Hello fagsmiths

Hello fagsmiths
I'm trying not to fap. I'm trying real hard my hand at no fap july. Any tips?

Just ask for the porn OP.


Don't do it,user.
No fap is a Jewish trick to turn you into a one pump chump.

Are you actually this dense?
Pornography is under jewish control and so much free porn is out there because they want to sap you out of your energy. Low-energy man is a good obedient goy, without energy you're procrastinating, and you lack motivation to do anything.
When you abstain from fapping, you gather your energy and start feeling masculine again. You are fully in control over your body and mind.
Don't listen to this fucking Jew agent.

True. Take this and build down your sensitivity.

True. But fap anyway. The sperm must flow.

What the fuck do you mean the sperm must flow? How can you actually fap having in mind that your energies are siphoned off you by the Jew?
Fapping is degenerate. When in normal sex you and a female exchange energy, in masturbation you just throw it away.
If you DESIRE to be cucked by Jews just for few minutes of mindless pleasure you should really consider killing yourself.

No user I want your cum

Making a big deal of fapping, whether you do it or not, is precisely what the Jews want you to focus your precious autistic-savant mental powers on. Yes, keep obsessing over your groin. Your masturbatory habits are surely what make or break you!

No man, it's the other way around. I wanna cut this crap, I just want to. When you stop fapping, you can feel the energy, you also feel shitty because there's all these girls you wanna cunt-destroy and you can't, but fuck it.
Honestly, I feel it's a disease for me. I won't argue man, but I just wanna stop. I just wanna achieve the certainty that I can stop.

Also, nice pics, but those don't do for me.
You know, don't know if this happens to you guise, but when I'm browsing Holla Forums or whatevs I get boners I fight to control, fap and then stop, etc. and if I don't come, and manage to muster enough willpower, I go to the bathroom, get my dick back squeaky-clean and then feel like I've already fapped.

Okay, now I'm sure you're a jewish agent.
Begone, you soulless beast.

OP, just give yourself a full on fucking ban on porn. If you are risking seeing sexualized women when browsing Holla Forums, just don't do it.
If you are thinking on nothing but fucking, just clear your mind and do something. That's one of the benefits of not fapping - you can regain clarity of mind within seconds, at least it works like that for me.

Wow. Disgustingly stormfaggish. I bet you go to church and all that shit. Anyways, yes, you lose your energy when you fap. But that's not the problem, my friends: see, it's about watching porn. The way it rewires your dopaminergic circuits. In a nutshell: porn is too good, too great, so many hot women right in front of us, only for our pleasure, no consequences, no stop!! Ah, and also: we were exposed to high-bandwith internet during our teenage years, that means our dopamine circuits were extremely flexible back then and became molded into pornographic pleasure-seeking.
Also, masturbating is not degenerate you retard, it's a natural habit, even animals do it. It's high-level porn that fucks your shit.

I really appreciate it. Those are high quality gals right there. But you know, I don't really react much to 3D lately: I focus a lot on personality and context in mah porn and basically all 3D gals are the same and all the sex scenes are the same.
Lately only doujins and cartoons do the trick for me. Specially doujins written by women, or a few good authors.
Most doujins are also shit. Always the same story, always too bluntly designed to please the crowds…

Have fun nutting IF a woman ever comes 3 feet within your pubic region.
I tried that shit for a month and when I finally fapped ,my shit went off in a few handshakes.

Now I've got my endurance back and can last longer than one,two pumps.

I can't you asscap, that's the whole point. I can't stop desiring it, tending to it.
Can't clear my mind.

You cannot deny your destiny.

You know, one can actually have a lot of fun coming right away, that depends on the girl and mostly, on you. I had a gal who liked when I blasted her face right on (I didn't like to come so early at first, she taught me some confidence), but of course you'd have to be able to get back on your feet in a few minutes. Otherwise you're shit V:

I have a steady GF and still jack off. You can have it all ya know.

Kek, sexuality and sex are some of the most important things in life, in your life. And sexuality means of course a lot more that "benis in bagina :-DDDD"
But anyways, we're talking of course of my autistic-savant mental powers here! If I can't rewire my dopaminergic circuits, how will I get that scholarship to Germany?


Of course. But have you ever tried stopping? For a month or so. What happens? How do you feel? It's not about having a gf or not, it's that I want to stop. That's all

Get your self together and fuck real women.. , I have been working out loads and am ok looking maybe 6-10 but have still been too shy etc to fuck any women in like a year, don't stick to fap it's shit.

the longest I lasted was about 2 weeks without fapping, it was okay but you still think about sex and it doesn't affect you other than you get big cums.

I am a Hermetist. I want to attain self-mastery, that includes a perfect balance of body, mind and soul. I don't blame you for your ignorance, as you probably were molded by Western, spoiled, consumptionist society. Realise that as we are human beings, we've got be something more than a beast driven by nothing but his primal instincts, same as like that guy.

You can you fucking oaf, you just got to realise that you are being steered by a primitive instinct.

My record is six months and it was like waking up a leg that fell asleep.

Kek, Imma trying lil nugger. That ain't a problem, sooner or later. The last time I fugged was…
3 months ago? Yeah more or less.
Are you no fapping? How's it going for you?

A Hermetist? well that's a really fancy spin-off to a Jehova's witness.
But you are correct, I was molded by that society you name, that is all correct.
Are you seeing clear?
I have realised that, just that which you said: "as we are human beings, we've got be something more than a beast driven by nothing but his primal instincts". That's why I'm trying to stop.
But don't come and bullshit me, "realizing" something doesn't mean you magicaly overcome it. I'm making an effort here.

I lasted a bit more than that and I felt the changes. I was thinking a lot more about sex and felt a lot more energy, a lot more enthusiasm for life. I also felt more confident.
You know, the thing is that I sometimes end up in some odd fap-binges + vidya-binges and I just burn through it for hours to an end until I'm phisically exhausted. Only then can I stop. That's what worries me.

If I had to guess, I'd say don't post about it on Holla Forums

Edge yourself so hard you get blueballs and continue doing that until all you can think of is your aching balls.

Hermetism isn't a religion, it's a philosophy. You can believe any version of history you see true.
Don't be so negative. Realising something is the first step to overcoming it. And it's good if you're making an effort, because a combination of will and effort will lead to beating that nasty habit. You can fight your urge entire fucking weeks, but if you can't believe you'll succeed, you'll make it harder than it needs to be.

Fact: No fap is the biggest circlejerk in town.

Just let it out.

Cumming is overrated, give yourself some blueballs, it's the true pleasure.

Who the fuck told you you need to be good looking to get teh pussay? You just gotta be confident. Get your hands on fire. Get friends. Let it out, you have litterally nothing to lose (everyone mocks one who tries to hook up and fails but that's all in good spirit, just don't do something disgusting or pathetic)
As they say in /fit/, you lift for yourself. Or something along those lines V:

[spoiler]True. I went to reddit's Nofap and came out absolutely disgusted. I hate circlejerks that's why I come to you assholes. For advice.
I did find this video and that's what got me decided. [/spoiler]
I'm not letting it out. Also you have a really collection, congrats.

There may be some truth to it, but you don't necessarily have to go hardcore. I would think just cutting down a bit would help. double asterisk on both sides of text 4 spoiler

Thank you, edgy-notareligion-man

Well, at least i'd like to begin somewhere. I mean, a month is not so long a time, or two weeks.
Where do you get such beautiful material? I mean I usually see nasty porn scattered all over Holla Forums but most of the shit you post carries the eye of the beauty-loving camarographer

A lot is from tumblr believe it or not. One is called "The Art of Cum"

I just google artistic porn, black and white cumshots, wet lips, beautiful lips, etc. Then follow the sauce, and pick the best.

Pretty makes a big difference IMO. Things should look soft as life.

Yes man. You are my nigger.
Let me recommend you one of my dearest, from cancerbook. No nudes ever. A feast for tired eyes. A yearn for greener meadows.
His name is santiagopgm
