Mark Zuckerberg to Sponsor Trump RNC
Mark Zuckerberg to Sponsor Trump RNC
Other urls found in this thread:
Christ almighty! They are coming out of the fucking walls with bribes now.
I think he screwed up and thought it would be some progressive festival with Rubio, so he signed on before the Trumpening.
Every goddamned thread on this piece of shit board is literally ripped straight from cuckchan.
You retarded crossposters are vile and need to die already.
this tbh fam
this after the dozen or so times he asked people not to follow him, typical kike
What is Trump promising these kikes? The establishment of greater Israel?
If everybody gets to have nationalism for once instead of keeping it jews-only that would be nice
You want me to just make up news stories out of thin air so they're original for you or something?
other things are happening in the world goyim.
Reposting from cuckchan aka reddit is pointless
how about you find something interesting that hasn't been crossposted, I've got tons of shit I could post but fuck it, this site is fucked
Waste my time and have my thread deleted by a mod? I don't think you know how it is around here anymore. Trump related threads are the only ones that are guaranteed to stay up. This place is the heaviest censored chan of them all these days.
The emphases is on will.
Poor burgerlanders, they will elect a kike puppet after all.
Trump has ridden in on an anti-establishment platform. The Jews tried slandering Trump in the media and he only got more powerful. Now they have changed tactics and are feigning support for Trump in an effort to make it seem as if he is part of the establishment. They hope that if they can convince his voters that he is controlled opposition, they won't support him. Whilst I believe it is entirely possible that Trump IS part of the establishment and is aiding ZOG, there is no alternative to Trump. Furthermore Trump has riled up the white Americans and stoked the flames of antidisestablishmentarianism, if he is ZOG he is complete shit.
Okay, cuck. Shill someplace else.
Just to elaborate on my drunken pposting here, Trump might be shit but is the first candidate in a long time that might not be shit.
Who should we support then?
After this week, I honestly wish that were the case.
why of course you should just stay home, friendo, buddy, fellow anonymoose, Holla Forumsock, comrade! it's what our founding fathers would have wanted.
The fuck do I know? All I know that burgerland is fucked unless it cuts its ties from the kikes and put them on spikes.
Americans always have loved fat con men.
I'm not sure how this is supposed to his way of sucking up to Trump unless I'm missing something. He's probably wanting to ingratiate himself with the Republicans as a whole, as he's a rich asshole that wants the politicians to like him so they'll do what he wants.
Nah, I think its more the fact that Trump sold his soul for jewish power.
Well you got yourself caught. What's the next step of your master plan?
lol u mad Trump is selling you out.
Kill yourself
Oh look…another Trump thread shilled to death by /int/niggers
Faggot, I am saying that if burgerlanders ACTUALLY said Trump will probably do this and that, but if he doesn't, boy, we are sure fucked, then it would not be a problem. But no, you already hail him as your God-sent savior.
Enjoy worshipping a con businessman.
And what the fuck would you know?
Hahaha, it started with
It ends with
The jews know, the jews are famous for picking a winning team.
He's a true honorary Aryan
So Zuckerberg signed on long ago thinking his boy Rubio would win but now he has to capitulate to Trump or risk getting sued. Top kek.
This. A lot of articles are going out of their way to do this but in doing so, wake people up to the jew menace. It's fucking hilarious.
Well University promised to help me get a job but then Pajeets and Chinks got all the jobs instead, do I get to sue the government?
Oh, I know plenty. I know plenty enough that you stupid fucks are rooting for a businessman that has ties to the fucking kikes. I know that you stupid faggots think that he will deliver you from your misery and from the enslavement of your shit banking system and the Federal Reserve. That is not going to happen.
Watch the fucking webm you faggot, and then tell me, how is this man going to do anything while he is supporting the kikes that are the cause of misery in the world? He already has many ties with em.
So next time you fucking retards ask me or tell me you are not a burgerlander, you don't know anything! know that just like how you retards elected Bush twice, you will elect this kike ass-kisser.
This. Holy dubs confirmed. They are afraid.
holy shit nigger what are you doing
Did anyone bother reading the article? Facebook was always going to sponsor this year's RNC like they sponsored the 2012 RNC too. The news is just that they've refused to pull out despite Trump most likely becoming the nominee. They say they're not endorsing Trump.
Vote we who then for?
This. It also indicates that other companies are trying to scale back their involvement.
Seriously. I've never personally seen the jews in this much of a panic.
You already outed yourself you stupid fuck. What the fuck are you trying to accomplish?
I hate this shit. they think the shilling will work the same on cuckchan as it will here. they dont get it.
You stupid fucker, do you even understanding language? But I'll explain to the shit you call your brain what I meant by The fuck do I know?
I don't know whom to vote for because they are all shit. It is like being asked if you want to drink piss or eat shit, that is how your elections are.
But what I do know is that you fucking retards are worshipping a kike supporter, so you better be skeptical you idiots.
I hope that your shit brain can comprehend basic semantics.
Take it easy Pajeet, you wouldn't want to miss the shitting street
What would this accomplish? No seriously, what would this do? Part of the reason why people turned away from Obama was because people bought into his message and he turned on people. Betrayal is stronger than any amount of skepticism.
You don't know what you are talking about and are just looking for excuses to shit on Trump, like the fag that looks for excuses to spam anime pictures or dubs spam a thread or something.
It's fucking nothing.
This has been their new tactic ever since Trump became the clear winner.
It switched from "Vote for Cruz!" to "Vote for Trump, he's still shit though!". It's shill grief. Sad.
i.e. keep the establishment in power?
I remember seeing this word when I was around 10 years old and laughing at it with my friends.
Cudoz on actually putting it to its proper use.
he doesn't even look at the prefixes.
Well I don't recall ever seeing a picture of him being this serious. This faggot is usually smiling that little kike grin.
That's the face of fear. They are afraid.
some would say they are sliding the America First sticker project
What the fuck are you talking about? My point is that Trump is just talking and not acting. He is saying shit that he MAY or MAY NOT do. You claim that he will defeat the kikes and how the kikes fear him, yet he then clearly states how much he loves Israel and how he is a big support to them. His daughter is married to a fucking kike, for God's sake.
I am not a burgerlander, you stupid fuck.
Can't some burgerlander explain to me how Trump is the enemy of the jews, yet he clearly says that he will fucking support them? And don't give me bullshit like He is only saying that now but he won't be their ally later! because this same thing can be said about his empty promises.
Probably because he can't read the emotions of the people he's speaking with and it is frustrating him. When he sees goyim strapped into devices/noses pressed against screens it hides their eyes and he at least can read likes and shit eating grins.
So has everyone who has ever said anything in the history of language.
He's already called out their shenanigans a few times. At this point he is just toeing the line to prevent sabotage before being elected. We've been over this, you know this, and no matter how many times it is explained you will repeat the same bullshit in this and other threads.
Now we're just here to laugh at you.
And of course, you skip over my questions and the main premise of my post is that you're an idiot or controlled by the very jews you deride. If Trump turns out great, then you're no better than your average shill or an idiot. If Trump turns out to be controlled by the jews, if people took your shit to heart, they won't be outraged. They'll be complacent having seen it from a mile away, thereby helping the jews keep everyone complacent. You're doing their damage control and preventing outrage from any possible betrayal since it won't be seen as betrayal since no one would believe in him if you had your way. So either you're an idiot who is not thinking shit through or you work for the jews either directly or indirectly because you put jacking off to bashing Trump over any possible action that can be taken against the jews.
And finally, look at how the jews are in a panic, outing themselves and the futility of the system. This shit would not be happening if Trump wasn't forcing their hand.
So you finally agree that he might actually be a kike's puppet, yes?
Says the supporter who worships
But that is what I want. I want to actually believe that Trump will fuck up the jews, but him having close ties to them and in favor talks with Benjamin Netanyahu is off putting to me.
So you are saying that it is better to believe him now and go apeshit crazy when he backstabs the nation? How did that turn out with George Mass Weapons of Destruction Bush?
Great sounding point, thanks for pointing that.
Really, all what I want to confirm is that if he is a kike puppet or not because of his speeches about being pro Israel. Is it that fucking hard to ask for? To look into which candidate is not a fucking kike supporter? But all what I find are Trump worshippers.
You do realise that Trump hasn't actually been elected as President yet, don't you?
And we're back you you trying to run circles in a marathon.
I'm that guy that was a shill almost a year ago because I remember when Holla Forums knew that elections mean nothing in a mass-media dominated world.
321 I'm a shill
He might also be a sentient android.
Here's the thing. When the nation is as polarized as it is, the electoral college has to be very careful. If they don't elect Trump when it is clear the majority want him, they will be fucking themselves over. They'll have no choice but to elect him and hope they can utilize the checks and balances to keep him in check.
That will of course be another clusterfuck for another day but I believe he will be able to navigate the issues well enough to start bringing things back to the way they were meant to be. Trump knows how to play the game and will fuck with the establishment and that is a good thing.
Sure it is chaim. Now you're acting like you care about Trump and want to be assured all the while ignoring this whole election cycle, all the panic he has put the jews in and so on.
And Netanyahu has trashed Trump before.
No one believed in Bush as they did in Trump. A better example is Obama and that has done well and the reason why Trump has been able to make the strides he has and has helped in pushing the overton window.
The reason why we're giving you a hard time is that you have to be new to not know this shit. Or you're a shill. Have fun voting for Hillary.
A lot of them are crossposting on cuck change too it seems
The kike is in a bind.
He knows which way the turn of the wind is blowing. But in doing so, there's going to be a YUUUUUGE amount of salt coming from the lefists, the liberals, the cuckservatives, and sjw alike. He will lose support either way he turns. If he doesn't turn to lick the boot, he knows the noose will be coming for his head.
He's caught between a rock and a hard place.
And he's afraid.
It's hillary's paid shills. They're going all out, not just on chans, social media sites and the like.
Based Zuckerberg
It's easy for him to talk about what great people they are and how much he loves and supports them.
Then he says pic related.
Look at the sheer desperation the kikes are coming with to avoid the beginning of their new shoah.
Also guys remember the following. I can't find the thread right now, but basically among other things, what the kikes are doing right now is the following.
well, cuckchan and Breitbart.
No reason to check either of those sites for numerous reasons just check 8pol's catalog and it's all right there
If you actually read the article they were already sponsoring it well before Trump was the presumptive nominee.
Facebook were being pressured to remove sponsorship because of Trump, but they have remained a sponsor.
It's also just the actual convention.
Come July the convention centre gets plastered with FB ads. Zuckerberg himself hasn't endorsed Trump.
fucking crossposters
Facebook already sponsored republican debates so I don't know why this thread hasn't been nulled
Look at that face. That is the face of fear.
Are the Jews shilling Trump's Jewish connections against normals as hard as they are against us? They'll inevitably drop a few red pills among the masses for sure. Stupid kikes.
I'm shocked that Facebook supports the pro-NSA and surveillance Trump.
Does this sound like a supporter to you?
Its like a modified form of Pascal's wager.
Oy vey, they shitting on Trump, that's like ten holocausts at once!
Looks like Trump was right about his ability to make deals…..?
Also, Trump has been consorting with the tech companies to undermine US labor for awhile now, tbh fam
well thats a misleading title, its not Trumps RNC you cuck, its the REPUBLICANS RNC, trump has no say, jewbook are providing tech support and shit for the event, which will obviously need alot of it, what with the millions of live tv cameras and video streaming that will occur.
This seems to be the new tactic all of a sudden.
This guy gets it. Even if he was truly on the merchant's side, he has done more to shift the narrative to the right than anybody else.
ITT: pic related
He's not in a position to act, dumbass. And we already know what Hillary Clinton is but Donald Trump could turn out to be a good president. There's only one way to find out.
It's just the beginning anyway because kicking the cuckservatives out of the Congress and the Senate is the next step. Even if Trump turns out to be a bad president those who voted for him because they're fed up with all the illegal immigrants are going to direct their attention to the Congress and the Senate. That's probably more important than the Presidency.
The cuckchan shills have migrated, it seems.
4/pol/ is so broken and defeated the shills have switched up their game and now 8/pol/ is their primary target.
Be wary, brothers.
htt ps://
Can someone make this a new thread. It's related.
I'm leaving for work
Fuck off and tell some of your (((friends))) to do the same.
But but destroying Israel is is more important than stopping mexican immigration! How can you disagree with me?
You sound like the kind of retard who would refuse to support an anti-immigration anti-muslim political party simply because they don't call for the destruction of Israel.
Muh I can't support Norbert Hofer and the Freedom Party because they're not anti-Israel enough.
Get out of here. Ideological purity is pure retardation when we have a ton of other problems to take care of.
Oh come on, shill. When you out yourself so easily it takes away the challenge.
At least when they are posted here they aren't on a page full of traps and nigger dicks.
And news is news, how the fuck do you think these topics won't end up on both boards?
This dude is a cringey fuck
He's just trying not to get shoa'd after his fb timeline bullshit he pulled with Trump
Should we retake 4/pol/?
I feel like we should, 4/pol/ is an effective buffer.
This is the face of fear.
(((they))) aren't stupid, they know which way the political tides are shifting.
They aren't laughing anymore.
Was that when Trump posted this to FB and it vanished?
Have they finally realized that genociding the goyim might make them mad?
Cuckchan is not a part of this site. Many of us do not go there, or reddit, unlike you shills. Therefore, if a thread appears about a news story on another site, it does not preclude a similar thread on the same news story on this site.
Trump shills at their finest, ladies and gentlemen.
It annoys me when retards such as yourself say sensible things in the same sentence as blatant false-flagging. Do you think we don't see right through you? I don't even think you're a shill, this is more SA-style shitposting.
Yes. Which is why the Jews will now try even harder to exterminate whitey.
35k times 10k is 350m, not $40m.
A 10 second search shows the $40m number is asked as retribution in some lawsuit.
Cucks can't do math. Cucks can't read. SAD.
shitlib found
the jew sees shekels
Ay (((bitch))), it's on fucking drudge, and it IS related being this is a Faceberg Zuckercuck topic as well
I'm on call and just drove in a big fucking circle for no good reason…sorry for being a dick
Also, wtf is with this misleading OP.
It's not an endorsement of Trump, at all, they just want the ad money AND/OR trying to sabotage the convention against him.
If anything it's an endorsement of the GOPe
You fools, don't you remember what I told you?
These threads are created by shills. These shills only pretend to be aware of the jews, but they're not. They are just normies pretending to fit in because they are being paid to push their agenda here.
The solution is simple.
Facebook straight-up created BLM, what the actual fuck am I reading. This fucking yid.
Y'know, if Trump shoves Rat Zuckerkike in an oven onstage, they could make it a pay-per-view!
thanks for the nightmare fuel fam
fuck off hipster faggot