8ch Emergency Announcement
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What should Codemonkey, Jim, Josh & Moderators do?
Which is the best chan?
What OS do you use?
Jim word filtered 8ch.pl on /operate/
They are actively trying to suppress a migration after massive range banning censorship of innocent anons
You can stop spamming this shit thread all over Holla Forums now.
We've had discussion about this for days before your shriveled idiot brain even registered that anything was going on.
no thank you
but freech only has shitposting and doesn't even have a Holla Forums board
sage for shit tier meta thread
this guy has made this thread on many boards
no fuck dumbass
As he should. Migration needs to happen now. Global vols are stepping down this site is kill
Have you voted yet? (checked)
endchan or 8ch.pl are the only worthy options IMO
czaks is a good guy, odili seems heavily involved with endchan and he seems alright.
Kill yourself nigger.
NNTPchan or bust.
Holla Forums is kill
.pl and endchan are both working on implementing nntp
I know Josh plans to do it for 16chan if the site gets popular.
Are there any other minor chans that are planning/thinking of doing it?
2ch might do it sneakly.
oh shit, real unlucky
feels gud man
Josh won't do shit and we shouldn't trust him to after what happened with infinity next
Josh is a gay pedo
Josh can NOT be trusted
read what sick shit he posted
8:58 AM - Joshua: God I feel so guilty about the CP8:58 AM - Joshua: I wish it didn't turn me on to see that shit8:59 AM - Joshua: It's not just regular child porn either, it's hurtcore now8:59 AM - Joshua: I just like to see children suffer :(8:59 AM - Joshua: Oh well, no point in thinking about it too much8:59 AM - Joshua: Time to load up Tor and find some more, lol!
I'd rather use NNTP with Infinity as frontend and Josh "AGPL or die" Moon as admin than let Jim do whatever he wants here.
Even though this is obviously fake, I think it's embarrassing for feeling guilty.
Except Josh will never implement that. I'll believe Josh when I see it. czaks is much more likely to get it done, as well as stephen lynx. 8ch.pl and endchan are the best options given the circumstances. Unless Josh manages to get it done first, but I'll wait and see if that ever happens before I go to his site.
Are pedos this fucking stupid or are people genuinely worried about VPNs getting banned? Does it even fucking matter if the board code is hidden from us?
I'm trying to give the benefits of the doubt, since VPNs haven't been banned yet. But something tells me that many people would rather have cp than an open source imageboard, and that's just stupid beyond words.
Infinity looks good but he could ban VPNs which would be disastrous
I've already had some of my VPN nodes banned site wide because of people posting "I understand your frustration" on /operate/ using the same VPN I use. And yes it does matter if the source code is closed
This whole situation is fucked. I dunno wtf Jim was thinking being so heavy handed and handing out range bans like he was. It's just not right. I can understand going after pedos hard, but shitposters too? Anyone that criticizes him on /operate/ deserves a site wide range ban too?