Why does Holla Forums hate Bernie?
Is it entirely because hes jewish?
He's basically the democratic Ron Paul/
Why does Holla Forums hate Bernie?
Is it entirely because hes jewish?
He's basically the democratic Ron Paul/
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How does it feel to know that even Bernie knew he could never win and mysteriously spent all your donations? LOL!
He's a kike with impossible policies. You can't treat America like Sweden. He's a well-intentioned fucking buffoon like most socialists.
Oh, and he's soft on immigration. That's the most important issue right now.
I don't know what you're talking about.
how is immigration the most important issue and not the massive debtslavery being initiated by our corrupt educational system?
do you mean a jew who hates christian? he doesnt seem to hate christians to me.
Because in 10 years the Republicans – or any Right wing at all – won't stand a chance due to the size of the nonwhite voting block which overwhelmingly (tribally) votes Dem.
America belongs to the white man, and it is the white man which makes America. His philosophy, his law, his morality, his ethics, his politics, his history. Take away the white American and you take away America.
Prove hes a communist, good luck.
Fuck off you fucking shill.
>>>Holla Forums
The sooner then that the whole of america can see the one party system for what it is.
I spent some time thinking of a response for you
I left 8pol for a few weeks and now this place is indistinguishable from cuckchan. What happened?
god forbid someone expect you to defend your position.
Jewish Communist.
That's why, you useful idiot.
That isn't an improvement bro.
The lolbergs are a joke, especially the Pauls.
All communists must die. That's why.
Consider the following…
Let's examine several married-filer income brackets…
… and let's consider some different income taxation scenarios.
Bracket #1: $20,000
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(20,000-18,550) * 15% ==> $217.50
Taxed: $2,072.50
Percentage: 10.4%
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(20,000-18,550) * 15% ==> $217.50
Taxed: $2,072.50
Percentage: 10.4%
0.0% ==> $0.00
Taxed: $0
Percentage: 0.0%
Bracket #2: $40,000
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(40,000-18,550) * 15% ==> $3,217.50
Taxed: $5,072.50
Percentage: 12.7%
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(40,000-18,550) * 15% ==> $3,217.50
Taxed: $5,072.50
Percentage: 12.7%
0.0% ==> $0.00
Taxed: $0
Percentage: 0.0%
Bracket #3: $80,000
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(80,000-75,300) * 25% ==> $1,175
Taxed: $11,542.50
Percentage: 14.4%
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(80,000-75,300) * 25% ==> $1,175
Taxed: $11,542.50
Percentage: 14.4%
0.0% ==> $0.00
(80,000-50,000) * 10% ==> $3,000
Taxed: $3,000
Percentage: 3.75%
Bracket #4: $160,000
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(160,000-151,900) * 28% ==> $2,268
Taxed: $31,785.50
Percentage: 19.7%
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(160,000-151,900) * 28% ==> $2,268
Taxed: $31,785.50
Percentage: 19.7%
0.0% ==> $0.00
(100,000-50,000) * 10% ==> $3,000
(160,000-100,000) * 20% ==> $12,000
Taxed: $15,000
Percentage: 9.4%
Bracket #5: $320,000
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(320,000-231,451) * 33% ==> $29,221.50
Taxed: $81,013
Percentage: 25.3%
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(250,000-231,450) * 33% ==> $6,121.50
(320,000-250,000) * 37% ==> $25,900
Taxed: $83,813
Percentage: 26.2%
0.0% ==> $0.00
(100,000-50,000) * 10% ==> $3,000
(300,000-100,000) * 20% ==> $40,000
(320,000-300,000) * 25% ==> $5,000
Taxed: $48,000
Percentage: 15%
Bracket #6: $640,000
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(413,350-231,450) * 33% ==> $60,027
(466,950-413,350) * 35% ==> $18,760
(640,000-466,950) * 39.6% ==> $68,527.80
Taxed: $199,106.30
Percentage: 31.1%
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(250,000-231,450) * 33% ==> $6,121.50
(500,000-250,000) * 37% ==> $92,500
(640,000-500,000) * 43% ==> $60,200
Taxed: $210,613
Percentage: 32.9%
0.0% ==> $0.00
(100,000-50,000) * 10% ==> $3,000
(300,000-100,000) * 20% ==> $40,000
(640,000-300,000) * 25% ==> $85,000
Taxed: $128,000
Percentage: 20%
Bracket #7: $10,000,000
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(413,350-231,450) * 33% ==> $60,027
(466,950-413,350) * 35% ==> $18,760
(10,000,000-466,950) * 39.6% ==> $3,775,087.8
Taxed: $3,905,666.30
Percentage: 39.1%
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(250,000-231,450) * 33% ==> $6,121.50
(500,000-250,000) * 37% ==> $92,500
(2,000,000-500,000) * 43% ==> $645,000
(10,000,000-2,000,000) * 48% ==> $3,840,000
Taxed: $4,635,413
Percentage: 46.4%
0.0% ==> $0.00
(100,000-50,000) * 10% ==> $3,000
(300,000-100,000) * 20% ==> $40,000
(10,000,000-300,000) * 25% ==> $2,425,000
Taxed: $2,468,000
Percentage: 25%
Bracket #8: $20,000,000
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(413,350-231,450) * 33% ==> $60,027
(466,950-413,350) * 35% ==> $18,760
(20,000,000-466,950) * 39.6% ==> $7,735,087.80
Taxed: $7,865,666.30
Percentage: 39.3%
$18,550 * 10% ==> $1,855.00
(75,300-18,550) * 15% ==> $8,512.50
(151,900-75,300) * 25% ==> $19,150
(231,450-151,900) * 28% ==> $22,274
(250,000-231,450) * 33% ==> $6,121.50
(500,000-250,000) * 37% ==> $92,500
(2,000,000-500,000) * 43% ==> $645,000
(10,000,000-2,000,000) * 48% ==> $3,840,000
(20,000,000-10,000,000) * 52% ==> $5,200,000
Taxed: $9,835,413
Percentage: 49.2%
0.0% ==> $0.00
(100,000-50,000) * 10% ==> $3,000
(300,000-100,000) * 20% ==> $40,000
(20,000,000-300,000) * 25% ==> $4,925,000
Taxed: $4,968,000
Percentage: 24.8%
do you have a source for this?
so many statistics in politics are cooked you'll have to forgive me for not taking your word for this.
Their individual campaign websites contain the relevant information, both have released their tax proposals.
Graduated tax-rates calculated by hand, analysis in the posts.
Hey OP. Could you at least post some of your "ebin bernie maymays" (I know you have some, don't lie) to compensate for making such a terrible thread? At least that way I can have a chuckle before going to bed.
Because you're gay
do you even know your own candidate?
I actually have a few.
They're really, really shit.
Normies cannot into memes, I suspect they are unable to channel Kek.
Damn. That's some 10 year old meme technology. That's like flying a biplane into a WW2 dogfight.
No, this
Is some antique shit bro.
Legit over a decade old tech being brought into this shit.
Its almost enough to make you feel bad for them… Almost.
he needs the higher taxes to fix the country, theres nothing inherently wrong with higher taxes unless you're against taxes entirely
I did just check the numbers and they look legit, btw.
Oh, son, please, just stop.
You are the modern Bolshevik stooge, and if you don't really, deeply understand what that means, then go learn about it.
Because its you.
And you need to stop.
Because you're better than this.
… Unless you're some kinda slimy Jew or a shill or something.
I know.
I'm against my tax dollars subsiding the continued existence of niggers being nigs.
how is this supposed to prove Bernie is a communist?
the government will always do things you dislike, might as well expatriate.
No. If the government kept to securing the borders, using force against criminals and maintaining public utilities ( including roads), and nothing else, then the government would not always be doing things I dislike.
we have a bullshit two party system that fucks us in the ass every 4-8 years though, I dont see america turning into that kind of place without a revolution or balkanization.
His tax policy does that pretty well - its flat-out wealth redistribution, robbing Paul to pay Peter (and ignoring the inevitable result of such economic policy - see that image with Marx).
But let's be honest here son: There is no way to definitively prove Bernie Sanders is a Communist - but there is a lot of evidence that points that direction.
The fact that he calls himself a Socialist, for example, which is just a hop, skip and jump to outright Communism.
But let's just ignore the Communism bit, if that's what catches you - he espouses something largely approximating Marxist-tainted Socialism, as opposed to other (in theory, at least) less tainted alternatives to that societal structuring.
His policies are blatantly oppositional to the ideals and beliefs of the people who, generally speaking of course, inhibit this forum.
And what's more: You know all this.
So you're come off as incredibly…. let's go with douchey, you're coming off incredibly douchey, and frankly, Semitic and/or low-cog in nature: either you don't realize how stupid you sound, or you do realize and are attempting to shitpost, and neither is especially insightful or interesting.
We get folks like you - probably you - in here each week by the dozen.
You are not making any new arguments, just rehashing poorly-constructed shit already attempted by better shitposters than you - you just don't have the bantz son, you don't have the historical knowledge, you don't have the strong ideological base, you don't have the memes, you don't have Kek in your soul… You just generally don't have a clue.
Oh, also, you don't use proper punctuation, which is a sure-fire sign of a newfag or a goon.
Nether would be particularly surprising tbh fam.
It seems Kek agrees.
pls stop
Nice try.
I'm not intending to make new arguments, I'm trying to understand whats so bad about Bernie, I figured Holla Forums of all places would have the dirt on Bernie. So far I've just gotten a lot of implications that hes a communist (ignoring all the shitposts in this thread that suggest even less) and that he plans to raise taxes.
Could you explain why socialism is so close to communism? Tons of european countries are socialist and have been for nearly 100 years without turning into communism.
Oh yeah, hey, lemme shitpost on the Pauls here for a minute before bed.
Because fuck those lolberg piles of human detris.
Ron Paul: Immigration not solved by barbed wire, guns
Ron Paul is Anti-Racist
Ron Paul: I have always made it clear, and will continue to do so, that my message is based on the rights of all people to be treated equally.
Any type of racism or anti-Semitism is incompatible with my philosophy.
Ludwig von Mises, the great economist whose writing helped inspire my political career, was a Jew who was forced to leave his native Austria to escape the Nazis.
> Therefore, for me to advance anti-Semitism in any way would be a betrayal of my own intellectual heritage.
- Ludwig von Mises, Nation, State, and Economy, page 10
- Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, page 87
- Ludwig von Mises, The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science, page 81
- Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism, page 139
- Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, page 263
- Tom Woods, Liberty and Immigration
- Official Libertarian Political Platform, 2004 election cycle
Because one of those can be reversed anytime.
The former we only have a closing window.
socialism = profit is illegal = unamerican.
lol, didnt know about this shit
Who is this Bernie character?
Ehhhh…. That's arguable.
In any case, their Socialism is presently rapidly advancing towards Communism in many cases, and in any case, none of those places were significantly multicultural (in the sense of non-European/Northern Asian derived, that is 'white', peoples/cultures) during their time as 'Socialist' states, and those that are experiencing that condition now are seeing their Socialist societies on the verge of implosion as a direct result of the policies implemented as motivated by the ideology at play.
Fully-justified, I assume you'll agree - and if you won't, then you're either too dim-witted to make the connection, too disingenuous to admit it, or too outright ignorant (lacking knowledge) to even understand the conceptual paradigm you're trying to work in.
Not just raise taxes, raise taxes SIGNIFICANTLY in many cases, specficially in the case of high-income individuals.
And if you don't understand the issue with over-taxing the rich in such a fashion, especially so that you can pay for entitlement programs for a growing population of low-cog mudfolk reliant upon the utterly-disgenic welfare state (aka wealth redistribution), again, you're either too dim-witted to make the connection, too disingenuous to admit it, or too outright ignorant (lacking knowledge) to even understand the conceptual paradigm you're trying to work in.
Go do your own research.
I've given you plenty of areas to investigate, and I'll give you another: The difference between 'Prussian Socialism' and 'Marxist Socialism'.
Come back to us and make a new thread when you have something in that vein.
Once you do, you might have a better grasp on why Holla Forums has no interest in this 'Socialist' Sandersfeldsteinberg whining racism and pushing classism.
See, this is a perfect example of what I've said before, and I'll say again now: you're either too dim-witted to make the connection, too disingenuous to admit it, or too outright ignorant (lacking knowledge) to even understand the conceptual paradigm you're trying to work in.
If the latter, some time spent investigating these concepts you seemingly don't comprehend will surely aid your effort to understand the disconnection between a largely-nationalistic board of counter-Semitic ethnocentric traditionalist anthropics and a largely-socialist candidate of Jewish egalitarian progressive environmentalist persuasion.
But no, I'm not going to sit here and spoonfeed you, and you should be somewhat embarrassed for even asking instead of going to figure it out yourself.
Oh, and on this:
Holla Forums is, for the most part, ethnocentric.
We prioritize ethnicity, viewing it as core to the consequence soft such folk being in a given society, which is fully backed by mountains of biological and sociological data.
Thus, should immigration progress, and our ethnic demographics degrade sufficiently that the white majority is no longer… well, 'the white majority', we don't care about this country.
Because the US will be dead, for all intents and purposes - all that melting pot crap is propaganda that arose in the last century or so, almost all immigration to the US being from European sources and the population (and society/culture) reflecting that in our values and polcies.
If the US ceases to be a 'European' nation - which it is well on its way towards - most of us just don't care about it anymore, because civic nationalism is gay as fuck and doomed to failure, and we have no great attachment to the United States should it become the equivalent of some kind of proto-Brazil - which Bernie Sanders, frankly, seems largely supportive of, given his (oft Communistic in nature) rhetoric and expressed ideology.
It seems you don't fully grasp that concept, so maybe investigate that as well.
OP is probably a Hillary plant. Remember that Trump has been going out of his way to give subtle nods to Bernie lately. Hillary's campaign knows this and is scared shitless that they will join Trump/not vote for her. They know if that happens Hillary could well lose on that alone. Thus, the sensible solution is to try and make Trump supporters turn on Bernie's so they feel alienated.
Welcome to Multiculturalism + Socialism
And with that, I leave this thread to fester.
Hope you figure it out OP, you enormous faggot.
Because illegal immigrants go and vote democrat.
he supports open borders and citizenship for illegal spics
OP may have given me cancer
Goddamn, we're really being flooded by low energy shills
nice response, kill yourself anytime.
Accelerationism work great for the Soviet Union they're in such great shape right now
how about a movement by the silent majority..?
The second picture is amazing.
how do they make those anyway?
That was one of the most masterful strokes in killing the USSR. Take the premier to a fucking grocery store and show him what “plenty” really looks like.
Fuck’s sake, I was JUST thinking about this.
for what, out of curiosity?
You just have to have a feel for the fundamentals of art, specifically shape. If you can caricaturize the shapes that make up a lion, you can draw one.
yeah, I don't think I have that in me.
guess I'm sticking to image captions and photoshop.
I don't hate him, but I'll never vote for some one who is
a) economically illiterate to the point that he thinks he can raise taxes to the point that college can be made "free" to "everyone" (thereby debasing it's already questionable value even further), when the reality is if he raised them that high, people with the means to do so would simply take their money and leave, to say nothing of the severe impact on the people who actually have to work for a living, and who would be stuck with paying for it all.
b) would happily violate the Second Amendment and ban all semi-automatic rifles and handguns in the country in spite of the fact that it'd be illegal at best and lead to a second Civil War at worst.
c) would gladly give a total amnesty and automatic citizenship to all illegal aliens in spite of the added strain on our already broken public healthcare and benefits systems, and in spite of the fact most of them are just here to earn money and have NO intention of assimilation.
d) has fully jumped on the identity politics bandwagon and accepts the the openly racist/sexist/feels-before-reals post-modernist bullshit views of it's purveyors.
He's a bad candidate who's only gotten as far as he has by pretending to be a "political outsider" despite his 20+ years in government and by pandering to minority special interests vis-a-vis "free shit".
He's the fucking opposite of Ron Paul, OP.
He's a communist con artist that won't dare do something to win. His policies would ruin the US economy even faster than what Obaboon did. He's weak on immigration and has a weak demeanor. The clearest sign of it was when he let the moon cricket lives matter she-apes walk all over him and his stage during one of his public appearences.
The only good thing he did was make a ton of retarded socialists ruin their lives because they gave everything to his limp wristed campaign. That way those idiots can feel exactly what their communist utopia brings to people without affecting others who aren't insane.
capped post… sort of.
(added one more)
Bernie is an American imperialist. He supports the new world order.
Anyway, we can stop talking about him now because he is irrelevant.
He is nothing like Ron Paul. Ron Paul was actually an experienced politician who knew how the economy works that didn't try bribing a bunch of college hipster faggots into voting for him. Paul wasn't promising free shit, he was just promising to end the corruption that is destroying your country. Bernie is just an illiterate retard who's entire campaign centers around bribing leftards with free shit,
Immigration makes it impossible for jobs to pay a decent wage. This is very simple economics.
Those who dont like him, I assume, dont like him because he's Marxist filth. The fact that he's a card-carrying oven dodger just is proverbial icing on the cake
Bernie has perhaps the most atrocious record on immigration as any candidate running. He supported the 2013 Gang of Eight amnesty bill and has opposed virtually every single measure of increased border security during his Senate career. He has pledged to grant full amnesty and citizenship to the 11 - 30 million illegal spics currently occupying our country.
Bernie Sanders would be an irreparable disaster for salvaging a white America. Like all jews, he wants to turn us into a multicultural shithole.
Bite the bullet and accept that race is a factor, newfag.
Understand that socialist policies largely benefit non-whites.
Understand that giving benefits to non-whites actively undermines the race that built this nation.
Understand that we don't want to give our shit to Jamal, first because he's not even our own race, and second because it creates leeches of civilization who do nothing to benefit anyone, but take shit from everyone.
Understand that Booker T. Washington wanted to work with Jim Crowe laws in order to stay segregated and build up his people to not be leeches.
Understand that the Democrat Party worked to undermine this cause when Lyndon B Johnson, following Kennedy's assassination, restructured the party under his "We'll get those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years" policy of buying the black vote with "social reform" aka wealth distribution based on race, effectively keeping the black man down and forcing whitey to pay for him.
Understand that you and Bernie want to crank this to 11 and destroy our economy along with hyperinflation resulting from $14/h minimum wage hike.
Understand that you actively want to destroy civilization.
Now fuck off until you read a mother fucking book.
Got nothing to add.
Except maybe a Brausebad
why do you insist on making shit bait threads?