Where should I emigrate that's not cucked?

Where should I emigrate that's not cucked?

My politics:

- sort of Libertarian (I am okay with social services and taxes but they shouldn't be targeted at controlling your behaviour and free enterprise should be free to compete although there should be some health safety regulation)
- I require the freedom to defend my life
- I require freedom of speech
- I require privacy
- I require the ability to vote and help decide my government
- there shouldn't be niggers like in america

There's nowhere left. That's why they are attacking all this eastern European places if we could we would flee there.


Our ice is green

To win we must re-vitalize white tribalism. The family bond expanding into an ethno-centric tribal unit is the answer.

1. Move close to white friends and family. If you can't afford it then move in with them. Learn to deal with it. Race loyalty means more than good vibes. It means overcoming animosity we've let develop toward our own kin. This is real and hard work.
2. Start openly talking about your identity as being race based. Stop talking about yourself as American first. Family first, then race, then state.
3. Improve yourself and your career so you can provide opportunities for your children and kin.
4. Lock down a quality woman is breed. Don't be a super insecure she-must-be-14yrold-virgin idiot. Realize there are still good women out there looking for serious, mature, and dominant men.
5. Party! All good culture is based in enjoying the company of those we love (our volk)
6. Propogate positive religious or traditional values through participation in events, holidays, and rituals.
7. Hate only when necessary. Too much hate will degrade your social unit. Reserve it for appropriate and necessary moments.

If you run away to be another anonymous disconnected white man then you lose, you're a loser, and losers aren't winners.

I really don't see how white tribalism really helps my own personal goals. Personally, I don't care about Asians or Arabs just as long as people aren't Jews, Muslims, Christians or North American blacks (there are many native Africans who are shitty too but I can't generalize uniformly over them the same way I can about the North American descendants of slaves.)

E. Europe seems bretty gud. Isn't Hungary's cost of living fairly low? Romania would be kind of cool, if it werent for gypsie scum. Maybe the Czech Republic?

There is no where left to run

Hungary is where my dad is from so it might be pretty good for me.

Russian Federation


Go ahead faggot, name at least three western european countries left that isn't a cucked, degenerate shithole in some way now. Why the fuck do you think russia's under so many sanctions and all? The globalists' little bolshevik experiment failed and nationalism is being reborn- so they're trying desperately in any way they can to start another cold war.


Oh Jewton cucks.

What makes you think other places want you?

Poland, Hungary, Slovakia

Those are broke and have no future. You might as well say China

All eastern countries with decent amounts of slavic blood. By western I mean anything west of poland or former czetchslovaia

Nice try, NSA agent shlomo shekelbergstein

What are you, a nigger? You stay wherever the fuck you were born, stop being a pussy and try to fix the situation.

Anywhere in Australia except Sydney or Melbourne

Switzerland, Hungary, Australia, or New Zealand.
(maybe) Poland.

So you out yourself as self centered cuck cancer. Kill yourself for all we care.

Impolite sage seriously kill yourself


How about fuck off. You have no right to vote for their country.

Switzerland, and yes we are full

What's the average temperate there in the autumn months, user.? Isn't it around 80 degrees Fahrenheit in autumn, then around 120 degrees in summer, and winter it gets to the 50s?

That's a bit hot…



Step 1: Call yourself a 'Paleo-Conservative'

Step 2: Post freely

None of these idiots have figured out we're just nationalist libertarians yet, you'll be fine.