What "leftists" want

What leftists, feminists, social justice warriors, liberals actually want.

They are actively advocating abolishment of women's rights, death penalty to gay people, theocracy and regression to the dark ages.

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We must embrace other cultures!
Specifically the progressive culture that islam is.

Damn it's straight up 1984 in there.

It's not what they want, but it what failing to stop Muslim immigration will get them.

It's not what they actually want
What they want is the destruction of European civilization, however when you create a vacuum like they have, other forces move in to fill the gap

Maybe us "conservative" people should start promoting this form of Islam to the lefties? They seem to do the opposite of what we want.

Anyway good video.

Sounds like paradise. Why the fuck have we not converted to Islam yet?

When the SHTF they will be the first to die/flee because being a hypocrite is part of leftist culture.

It's pretty interesting that even isis is using foreigners to do the dirty work in the countries they invade.

It's almost as if foreigners don't care or have empathy about the local population, especially when you import them en masse.

I'm just sitting here applauding their use of a multicultural fighting force from all over the world. Finally tolerance is being accepted.

Interesting how the Israeli's are replicating and improving upon fifth column strategies. I'm actually curious how long they sat on their plans for Daesh before putting them into action.

Truly I had no idea ISIS was so progressive and tolerant.

Cant wait until they all get ventilated at high speeds.

They want complete destruction of Western(White) civilization.

muslim idea of politically correct:
tell people not to shout jala snakbar as they shove a gay man of a 5 storey building. He was a muslim after all

If he was a Christian though, feel free to shout snackbar and rape a couple of wimminz while you're at it. True enlightenment.

So what? The complete inability of unwillingness to murder Muslims, politicians, business-owners, religious authorities, and military/police who support and participate in the invasion is what allows "leftists" to get what they want.

If you don't kill, you can't win. Since you won't kill, you won't win.

B…but not all muslims are the same!

Related: What muslims really think and Europe fails to understand

All muslims really aren't the same I'll correct myself.
Women most certainly are the true victims. They continue being stripped of all their rights even when they move to Europe. Why? Ironically because of the same retard sjw, liberals and feminists who support "multiculturalism"

Who's the real mysoginist / nazi?

So long as we don't have to live side-by-side with them and follow their shitty religion, I don't see a problem with this.

What leftists want is your death at the hands of our enemies. They don't care about the fact that they'll be taken over by this very same group because they already believe you're oppressing them simply by being better and more desirable than they are.

It's more likely what they're hoping for is that you and the mudslimes will kill each other so they are no longer shit-tier and can have access to the women remaining behind, but even if one side wins it still means proportionally fewer of their enemies and more of them.

Leftism is treason.

I presume you don't live in the current century and reside in Sibiria then

I have come to the same conclusions.

Leftism, liberalism, social justice warriors are in every way dishonest as they contradict themselves and encourage a society without women's rights, gay killings and theocracy.

Ever noticed how a child in his teens will rebel against everything it's parent is and stands for… before entering middle age and becoming exactly like them?

Jewish "scientific" marxism is a reaction to Jewish christcuckery. They've tried to be the opposite of it, while actually obsessing over all the same things.

Cultists train their children to be cultists. It's not the specifics that matter, it's a way of life. If inherent sin is because of demons or because of global warming… it appears different to the cultist, but it's really exactly the same.

Fuck off faggot, the white man ain't going to survive for billions of years by staying here on Earth and doing nothing, we still need science.

Yes, you don't need to really go into an in depth analysis to figure out how they can support all of these self-contradictory things. The important point is that they're not primarily interested in whether or not they contradict themselves, they're interested in whether they contradict *you*, and from that angle it always makes sense.

They choose the out-group over you every single time because they hate you and want to see you suffer, and they probably hate you because your greatness makes them feel small and reminds them of their weakness, their inability to compete both in business and in love. This is why they conspire to manipulate the rules to see to it you fail at every opportunity.

Oh, and checked.

Muslims are non-white, ugly, inbred and stupid, therefore we don't want them to take over Europe and interbreed with them. Converting would mean endgame for the white race.

The religion itself is a lot more based than christcuckery though.

Incorrect. Man will not survive science. Science has already made man today more subhuman than he has ever been.

Not my prefered get, as I'm Christian but anyways I will argue that the right pole is far more fair to refugees and people in genuine need of help.

To further my point, the right doesn't advocate abolishment of women's rights, death penalty for infidelity or killing gay people. The left however, by importing a mass of migrants who only abide violent sharia law, does.

If the left really wanted to help people from war torn areas, they would evacuate women and children and let them decide on their own if they want to walk the streets covered or not, if they want to abide primitive laws from the dark ages or not.

that's a common misconception, the general line of thought seems to be that as soon as the "whites" magically disappear and everyone is brown the world will be a paradise and the rivers flow with milk and honey.
The regressives are all 4 year old children and unable to think its funny to see people and in here of all places believing otherwise.

Great pic, saved

Excellent OC. Is there a higher resolution version?

I'm going to have to agree but disagree.

Yes, this what (((they))) want.

But your pro-immigrant, feminazi, nigger activist and college activist honestly haven't thought any of their positions through.

I honestly don't think they understand the gravity of what they are doing. And it's because they are unable.

They think in terms of short term goals. And they are so staunchly against natural order and soaked in hedonism that they don't understand the gravity of the agenda they are pushing forward.

Thinking big picture is something only a few people can do. And yes, I'm one of those people who agree with Edward Bernays when he says that most people are too stupid to govern their own lives.

The destruction of the family, because they grew up in destroyed families.

sounds pretty good tbh fam

it's just it should be us doing this not filthy kebabs

great except for they forgot MGTOWs

I have a lot of fun rubbing this in the faces of leftists that blindly accept muslims. They're against everything Islam stands for except Islam in name.

fine too
not a fan of religion
better than being slaves to multinational corporations

bring in the muslims

You shilling or new?

why? because i have different opinions than you?


you don't actually want to be ruled by muslims? right?

Because your opinion is objectively wrong.

Beautiful image and insightful words, user.

This is beyond /r9k/ tier




