Saw this, and thought I'd bring it here.
This is pretty blatant if you ask me. Why aren't people more angry? I mean, I know that some are, but damn.
What the fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
Doxx nao
That's why I always say, you let the muzzies wipe out the kikes and then you go in and wipe out the muzzies, BUT NOOOOOOOOOO!.Every reject is brainwashed my kike media to think those uneducated neanderthals who still wipe their asses with their bare hands are a threat. They're only a threat when you have clever kikes leading them around.
Also, this.
T-the Communists never stopped.
This kike showed his power lvl too soon, I wonder how the kikery higher ups will react to this.
Looks like a Holla Forumsack doing his part to expose Jewish hypocrisy to me.
The chinks are our greatest allies
this but its quite well done compared to schlomo shekelburgergoldstein accounts.
is he indirectly refering to the taiwanese as island chinese?
From what I've been able to gather, he's a substitute English teacher in Taiwan who dislikes Muslims almost as much as he hates Fascism and other things that proud whites endorse.
Sadly, he seems 100% legit.
Is he trying to claim he didn't write that? "Racist Chinese hackers" did?
Trips confirm.
It's a pretty savage hack if mainlanders actually did do it.
He's a faggot
Why is his fb acc name south american but the display name is jewish
if he had been an investment banker the trope would have been complete.
What? Is this faggot serious? Israel is going to have open borders by then and be called by its rightful name, "Palestine".
He also really hates Chinese people
Pls tell me they lynch gay people in public squares over in Taiwan.
He says that like killing people is impossible.
He works at Starbucks. Wow, some world domineering Jewry there brah. Wot?
What he wrote was legit, but directed at the mainland Chinese!
what a fukken idiot.
He's a gay zionist fanatic.
I wonder if this guy is going to end up being killed for being stupid enough to talk about this openly. If people get wise to the Yinnon plan they'll be a lot less likely to allow it to happen.
It's almost too much.
Next we're going to find out he's fucking a nigger.
Nope, I'm more sympathetic towards Muslims.
That settles it. This kind of racism is unacceptable.
Judaism is a disease (as is Islam) but I can NEVER get behind a movement that is this racist.
Obvious false flag is obvious.
JIDF was in full swing after that happened. Anyone questioning the events on here and 4chan were called a Muslim.
The hilarous part is that jews in israel are being outbred by the arabs and the low iq orthodox jews
It's like a space alien hopped in the thread and tried to blend in.
Muslims don't do shit when they enter our countries but suck up welfare and rape our women. They aren't some anti-jewish vanguard.
And once they're here, you think the Jews won't use the media to stir them up against whites? If even high-IQ whites can fall for Jewish propaganda, they can convince the sand niggers of anything.
Is this one of those things where you want to suicide by cop, but the cops only carry rubber batons?
Suicide by social media?
Weren't the kikes calling that new muslim mayor an anti-semite?
谢谢 哥哥
fake & gay
Is that a threat?
Damn. Hitler was right.
Who is this guy?
An ultrakike nobody.
Absolutely disgusting.
In Chinese, the word for "give in" can also mean take action.
I suppose I do have a friend in China.
Google translate shit. It's not a question.
Then I certainly do.
Oh look, it's this thread again.
Perhaps Israel can take a few in.
Spoilered for sounding conern trolly.
He's right.
Sadly I don't think it's ever something white man can recover from.
This isn't like the many times in history this has happened. They now pump chemicals into our food and water that immaculate us.
There is no coming back.
Calling someone a racist and then screaming racist rhetoric is the worst kind of asshole.
This guy in the OP is a racist of the highest caliber. He cannot deny that his statement is completely hypocritical.
Get your defeatist bullshit outta here.
Any population can repopulate without inbreeding ever as long as it has a minimum of 132 people half being female and the other male.
The chemicals will effect the invaders as well, equilibrium will be reached and there will be small enclaves of whites spread across the globe. These enclaves will do exactly to our invaders what they are doing to us, we may never be pure again but we will earn the earth when it is practical.
Yeah how are those birth rates in Israel anyway, las i heard they weren't doing so good. And the ones who are having almost all the children are the orthodox Jews and they don't work or do much of anything except study the torah and create more welfare parasites.
Are you intentionally stupid?
jews don't care.
they've already won.
This kike, if Ukraine was so great why is Crimea Russia?
The chemicals that are targeted at whites. Nogs are genetically driven to reproduce 5,000 times. Whites WERE genetically and culturally driven to reproduce a lot 6-12+ times. Now white people have 0.9 kids per marriage and nogs have 8 kids outside of marriage.
The damnedest thing, nogs on average consume more of the products that contain these chems or that are packaged in these chems. It is known that nogs are also more greatly predisposed to be into homosex, possibly related. They just happen to have ubermasculine culture fed to them through TV and music while having no masculine figures growing up. Maybe the mix of not being around a father, electric jew brainwashing and Feminization chems creates the perfect storm of a sexually frustrated homo that refuses to come to terms with their homo tendencies and ends up becoming a rape ape, not to say they weren't rape apes already but it may exasperate the issue.
How many nogs do you know are vegetarians and eat soy?
Soy lowers testosterone, increase estrogen, and turns you into a bitch titied beta cuck.
No they haven't. Jewish racists are still racists.
Also. I'd put money down that fried chicken and it's staple appetizers and le orange drank aren't pumped with the same hormones that le tasty German beer is.
Plastics and malt liquors are the biggest carriers of sudoestrogens and I don't know a single nigger that doesn't eat out of plastic tubs/bags or drink 40s.
Chicken might just be the biggest meat carrier for estrogen that can be broken down by humans besides beef.
Okay then I'm wrong about that much. The issue then is what makes a nig nog.
They are immune to said chemicals of feminization.
We need an AntiRacist Hitler to resurrect
Why is this a thing for youtube videos? Come on hotwheels, as a bare minimum make it same thread only.
Also. What is the average age of the mother of each conception?
I'd wager it's significantly younger for niggers than white people.
White people are probably in the mid to high 20s. Women's eggs go rotten at 25+
Shouldn't even be done the way it is. It's an MD5 check it seems. Meaning if it spots a duplicate already on the server, why doesn't it just deny your upload and serve the one already on the server?
my mum was 30 when i was born. What does that mean?
I don't believe they are, after all a much higher proportion of niggers are fags than any other race. I think they just can't afford to admit to themselves that they are gay due to the combination of everything fed to their brain by propaganda directly targeted at them and them being forced to be the "man" of the house while they are prepubescent. Hell I might even be willing to guess they only get caught doing stupid crimes stupidly so they can get sent to prison where butt rape is seen as a power play.
And they say all jews don't know of this "jewish conspiracy" whose main goal is to genocide Europeans? This is why you oven them all. People give them a free pass on the assumption they aren't actively participating in it.
I've been shit faced wasted and after long sober reflections I had to face the fact I knew exactly what I was doing the whole time. I just didn't care. Same goes with 99% of jews. They're far too tribal to play that card and history shows that's been their strength from the get go.
The biggest fault of the jews is always their arrogance. They can't help but boast about their intentions and accomplishments, and they wonder why they keep getting shit kicked throughout the world. This time people are waking up with the intention of putting an end to their criminal family. Asians hate you, Muslims really hate you, but nobody has come close to exterminating you, even with the Holohoax renounced, than we have.
This time we'll give any remaining left a story of persecution to talk about.
It means you're an autist. Probably.
Do you think autism is from immunizations? It's not. It's from women having babies over age 25. Which TBQH should be illegal.
It doesn't matter how "based", le faggot kike is. He has a spot in the oven just as deserved as Soros does.
if your going to shill defeatism at least remember to bring your dictionary with you
Do you have any good sources on this? I always heard it was past 30-35 when things could go bad.
Sadly I don't. My mother has her masters in babbys and I just trust her rather than finding sources that haven't been jewed.
Just remember for all those middle men trying to appease the masses by playing civil with the jews, there is another man equally waiting with his fingers crossed behind his back.
I thought faggotry wasn't kosher.
Have fun boiling in poo, Mark!
On that note how do all these gay jews justify their existence anyway? We are allowed to be fags, because we are merely animals and animals are free. But jews are not.
More like low-level Aspergers. But I don't see myself as completely useless.
By the way there used to be 5-12 children per family. This inevitably meant at least half of the kids were made by the mom when she was past 25. Half of the kids weren't autistic, right?
t. atheist homosexual jew
the majority of Jews today don't closely follow their religion. The birthrate for religious (orthodox) jews is very high though.
Kikes don't have to follow their religion to be kikes. Kike problem is genetic, ergo they will still retain their mental disorders and traits even if they don't know about the talmud. Kikes are also raised to know that a kike is always above the goy.
They truly are a cancer.
I'm sorry to tell you, but they certainly don't.
The genetic inferiority isn't an issue. Yes, it makes them sickly and mentally ill. But if they integrate into other societies these weaknesses will eventually be bred out. The weakest will get Darwinned and the strongest will pass on their genes.
The culture is a problem, but like religion, culture can be forgotten.
That's bullshit, because kikes have been interbreeding with everyone to create their mongrel halfbreeds ever since their existed - most known example would be the ashkenazi kikes. They came to Europe in middle ages and managed the aristocratic fund, fucked some of them and there you go "white kikes".
Looking further back, you had turkic kike tribes which are currently known as Sauds. Their monarchy ethnically comes from a "converted to islam" kike tribe. Then you have modern times, where kikes adopt chinks, marry chinks and generally make half-asian half-kike mongrels.
The kike problem is genetic, that is a problem and it's undeniable. There is no darwinian selection for kikes. Kikes are the lowest common denominator. If you mix your water with shit, it will become shit. There is no reasoning with the kikes and there certainly should be no breeding with them.
Get out.
All that Darwinism means is those you breed the most success fully survive. The fittest is only the one that can pass on it's genes.
I bet Jews were saying the same shit in Weimar Germany.
And we all know how that worked out.
Have fun at camp Mark!
I heard the average Israeli woman has around 3 or 4 kids? I could be wrong.
The reason they stayed kikes is because they were allowed to remember that they were kikes. Remove judaism and jewish culture from a jew and it simply becomes an inbred white. Take these jewish chinks kids and raise them in a proper buddhist household and at worst it will grow up with chron's disease.
The reason they stayed sickly is because they stayed in their elevated position that stopped regular natural selection from occurring. Bring them down to the level of goyim and they will quickly become as strong as the rest of us.
Which would you prefer: A cult lives in you country isolating itself and gaining power over money and government at the expense of your countrymen, or you have a few more people with less-than optimal genes diluting your gene pool?
Yeah, I'd want jews diluting my gene pool, as long as it meant jews as a religion and culture cease to exist.
And women generally don't go after weak or mentally unstable men. Men generally avoid mentally unstable women. Mentally unstable or sickly people of either gender have a hard time surviving even in modern society without nepotism.
I think oxidative stress from increased exposure to chemicals causes premature aging which leads to more autism. There are first world countries where autism and adhd haven't been rising anywhere near the levels in england and the usa.
Nail his ass for racism, then. I'm ambivalent towards the yellow skins myself, but if it gives us more ammunition against him, I'm all for it.
The orthokikes have seven or eight per couple, and then there are the Arabs which are also Israeli citizens.. Regular Jewish Israelis have one kid if they have kids at all.
Someone didn't think something through.
Or are just jewesses in for a new batch of aryans. And the male speciments get angry and want to genocide the whites in return becouse their harpies don't like their inbreed micro peni