpses of self-awareness come through? Don't worry chump. One day you'll find someone
And one day you'll find someone who will ruin your life.
Sure thing sweety.
Any good hentai kino? Haven't fapped to it in a while and I could only ever find the same ones and most were bad. Anything new that's good?
I mean video, not doujin.
got some charts for ya there fam
i haven't watched any of them but its a good place to start
from /rec/
Thanks fam.
Can any of the 3Dfags post a woman who's hundreds of years old and still hot at the same time? Probably not.
do old photorealistc paintings count as 3d or 2d?
Must have seen almost every hentai on there. Good chart. Not a single complaint except it needs more Inma Seiden. When the budget kicks in, you see the difference.
Words Worth is kino. Definite classic. Watch it for the hentai, stay for the story. RIP in peace blue guy. He knew a good woman was not something you should waste. Beat Angel Escalayer peaks in Episode 2. The weird piano music during the last scene is stuck in my head. Hard to remember the last time I've seen a short girl with that long of a gigantic dick. Another Lady Innocent is worth it just for the yuri scene and Satoshi's art.
Mild recommendations: Resort Boin is pretty comfy. Discipline is amusing. Watch that one hentai about the school teacher getting revenge on students in the terrible english dub. The dub makes it worth it.
or how about old greek sculptures are they're 3d
Greek sculptures are like 2D, but they have a high chance of becoming 3DPD if there's gods about.
could you tell me what that gif is from please it has the woman with horns right?
3DPD turns into hags too. The point is at least with 2D they can look young forever, as 3D they'll be hideous.
nvm found it
my bad
2D is just endless depression, the promise of fantasy forever out of your reach
not anymore…
Although I guess this isn't a problem if you don't plan on staying in a long term relationship or marrying anyone and just pussy hop throughout your life. But if you do, then yes your 3D girlfriend/wife will get uglier.
Virtual reality is a mistake
Physical sexbots are the way of the future
SHit looking at the thumbnail I thought that was someone in a skinsuit.
Another Lady Innocent is in another fucking level
That animation quality easily surpasses most anime, hentai or not. That shit is Miyazaki tier
Dude you can't fuck a skinsuit unless someone is in it. Here's some examples of skinsuits.
Whatever reddime posting beats Holla Forums posting
But reddipol loves cuckime.
your shit is all icing, no cake. 0/10 apply yourself
*snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff*…oh yes my dear….*sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff*….quite pungent indeed…is that….dare I say….*sssssssnniff*…eggs I smell?……*sniff sniff*….hmmm…yes…quite so my darling….*sniff*….quite pungent eggs yes very much so …..*ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff*….ah yes…and also….a hint of….*sniff*….cheese…..quite wet my dear….*sniff*…but of yes…this will do nicely….*sniff*…..please my dear….another if you please….nice a big now….
Oh yes…very good!….very sloppy and wet my dear….hmmmmm…is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?…hmmmm…..let me…..let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling…….hmmmmm….hmm..yes….that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear….ah yes….let me guess…curry for dinner?….oh quite right I am….aren't I?….ok….time for sniff…..*sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff*…..hmmm…hhhmmmmm I see…yes….yes indeed as well curry……hmmm….that fragrance is quite noticeable….yes…..onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?…..hmmmmm….yes quite…..
Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..*sniff*…ah….*ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff*…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….*sniff sniff*…hmmm….is that….*sniff*….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…*sniff*….a little whiff more if you please…..*ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff*…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…*sniff*….the most pungent one yet my dear….*ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff*….yes….
You need to go back fam. This board isn't for Holla Forums hotheads
It's German for "movie"
But 3DPD caused my depression. 2D fixed it.
What world do you live in where nobody ever fucks you over?
The one where I sit in my cozy little apartment collecting AutismBux and spreading the word of the evils of capitalism and the glories of True Communism.
The hologram doesn't entice me one bit but that dweeb model is primo. Would lovingly embrace and snuggle with.
Are you BO yet?
Ugh I wish! Too many misogynists and racists all up in here.
2D will only make you more depressed later on.
Except I'm actually happy now that I ditched 3DPD. And since when can you see into the future?
I've seen enough weebs on the internet to know what happens
I've seen enough cucks settling for used goods to know that going after 3D women isn't worth it.
You're too pleb to understand the deteimental effects it has on your life
Yet staying with used goods doesn't? How does anyone manage typical 3DPD behavior as shown in without going insane? Somehow being with an alimony demon is better than living a peaceful life where no one bothers you.
Butts are inferior versions of tits. Plus,there's a icky asshole.
You gay, dubs guy?
Asses are infinitely more gay.
Confirmed gay.
Nah, I'm just saying, tits are superior, and I'm passionate about tits
2D assholes ≠3DPD assholes.
Vaginas were designed for your cock via natural selection. Liking assholes is just one step closer to being a fucking fag.
I've liked butts for years and never had any gay thoughts.
So? you probably just like wide hips more than asses then.
No, asses are good too. They can also be for groping by the way, not just penetration. Wide hips without anything to grab onto are shit.
What's wrong with assholes? I like watching women rimming.
We must help her in her quest to become The Ultimate Pervert
Wow this is pretty much story in Estevial…..
Uh they never talked about anuses or asses
Not gonna click. What are you trying to say?
it's the candyshop. he's trying to say he wants to lick the lollipop
I'm really uncomfortable of the pedophilia undertones in the video tbh
3d will always be superior
You like ugly and dead women?
There's nothing pedophiliac about this vid tbh
Well it's almost borderline considering the song's meaning.
You know, you're both retards, right?
I thought being a boob guy or an ass guy was a preference and not an entire sexual orientation where you don't like the other thing at all. So, are ass guys saying that chicks with flat chests are okay, and you boob guys are saying that chicks with flat asses are okay?
That's wrong, you idiots. Tits and ass exist in a harmonious relationship.
im gay
Anime watching faggots are retarded and child like. They do not comprehend any sort of moderation, they are all or nothing. It's why any mention if western cartoons on their board results in a perma ban. It's also why they are disgusting losers.
lmao you post on /a/
t. 3D slut
This is super hot. Anotehr thing I find sexy are condom skirts.
Hot as fuck. Nothing like a woman who knows how to fuck right.
Typical disease-ridden normalfag.
Nice job at exposing yourself as not only a betafag but also a virgin.
But I watch anime, I just hate the 90% of it that is moe shite.
If you truly watched anime you would know that this isn't true.
Why do you so blatantly lie like this? You should be ashamed of yourself. Next you will be telling us that they aren't cartoons.
this coming from a cuck who probably believes women have orgasms
Correlation doesn't mean causation. That graph just says that hotter girls lose their virginities quicker and fuck more often than ugly girls. Ugly girls aren't going to divorce you since they don't want to wait another 6 years before a man fucks them whereas the hot girls that have had guys all over them since forever know that they have options.
See: Brendan Fraser
Just another reason why 2D is better. 2D girls can be attractive and pure at the same time.
Nothing more pathetic than a 2D cuck
They're actually easier than the hot ones.
I'm not the one settling for disgusting women who have been fucked by every guy in town.
Women who ride the cock carousel are a million times more likely to cuck you than 2D women.
if a frog had wings he wouldnt bump his ass when he hopped
lol things that dont exist obviously cant have a relationship with you to betray. you a dumb nigger
How can I be lonely when I have my waifu, or pathetic when I'm not the one who settles for a divorce raping slut?
wew lad. no one believes that. not even you.
Plenty of people, myself included, believes that.
especially not you
Especially me.
That's fucking disgusting.
And is also damaged enough that she can't hold down one relationship or learn self control.
Why do weebs have such thin skin?
Why do 3D women have such imperfect skin?
they still think they are imageboard royalty beyond getting bantz because moot was weeb when he started halfcuck
Do you even look at anime lists or charts for each season or year? Or try looking up anime in certain genres yourself instead of looking at what's popular at the moment? Only a few moe anime comes out each year, it's not in the majority. It probably seems that way just because people post it a lot.
Nice shops nigger
What are you talking about?
Uhh most white people and white women don't have asses, if you want someone who has genetically big butts it's niggers.
That being said white people can work on squats and bam you can get a big butt, better than most blacks since it's muscle tonned instead of pure fat. But saying white people naturally have butts is a fucking like and you know it.
I watch anime casually like a normal person (but not a gay normal person from reddit), so I'm banned from /a/ obviously, but forgive me for getting that impression when 90% of anime that gets promoted on imageboards is about cute girls in a high school.
because 2d literally lacks depth.
90% of anime girls aren't as bitchy as Asuka (even then they still have a softer side) Even with tsunderes they become kinder overtime and are overall good, pure-hearted girls. 3d girls who have a bitchy attitude usually stay that way though and aren't cute or pure.
The girl on the right side just seems like an easy slut and is most likely ugly.
Do you normalfags have any standards?
i will take the right one over rubbing my dick on a piece of paper any day of the week tbh
I'll ask again, do you normalfags have any standards? You seem to care solely about fucking and nothing else.
Muh dik is the only reason you exist to make snide little posts here in the first place or the creators of your anime girls existed to draw them in the first place. Attraction to women and passing on your genes is the only reason life exists in the first place. You keep on fighting the good fight though, defending the honor of 2d girls and waifuism.
Except most people who muh dik the way you do don't produce any children and the few who do get fucked up children anyway or aren't white.
you truly don't understand, do you?
2D confirmed best.
Damn son. Post more.
What is this?
There's a movie that' is entirely about butts but I can't remember the title for the life of me. It wasn't cuckime and it was american.
I remember this chick. She was that weaboo with the big tits who gave japanese language lessons on youtube.
I don't know about that but I know there was a movie about a talking vagina.
I don't know what happened to the vid but I enjoyed the butts and butt discussion ITT