After being so rudely deleted while discussing alternatives to 8ch.

Who deleted the last thread?

he does it for free smh


It was deleted because people reported you

Reported by the fucking way

lets see how long until this is taken down too..


If you want a board with no rules go to Holla Forums, it's the shittiest board on the fucking site right now because pieces of no effort posting shit like you ruined it

uhoh, Butthurt Alert

And on any other chan the mods would've banned you

They're showing mercy, heed their fucking warning, pieces of shit

get fucked tbh

Go away buttblasted rulecuck

Don't bother engaging with them user, it's impossible to argue with a mentally ill person

is this the "new" (newest) vol? Please don't delete this, it's important. 8ch isn't FOSS anymore

Reminder that Jim is globally banning IP ranges and claiming they are CP posters even though there are screenshots showing that people got banned for doing absolutely nothing wrong.


You actually made another thread? Jesus fuck take a fucking hint nobody wants you here
The only cucks here are the people making a concentrated effort to produce these threads, it takes seconds to make a post, but to tirelessly make strawman image after strawman image and post it constantly for attention, doesn't that get fucking tiring after awhile?



Recreate this thread with less drama shill bullshit and more actually relevant information then

notice that you're the outlier here

I didn't delete it because I want to suppress it, I deleted it because we have multiple active threads discussing it and it's not even strictly technology:

They don't want to use the cripplekike threads because they want attention, they made this thread on multiple boards

what is wrong with you nigger?