Maternity leave

Why should women be entitled to such privileges?

Why should women be paid to leave work over a mess that they got themselves in?



They shouldn't. They have way to many privileges as it is. We need to be reducing the amount of them.

Jew detected.

We should be giving women a year of maternity leave per child plus a stipend. So long as it's white. In addition, abortion and birth control in "low-income" neighborhoods needs to be heavily subsidized.

Lolbergs go home.

You're doing it wrong let me help

There you go

Maternity and paternity leave plus stipend but only if they remain together.

Cash payment for sterilisation for those with iq below 100. (Sidesteps race argument)

Good luck trying to implement that.
this is almost a thing. hell some of the poor mercy kill their kids before they become a massive burden.

It's not about moral right, it's about effect.

If the effect of not having maternity leave is a lower overall birthrate, then we should have maternity leave. Birthrates are far too low and we need everything we can to get them up.

Let's unfuck the economy so all traditional women don't need to work, then we can kill maternity leave.

Don't run before you can walk.

exactly "principles" are for Jews and autistes. Results are all that matter

because it makes the nation stronger. I love my people, and i want to maximize its happiness too. So it is probably both reasonable, realizable and morally justified to endorse the idea.


Mental disorders come from child abuses. Without a caring mother its allready an abuse.

Women in the workplace are at best less efficient workers when compared to men and at worst a bunch of bickering children that need constant supervision.

Why are you virgins so goddamned edgy. It's like you don't want white people to reproduce, since, after all, they're the ones in civilized enough places to warrant jobs.

Part of the reason the economy is fucked is women in the workplace doubling the labor force, driving down wages by the increased supply, and two-income families being able to economically outperform single income traditional households, effectively halving the value of the traditional households' dollars. Suggesting we unfuck the economy so women don't need to work before we stop women from working is like saying you can't arrest the arsonist because you've got all these damn fires to put out.

Kids need proper parenting, maternity + paternity leave should be given at the condition both parents stay together and is used so they can give a maximum of their time to their child. If parents actually took time to take care of their children instead of putting it in front of the electric Jew and sending it to Yael's brain rot camps for the good goyim, cancerous ideologies would have gained less traction. At the very least it wouldn't be hardcoded in the subconscious of children.

Europe has mandatory maternity leave but has a lower white birth rate than USA.
The end result is that it encourages the women into the workforce more so because now they have the option. Thus, an incentive to prioritize uni and work over children and family.

Kill yourself.

There shouldn't be maternity leave because women shouldn't be working.
They should be a credit to society and raising the future generation to be better than the last

Why would a woman need to take leave from being a housewife?

I would also propose to just remove welfare
things will selfregulate
also sidesteps both race and muh evil eugenics general

of course theres liberals bullshitting about social contract implying that people who work are entitled to a house and a familiy

When you are going to resign from a job it is customary to put in 2-6 weeks notice before quitting, similarly I don't think it is unreasonable for there to be an application for maternity leave at least a month or so ahead of time that can be approved, denied, (denials could be appealed), and approval would be based on circumstance, an employer should not have to pay 9 months vacation to an ER nurse who quits abrubtly during a rush week and fucks everybody because she got knocked up, or a retail manager who does the same during black friday/rush season, etc. as long as they meet their employer halfway with the demands of their workforce, and women who quit after a month to collect 9 months paid leave get shitcanned instead, I am okay with it. Maternity leave should only apply to full time employees who have been there a year or more (enough to qualify for vacation days and other long-term employee benefits), if we incentivize job hopping and shitting out kid after kid and making the company pay for it it will create a trend of business failure and dysgenic r-type selection.
Maternity leave is necessary but it should depend on the circumstance, it is not some kind of human right you are entitled to no matter what.

Totally backwards.

Because if you don't pay them to stay away they'll come to work because they need the money, and they'll disrupt everything with their mood swings, forced baby-chats woth co-workers, phone calls from the babysitter every 5 minutes, and perpetual whining because they don't want to be at work. Give them a month and they're glad to be able to escape to their jobs for a few hours a day.

A woman I know works in an ER, and she told me how there was a full time position available in the hospital which was filled by a woman who was pregnant (but not obviously so, so she didn't disclose this). She did her 3 month trial, and shortly after told the boss she had actually been pregnant the whole time and would need maternity leave that year. It's illegal here to discriminate against a pregnant woman, and the boss was extremely unhappy that he was going to have to hire a temporary replacement and who would also have to go through the training programs as well.

I've personally worked with pregnant women/women returning from maternity leave and it's definitely an inconvenience in regards to needing special requirements.

Maybe work should be a privilege for married women who have raised two or more children to adulthood.

otherwise women in the workforce destroy wages and reduce the population growth to less than replacement levels.

its just a plot to begin white depopulation and increase the tax base to give welfare to niggers foreign and domestic, while whites are hard at work and living paycheck to paycheck.

In my country what we call maternity leave is when we fire a woman because she got pregnant.

ITT: bored teens trying to impress other bored teens by acting edgy.

Libertarians dont believe in mass immigration though, they believe that everyone has a right to their own sovereign homeland

I understand blacks are humans, and have feelings and emotions such as us, even though they arnt as smart. But they deserve their own sovereign home land and shouldnt live in the usa, and if they want to get a tourist visa and visit come right on ahead, china and russia has immigration but the major demographic stays chinese/russian

Maternity leave is a symptom of a (((broken))) society.
It should not need to exist because we should not be pushing women into the workforce.

hahahaha. Oh please. Libertarians don't believe in "homelands". They're open borders cucks.

Shut up Jew. White women shouldn't have to work at all. They should be home taking care of family.


No paid maternity leave, you stop working when you have a child until they're old enough to live alone. After that you're welcome back with open arms if you want to return. Your most important job is a mother.

No? You need to be at work in order to work, in order to receive a paycheck. That baby you shit (had) a father, so go find him and form a family
Well, ya done goof'd. Enjoy your nigger children and negro bloodline. Guess you bought the jew's 'white guilt'

ebrie wymyn should be entitled to the privilige of a stronk classy ritch genitalman with a big big peepee that ejaculates money bcuz we deserve it :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I like women in all, but they don't need voting rights. Women are all democrats based on their 'feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings' and application of emotionalism into political infancy. Most women aren't educated enough to have a realistic perspective in government or an understanding of simple economics.


but maternity leave I think in a lot of cases contributes to the narrative that women can have a career and have kids

Men haven't been able to support a family in a single income since 1950. Married women are most likely to take long maternity leaves, single hoes still have after birth dripping down their legs when they come back. Then they complain, cry, and obstruct business and make everyone else's life a misery for months. Fuck pregnant women, let them stay away until they're genuinely ready to work.