which one would you fuck
one on the right or one on the left?
Subject ...there you happy now faggot
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So Hillary supporters are big, bold, and go against the norm.
Trump women are vapid big breasted morons with no brains?
Yeah, I'm fucking a the Trump supporter.Doesn't mean I want the drug addled mop haired prick in the White House though.
I'll take both and a Jessica Rabbit plz
I don't breed with low IQ people, so neither.
says the guy who can't get pussy
haha don't care
I'd suck the trap on the rights cock
Both of them aren't optimal but i would bang the right.
Big alright, bold and ignorant, and go against the norm even to their own and others detriment
Bernie supports Hillary, will you join him?
Kennedi check em
That bait would be more appreciated somewhere like 4chan, or 8/pol/
Cherrypicking neither i don't do 3dpd sluts
My red pilled girlfriend is one of the above :)
Happy Kiss board
She will make America great again
Good girl
It's sad that leftist betacucks are so thirsty that the one on the left looks so good to them that a lot are now literally handing their balls over to them in hopes of acceptance and affection.
Meanwhile, the one on the right respects you for your personal strength and tenacity.
is that an ass comijng out of her shirt or her breasts? either way thats hot