Why modern Leftism is being muzzled by IDPOL Anonymous (You) 06/30/16 (Thu) 01:14:01 No.759955>>760008 [Watch Thread]

Why modern Leftism is being muzzled by IDPOL Anonymous (You) 06/30/16 (Thu) 01:14:01 No.759955>>760008 [Watch Thread]

Every fucking degenerate movement wants to model itself "left" but IDPOL is not left. It is a result of capitalism nearing the end of its cycle when there is a large class divide and consumerism eats the brains of parents and kids alive until there is nothing left but hunger for nonessentials at the cost of causing suffering to your fellow men.

The powers of money are neither left nor right. They are not communists, they are not nationalists, they are not globalists, they are not isolationists. They are power brokers and they will do it all and blame everyone else.

By modelling every moment on the left but keeping it powerless they get an invisible enemy to blame. Few people are leftists. Many claim to be though. Groups that support LGPTOQ and groups that support immigration. Groups that support Islam and groups that support feminism. Each of these groups calls themselves the left but all these groups are incompatible together. They are no more left than ancaps are anarchist or anti nuclear hippies are environmentalist.

The left is about the prosperity of man. That does not mean preserving the old order the hierarchies and the injustices. That does not mean stealing from the workers and giving to the parasites. It does not mean enslaving the intelligent and multiplying the incapable. It means healing nature. Man, Animal, Plant, Air, Water, Soil. The cooperation of life establishes a harmony that is greater than the individual parts.

Devotees of Death want to break apart cooperation and make everything as simpistic and vulnerable as possible. To have easily replaceable cogs and to build soulless machines out of everything that profit only thmselves - at the least cost to themselves. For reasons you may already know they do this by enjoying the suffering of life other than themselves. They are neither alive nor dead but sick and broken. Remaking the world in their corrupt image is the only way they continue on.

No true Scotsman

Incorrect. IDPOL call themselves leftists and give us a bad name by association.



OK. Explain to me why someone would take a harder, busier, more intellectually challenging job for the same compensation than a much comfier, lesser job

Why can't people just be white nationalist?

America and Europe should be 100% white.
Kick out every shitskin,send them ALL back.

All the good stuff,electricity,the computer you're reading this on,the internal combustion engine,ect ect is from white people

nonwhites= murder rape theft and welfare leeches forever (worst investment in farm equipment ever)

gtfo send them all back

Trump 2016 Make America White Again!!!

sa lot of people like to be challenged and get bored as fuck at intellectually "comfy" jobs
also, when you arent risking money and thus possible ability to eat food to get the schooling for said "harder" jobs you are more likely to take it because you want the job

so you're roleplaying your empty husk idea of a Holla Forums tard? funny how i never find anyone so retarded there except spammers like yourself

Shitskin detected.

you have to go back

Idpol is great invention of white cis male. Years ago it was Hitler in Germany, nowadays it's bunch of men in US trying to get laid. nothing new. Many things on the both sides makes sense, but are retarded when it comes to wellbeing of humanity.

except you're the one making pol look bad

So I'm looking for people in the left-libertine field to answer something asked on another board. I'm going to copy/paste it here.


gommies pls go back to reddit

Well if that's the case you're not part of their collectivist society, so they'll just tell you to get out.

Only in reality they drive you out of where you live at best, and at worst execute you or force you to work in their labor camp because they're selfish lazy hypocrites.

They'd say the same about capitalism, which results in either being homeless (driven out of where you life) or working a shitty job at some jew's labour camp, er, I mean, place of employment, while those few at the top get to be selfish, lazy hypocrites, who usually get where they are through inheritance.

tldr? im sure you can reduce the wall of text to about a tenth

Can you even grasp the irony in that statement?

The language and the term of blame is ironic, however the general statement is true. The moneyed capital owning classes invent the powerless false fronts of "left" IDPOL. Groups like LGPTOQ that talk about "white cis male" are just shifting the blame from the banker to a traditionally hungry group of people that happens to come from a culture of minimal children in the small range between human offspring numbers.

The only humour in all this is that I had to write it out and some still won't accept that porky uses IDPOL to blunt the push of the real left. inb4 no true scotsman claim on my words

that is a truth