Alright Holla Forums, so (((Eva Abram))) is a supposed holohoax survivor and she's coming to my campus to tell her HORRIFIC story.
Being curious, I looked up what her story would be like and it is exactly what you would expect.
She claims that she was sent to a sick camp, fed nothing but the water that potatoes were boiled in, and was forced to march 500 miles in the dead of winter with almost no clothing and she was given no food for the journey (she claims some of the prisoners were given a loaf of bread but they ran out before she got one).
So she marched 500 miles with no food, barely enough water, poor clothing, and then some Germans decide to just shoot at the prisoners for no reason and - you'll NEVER guess - due to one "family quirk", she faints as the men shoot, so she falls down and does not get shot. According to her, she "doesn't know why" A TOTAL MIRACLE.
Then we're supposed to believe she woke up hours later after just sitting in the cold from her mystery faint, then journeyed in the wilderness surviving off food borrowed from local homes and sleeping in the woods.
Weirldy, the wikipedia article for the camp she was allegedly sent to contains no sources (Helmbrechts camp), only place online that talks of it is On top of this, she has no prisoner tattoo - her excuse is that "the nazis were in such a hurry to kill us they didn't even tattoo us anymore", which is probably why she was clothed, fed and housed for weeks (allegedly)
Help me find the courage to say something when she visits, Holla Forums