Aircraft thread

Post your favorite plane and explain why it's the F-35 Lightning II.

Other urls found in this thread: 2015 F-35 Annual Report.pdf

The F-35 is the military jew, it steals our money and gives us nothing useful in return but tells us how great it is and how much we can't live without it.

The whole F-35 series is riddled with problems. Shit tier choice OP

You like F-35, yesssss buy as many as you can, goy! Good for country!

So it begins…

Also the Northrop design for the JSF program was pretty fucking cool, though inefficient and complex compared to the Lockheed proposal.

Gentle reminder that the piece of shit F-35 is made by the same company that makes the F-22, which is also another piece of shit that has nearly as many problems and costs twice as much.


You left out the "ejection seat decapitates the pilot unless he/she weighs more than 135 pounds"

There arent any stand out aircraft really. There are 3 or so fighters that are much the same overall. Bombers arent cool as they get raped unless they have something babysitting them. "Stealth" aircraft arent impressive as they have to compromise their performance heavily and the "stealth" doesnt work against proper defences.

hate to break it to ya but…
US just ripped off the soviets, i mean the f35 is stealthier and has a cool helmet but the VTOL is just a rip off Yak141 or Yak38


the f5 and f14 are fucking dope af