Alright Holla Forums...

Alright Holla Forums, so (((Eva Abram))) is a supposed holohoax survivor and she's coming to my campus to tell her HORRIFIC story.

Being curious, I looked up what her story would be like and it is exactly what you would expect.

She claims that she was sent to a sick camp, fed nothing but the water that potatoes were boiled in, and was forced to march 500 miles in the dead of winter with almost no clothing and she was given no food for the journey (she claims some of the prisoners were given a loaf of bread but they ran out before she got one).

So she marched 500 miles with no food, barely enough water, poor clothing, and then some Germans decide to just shoot at the prisoners for no reason and - you'll NEVER guess - due to one "family quirk", she faints as the men shoot, so she falls down and does not get shot. According to her, she "doesn't know why" A TOTAL MIRACLE.

Then we're supposed to believe she woke up hours later after just sitting in the cold from her mystery faint, then journeyed in the wilderness surviving off food borrowed from local homes and sleeping in the woods.

Weirldy, the wikipedia article for the camp she was allegedly sent to contains no sources (Helmbrechts camp), only place online that talks of it is On top of this, she has no prisoner tattoo - her excuse is that "the nazis were in such a hurry to kill us they didn't even tattoo us anymore", which is probably why she was clothed, fed and housed for weeks (allegedly)

Help me find the courage to say something when she visits, Holla Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Just point out that this means there's no proof of this other than her word, point out how unlikely it is that she survived this from a biological point of view, and say that you think she is lying.

Don't out yourself as a holocaust denier, but if you can point out that this particular story is ridiculous, you'll make some people wonder about others.

maybe say that you're a sports enthusiast, and ask her trick to be so superhuman that she required only 0.04% of the energy anyone would need to accomplish such an endurance exploit?

Literally impossible to marche 500 miles without food. The lack of electrolyes alone would kill you by day 3.

dont do this, you will just sound autistic

You need facts

oh and sources for her story include vid and link

Apparently all she does is go around the country talking at schools about her miraculous story

That's why I come to Holla Forums, hopefully one of you clever bastards will think of something. was clever but I think they'd kick me out of the college if I tried that, even if it would be worth the laughs.

If you want to go full hero tell her that she is dishonoring all "real" holocaust victims with her absurd made up story.

At least then you won't look like an ebil nazi.

Oy vey, this antisemitism will not stand! It's like I'm being shoahed all over again! So what if her body defied physics and logic in order to survive? It was the forties, science wasn't invented yet.

College is overrated
Be a brave Holla Forumsack

You don't have to say anything. Sneak in a M80 or other loud report type firecracker and set it off after she explains fainting due to gunshots.

Nothing could possibly go wrong :)

Make a comparison to Palestine, list some facts about Palestine's occupation. Anything else and people won't take you seriously.

average walking speed is 3.1 mph. Let's assume she walked this straight, and this is very generous because there would be stops and rests.
500/3.1 = 161.3
161.3 = 6.7
so she walked for 6 days 16 hours straight, with no food and barely any water. This is really borderline impossible, if not flat out impossible. you can't survive 3 days without water when you're not doing anything, let alone 6 on a forced march.

is this why she was force marched for 500 miles then attempted to be shot? doesn't make any sense. if you're going to bring this up then make good points OP

OP here, found another contradiction, but it might just be incorrect reporting.

In the article it says she arrived at Auschwitz, in the video she talks about being sent to Helmbrechts and that she never made it to wherever camp she was marched to so she couldn't have been to both.

Have I got her by the jewish tail now?

As tempting as it maybe, don't reveal your powerlevel on college campus. Marxist professors will work to have you expelled, bluepilled sheep will ostracize you for questioning propaganda, and this dirty kike will call you a 'holocawsting anti-semite' and have you sent to the college gas chambers. It's not worth outing yourself to try and help point a few faggots in the right direction, chances are If they paid the 100k to sit through diversity classes, they wouldn't be bright enough to put 2 and 2 together anyways. Just read 'mien kampf' through the whole lecture and ignore everyone being so gullible.

I'm not a jew shill, just have half a brainstem to know this is how people are kicked out of college without reason or refund.

Did she meet Mengele?

She claims Mengele was there when she stepped out of the train. Not sure how she knew who he was, and that's depending on what camp she arrived at as I mentioned here.

I mean I guess I should expect this kind of stupid shit from holocaust "survivors", but it's kinda surreal to see just how obviously fake these stories are.

ask her. don't be clear about your intentions.i.e. don't say "ok you kike rat, you couldn't have been in two camps at the same time, stop lying" say "in an article (reference article) it says you arrived at Auschwitz, but in your story you say you were in Helmbrechts and never made it to another camp, which is the correct version?"

asking about contradictions like that will make her sweat. most people can't lie easily

That's good, I like that

Maybe I'll make a fake jew name and pretend my parents died in Auschwitz or something, write in a letter with no return address. Too suspicious?

Just remember op that if you do this, they might try to limit your questioning or stop you completely. So if you want to ask more questions you have to decide on continue being "nice" or start baring the contradicrions outright.

user, don't ruin your college degree over this. If you're going to activism, activism lefty anti-semite, that way they won't throw you out.

All of this poking holes in her story is great, but do it anonymously.


I know right?

Actual line from the article:

“As we got off the train, there was Mengele (Josef Mengele, an SS physician, infamous for his inhumane medical experimentation upon concentration camp prisoners at Auschwitz) and he pointed for my mother to go to the left and me to go to the right. My mother was only 50 years old and she was worried about what was going to happen to me,” Abrams said.

Alright, just made a fake gmail. Going to send an email pretending to be the grandson of holocaust survivors trying to smoke out frauds, I'll mention how many people use army uniforms to pretend to be veterans.

Not sure if it will accomplish anything, but it can't hurt if I'm anonymous.

But we're talking about the Chosen People here.


Man, the good Doctor must have really made an effort to personally meet every single Jew in the camps, including the ones who were just going to be gassed straight away.

Right? With so many chosen people who was able to see him, I say they could vouch for every second he was in a concentration camp and therefore he could never have done any of the crimes people accuse him of.

Email sent. I'll update you with what happens Holla Forums.

Criticize her for dishonoring the memory of actual survivors. Poke holes in her story from that angle- you won't come out smelling like roses, but it's good enough to deflect action against you.

Tell her you don't appreciate her co-opting the holocaust when there are actual Jews who were (supposedly) in the camps. Liken it to stolen valor.

Don't ruin your college career over one jew.

Incredible. Jews have no lack of creativity.

jesus she looks ugly all the years of doing evil kikery have etched those lines in her face

Bring this up. Underrated post smdh tbh fam.

Say somethine like, "if you walked 500 miles, by my calculations you were walking for six straight days without water. how did you survive?" It sounds earnestly curious. If you debunk the Holocaust with simple math and act astonished at your own findings, normies don't get mad at you, but if you act like you already know that the holocaust is a myth and are trying to prove her wrong, than you just look like a dick.

You just can't make this shit up…

Do this

That movie is kike propaganda.

Get some of your buddies together
Make red arm bands out of construction paper
sit together in the front where she can see you and just sit there with your arms folded staring at her. let it escalate from there.

Ask something related to Hitler and Germany before the war. Something mentioning the treaty of Versailles, Balfour Declaration etc that won't out you as a heretic, along the lines of "was your family scheming against the German people critical of Hitler leading up to the war?" Good way to test her depth of bullshit + drop some innocuous redpills.

Get a white shirt and write on it in big letters "THE GOYIM KNOW", then get there early for a front row seat.

If she flips out she'll have to explain what goyim means. You can just say a friend of yours was giving them out to promote his band and you knew nothing about it.

As a similar play on this, wear a bunch of shirts saying "The Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have" in Hebrew.


The English wikipedia page about Helmbrechts camp mentions only two sources. Both have nothing to do with the camp (I myself speak German, but google translate will tell you that much).

However there's a German version of the article which is a lot more detailed. Also, there might be some information in the articles about camp Flossenbürg in various other languages, including Hebrew.

Good ole' Doctor M! Always working, always pounding the pavement!

Every single Jew in Europe seems to have met him.

Hah. Their own shitty account completely confirms the revisionist explanation of shaving heads to prevent lice and typhus.

"The Aquinas Junior High was honored to have guest speaker Eva Abrams speak to them this past Friday.

Eva, who was born in Romania to Jewish parents, was just three years old when the Great Depression began. The tough economic times spurred the rise of right wing organizations and antisemitic views.

By 1944, when Eva was 17, the German SS occupied her town of Nagyvárad, Transylvania. She can recall when Jews were forced to wear yellow stars on their left arms and mandated they be home by 8 p.m. Eventually, Eva's family was moved into the ghetto and just one month after that, in June, they were loaded into cattle cars and deported to Auschwitz.

While their lives were spared upon arrival, Eva and her older sisters were forced to endure the inhumane treatment and deplorable conditions that defined Nazi concentration camps. They were stripped of all personal belongings, had their heads shaved, were unable to shower, were infested with lice, rarely ate, and were forced to work.

In October, Eva and her sisters were among 1,000 women selected to dig fox holes in Schlesiersee, Poland. As the Allied troops advanced, those who were still alive were put on a death march to Helmbrechts, Bavaria. When Eva could no longer walk, the Nazis lined her up to be shot and killed. By the grace of God Eva fainted, narrowly missing the bullets intended for her. Assuming she was dead, the Nazis moved on.

Eva found her inner strength and walked until she happened upon a sheep farm where a woman by the name of Dr. Gretl Stritzel lived. Frau Stritzl, as Eva referred to her, took Eva in and nursed her back to health. At the same time, Dr. Stritzl was aiding another Holocaust survivor, Chaim Abrams, who Eva later married. The couple eventually moved to the United States where Chaim's uncle was living, and raised a family of their own.

Despite the traumatic events that took place in Eva's youth, she refuses to let them be forgotten. Her main purpose for telling her story she told students, is so that once all of the survivors are gone, a new generation will be able to tell their children that the Holocaust happened."

Just ask her why her family's lives were spared when Jews were supposedly being genocided, i.e. wiped out to a man. There are countless examples of survivors claiming these "death marches" were voluntary, by the way.

Ask her why she thinks 27 million dead Russians don't have taxpayer-funded museums, or 15 million Chinese. Ask her why Kurt Eisner, Eugen Levine, and all the Spartacist League leaders who tried to recreate the Bolshevik revolution in Germany, after Chaim Weizmann and Nahum Sokolow turned on Germany after supporting it against the Czar, just happened to be Jews. Ask her why virtually every single East European country was ruled by a Communist Jew after World War II, just like Bela Kun in Hungary after World War I. Ask her why she is not, at present, a lampshade. The possibilities are endless.

The Twelve Stages of a Holohoax Tale

1. The survivor is put in a cattle car filled with hundreds of Jews, but only one poop bucket, and sent to a camp, usually Auschwitz. Many Jews die of suffocation along the way but none of thirst or hunger since Jews can go many days without food or water.

2. The survivor stands in a line: to be chosen either for the gas chamber or the kitchen/orchestra/workshop. Close family members are always put in the gas line. And even though all those under 14 are immediately gassed at Auschwitz, for some reason the survivor is put in the work line.

3. The survivor comes face to face with Dr. Death himself – Joseph Mengele – who decides to spare his/her life because Mengele had never seen a dancing Jew, a singing Jew, a Jew with no pimples, or a Jew willing to do physical labor.

4. The survivor lives on a meager ration of 300 calories per day; including turnip heads/potato skins/grass soup/sawdust/human flesh/poop corn/rat meat etc.

5. However he is still strong enough to work for the Germans as a lumber jack, carpenter, electrician, plumber, rocket scientist, etc….

6. The survivor has some gold, diamonds or other hidden jewelry, which he swallows and defecates in a continuous cycle, and uses to bribe the guards for favors or pay for a visit to the camp brothel.

7. He is taken to the gas chamber, but miraculously escapes at the last minute, evading the guards. His friends are all killed. He witnesses other horrible atrocities: babies brain's bashed out by SS brain bashing machines, bears and eagles fighting over Jewish bones, Jewish zombies pulling people back into the burial pits, SS guards feasting on Jew sausage, Jews with their legs reversed in twisted medical experiments, people burned alive in the ovens when the gas chambers were too full….

8. The survivor is then forced to take part in a "death march" which doesn’t actually lead to his death. Often he just runs off.

9. The survivor is recaptured, then transferred to another camp, where he miraculously cheats death again… and again… and again…. This may be repeated any number of times.

10. The survivor finally escapes for good, right under the guards' noses – this usually involves hiding in a latrine. He then runs into a nearby forest where he is rescued by anti-Nazi partisans, or wolves. At the end of the war he is rescued by allied soldiers and weighs only 40-50 pounds. He discovers he is the only member of his entire family of 2,000 to survive the war. The survivor then emigrates to America… Britain… Australia… Israel…. And though he has no friends, family, money or connections, and cannot sleep at night due to bad dreams, he prospers and buys a multinational corporation.

11. For 60 years the survivor says nothing to anyone about his experiences. Then, suddenly, he can talk of nothing else! He writes a memoir called something like, "Dancing to the Music of My Dreams – A Survivor’s Story".

12. The survivor has finally found peace, and spends the rest of his life telling his amazing story to schoolchildren - but only the very youngest ones of course….?

At this point in her life she probably believes this really happened.

At any rate, you could e-mail the revisionist Eric Hunt, who, IIRC, spent a great deal of time going through all these interviews. He probably knows her case.


You should probably go the codoh forums and consult the experts

Now, this one I actually believe.

You have to wait until more prominent guys on the right start publicly asking those questions. For now, use pseudonyms to your advantage.

you should probably just take one of these and post it on every bulletin board in your school


once you start asking about details then they know you are an antisemitewhowantstokill6millionkikes. This is how it goes. You will immediately get swarmed by handlers and promptly whisked out of the auditorium. The thing is those who believe do not question. If you question they know you are an unbeliever.

I like this idea.

OP, print these out and tape them to your school walls when nobody is watching. You might actually want to copy it and put it in a bolder font on plain white paper so it's clearer.

hell I remember when I was in 6th grade and a "holocaust survivor" came to town and someone I know was whisked out of the auditorium after he started laughing when the kike was talking about german soldiers throwing babies in the air and emptying magazines in them.

That film was shit tbh.

make something up, complete bullshit like you heard the germans in her camp used to skin live babies to use the hide to make the leather sweat bands for SS officers caps and ask her if it was true

if she agrees call her on her bullshit



Ask her how many diamonds she pooped out.

Act like you're naive and concerned, like you've swallowed every holocaust tale you've ever been told. Not a hint of sarcasm in your voice, just wide-eyed bumpkin sympathy. Ooze cuck vibes. Rub your eyes with onion juice first.

Ask her about if she knew Anne Frank, if she had to swallow her family jewels every day, if she had to hide in the toilets often. Ask her if her parents were made into lampshade and soap.

Let your autism flow.

You mean Molach of the Talmud goy. Keep believing we read the Torah for any other purpose tha you reading Jack and the Beanstalk goyim.

Marathoner and nutritionist here.

This is 100% impossible. With no water you can possibly survive under ideal circumstances (resting in the shade) for 5-6 days. With no water marching you'd be dead in 3 days, 4 max. She would have to drink at least a gallon of water a day to do this march, probably more. You'll also die of no food in about 30 days even if you arent doing any exercise. Massively obese people can last for months however.

A fast march is about 20 miles a day this is about 10-12 hours of marching. So this march was 25 days minimum. Assuming she weighed about 100-120lb at the start she'd be burning about 2500 calories a day.

Her BMR is around 1500 and she burns an additional 50 cal burned per mile walked. So she'd lose at least 17 lb on this march. Also if she's under 25 grams of carbs a day her body will shed water. At least another 8lbs. You can catch her in a lie here. If she didnt lose a massive amount of weight it's BS.

The thing is if you operate at even a 1000 cal per day deficit your body will not perform normally after a few weeks. Even if she is massively exaggerating and was given 1500 cal a day (10-12 potatoes) she'd be confused and unable to walk fast enough to keep up by the end of the march.

If she was given no food and forced to march 20 miles a day she'd be unable to function by the end of 2 weeks she wouldn't be able to think clearly or move at even a normal walking pace.

Marching slower only makes her story less plausible.

This makes my blood boil.

That's some real bullshit.
The Germans wouldn't leave a young woman to die at the side of the road. They were efficient and disposing of bodies and proper gentlemen to women.

Her lies will end in hell

You have to be really careful. I assume you're a white male, OP. The SJW acolytes on your campus already view you as a potential enemy. Any public diversions from SJW Doctrine – no matter how small – will get them to feelsperging out on you.


I've listened to the story of a person who survived the holohoax in Shanghai.


How do these fucking kikes sleep at night? If I lied like this to children and students around the country, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. And yet the kikes do far worse than this. Are kikes even human?

They're human in their mind.

Best thing you can do is agree and amplify. Make up a Person, Moshe Eisenberg or something else equally Jewy that was in the same camp as her and say you read his biography and even say outloud that some of the stories seem to incredible to believe(but don't show too much doubt) and ask her if she could verify some of the claims. Then start telling a bunch of horror stories that are ideally physically impossible.

If she is a bit savey she will deny but what I predict is she will not only confirm but add to your bullshit. Actually, find out what age she was and make up a story involving a woman that age and see if she bites. It must be something that isn't too humiliating if she were to claim it, example; Goldblatt writes about how he saved a young woman in ill health from going to the gas chamber but as punishment they drove a large cork into his anus to prevent him from evacuating his bowels in an attempt to poison him, but by drinking motoroil he was able to puke up the fecal matter and hang on.

If everything goes according to plan and you feel like you want to risk everything for the cause, call her out as fraud, but I'd just advice you to thank her and sit down with a shit eating grin and afterwards start slowly telling people how you made all that shit and Moshe is only real in your mind.

They are devil spawn, called 'the synagogue of satan' for a good reason.

I can't even tell if you just made this up or if it's a real Holohoax survival story.

Ask her why she thinks pic related series of events makes any sense.

You have to understand their mindset. They are raised from the age when they are small hooknosed children, and taught that the world owes them everything. they belive they can lie, cheat and screw over the entire planet for their own benefit. the stories they make up are just for show, a way to gather sympathy to make their bullshit easier for them.

Imagine a rabid man hating feminist. now, imagine if they hated everyone, regardless of gender. Not just regular hate, but spit in your face and kick your children hate. That's these assholes. Their entire existance gravitates around pretending to be a victim and using that to either take more than their share of everything or to accuse anyone who notices of being antisemitic.

I would ask questions that might get her to say more ridiculous things while being completely respectful. Like when she writes how

Ask something like "How many people went on that terrible march, and how many survived it?"

If you're lucky, she'll say something like, "There were 100 people who set off on that march, but I was one of only 3 who survived."

wait she didn't even have potatoes to eat? It's not even "that THE potatoes were boiled in"?


I have a plan:
1. Tell her how you're really sorry for what Germans did to her, add some normie-tier bullshit and then drop the fucking nuke:
Not only jews were oppressed by evil white patriarchy, so what's with all this holocaust exclusivity? We must remember all races and nations who were oppressed :^)
3. Proceed to redpill other students on American, Japanese and British camps.

Bonus shekels: say that holocaust circlejerk is a form of white supremacy.

Probably already been said but ask her why they marched 500 miles just to shoot them.

You do know it's not seen as something bad for a kike to lie to the goyim?

Better yet, arrange lefties to do this saying the holocaust justifies what they do to Palestinians.


'nuff said.

I hope you didn't use your university's ip to do that.

I'd like an original source on those numbers in the image. Not saying they aren't true, but it's good to have verifiable and irrefutable facts

Don't say anything then you pussy faggot. I've seen plenty of Holla Forums-like guys fuck up because they're socially awkward and scared IRL. Get some confidence then do it.

You might be dumber than they are.

Hows that sub-nigger iq treating you?

Why not just do what that other user did at his college. Diversify the holocaust and ask why does it always seem that is monopolized by Jews exclusively when many gays, slavs, gypsies etc where there as well. Ask if it was true if Jews were being sent to Israel before the war and ask why weren't gays given that chance.

Worst case scenario you come off as an over zealous liberal which is okay in their eye. If they begin to suspect your actually not a liberal just say how does she feel about the holocaust of the Palestine people. Act like you think holocaust means genocide.

This. They would never allow an open "question time". The most you would ever get is 5-6 (((pre-screened))) questions on cards, all of them anonymous and fully in support of this woman's bullshit story… "Do you consider yourself a hero?", etc…


this exact same thing happened to me except it was in my 6th grade social studies class.
I don't know what it is about the imagery of kike babies getting tossed in the air and riddled with LMGs. Even when I believed the holohoax at that time it just sounded way too bizarre/ridiculous.

Ask her how she survived in the cold German woods? Is she a Bearstein bear?

Ask her why they would march her 500 fucking miles instead of just killing her? Were they trying to make her walk to Israel?

Ask her about the Haavara agreement and if she was offered passage to Israel but instead decided to go on trail of tears.

Ask her how much money in reperations she gets

1. Record it, she probably adds stuff all the time for effect.
2. Ask her if there is anyone who can confirm her story.
"Thank you very much for telling your story. Since you have no tatoo and everyone around you died, is there any way to confirm your story?


I wish you made a cartoon of this. I would show it to my future children when they tried to brainwash them lol

how about just go with something along the lines of "I want to believe you and I know the ebil natzies would do that but unless you're exaggerating this doesn't sound humanly possible to me"

Dude, seriously you need to be a comedic writer

will you stop with that fucking /christ/ meme. Jews are Jesus and his followers. Rabbi Jesus was talking to the rabbis who were fighting with him
